
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 13:24:51
*CEP; circular error probable; 径向偏差值[弹着点与目标平均距离的估计值]
*CEP; Permanent European Conference on Probation and Aftercare; Conference Permanente Europeenne de la Probation; 假释和服刑后安置问题欧洲常设会议
*CEPA;Canadian Environmental Protection Act; 加拿大环境保护法
*CEPAL; United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA) [ESC]; Comision Economica de las Naciones Unidas para America Latina; 联合国拉丁美洲经济委员会(拉美经委会)[旧名]; United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the;Caribbean (ECLAC); Comision Economica de las Naciones Unidas para America Latina y;el Caribe [ESC]; 联合国拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会(拉加经委会)[新名]
*CEPCH; Chilean Confederation of Employees in the Private Sectors; Confederacion de Empleados Particulares de Chile; 智利私营企业雇员联合会
*CEPE;Central Experimental and Proving Experiment [Canada]; 中央实验与测试研究所
*CEPESA; Consorcio Centro Ejecutor de Proyectos Economicos y de Salud; 经济计划与卫生中央执行委员会
*CEPGL; Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries (ECGLC); Communaute Economique des Pays des Grands-Lacs; 大湖国家经济共同体
*CEPIS; Pan American Centre for Sanitary Engineering and Environmental;Sciences; Centro Panamericano de Ingeniera Sanitaria y Ciencias del Ambiente; 泛美卫生工程和环境科学中心
*CEPNI; Centre for Applied Studies in International Negotiations (CASIN); Centre d'Etudes Practiques de la Negotiation Internationale; 国际谈判应用研究中心
*CEPREDENAC; Centro de Coordinacion para la Prevencion de Desastres Naturales;en America Central; 中美洲防止自然灾害协调中心
*CEPU;Central European Payments Union; 中欧支付同盟
*CEQ; Council on Environmental Quality [USA]; 环境质量委员会
*CERCLA; Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability;Act [TD/B/C.4/339, p.ii]; 综合环境损害赔偿和赔偿责任法
*CERD;Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination; 消除种族歧视委员会; International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of;Radical Discrimination [A/RES/2106 A(XX)]; 消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约 [国际条约集 1966-68,p.470]
*CERD;European Committee for Research and Development [EC]; Comite Europeen de la Recherche et du Developpement; 欧洲研究与发展委员会
*CERDAS; Centre de Coordination des Recherches et de documentation en;Sciences Sociales Desservant Afrique Sub-Saharienne; 非洲撒哈拉以南社会科学研究和文献协调中心
*CERES; Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economics; 对环境负责的经济体联盟
*CERESIS;Centro Regional de Sismologia para America del Sur; 南美区域地震学中心
*CERF;Central Emergency Revolving Fund; 中央紧急循环基金
*CERJ;"Runujel Junam" Council of Ethnic Communities [Guatemala]; “鲁努赫尔•胡纳姆”少数民族社区理事会
*CERL;Central Electricity Research Laboratory; 中央电力研究实验所
*CERLCA; Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability;Act [TD/B/C.4/339, p.ii]; 综合环境损害赔偿和赔偿责任法
*CERN;European Organization for Nuclear Research; Organisation Europeenne pour la Recherche Nucleaire; 欧洲核研究组织(欧洲核研组织)
*CERPOD; Centre for Applied Research on Population and Development; 人口和发展问题应用研究中心
*CES; Conference of European Statisticians; 欧洲统计人员会议
*CES; Economic and Social Committee of the European Union (ESC); Comite Economique et Social de l'Union Europeenne; 欧洲联盟经济和社会委员会(欧盟经社委员会)
*CESAO; Centre of Economic and Social Studies and Experiments in Western;Africa; Centre d'Etudes et d'Experimentations Economiques et Sociales;d'Afrique de l'Ouest; 西非经济及社会研究与实验中心
*CESC;Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE); Conference Europeenne de Securite et Cooperation; 欧洲安全和合作会议(欧安会)
*CESCR; International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights;(ICESCR); 经济、社会、文化权利国际盟约 [联合国人权文件汇编,p.9]
*CESI;Centre for Economic and Social Information (UNCESI) [UN]; 经济及社会新闻中心(经社新闻中心)
*CESSTW; Centre for Economic and Social Studies of the Third World; Centro de Estudios Economicos y Sociales del Tercer Mundo;(CEESTEM); 第三世界经济及社会研究中心
*CET; Common External Tariff (CXT) [EC]; 共同对外关税;共同对外税则
*CETIM; Europe - Third World Centre; Centre Europe - Tiers Monde; 欧洲—第三世界中心
*CETREDE;Training Centre for Regional Economic Development [OAS]; Centro de Entrenamiento para el Desarrollo Economico Regional; 区域经济发展训练中心
*CEWAL; Associated Central West Africa Lines; 中西非航运公会
*CEXCUT; CUT Foreign Relations Committee [Chile]; Comite Exterior de la CUT; 工人统一工会对外关系委员会
*CEZAC; Centre Zairois du Commerce Exterieur; 扎伊尔对外贸易中心
*CF; Common Fund [UNCTAD]; 共同基金
