萨摩幼犬多少钱:Development key to Xinjiang's stability: regional chairman

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Development key to Xinjiang's stability: regional chairman

08:53, March 03, 2011      

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Raising living standards through economic development is key to maintaining social stability in China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, regional chairman Nur Bakeri said Wednesday.

From 2011 to 2015, the regional government would continue to boost economic development in Xinjiang to improve living standards, and make people richer and happier, Nur Bakeri said on the region's plan for the next five years.

"Development is our top priority and stability is our greatest responsibility. Without development, there would be no stability and vice versa."

Xinjiang aims to boost its per capita GDP to China's average by 2015. To realize the goal, it will speed up urbanization, build modern industries and modernize animal husbandry, Nur Bakeri said.

"Improving living standards is the essential starting point and ultimate goal of all government work from 2011 to 2015," he said.

In 2010, Xinjiang spent more than 110 billion yuan, or about 70 percent of the region's total budget expenditure, on improving living standards, he said.

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