荷花的别称:礼节美语:Romance in the Office (英语听力)ZT

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/13 21:28:49
(Office ambience)
C:Amy, 我有点私事儿想请教你。
A:What is it, Chen Hao?
C:销售部来了一个新的女同事,叫Kate. 我想请她出去约会。
A:Then why don't you?
A:You're smart to check it out first. We used to have that policy, but our management decided that we spend so much time at work and with co-workers that it wasn't fair to impose that restriction.
A:But there are a few issues you should consider if you are going to date Kate or any other co-worker.
A:Before you get serious, you need to discuss what you will do if things don't work out. You will want to avoid any bad feelings between you.
A:That's exactly what I mean. I have seen it happen. When co-workers stop dating, one or both will often try exact some sort of revenge in the office.
A:So how did your date go? Kate did accept, didn't she?
A:What did she say?
A:Even if they pressure you? Some people can be pretty nosy and persistent. They'll want to know every detail of your relationship.
A:I guess you'll be seeing her again.
A:That is another danger of dating a co-worker.
A:That's right. If your productivity and performance begin to suffer, others will notice and you will jeopardize your position.
C:对呀,如果真的影响到工作,对我们在公司的发展不利。这一点我倒是没想到。Amy, 你再提醒提醒我,都要注意些什么?
A: The first thing is to know the company policy. Decide how you will handle the relationship around the office and what you will do if things don't work out.
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