
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 12:56:17


It is an important question. New figures suggest China could have just overtaken Japan as the world's second-largest economy.

But how do we know? Can we trust statistics from China, which is not always open and transparent with numbers?

Interviews with market stallholders suggest they do not always declare everything they earn to the Chinese tax bureau.

This implies that China's economy could be bigger than the government believes.

这是个很重要的问题,最新数据显示中国已经超于日本成为世界第二大经济体。但是我们如何知道? 我们是否可以相信来自中国的一贯不甚公开和透明的统计数据?调查市场中的摊贩们发现,他们总是不太明白他们应该交多少税。


Wang Xiaolu, of the China Reform Foundation, carried out research that supports this idea. He says the hidden economy could be huge.


Methods questioned


Mr Wang checked income and spending patterns in a survey covering 4,000 samples across 19 Chinese provinces.

He estimates that in 2008, the disposable income of urban Chinese households could have been 90% more than the government thought.

Not all economists believe Chinese economic data is completely unreliable, but some question the methods used to collect it.

王先生进行了一项对中国19省4000名样本的收入和支出调查。 他估计,2008年中国城市居民可支配收入可能已经超过官方统计数字的90%。并不是所有的经济学家都不相信中国的经济数据。另外一些在质疑中国的统计方法。

Wang Tao, head of economic research in China for the bank UBS, said China relied on local governments and businesses to report what they were doing.

"Sometimes it might be in the interests of a locality or a company to over-report what they have done, especially if their boss will then look on them favourably," she said.


There is another problem.

Letting businesses to report was easier when China had a planned economy and there were relatively few sectors in the economy

It is now more open and capitalist. Individuals can start their own businesses and whole industries can spring up in a short period of time. This makes it difficult for the government to track the economy.


"For example, when the economy is booming, you could have a restaurant set up, but nobody went there and asked them to report," said Ms Wang.

"But when the economy goes bad, maybe they went bust and nobody noticed."


Terms of trade

All this means that the speed of economic growth in China - it grew by 8.7% for the whole of last year - is perhaps exaggerated, but the economy is possibly bigger than estimates suggest.



China's economy could have overtaken Japan's several years ago. 

Gathering accurate statistics is not just an academic exercise. It helps governments, businesses and individuals make informed financial decisions.



One group of people who need dependable information are individual stock market traders in China.

They gather at small stock trading centres in towns and cities across the country. Citic Securities runs one that is housed in the former home of an imperial princess in Beijing.


Wang Yuxiang has been going there for the best part of a decade to buy and sell shares on China's stock markets.

She is one of dozens of pensioners who spend hours each day watching the centre's electronic notice board report the latest company movements.


Does she trust all economic data and information?

"There's always true and false information - companies are no different. You have to watch a business over a period of time," said the 65-year-old.


The pensioner is particularly wary of state-run companies, because she believes they are unpredictable.

So if Mrs Wang does not trust all China's economic data, how can economists really calculate when China will overtake Japan as the world's second-largest economy?


Wang Tao, of UBS, suggested that perhaps we should not get too fixated with that particular milestone.

"Contribution to world growth matters more than size. From that point of view, China passed Japan quite a while ago," she said.
