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01.Diana Ross黛安娜·罗斯 and 莱昂纳尔·里奇Lionel Richie - 无尽的爱My Endless LoveMy love, 我的爱,
There's 1)only you in my life 你是我的唯一,
The only thing that's bright 我生命中唯一的亮点。 My first love, 我最初的爱,
You're every 2)breath that I take 我的每一次呼吸,
You're every 3)step I make 我走的每一步路,都有你的影子。 And I 我,
I want to 4)share 我想和你分享,
All my love with you 我全部的爱。
No one else will do... 没有其他人能做到。 And your eyes 你的眼神,
Your eyes, your eyes 你的眼神,你的眼神,
They tell me how much you care 告诉我你是多么在乎我。
Ooh yes, you will always be 噢,是的,
My endless love 爱你永无止境。 Two hearts, 两颗心,
Two hearts that 5)beat as one 两颗心合二为一,
Our lives have just begun 我们的生活才刚刚开始。 Forever 永永远远
I'll hold you close in my arms 我紧拥你在怀中,
I can't resist your charms 无法抵挡你的魅力。 And love 爱情,
Oh, love 噢,爱情
6)I'll be a fool 我会变成一个傻瓜,
For you, 为你。
I'm sure 是的,我确定。
You know I don't mind 但你知道我不会介意,
Oh, you know I don't mind 噢,你知道我不会介意。 'cause you, 因为,
You mean the world to me 你对我而言就是全世界。
I know 我知道,
I know 我知道,
I've 7)found in you 在你身上,
My endless love 我找到了无尽的爱。 And love 爱情,
Oh, love 噢,爱情
6)I'll be a fool 我会变成一个傻瓜,
For you, 为你。
I'm sure 是的,我确定。
You know I don't mind 但你知道我不会介意,
Oh, you know I don't mind 噢,你知道我不会介意。 And, yes 是的。
You'll be the only one 你就是那唯一,
'cause no one can deny 因为没有人能否认,
8)This love I have inside 我要给你
And I'll give it all to you 我全部的爱。
My love 我的爱,
My love, my love 我的爱,我的爱,
My endless love 我无尽的爱。
莱昂纳尔·里奇Lionel Richie 被认为是当今流行乐坛的顶级歌手。他连续9年共有9首歌曲名列排行榜榜首,创造了流行音乐史上的一个奇迹。
02.心之形Shape Of My Hear-斯汀StingHe deals the cards as a meditation  他小心翼翼的出牌
And those he plays never suspect    从不让人察觉
He doesn't play for the money he wins  不是为钱去赢
He don't play for respect   也不是为了得到敌人的尊敬
He deals the cards to find the answer  他出牌是为了寻找一个答案
The sacred geometry of chance   那神圣的不可侵犯的或然性
The hidden law of a probable outcome   那可能结果中的隐藏法则
The numbers lead a dance  那组数字的舞蹈
I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier  我知道黑桃是士兵的利剑
I know that the clubs are weapons of war  我知道梅花是战争的武器                           
I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我明白方片在这个游戏中意味着金钱
But that's not the shape of my heart   但这不是我心的形状
He may play the jack of diamonds   他也许会出方片jack
He may lay the queen of spades  他或许会出黑桃皇后
He may conceal a king in his hand  他可能会在手里藏着一张王
While the memory of it fades 只是随着记忆慢慢凋谢
I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier  (重复: 我知道黑桃是士兵的剑
I know that the clubs are weapons of war               
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart
That's not the shape......the shape of my heart   那不是我心之形)And if I told you that I loved you   如果我告诉你我爱你
You'd maybe think there's something wrong  你一定会认为哪里出了错
I'm not a man of too many faces  我不是有着太多虚伪面孔的男人
The mask I wear is one    我的面具只有一个
Well, those who speak know nothin'   看啊,那些说什么都不知道的人
And find out to their cost   正在计较他们的输赢
Like those who curse their luck in too many places  正是那些说自己运气无处不在的人们正在计较他们的输赢                   And those who fear are lost   其实最害怕失败
I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war  (重复: 我知道黑桃是士兵的利剑
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart
That's not the shape of my heart  
That's not the shape......the shape of my heart  那不是我心的形。 电影《这个杀手不太冷》(Leon-The Professional)的主题曲,由英国老牌歌手斯汀(Sting)主唱。曾经流行一时的经典英文歌、电影《三个火枪手》的插曲《一切为爱》(All For Love)也是他的代表作之一。  03.天地之吻Sky Kisses Earth-Prem Joshua 普雷·约书亚《Sky Kisses Earth 天地之吻》,Prem Joshua 普雷·约书亚 发行于1999年的专辑 04.阿根廷别为我哭泣Don't Cry For Me Argentina-麦当娜Madonnait won't be easy.那并不容易.