*cf; confer [Latin]; 参照;比较
*cf; cubic feet; 立方英尺
*C & F; cost and freight (C and F) [Shipping]; 货价加运费(指定目的港);离岸加运费价格; C & F landed; 货价加运费并卸岸
*CFA; African Finance Community; Communaute Financiere Africaine; 非洲金融共同体(非洲金共体)
*CFA; Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes [WFP]; 粮食援助政策和方案委员会
*CFAF;African Financial Community Franc; African Franc; Franc de la Communaute Financiere d'Afrique (FCFA); 非洲金融共同体法郎(非洲法郎)
*CFC; chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs); 氯氟碳化合物;含氯氟烃; CFC-12; dichlorodifluoromethane
* CFCC; China Financial Certificate Centre; ; 中国金融认证中心;二氟二氯甲烷
*CFD; French Development Fund; Caisse Francaise de Developpement; 法国开发基金(法国基金)
*CFE; Conventional Armed Forces in Europe; Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE Treaty); 欧洲常规武装力量条约; Negotiations on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe; 欧洲常规军力谈判
*CFF; Compensatory Financing Facility [IMF]; 补偿贷款办法;(出口波动)补偿贷款
*CFM; chlorofluoromethane; 氟氯甲烷
*CFMT;medium-term financial assistance [EC]; concours financier a moyen terme; 中期财政援助
*CFNI;Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute; 加勒比粮食营养研究所
*CFP; Common Fisheries Policy [EC]; 共同渔业政策
*CFP; Franc des Comptoirs Francais du Pacifique (CFP franc; franc CFP); 太平洋法国领地法郎(太平洋法郎)
*CFP; Croatian Farmers' Party; Hrvatska Seljacka Stranka (HSS); 克罗地亚农民党
*CFPI;International Civil Service Commission (ICSC); Commission de la Fonction Publique Internationale; 国际公务员制度委员会(公务员制度委员会)
*CFPP;Federal Code of Penal Procedure [Mexico]; Codigo Federal de Procedimientos Penales; 联邦刑事诉讼法
*CFS; Committee on World Food Security [FAO]; 世界粮食安全委员会
*CFS; container freight stations; 集装箱货运站;集装箱中转站;集装箱集散站;CFC to CFC; 站到站;CFC to CY; 站到场;CFS to door;站到门
*CFSI;Community and Family Services International; 社区和家庭服务国际
*CFSP;Common Foreign and Security Policy [EC]; 共同外交和安全政策
*CFTC;Commodities Future Trading Commission [USA]; 商品期货贸易委员会
*CFTC;Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation (CS/CFTC) [CS]; 英联邦技术合作基金
*CG; consultative group; 协商小组
*CG; Left Unity [EC]; Coalition des Gauches; 左翼联盟[欧洲议会议员团]
*CGA; cargo's proportion of general average [Shipping]; 共同海损货物分摊额
*CGAP; Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest; 帮助最贫穷者协商小组
*CGC; Management and Co-ordination Advisory Committee [EC]; Comite Consultatif en Matiere de Gestion et de Coordination; 管理与协调咨询委员会
*CGCED; Caribbean Group for Co-operation in Economic Development; 加勒比经济发展合作集团
* CGE; Computable general equilibrium; 可计算的一般均衡 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*CGFPI; Consultative Group on Food Production and Investment in Developing;Countries; 发展中国家粮食生产和投资问题协商组(粮食生产投资协商组)
*CGIAR; Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research; 国际农业研究协商组(农业研究协商组)
*CGIL;Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro; 意大利总工会
*CGSM;Consultative Group on Staff Matters; 工作人员事宜协商小组
*CH; clearing house; 票据交换所(票交所)
*CHADEL; Centre for the Defense of Human Rights and Political Freedoms;[Haiti]; 保护人权和政治自由中心
*CHBP;United Nations Centre for Housing, Building and Planning (UNCHBP);[ESA]; 联合国住房、建房和规划中心
*CHCAS; Clearing House of the Economic Community of Central African States; 中非国家经济共同体票据交换所(中非经共体票交所)
*CHEC;Commonwealth Human Ecology Council; 英联邦人类生态学理事会(人类生态学理事会)
*CHEK;Council for Human Ecology - Kenya; 肯尼亚人类生态学理事会
*CHINCOM;China Committee [COCOM]; 中国委员会[巴黎统筹委员会]
*CHIPS; Clearing House Interbank Payment System; 票据交换所银行间支付系统
*CHR; Commission on Human Rights; 人权委员会
*CHR; Philippine Commission on Human Rights; 菲律宾人权委员会
*CHS; United Nations Centre for Human Settlement (Habitat) (UNCHS); 联合国人类住区(生境)中心(生境中心)
*CHST; Canadian Health and Social Transfer; 加拿大保健和社会支付计划
*CI; Caritas Internationalis;; International Confederation of Catholic Chariries (ICCC); 国际慈善社;国际天主教慈善社联合会(慈善社)
*CI; Conservation International; 养护国际
*CI; consular invoice [Shipping]; 领事签证
*CI; Consumers International [formerly: IOCU]; 消费者国际
*c/i; certificate of insurance [Shipping]; 保险证明书
*C & I; cost and insurance [Shipping]; 货价加保险
*CIA; International Council on Archives (ICA); Conseil International des Archives; 国际档案理事会(档案理事会)
*CIAP;Inter-American Committee of the Alliance for Progress; 争取进步联盟泛美委员会
*CIAPG; International Confederation of Ex-Prisoners of War; Confederation Internationale des Anciens Prisonniers de Guerre; 国际前战俘联合会
