荒岛余生迅雷下载地址:Remember that nine acts, do not let your sales without success

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 01:04:35

                        Remember that nine acts, do not let your sales without success


With the above;


    Is the essence of potential customers want to know you understand the parameters of their projects, and they will cooperate with the team is capable of, good observation and faithful and reliable. If you can not even participate in sales meetings to do this (which is the minimum), it is ready for it without success.


   My senior leadership team and I watched with agents and consultants from a variety of brands for us in the next few weeks will be a presentation made to the project a series of sales presentations. You will find these people who claim to be good at branding expert in marketing, think again - most of them have failed.


  The following is the actual emergence of the nine last week, would be unwise sales strategy. If the application of them, you may destroy the opportunity to complete the transaction:


  1, do not introduce your team straight to the point. Even better, it has not introduced them. Your potential customers will always be speculation, do you bring these people is that they are planning for your implementation to implement part of the team they say is possible, or even whether they are company employees.


  2, the participants bring, do not let them participate. Express your great ideas such as: "They come, but we do not let them talk." This will leave a deep impression.


  3, do not ask who else in the room. Definitely do not ask who else would come early. Thus, your advertisement will certainly not enough, and you will sell you the object and the things they know nothing about value.


  4, directly into your presentation, not to ensure that you understand the potential customer's goals. We encounter two companies (one that you may have heard the well-known big company) to attend the meeting, but obviously do not understand the details and specific tender.


 5, the question has been covered in the tender book, the basic problem. If you really want to leave a bad impression to the other party, then asked a number of books mentioned in the tender, or easily through Google, LinkedIn, FaceBook or Twitter to find potential customers about personal background.


  6, so your presentation looks like any other company will make do with what used to bring the same. Of your potential customers do not take any specific measures. In fact, the only one without a demonstration of features and potential customers not to conduct any research, or certainly did not look tender. This requires you to do some preparation. In the upper right corner of your proposal written on the "draft" word, and also to the bottom of each page "insert company name."


  7, if you have questions about anything, do a lot of assumptions, but do not ask questions. In this way, you will provide a trivial solution.


  8 When you are asked a direct question, not answered. The conversation with a rambling diverge. If you do not know the answer, as far as possible and the other gossip, until everyone in the room I hope you had said: "I do not know. I look back will tell you."


  9, not to bring key members of the team. If the key to a project depends on your specific team members to ensure that he or she was not on the scene. In this way, and all issues relating to this aspect can not be answered. See 8.


  Is the essence of the potential customers want to know you understand the parameters of their projects, and they will cooperate with the team is capable of, good observation and faithful and reliable. If you can not even participate in sales meetings to do this (which is the minimum), it is ready for it without success.