u'll think it strange.你会感到奇怪.
when i try 2 explain how i feel.当我努力说明自己的感受.
that i still need ur love.我仍然需要你的爱.
after all that i've done.在我所做的一切面前.
u won't believe me.你仍不愿相信我的话.
all u will see is a girl u once knew.你总是认定我还是那个你从前认识的女孩.
although she's dressed up 2 the nines.虽然她的打扮无可挑剔.
at sixes sevens with u.却与你格格不入.

i had 2 let it happen.我无法避免其发生.
i had 2 change.我不得不去改变.
couldn't stay all my life down that hell.不能听凭自己随波逐流.
looking out of the window.(满足于)张望窗外.
staying out of the sun.远离阳光.
so i chose freedom.于是我选择了自由.
running around trying everything new.四处漫游,尝试一切新事物.
but nothing impressed me at all.但没有给我留下一丝印象.
i never expected it to.这本非我所望.

don't cry 4 me argentina !阿根廷,别为我哭泣!
the truth is i never left u.事实上我从未离开过你.
all through my wild days.在那段狂野岁月里.
my mad existence.疯狂历程中.
i kept my promise.我信守诺言.
don't keep ur distance.别将我拒之门外.

and as 4 fortune,and as 4 fame.至于金钱,以及名利.
i never invited them in.我曾未奢望.
they are illusions.它们不过是幻象.
they're not the solutions.绝非解决的途径.
they promised 2 be.如它们所承诺的那样.
the answer was here all the time.答案一直在这.
i love u hope u love me.我爱你,希望你也爱我.

don't cry 4 me argentina !阿根廷,别为我哭泣!

don't cry 4 me argentina !阿根廷,别为我哭泣!
the truth is i never left u.事实上我从未离开过你.
all through my wild days.在那段狂野岁月里.
my mad existence.疯狂历程中.
i kept my promise.我信守诺言.
don't keep ur distance.别将我拒之门外.

have i said too much ?我是否说得太多?
there's nothing more i can think of 2 say 2 u.我想不出还能向你表白什么.
but all u have 2 do is look at me 2 know.但你所要做的只是看着我,你就会知道
that every word is true.每字每句都是真情Don‘t Cry for Me,  Argentina(阿根廷,别为我哭泣)是1996年电影《贝隆夫人》(Evita)的主题曲。该片由歌坛天后麦当娜(Madonna)和安东尼奥演唱,描写的是阿根廷的第一夫人——艾薇塔的悲欢离合、大起大落、享尽荣华富贵,也尝遍心酸坎坷的一生。该歌曲当时获得第六十九届奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲奖。 05.女孩Lady-肯尼罗杰斯Kenny RogersLady —— Kenny Rogers
女孩——肯尼·罗杰斯Lady, I'm your knight in shining armor女孩 我是你身裹光彩夺目盔甲的骑士
And I love you我爱你
You have made me what I am你使我的生命具有意义
And I am yours我永远属于你
My love there 're so many ways亲爱的 有千百总方式
I want to say I love you想对你说我爱你
Let me hold you in my arms让我拥你在怀中
Forever more直到永远
You have gone'你已离我而去
And made me such a fool'我好像傻瓜一样
I'm so lost in your love深深的迷失在你的爱中
And all we belong together而我们本该成双成对
Won't you believe in my song? 你难道不相信我歌中的真情
Lady for so many years I 've thought女孩 多年来我一直在想
I'll never find you'我永远都不会找到你
You have come into my life而今你却闯进了我的生活
And make me whole'使我的生命完整而绚丽多彩
Forever let me wake to see you永远的,让我一醒来就见到你
Each and every morning在每一个早晨
Let me hear you whisper softly让我听见你的轻声细语
In my ears在我耳边
In my eyes I see no one else but you在我的眼里只有你
There's no other love like our love'没有别的爱情能够象我们这样了
And yes,oh yes是 是的
I'll always want you to need me'我永远想让你需要我
I've wait for you for so long'我已经等了你许久许久