*CIAT;International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (ICTA); Centre International pour Agriculture Tropique; 国际热带农业中心
*CIAV;International Support and Verification Commission; 国际支助与核查委员会
*CIB; Comite Interprofessional Bananier; 香蕉专业间委员会
*CIB; International Council for Building Research, Studies and;documentation; Conseil International du Batiment pour la Recherche, l'Etude et la;documentation; 国际建筑研究与文献理事会(建筑研究与文献理事会)
*CIBE;International Confederation of European Beet Growers; Confederation Internationale des Betteraviers Europeens; 欧洲甜菜种植者国际联合会
*CIC; Caribbean Investment Corporation; 加勒比投资公司
*CIC; China Insurance Clauses; 中国人民保险公司保险条款(中国保险条款)
*CIC; Code of Criminal Investigation [Uruguay]; Codigo de Instruccion Criminal; 刑事诉讼法
*CIC; Country Information Co-ordinator; 国别资料协调员
*CIC; International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation; Conseil International de la Chasse et la Conservation du Gibier; 国际狩猎和野生动物养护理事会
*CICA;Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants; 加拿大执业会计师协会
*CICA;International Conference of African States on Insurance;Supervision; Conference Internationale des Controles d'Assurance des Etats;Africains; 非洲国家保险业管理问题国际会议
*CICAD; Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission; Comision Interamericana para el Control del Abuso de Drogas; 美洲管制滥用药物委员会
*CICAR; Co-operative Investigation of the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions; 加勒比及邻近水域合作调查;[IOC/FAO (OCEAF)/ICSEM]
*CICCA; Cmmittee for International Co-operation between Cotton;Associations; 棉花协会国际合作委员会
*CICCP; Committee on Information, Computer and Communications Policy; 资料、计算机和通讯政策委员会
*CICE;Centre Ivoirien di Commerce Exterieur; 象牙海岸对外贸易中心
*CICERO; Centre for International Climate and Energy Research [Norway]; 国际气候和能源研究中心
*CICIAMS;International Committee of Catholic Nurses; Comite International Catholique des Infirmieres et Assistants;Medico-sociales; 国际天主教护士委员会(天主教护士委员会)
*CICOM; Inter-American Trade Centre; Centro Interamericano de Comercializacion; 美洲贸易中心
*CICR;International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC); Comite International de la Croix-Rouge; 红十字国际委员会(红十字委员会)
*CICRA; International Centre for the Co-ordination of Research in;Agriculture; Centre International pour la Coordination des Recherches en;Agriculture; 国际农业研究协调中心(农业研究协调中心)
*CICRED; Committee for International Co-ordination in National Research in;Demography; 各国人口研究国际协调委员会(人口研究协调委员会)
*CICT;Commission on International Commodity Trade; 国际商品贸易委员会(商品贸易委员会)
*CICYP; Inter-American Council of Commerce and Production (IACCP); Consejo Interamericano de Comercio y Produccion; 美洲商业与生产理事会
*CID; Centre for Industrial Development [EC]; 工业发展中心
*CIDA;Canadian International Development Agency; 加拿大国际开发署
*CIDAC; Central American Demographic Research Centre; Centro de Investigaciones Demograficas de America Central; 中美洲人口研究中心
*CIDADEC;International Confederation of Associations Experts and;Consultants; Confederation Internationale des Associations d'Experts et de;Conseils; 国际专家与顾问协会联合会(专家与顾问协联)
*CIDC;Islamic Centre for Development of Trade (ICDT); Centre Islamique pour le Developpement du Commerce; 伊斯兰贸易发展中心
*CIDE;International Council of Environmental Law (ICEL); Conseil International du Droit de l'Environnement; 国际环境法理事会(环境法理事会)
*CIDECO; Centro de Investigacion y Difusion Ecologica y Cultural de Otavalo;[Ecuador]; 奥塔瓦洛研究和传播生态学及文化中心
*CIDH;Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) [OAS]; Comision Interamericana de Derechos Humanos; 美洲人权委员会
*CIDIE; Committee for International Development Institutions on the;Environment; 国际发展机构环境委员会
*CIDR;Centre International pour le Developpement et la Recherche; 国际发展与研究中心
*CIDSE; International Co-operation for Development and Solidarity; Cooperacion International para el Desarrollo y la Solidaridad; 国际合作促进发展和团结组织[新名]; International Co-operation for Socio-Economic Development; Cooperacion International para el Desarrollo Socioeconomico; 国际社会经济发展合作协会(社会经济发展合作协会)[旧名]
*CIE; Inter-American Committee on Education; Consejo Interamericano de Educacion; 美洲教育委员会
*CIE; International Commission on Illumination; Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage; 国际照明问题委员会(照明问题委员会)
*Cie; Compagnie [France; Spain]; 公司
*CIEC;Conference on International Economic Co-operation; 国际经济合作会议(经济合作会议)
