若狭x龙己侵犯病:Pirates, pirates, pirates: Why the world cannot handle them?

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 11:14:33

Pirates, pirates, pirates: Why the world cannot handle them?

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2011-2-12 09:44

Malaysian prosecutors filed charges that carry the death penalty Friday against seven Somali pirate suspects in an attack on a Malaysian-operated ship, in the first such charges in Asia against the African sea bandits.Malaysian government lawyers on Friday charged the men with using firearms against Malaysian armed forces personnel with the intention of causing death or hurt.

The charge carries a penalty of death by hanging, but prosecutors said that if convicted, three of the Somalis are expected to have their sentence commuted to prison terms because they were 15-year-old minors.The Somalis looked grim while handcuffed behind their backs and wearing bright orange overalls at the Kuala Lumpur Magistrate's Court. They did not immediately enter any plea. The court scheduled a preliminary hearing March 15.South Korea and India also are holding dozens of Somali pirate suspects expected to be charged soon.

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2011-2-12 09:44

Nervertheless, pirates do not stop hijacking oil tankers and using captured merchant vessels with hostage crews as giant motherships, Somali pirates grow bolder by the week, far outpacing a loosely coordinated global response.Somali pirates seized their second oil tanker in two days on Wednesday, capturing a Greek ship carrying Kuwaiti oil to the United States after taking an Italian oil vessel."

The piracy situation is now spinning out of control," said Joe Angelo, managing director of industry association Intertanko. "If piracy in the Indian Ocean is left unabated, it will strangle ... crucial shipping lanes with the potential to severely disrupt oil flows to the U.S. and the rest of the world."

Attacks have been growing exponentially since 2007 as young Somalis in small skiffs with AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenades took to the water is to seek their fortunes.Their first targets were local dhows and cargo ships, often U.N. World Food Program ships delivering food to stem the humanitarian crisis fed by Somalia's ongoing instability.

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2011-2-12 09:44

In Somali, pirate has become a lucrative career for people, especially youngster, to get rid of poverty and hunger. And sometime, pirates would distribute money and food to citizens. Therefore, local residents actually do not hate pirates very much. But this slashes the local power of anti-piracy which is supposed to be more important and effective than international force.

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2011-2-12 09:44

Navies in the region do occasionally intervene, particularly when their own flagged ships are attacked. South Korean commandos retook a captured tanker last month days after her hijacking, killing eight pirates.They are also worried about escalating violence in what has so far been a largely bloodless face-off. Pirates threatened last month to take some of the several hundred seamen held prisoner onshore to act as hostages, threatening revenge against Korean seamen for the killing of their colleagues.Some suggest navies are secretly happy with the current situation, allowing them to justify their existence in a time of tight budgets and also carve out a permanent presence on vital supply lines at a time of heightening geopolitical rivalry.

Most agree the solution lies on the shore in stabilizing anarchic Somalia and persuading authorities in the quasi-autonomous regions of Somaliland and Pultland to crack down on their most profitable industry.

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2011-2-12 09:44

After all, the world is sorry to see few achievemtns made in countering piracy for many years. It is really disturbing to think that question, why the international cooperation cannot handle Somali pirates, even equipting with far more advanced weapons and technology as well as sophisticated strategy?