Lady your love is the only love I need女孩 只有你的爱是我的唯一
And beside me'伴在我身边
Is where I want you to  be是我要你永远停住的地方
Because my love there is something因为 我的爱人 
I want you to know我要告诉你
You're the love of my life你就是我一生之所爱
You're my lady你是我的女人 06.当你相信时WHEN YOU BELIEVE-玛丽亚·凯丽与惠特尼·休斯顿Mariah·Carey.&.Whitney·Houston(玛利亚·凯莉※惠特尼·休斯顿)演唱
Many night we've prayed  许多个夜晚我们祈祷 
with no proof anyone could 不能证明谁能听得到 
In our heart a hopeful song 我们的心就是希望之歌 
we barely understood 我们刚刚明了 
Now we are not afraid而如今我们不再惧怕
Although we know there's much to fear 虽然我们有太多害怕的事情 
we were moving the mountain long 我们能够移山 
Before we knew we could 在我们知道之前 
There can be miracles 这一定是个奇迹 
when you believe 当你相信的时候 
Though hope is frail 尽管希望如此脆弱 
it's hard to kill 但也不能轻易扑灭 
who knows what miracles谁知道奇迹是什么 
you can achieve你可以做到 
when you believe 当你相信的时候 
somehow you will 不知道什么原因你就会做到 
you will when you believe当你相信的时候就会做到  And this time of fear在这个令人寒心时刻
when prayer so often proves in vain 当信徒们徒劳无功地证明
hope seems like the summer birds 希望像是夏天的小鸟
too swiftly flown away 飞快地掠过
and now I am standing here 现在我站在这里
my heart's so full I can't explain 我的心满满的 无法解释
seeking faith and speaking words never thought I'd say 我从未想过我会说 there can be miracles这是个奇迹寻找信仰
when you believe (when you believe)当你相信的时候
though hope is frail 尽管希望如此脆弱
it's hard to kill  但也不能轻易扑灭
who know what miracle 谁知道什么是奇迹
you can achieve (you can achieve) 你可以做到
when you believe 当你相信的时候
somehow you will 不知道什么原因你就会做到
you will when you believe 当你相信的时候就会做到 they don't always happen when you ask 当你询问的时候它们不经常出现
and it's easy to give in to your fear 而且很轻易地带给你惧怕
but when you're blinded by your pain但是当你因为痛苦而盲目无助
can't see you way safe through the rain thought of a still resilient voice
says love is very near 想象一种很平静的声音说爱是如此靠近不能在大雨中看清你的道路 there can be miracles (miracles) 这就是奇迹 奇迹
when you believe (when you believe) 当你相信的时候  当你相信的时候
though hope is frail  尽管希望如此脆弱
it's hard to kill 但也不能轻易扑灭
who know what miracles 谁知道什么是奇迹
you can achieve (you can achieve)你可以做到 你可以做到
when you believe 当你相信的时候
somehow you will不知道什么原因你就会做到 you will when you believe 你会做到当你相信的时候
you will when you believe 你会做到当你相信的时候
you will when you believe 你会做到当你相信的时候
just believe 就那么相信
you will when you believe 你会做到当你相信的时候
当你相信时(When You Believe)---第七十一届奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲
  《埃及王子》(Prince Of Egypt, The)向人们讲述了犹太人先知摩西如何带领犹太人走出埃及的故事,与《圣经》所不同的是,这是一个相对完整的故事,带领犹太人的先知摩西不再是80岁的老叟,而是时值壮年的“王子”,影片一改动画片只能够体现喜剧色彩故事的模式,将这部影片拍成了一部彻彻底底的正剧,片中人物形象饱满,绘制精心,充满艺术性,它将普通电影镜头语言和动画片画面语言的特点完美地结合了起来,大场面丝毫不逊色于一些动作大片。 《埃及王子》的音乐创作阵容十分庞大。由斯蒂芬.舒瓦兹(Stephen Schwartz)作曲,伦敦的管弦乐团,合唱团,美国的童声合唱团与演唱希伯莱文的孩子们一起参加了录制工作。来自中东地区的管乐器和弦乐器较好地体现了曲作者的创作意图,勾勒出地域风情和时代背景。惠特尼.休斯顿(Whitney Houston)和马丽娅.凯莉合唱的动画片主题曲《当你相信时》(When You Believe)是本片一系列电影歌曲的最亮点。 07.我不想再提起I don't want to talk about it-伊曼黛丝Ive MendesI can tell by your eyes that you've prob'bly been cryin' forever, 透过你的眼睛我知道你也许会永远哭泣