*CIECC; Consejo Interamericano para la Educacion la Ciencia y la Cultura; 美洲教育、科学及文化理事会
*CIECC; China Financial Certificate Centre; 中国国际电子商务中心 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*CIEI;Centre for International Environment Information; 国际环境新闻中心
*CIEL;Centre for International Environmental Law; 国际环境法中心
*CIEPLAN;Latin American Economic Research Corporation [Chile]; Corporacion de Investigaciones Economicas para Latinoamerica; 拉丁美洲经济研究协会
*CIEPRODEH; Centre for Human Rights Research, Studies and Promotion [Guatemala]; 研究、调查和促进人权中心
*CIEPS; International Centre for the Registration of Serial Publications; [now: ISDS]; Centre International d'Enregistrement des Publications en Serie; 连续出版物国际登记中心
*CIEPS; International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSPE); Conseil International pour l'Education Physique et la Science du Sport; 国际体育科学与体育教育理事会(体育科教理事会)
*CIES;Comite International des Entreprises a Succursales; 国际联号委员会
*CIES;Inter-American Economic and Social Council (IA-ECOSOC) [OAS]; Consejo Interamericano Economico y Social; 美洲经济及社会理事会(美洲经社理事会)
*CIESIN; Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network; 国际地球科学资料网络组织
*CIESPAL;International Centre for Higher Studies in Journalism in Latin;America; Centro Internacional de Estudios Superiores de Periodismo para;America Latina [Quito]; 拉丁美洲新闻事业国际高等研究中心
*CIF; cost, insurance and freight (cif; cif price);[A shipping term under which the seller quotes a price; including the costs of the goods, insurance and all transport; charges to the named point of destination. See also; Incoterms.]; 到岸价格(成本、保险费和运费);cif landed; 到岸并卸岸价格
*CIFA;Committee for Inland Fisheries of Africa [FAO]; 非洲内陆渔业委员会(非洲内陆渔委会)
*CIFC;cost, insurance, freight and commission (cifc); 到岸价格加佣金(成本、保险费、运费和佣金)
*CIFCA; International Centre for Training in Environmental Sciences; Centro Internacional de Formacion de Ciencias Ambientales; 国际环境科学训练中心(环境训练中心)
*cife;cost, insurance, freight and exchange; 到岸价格加汇费(成本、保险费、运费和汇费)
*cifi;cost, insurance, freight and interest; 到岸价格加利息(成本、保险费、运费和利息)
*cifLt; cost, insurance and freight, London terms; 到岸价格伦敦交货
*CIFT;Committee on Invisible and Financing related to Trade [UNCTAD]; 无形贸易和贸易资金委员会
*CIFOR; Centre for International Forestry Research; 国际林业研究中心(林业中心)
*cifw;cost, insurance, freight and war risk; 到岸价格加战争险(成本、保险费、运费和战争险)
*CIIR; Catholic Institute for Internatioal Relations; 天主教国际关系研究所
*CILF;International Council of the French Language; Conseil International de la Langue Francaise; 国际法语理事会
*CILSS; Permanent Inter-State Committee on Drought Control in the Sahel; Comite Permanent Inter-Etats de Lutte contre la Secheresse dans le;Sahel; 萨赫勒地区国家常设抗旱委员会(萨赫勒抗旱委员会)
*CIM; International Convention concerning the Carriage of Goods by Rail; Convention Internationale concernant le Transport des Marchandises;par Chemin de Fer; 国际铁路货物运输公约(铁路货运公约)
*CIMACOREM; Conference Internationale Madagasgar, Comores, Reunion et Maurice; 马达加斯加、科摩罗、留尼旺和毛里求斯国际航运公会
*CIMDER; Centre for Multi-Disciplinary Research in Rural Development; 乡村发展多学科研究中心
*CIME;Committee on International Investments and Multinational;Enterprises; 国际投资和多国企业委员会
*CIMMYT; International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre; Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maiz y Trigo; 国际玉米和小麦品种改良中心
*CIMT;International Commission on Occupational Health; Commission Internationale de la Medicine du Travail; 国际职业保健委员会
*CINP;Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum; 国际神经精神药理学学会
*CINTERFOR; Centro Interamericano de Investigacion y documentacion sobre;Formacion Profesional; 泛美职业训练研究文献中心
*CIOFF; International Council for Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk; Arts; Conseil International des Organisations de Festivals de Folklore et; d'Arts Traditionnels; 国际民俗节日和民间艺术理事会
*CIOMS; Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences; 国际医学科学组织理事会(医学组织理事会)
*CIOS;World Council of Management; Conseil Mondial de Management (original french name: Comite;international de l'Organisation Scientifique); 世界管理理事会(管理理事会)
*CIP; carriage and insurance paid to ...; 运费及保险费付至____(目的地)
*CIP; Centre for International Projects; 国际项目中心
*CIPA;Chartered Institute of Patent Agents; 特许专利经纪人学会
*CIPA;International Committee for Plastics in Agriculture; Comite International des Plastiques en Agriculture; 国际农用塑料委员会(农用塑料委员会)
