范冰冰弟弟曝光:Over 60,000 candidates participated in joint entrance exam

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Over 60,000 candidates participated in joint entrance exam

16:54, February 21, 2011      

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Headed by Tsinghua University, a university alliance comprising six other universities in China, began its open recruitment program this year. In less than four months before the National College Entrance Exam, 60,000 candidates from all over the country participated in the Triple "A" test, which stands for Advanced Assessment Admission examination.

The proposition, organization, grading and the results announcement of the Triple "A" test this year is commissioned to the professional examination bodies. Comprehensive examination subjects are the reading and writing, mathematics. In addition, candidates can also choose another test from the natural sciences and the humanities and social examination subjects. Candidates can make a choice according to their own strengths.

The test is taking the existing secondary school curriculum as a reference. The main testing objective is not to exceed the knowledge of high school study outline, but the requirements for the difficulty and innovation will be higher than the requirements of the National College Entrance Exam.

It is reported that the Triple "A" test results is not just the test scores of each subject or the total score. More importantly, it is to provide a detailed comprehensive report card for the candidates, insight into the candidate's ability through in-depth analysis of test scores in each subject.

Yu Han, Director of Admissions Office of the Tsinghua University said that the test did not focus on the candidates' testing skills obtained through a large amount of testing skills training. It attempts to test students' innovative potential of integrated use of the knowledge and in particular examine the candidate's creativity, imagination, appreciation and learning abilities.

Yu said that, for example, if there are two students who both get a score of 80, the universities can judge that the two students' training potential and major may be different, so that it will become possible that taking the students' outstanding performance in some subjects or some capacity as a recruitment basis for the specific profession. This breaks the one-sidedness and limitations that exist in traditional test.
In this case, there may both all-rounder can be recruited into the Tsinghua University, also some students can be recruited into the Tsinghua University due to a good English paper that was awarded partial points.

By Yan Meng, People's Daily Online
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