and the stars in the sky don't mean nothin' to you, they're a mirror. 天上的繁星对你来说并非虚无,它们是一面镜子
I don't want to talk about it, how you broke my heart. 你如何打碎了我的心,我不想再谈
If I stay here just a little bit longer, 如果我再多呆一会
If I stay here, won't you listen to my heart, whoa, heart? 如果我不走,你会聆听我的心声吗,哦,心?If I stand all alone, will the shadow hide the color of my heart; 如果我独自站立,我的影子能遮住我心脏的颜色吗
blue for the tears, black for the night's fears. 蓝色的是泪水,黑色的是夜晚的泪水
The star in the sky don't mean nothin' to you, they're a mirror. 天上的繁星对你来说并非虚无,它们是一面镜子
I don't want to talk about it, how you broke my heart. 你如何打碎了我的心,我不想再谈
If I stay here just a little bit longer, 如果我再多呆一会
if I stay here, won't you listen to my heart, whoa, heart? 如果我不走,你会聆听我的心声吗,哦,心!
I don't want to talk about it, how you broke this ol' heart. 你如何打碎了我的心,我不想再谈
If I stay here just a little bit longer, 如果我再多呆一会
if I stay here, won't you listen to my heart, whoa, heart? 如果我不走,你会聆听我的心声吗,哦,心!
My heart, whoa,My heart.我的心,哦,我的心  08.至死不渝Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You-乔治-班森George BensonIf I had to live my life without you near me如果我不得不过一种没有你陪伴的生活
the days would all be empty              日子将会变得空虚 
the nights would seem so long           夜晚看似变得漫长 
With you I see forever oh so clearly和你在一起,我无疑地看清永恒
I might have been in love before我也许曾经坠入爱河But it never felt this strong但从没像这样强烈过
Our dreams are young and we both know我们都知道,我们的梦想有着活力
They'll take us where we want to go它们会告诉我们我们想要去的地方
Hold me now touch me now现在,抓紧我,触摸我
I don't want to live without you我不想过没有你的生活Nothing's gonna change my love for you没有什么能改变我对你的感情
You oughta know by now how much I love you你现在应该知道我爱你有多深
One thing you can be sure of你可以确定的一件事
I'll never ask for more than your love就是我永远不会要求比你的爱更多的东西
Nothing's gonna change my love for you没有什么能改变我对你的爱
You oughta know by now how much I love you你现在应该能够体会到我爱你有多深
The world may change my whole life through世界可以彻底改变我的一生
But nothing's gonna change my love for you但没有什么能改变我对你的爱If the road ahead is not so easy即使前方的路不那么容易走
Our love will lead the way for us我们的爱会为我们引领道路
Just like a guiding star像一盏指路的明灯
I'll be there(for you)if you should need me我会在那里支持你如果你需要我
You don't have to change a thing你不需要任何改变
I love you just the way you are我爱你原来的样子So come with me and share the view那么就伴随着我,分享景色
I'll help you see forever too我也会帮着你看到永恒
Hold me now touch me now
I don't want to live without you我不想过没有你的生活Nothing's gonna change my love for you没有什么能改变我对你的感情