*CIPAC; Collaborative International Pesticides Analytical Council; 国际农药分析合作理事会
*CIPCOC; Central Investment Promotion Co-ordinating Committee [Pakistan]; 中央投资促进协调委员会
*CIPCRE; Cercle International pour la Promotion de la Creation; 促进创造国际俱乐部
*CIPEC; Canadian Industry Programme for Energy Conservation; 加拿大保护能源工业方案
*CIPEC; Intergovernmental Council of Copper-Exporting Countries; Consejo Interguvernamental de Paises Exportadores de Cobre; 铜出口国政府联合委员会
*CIPF;calculating indicative planning figures; 计算指示性规划数字
*CIR; International Gypsy Committee; International Romani Union;;Romani Union; Comite International Rom; 国际罗姆人委员会;国际吉普赛人委员会;国际罗姆人联合会;(罗姆人联合会)
*CIRDAFRICA; Centre for Integrated Rural Development for Africa; 非洲农村综合发展中心
*CIRDAP; Centre for Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific; 亚洲及太平洋农村综合发展中心(亚太农村发展中心)
*CIRE;Regional Intelligence Centre [Chile]; Centro de Inteligencia Regional; 地区情报中心
*CIRED; Centre for International Research of Environment and Development;; International Research Centre on Environment and Development; Centre International de Recherche sur l'Environement et le;Developpement; 国际环境与发展研究中心
*CIREDIT; Centre International de Recherche et d'Etude du Droit de; l'Informatique et des Telecommunications; 信息和电信法律研究国际中心
*CIREFCA;International Conference on Central American Refugees; 中美洲难民问题国际会议
*CIS; Commonwealth of Independent States; 独立国家联合体(独联体)[由前苏联一些加盟共和国组成]
*CIS; Inter-African Committee on Statistics; Comite Interafricain de Statistique; 非洲统计委员会
*CIS; International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre; Centre International d'Information de Securite et d'Hygiene; 国际职业安全和卫生资料中心(职业安全和卫生资料中心)
*CISA;Indian Council of South America; Consejo Indio de Sudamerica; 南美洲印第安人理事会(印第安人理事会)
*CISAC; International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers; Confederation Internationale des Societes d'Auteurs et;Compositeurs [Paris]; 国际作家和作曲家协会联合会
*CISCE; International Committee for European Security and Co-operation; Comite International pour la Secutite et la Cooperation Europeenne; 欧洲安全与合作国际委员会
*CISL;Confederazione Italiana Sindicati Lavoratori; 意大利劳动人民工会联合会
*CISMID; Centre for Sesmic Research to Mitigate Disaster [Peru]; 研究地震减轻灾害中心
*CITA;International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee; Comite International de l'Inspection Technique Automobile; 国际机动车辆检查委员会
*CITES; Convention on International Trade in Endangerd Species of Wild;Fauna and Flora [UNEP; Washington, 1973]; 野生动植物群中有灭绝危险的物种国际贸易公约;; 濒危野生动植物物种国际贸易公约(濒危物种贸易公约); Secretariat of the Convention on International Trade in Endangerd;Species of Wild Fauna and Flora [UNEP]; 野生动植物群中有灭绝危险的物种国际贸易公约秘书处;; 濒危野生动植物物种国际贸易公约秘书处(濒危物种贸易公约秘书处); Trust Fund for the Convention on International Trade in Endangerd;Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; 野生动植物群中有灭绝危险的物种国际贸易公约信托基金;; 濒危野生动植物国际贸易公约信托基金
*CITHA; Confederation of International Trading Houses Associations; 国际贸易公司协会联合会(贸易公司协会联合会)
*CITIC; China International Trust and Investment Corporation; 中国国际信托投资公司
*CITS;China International Travel Service; 中国国际旅行社(国旅)
*CIUSS; Catholique International Union for Social Service; 天主教社会服务国际联盟( 天主教社会服务联盟)
*CIVPOL; United Nations Civilian Police Force (UNCIVPOL); 联合国民警部队
*CJD; Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease; 克罗伊茨费尔特—雅各布氏病;克—雅氏病;克雅病
*CJM; Code of Military Justice [Chile]; Codigo de Justicia Militar; 军法;军法典
*CL; container load (ref: FCL); 集装箱装载(量)
*CLAB;Latin American Centre for Biological Sciences [Venezuela]; Centro Latinoamericano de Ciencias Biologicas; 拉丁美洲生物科学中心
*CLACS; Latin American Council of Social Sciences; Latin American Social Science Council; Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO); 拉丁美洲社会科学理事会(拉美社会科学理事会)
*CLACSO; Latin American Council of Social Sciences;; Latin American Social Science Council; Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACS); 拉丁美洲社会科学理事会(拉美社会科学理事会)
*CLAD;Latin American Centre for Development Administration; Centro Latinoamericano de Administracion para el Desarrollo; 拉丁美洲发展事业管理中心
*CLADES; Latin American Centre for Economic and Social documentation [ECLAC]; Centro Latinoamericano de documentacion Economica y Social; 拉丁美洲经济和社会文献中心(拉美经社文献中心)
*CLADHO; Comite de Liaison des Associations de Defense des Droits de;l'Homme [Rwanda]; 保护人权协会联络委员会