You oughta know by now how much I love you你现在应该知道我爱你有多深
One thing you can be sure of你可以确定的一件事
I'll never ask for more than your love就是我永远不会要求比你的爱更多的东西Nothing's gonna change my love for you没有什么能改变我对你的感情
You oughta know by now how much I love you你现在应该知道我爱你有多深
The world may change my whole life through世界可以彻底改变我的一生
But nothing's gonna change my love for you但没有什么能改变我对你的爱Nothing's gonna change my love for you没有什么能改变我对你的感情
You oughta know by now how much I love you你现在应该知道我爱你有多深
One thing you can be sure of你可以确定的一件事
I'll never ask for more than your love就是我永远不会要求比你的爱更多的东西Nothing's gonna change my love for you没有什么能改变我对你的感情
You oughta know by now how much I love you你现在应该知道我爱你有多深
The world may change my whole life through世界可以彻底改变我的一生
But nothing's gonna change my love for you但没有什么能改变我对你的爱
电影《廊桥遗梦》(The Bridges of Madison County 1995) 的主题曲响起,正是这首"Nothing's gonna change my love for you",电影是由骨灰级演员克林特伊斯特伍德以及梅丽尔斯特里普所主演的婚外恋故事。1995年的作品,讲述的却是30年前的故事,1965年的一天,一个《国家地理杂志》摄影人(克林特)来到了一个小镇上想要找寻一座曼迪逊桥,他独自驱车前往拍摄,在小镇的一户人家门口停车打听曼迪逊桥的所在,这家的女主人(梅丽尔)正巧独自在家,并带他来到了桥边(pretty woman风月俏佳人里的茱莉亚和理查吉尔也是通过问路相识的)。完成了工作,克林特送给她一束从路边摘下的小菊花表示谢意,小雏菊总是能给人很温暖的感觉,清新淡雅,梅丽尔心中泛起了一道涟漪,邀请克林特去家里喝茶,两人交谈默契,像是相识已久(应是相见恨晚吧)。夜色渐深,梅丽尔送走克林特后竟有一种恋恋不舍,她前往曼迪逊桥,在桥上订上了一张纸条。第二天,克林特发现了纸条,并接受了梅丽尔的邀请,两人在桥边一起工作,拍照。夜色再次降临,两人回到梅丽尔的家中共进晚餐,在清柔的音乐舞曲中,两人情不自禁地相拥共舞,以后的两天两人整日厮守在一起。然而,虽然克林特已离异,但梅丽尔还有自己的家庭,她不愿舍弃家庭,两人痛苦地分手了(突然想到了曾经读到的一句话:Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful)。克林特毅然离开,继续他漂泊的摄影生涯…… 


    这首主题曲"Nothing's gonna change my love for you"意思是没有什么能改变我对你的爱,中文译为“此情永不移”。原唱是黑人歌手George Benson(乔治本森)。
09.热情相吻Besame Mucho-安德烈·波塞利Andrea BocelliBesame, besame mucho,吻我,深深地吻我吧
Como si fuera esta noche la ultima vez.就好像今晚是最后一夜。
Besame, besame mucho,吻我,深深地吻我吧
Que tengo miedo perderte,我好怕之后就会失去你
Perderte despue's. 失去你。。。Besame, besame mucho,吻我,深深地吻我吧
Como si fuera esta noche la ultima vez.就好像今晚是最后一夜。
Besame, besame mucho,吻我,深深地吻我吧Que tengo miedo perderte,我好怕之后就会失去你
Perderte despue's. 失去你。。。Quiero sentirte muy 我想很近很近地感觉你
Cerca, mirarme en tus 我想面对着你 看着你
Ojos, verte junto a mi, 在你的眼睛里看到我自己
Piensa que tal vez 想想看也许明天
Mañana yo ya estare我就已经远远地
Lejos, muy lejos de ti.远远地离开了你Besame, besame mucho,吻我,深深地吻我吧
Como si fuera esta noche la ultima vez 就好像今晚是最后一夜。Besame, besame mucho,吻我,深深地吻我吧
Que tengo miedo perderte,我好怕之后就会失去你
Perderte despue's. 失去你。。。"Besame Mucho"是一首非常怀旧的老歌。很难用中文来准确表达"Besame Mucho"的意思,在拉丁文中Besame的意思是吻,而Mucho则是多的意思,有的人将它翻译为"热情相吻"或"吻吧,热烈的吻吧",也有翻成"深深的吻"的,还可以找到一些其它中文名字,但似乎都不确切而都有道理。    这首歌曲的作者Consuelo Velazquez1924年8月29日出生于墨西哥,1941年创作了这首歌曲,1944年一跃成为美国10大流行歌曲的榜首。几经岁月的磨砺 Besame mucho几乎成了爱情与忠贞不逾的同名词, 这首歌曲已经拥有了自己独立的生命,成为拉丁美洲爱情歌曲中的经典。不知道有多少歌唱家和艺人演绎过它。也曾经有100名意大利小提琴手在威尼斯圣马克广场演奏“Besame mucho”, 是那么优美而震撼人心 ……     这首歌曲最迷人的地方是什么呢?因为它是一把充满魔力钥匙,为人们打开了所有希望的大门。关于这首伤感歌曲的其中一个创作动机的解释是, 作者到医院看望女友病重的丈夫时,忽然觉悟到, 人生短暂, 自己最后的那一天也会到来。 她因此写下了这首歌曲, 歌中唱到-深情地吻我, 多多地吻我, 这也许是最后一吻。来自意大利的盲人歌唱家安德烈.波塞利(Andrea Bocelli)演绎, 媒体称Andrea Bocelli时,使用的是这样的赞美词:“被上帝亲吻过的嗓子”。