*CLADI; Latin American Centre for Information Technology; Centro Latinoamericano de Desenvolvimento Informatica; 拉丁美洲信息技术中心(拉美信息技术中心)
*CLAM;Comite de Liaison de l'Agrumiculture Mediterraneenne; 地中海柑橘栽培联络委员会
*CLAMUC; Latin American Council of Catholic Women; Consejo Latinoamericano de Mujeres Catolicas; 拉丁美洲天主教妇女理事会
*CLAT;Central Latinoamericana de Trabajadores; 拉丁美洲工人中央工会
*CLATE; Latin American Official Workers' Confederation; Confederacion Latinoamericana de Trabajadores Estatales; 拉丁美洲国营企业工人联合会(拉美国企工联)

*CLC; Canadian Labour Congress; 加拿大劳工大会
*CLC; International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution;Damage, 1969 (CLC 1969) [IMCO; Brussels, 29 Nov. 1969]; 1969年国际油污损害民事责任公约; [水运技术词典;国际条约集 1969-71,p.261]
*CLD; Convencion Liberal Democrata [Equatorial Guinea]; 自由民主大会党
*CLICOM; CLImate COMputing; 气候计算;CLICOM; Comprehensive Climate Data Management and Application; 综合气候数据管理应用
*CLIF;Compagnie Lorraine Industrielle [France]; 洛林工业公司
*CLIMEX; Project for Information Exchange System on Country Activities on;Climate Exchange [WMO]; 气候变化问题国家活动资料交换系统项目
*CLIMNF; Comite de Liaison des Industries des Metaux Non-Ferreux; 有色金属工业联络委员会
*CLN; Convention relating to the Limitation of the Liability of Owners of; Inland Navigation Vessels [Geneva, 1 March 1973]; 内河航行船舶所有人责任限制公约
*CLP; Committee on Competion Law and Policy [OECD]; 竞争法和政策委员会
*CLP; container load plan; 装箱单
*CLRAE; Council of Europe's Congress of Local and Regional Authorities; 欧洲委员会地方和区域当局会议
* CLS; continuous linked settlement; 持续连接清算 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*CLUBDAK; Club of Dakar; Club de Dakar; 达喀尔俱乐部
*CLUPOV; Club des Prospecteurs de l'Or Vert; 绿色黄金勘探者俱乐部
*CM; charge-de-mission [UNHCR]; 任务代表
*CM; cruise missile; 巡航导弹
*CMA; calcium methanearsonate; 甲基胂酸钙[农药]
*CMA; Chemical Manufacturers' Association; 化学品制造业协会;化学品制造业公会
*CMA; Commonwealth Medical Association; 英联邦医学协会(医学协会)
* CMB; China Merchants Bank; ; 招商银行 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*CMC; cruise missile carrier; 巡航导弹运载工具
*CMC; ICC Centre for Maritime Co-operation; 国际商会海事合作中心
*CMCF;CARICOM Multilateral Clearing Facility;[CARICOM: Caribbean Community]; 加勒比共同体多边票据交换机构(加共体票交机构)
*CMDC;World Circle of the Consensus; Cercle Mondiale du Consnsus; 世界协商一致意见团体
*CME; Chicago Mercantile Exchange [USA]; 芝加哥商业(期货)交易所
*CMEA;Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON); 经济互助委员会(经互会)
*CMEAOC; Ministterial Conference of West and Central African States on;Maritime Transport (MCWCS; MINCONMAR); Conference Ministerielle des Etats d'Afrique de l'Ouest et du;Centre sur les Transports Maritimes; 西非和中非国家部长级海运会议
*CMCF; CARICOM Multilateral Clearing Facility
*CMG; Change Management Group [UNHCR]; 改革管理小组
*CMI; International Maritime Committee; Comite Maritime International; 国际海事委员会; International Maritime Conference; Conference Maritime Internationale; 国际海运公会(海运公会)
*CML; Container Marine Lines; 集装箱海上运输公司
*CMLR;Common Market Law Review; 共同市场法律评论
*CMN; Convention on the Contract for the Carriage of Goods by Inland;Waterways; 内河货物运输合同公约
*CMO; common markrt organization; common organization of market; 共同市场组织
*CMR; Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods;by Road; Convention relative au Contrat de Transport International de;Marchandises par Route; 国际货物公路运输合同公约(公路货运公约)
*CMS; Career Management System [UNHCR]; 职业管理系统(职管系统)
*CMS; Commercial Management Service [GS]; 商务管理处(商管处)
*CMS; Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals; (Bonn Convention); 养护野生动物中移栖物种公约(养护移栖物种公约;波恩公约)
*CMS; Cost Measurement System [FAO]; 成本核定制度;费用计算制度
*CMSPG; Mexican Committee of Soridarity with the Guatemalan People; 墨西哥声援危地马拉人民委员会
*CMT; World Confederation of Labour (WCL) [formerly: IFCTU]; Confederation Mondiale du Travail; 世界劳工联合会(世界劳联)
*CMZ; Compagnie Maritime Zairoise; 扎伊尔海运公司
*CN; Combined Nomenclature; 综合税则目录
*C/N; consignement note (c/n); 发货通知书;寄售通知书; cover note (c/n) [Insurance]; 暂保单;承保通知书; credit note (c/n); 贷款通知书
*CNC; condensation nuclei counter [Meteorology]; 凝结核计数器
*CNC; National Confederation of Agricultural Workers [Mexico]; Confederacion Nacional Campesina; 全国农民联合会
*CNC-IHDP Chinese National Committee for the International Human ; Dimensions Programme On Global Environmental Change; 国际全球环境变化人文因素计划中国国家委员会