10.给我爱Show Me-莫雅Moya Brennan 11.依然守候你身旁Back At One-布莱恩 麦肯奈特Brian McknightIts undeniable that we should be together 不可否认,我们将会厮守在一起。
Its unbeleivable how I used to say 无法相信,
That I'll fall never 我一直以为我不会再坠入爱河。
The basis you need to know 你要知道, 那么就让我来告诉你,
If you don't know just how I feel 如果你不了解此刻我的感受,
Then let me show 那么就让我来告诉你,You know that I'm for real 你知道我对你是认真的。
If all things in time 如果一切迟早要到来,
Time will reveal 时间就是最好的证明。
One you're like a dream come true 一,你就像美梦成真,
Two just want to be with you 二,就是想和你厮守。
Three girl it's plain to see 三,很明显,
That you're the only one for me 你就是我的唯一。Four repeat steps one through three 四,这三种感受越来越深刻。
Five, make you fall in love with me 五, 要你与我共坠爱河。
If ever I beleive my work is done 如果我能做到,
Then I'll start it back at one 我的美梦就能成真。
It's so incredible 真是令人难以置信,
The way things work themselves out 一切都迎刃而解。
It's all emotional 让人感动,When you know what it's all about 如果你了解所有这一切。
And it's undesirable for us to be apart 我们不应该分开,
We never would have made it very far 我不会远离你。
'Cause You know 因为你知道
You've got the keys to my heart 你找到了打开我心门的钥匙。
One you're like a dream come true 一,你就像美梦成真,
Two just want to be with you 二,就是想和你厮守。
Three girl it's plain to see 三,很明显,
That you're the only one for me 你就是我的唯一。
Four repeat steps one through three 四,这三种感受越来越深刻。
Five, make you fall in love with me 五, 要你与我共坠爱河。If ever I beleive my work is done 如果我能做到,
Then I'll start it back at one 我的美梦就能成真。
Say farewell to the dark of night 对这漫漫长夜说声再见,
I see the coming of the sun 我看见了初升的朝阳。
I feel like a little child 我觉得我像个小孩子,
My life has just begun 生命才刚刚开始。
You came and breathed new life 你来到了我的身边,
Into this lonely heart of mine 为我孤独的心灵注入了生气。
You threw out the lifeline 你来的正是时候,
Just in the nick of time 向我抛出了救生索。
12.我需要你的爱I Need Your Love-马格纳斯Magnus CarlssonEvery morning i wake up每天早晨我醒来 
I try to find my way我尝试着找到我的路
Carrying on to be strong ,trying to make it on my own,yeah要继续坚强,独自地
I never thought we could break up从没想过会分开
Never have a single doubt从没怀疑过
Now i am all alone现在我总是孤独
The feeling is hanging on这种感觉驱之不去
Since you went away 当你离开
I think about you everyday 我想你每一天
You know my love is here to stay你知道我的爱一直在这儿
I can't believe it is true我不能相信这是真的
I need your love tonight今夜我需要你的爱
I only want to hold you tight我只想拥有你 今夜
Ah ah i need your love tonight to keep my fantasy我需要你的爱 今夜 让我幻想
Baby,i need your love tonight亲爱的 今夜我需要你的爱
I only want to make it right我只想做得更好
Ah ah i need your love tonight我需要你的爱 今夜