*CND; United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs [ESC]; 联合国麻醉药品委员会
*CNDH;National Commission for Human Rights [Mexico]; 国家人权委员会[国家机构]
*CNEN; National Nuclear Energy Commission [Brazil]; 国家核能委员会
*CNES;Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales [French]; 国家空间研究中心
*CNFTTC; China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation; 中国对外贸易运输总公司
*CNG; compressed natural gas; 压缩天然气
*CNI; National Information Agency [Chile]; Central Nacional de Informaciones; 国家情报局
*CNIEC; China National Import and Export Corporation; 中国进出口公司
*CNLM;Common Nordic Labour Market; 北欧共同劳力市场
*CNN; Cable News Network; 电缆新闻网电视公司
*CNONGD; Conseil National des Organisations Non-Gouvernementales de ; Developpement [Congo]; 促进发展非政府组织全国理事会
*CNP; Consorcio Naviero Peruano; 秘鲁船东协会
*CNPF;Conseil National du Patronat Francais; 法国雇主全国理事会
*CNR; Committee on Natural Resources [ESCAP]; 自然资源委员会
*CNRET; United Nations Centre for Natural Resources, Energy and Transport; 联合国自然资源、能源和运输中心(资源、能源和运输中心)
*CNS; central nervous system; 中枢神经系统
*CNS; National Trade Union Co-ordinating Body [Chile]; Coordinadora Nacional Sindical ; 全国工会协调机构
*CNS/ATM;communications, navigation, surveillance and air traffic;management [ICAO]; 通讯、导航、监视和空中交通管理
*CNT; National Convention of Workers [Uruguay]; Convencion Nacional de Trabajadores; 全国工人大会
*CNTC;National Committee of Farmworkers [Honduras]; 全国农场工人委员会
*CO; certificate of origin; 产地证;产地证书;原产地证书;原产地证;来源地证书
*Co; company; 公司
*C/O; certificate of origin; 原产地证明书
*COAG;Committee on Agriculture [FAO]; 农业委员会(农委会)
*COB; Commission des Operations de Bourse [France]; 交易所业务委员会
*COBOL; Common Business Oriented Language (CBL) [Computer Language]; 面向商业通用语言
*COBSEA; Co-ordinating Body on the Sea of East Asia; 东亚海洋协调机构
*COCATRAM Central American Commission of Maritime Transport; Comision Centroamericana de Transporte Maritimo; 中美洲海运委员会
*COCOM; Co-ordinating Committee for Multilateral Strategic Export Controls;[formal name]; Co-ordinating Committee for Export to Communist Countries; 巴黎统筹委员会;出口管制统筹委员会
*COD; cash on delivery; 货到付款;交货付现
*COD; chemical oxygen demand; 化学需氧量
*COD; Codification Division [LEG]; 编纂司
*CODATA; Committee on Data for Science and Technology [UNESCO]; 科学技术数据委员会(科技数据委员会)
*CODEFAM;Committee of Relatives for the Freedom of Political Prisoners;and Disppeared of El Salvadores; Comite de Familiares Pro-Libertad de Presos y Desaparecidos;Politicos de El Salvadores 'Marianella Garcia Villas'; 萨尔瓦多政治犯和失踪者亲属争取亲人自由委员会
*CODEFF; National Committee for the Defense of Fauna and Flora [Chile]; Comite Nacional por Defensa de la Fauna y Flora; 全国保护动植物委员会
*CODEH; Committee for the Defence of Human Rights in Honduras; 洪都拉斯保护人权委员会
*CODEHUCA Commission for the Defense of Human Rights in Central America; Comision para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos en Centroamerica; 中美洲保护人权委员会
*CODEJU; Committee for the Defence of Youth Rights [Chile]; Comision de Defensa de los Derechos de la Juventud; 保卫青年权利委员会
*CODEL; Co-ordination in Development, Inc. [USA]; 协调发展社
*CODESA; Convention for a Democratic South Africa; 民主南非大会
*CODESRIA Council for the Development of Economic and Social Research in;Africa; 非洲经济和社会研究发展理事会(经社研发理事会)
*CODEST; Committee for the European Development of Science and Technology; Comite de Developpement Europeen pour la Science et la Technologie; 欧洲科学技术发展委员会
*CODEVTEL UNDP/ITU Inter-Regional Project on Course Development in the Field;of Telecommunications; 开发署/电联合作编制电信课程的区域间项目
*COE; Council of Europe; 欧洲委员会
* COFACE; Compagnie francaise d'assurance pour le commerce ; extèrieur; ; 法国外贸保险公司 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*COFAF; Committee on Food, Agriculture and Forestry; 粮食、农业和林业委员会(粮农林委员会)
*COFC;container on flatcar (Transportation of containers without wheels;on railway flatcars. American terms denoting both a service;and the related tariff category in rail transport.); (铁路)平板车运输集装箱
*COFEB; West African Centre for Bank Training and Studies; Centre Ouest-Africain de Formation et d'Etudes Bancaires; 西非银行业务训练和研究中心
*COFI;Committee on Fisheries [FAO]; 渔业委员会(渔委会)
*COFO;Committee on Forestry [FAO]; 林业委员会(林委会)
*COFRUCI;Cooperative Agricole de Production Bananiere et Fruitiere de Cote;d'Ivoire; 科特迪瓦香蕉和水果农业生产合作社
*COGEODATA; Committee on Storage, Automatic Processing and Retrieval of;Geological Data; 地质资料储存、自动处理和检索委员会(地质资料委员会)
*COHRE; Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions; 住房权利和驱逐房客问题中心
*COIAB; Co-ordinating Body of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian;Amazon; Coordenacao das Organizacaoes Indigenas de Amazonia Brasileira; 巴西亚马孙土著居民组织协调会
*COICA; Coordinadora de las Organizaciones de la Cuenca Amazonica; 亚马孙流域土著居民组织协调会
*COIN;Counter-Insurgency Unit of the South West African Police [Namibia]; 西南非洲警察反叛乱部队
*COJPITA;Comision Juridica de los Pueblo de Integracion Tawantinsuyana; 塔万廷苏亚纳人民联合法律委员会
*COL; cost-of-living (index); 生活费(指数)
*COLCYT; Latin American Commission on Science and Technology; 拉丁美洲科学和技术委员会
*COLEACP;Liaison Committee Europe-Africa-Caribbean-Pacific [EC]; 欧洲--非洲--加勒比--太平洋联络委员会(欧非加太联络委员会)
*COLREG; Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing;Collisions at Sea, 1972 (COLREG 1972) [20 Oct. 1972]; 1972年国际海上避碰规则公约(72年避碰公约)
*Col$;Colombian peso [Monetary Unit of Colombia]; 哥伦比亚比索
*COLCIENCIAS; Francisco Jose de Caldas Colombian Fund for Scientific Research;and Special Projects; 纪念弗朗西斯科•何塞•达卡尔达斯哥伦比亚科学研究和特别项目基金
*Coltainer; collapsible container; 可折叠集装箱
*COM; Commodities Division [UNCTAD]; 商品司
*COM; Commission document (COMDOC; COM document) [EC]; 委员会文件
*COMACH; Confederation of Shipping Workers of Chile; Confederacion Maritima de Chile; 智利海员联合会
*COMAR; National Commission for Refugees [Mexico]; 国家难民委员会
*COMASPO;Armed Forces Political Affairs Board [Uruguay]; Comision de Asuntos Politicos de las Fuerzas Armadas; 武装部队政治事务委员会
*COMBIBILL; combined transport bill of lading (CTB/L); 联合运输提单(联运提单)
*COMBIDOC combined transport document (CTD); 联合运输单据(联运单据)
*Combiterms; (A proposed set of standard terms and conditions for international;trade. The Combiterms aim at supplementing the Incoterms which;are regarded as largely unsuited for container transport.); 联运术语解释通则
*Combos; (=combinations); 混合装运船;兼用船
*COMDOC; Commission document (COM document) [EC]; 委员会文件
*COMECON;Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA); 经济互助委员会(经互会)
*COMESA; Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa; 东部和南部非洲共同市场(东、南非共市)
*COMETEC-GAZ; Economic Research Committee of the Gas Industry; 煤气工业经济研究委员会(煤气工业经研会)
*COMETT; Programme on Co-operation between Universities and Enterprises;regarding Training in the Field of Technology [EC]; 高校与企业间技术培训合作计划
*COMEX; New York Commodity Exchange [USA]; 纽约商品交易所
*COMEXANI; Comite Mexicano de Apoyo a la Ninez; 墨西哥援助儿童委员会
*COMIDES;Ministerial Conference for a Concerted Policy to Combat;Desertification and Protect Nature; Conference Ministerielle pour une Politique Concertee de Lutte;contre la Desertification et de Protection de la Nature; 防沙治沙和保护自然共同政策部长级会议
*COMITEXTIL; Co-ordination for the Textile Industries in the European Economic;Community; 欧洲经济共同体纺织工业协调委员会(纺织工业协调会)
*Compass;Comprehensive Assembly Language [Computer Language]; 综合汇编语言
*COMPEX; Compex scheme for non-ACP LDCs is an offer made by EEC to;compensate export earning shortfalls of recipient countries;in their trade with the Community for the STABEX commodities;plus jute.; 出口收入补偿办法
*COMSEC; committee secretariat; 委员会秘书处
*COMSEC; Common Secretarial Services [UNIDO]; 共同秘书事务处
*COMSEC; Commonwealth Secretariat; 英联邦秘书处
*COMTAP; OECD Compatible Trade and Production Data Base Tapes; 经合组织兼容贸易和生产数据库磁带
*Comtrade External Trade Statistics Database (formal form); 外贸统计数据库; UNSO/ITC Comtrade Data Base System; 联合国统计处/国际贸易中心合作的商品贸易数据资料系统; UN Compressed International Commidity Trade Data Base; 联合国压缩国际商品贸易数据库
*CONACYT;National Council for Science and Technology [Argentina]; Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnia; 全国科学技术委员会
*CONAIE; Confederacion de Nacionalidades Indigenas del Ecuador; 厄瓜多尔土著居民联合会
*CONAR; National Committee for Aide to Refugees [Chile]; Comite Nacional de Ayuda a los Refugidos; 全国援助难民委员会
*CONAVIGUA; National Association of Widows of Guatemala; 危地马拉全国寡妇协会
*CONCAWE; The Oil Companies' European Organization for Environment, Health; and Safety; 欧洲石油公司保护环境、卫生和安全组织
*CONCOR; Container Corporation of India; 印度集装箱公司
*CONEB; Consejo Nacional de Entidades de Beneficencia [Paraguay]; 全国慈善团体理事会
*CONF;Conference Service [UNOG]; 会议事务处
*CONFENIAE; Confederacion de Nacionalidades Indigenas de la Amazonia;Ecuatoriana; 厄瓜多尔亚马孙区域土著居民联合会
*CONFEX; Conference/Exposition on Human Settlements; 人类住区会议和展览