Love come back to me回来我的爱
Baby i need your love亲爱的 我需要你的爱
Every moment i wonder每一刻都在想
If i let you slip away如果我让你逃走
Even try going back to the good time that we had想想我们一起的美好时光
Oh,since you went away你已经离开
I think about you everyday我每天都在想你
You know my love is here to stay你知道我的爱一直在这儿
I can't believe it is true我不能相信这是真的
I need your love tonight今夜我需要你的爱
I only want to hold you tight我只想拥有你 今夜
Ah ah i need your love tonight to keep my fantasy我需要你的爱 今夜 让我幻想
baby,i need your love tonight亲爱的 我需要你的爱 今夜
I only want to make it right我只想做得更好
Ah ah i need your love tonight我需要你的爱 今夜
Love come back to me让爱回来
Baby i need your love亲爱的 我需要你的爱
Ah ah i need your love我需要你的爱
Ah ah i need your love我需要你的爱
Ah ah i need your love我需要你的爱
Since you went away当你离开
I think about you everyday我想你每一天
You know my love is here to stay你知道我的爱一直在这儿
I can't believe it is true我不能相信这是真的
I need your love,ha ah我需要你的爱
I need your love我需要你的爱
I need your love..........我需要你的爱
I need your love tonight我需要你的爱 今夜
I only want to hold you tight我只想拥有你 今夜
Ah ah i need your love tonight to keep my fantasy我需要你的爱 今夜 让我幻想
Baby,i need your love tonight我需要你的爱 今夜
I only want to make it right我只想做得更好
Ah ah i need your love tonight我需要你的爱 今夜
Love come back to me让爱回来
Baby i need your love亲爱的我需要你的爱
I need your love,ha ah我需要你的爱
I need your love,ah ah................ 我需要你的爱............. 13.容颜Faces -Lene Marlin琳恩玛莲Pour me some wine, join me tonight倒些酒给我,今晚加入我吧
Surround me with your happy faces用你快乐的容颜围绕着我
Share some fun stories, stay up all night分享乐事,直到天明
Surround me with your friendly faces用你善意的容颜围绕着我
Then look at me, when I'm not aware当我没有觉察到时,请你看着我
Then you'll see, I cannot do without you你会知道,我不能没有你I'll be right there, if you ask me to只要你需要我的时候,我就会在你身边
If you're feeling sad, I'll stay with you如果你伤悲,我会伴随你左右
And if you're scared, I'll hold your hand当你害怕时,我会紧握你的双手
Like I know you'd do for me too, like I know就像我也知道你也会这样对我
You'd do for me too就像我也知道你也会这样对我Pour me some wine, join me tonight倒些酒给我,今晚加入我吧
Life is so good when I'm with you当我和你在一起时生命是如此的美好
I needed the laughs, I needed you tonight今晚我需要你和你的笑颜So look at me, when I'm not aware所以我没有意识到时,请你看着我
Then you'll see, I cannot do without you你将会知道我不能没有你
I'll be right there, if you ask me to只要你需要我时,我就会在你身边
If you're feeling sad, I'll stay with you如果你感到伤悲,我将伴随你左右
And if you're scared, I'll hold your hand如果你感到恐惧,我会紧握你的双手
Like I know you'd do for me too.就像我也知道你也会这样对我
I'll be right there, if you ask me to只要你需要我,我就会立即出现
If you're feeling sad, I'll stay with you如果你感到伤悲,我将伴随你左右
And if you're scared, I'll hold your hand当你恐惧时,我会紧握你的双手
Like I know you'd do for me too.就像我也知道你也会这样对我14.春天Spring-挪威美声组合(Floweryard 梦幻花园)15.爱如此美妙A Love So Beautiful-麦可伯特恩 Michael Bolton本辑连播欣赏: