
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 11:56:21
答案在你心中(注:“*”号有扩展问题)  11.假设你有一种能力:只要想着某个人死,然后重复说两次“再见”,那人就会自然死亡,根本没有人怀疑到你。你会使用这种能力吗?*     You are given the power to kill people simply by thinking of their deaths and twice repeating the word "good-bye".People would die a natural death and no one would suspect you. Are there any situations in which you would use this power? 11.*你动过杀人的念头吗?或者希望一个人死掉?你想像过间接杀人吗?看着这个人的眼睛你还有勇气把他捅死吗?       If  you can imagine yourself killing someone indirectly,could you still see doing so if you had to look into the person's eyes and stab the person to death?Have you ever genuinely wanted to killsomeone or wished someone dead? 12.如果让三十岁的你再活六十年,你愿意在以后的日子里,保持三十岁的身体呢,还是三十岁的精神?     If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the body or the mind of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life,which would you want? 13.你构想的“完美”夜晚是什么样的?     What would constitute a "perfect" evening for you? 14.你愿意事业上功成名就,个人生活却平庸无奇呢?还是愿意个人生活幸福美满,事业却乏善可陈呢?*     Would you rather be extremely successful professionally and have a tolerable yet unexciting private life,or have an extreable and uninspiring professional life? 14*既然个人幸福如此重要,为什么还是有很多人把更多的精力投入职业生涯中去?你是否考虑过工作和生活谁优先?你是不是认为工作更重要?还是把工作视为一种替代品?你希望成功的事业有助于个人的幸福吗?      Since so many place great emphasis on a happy private life,why do people often wind up putting more energy into their professional lives?If you feel your priorities support this?Are you simply unwilling to admit that works is more important?Do you use work as a substitute?Do you hope professional success will somehow magically lead to personal happiness? 15.你最崇拜的人是谁?他在哪些方面激励了你?     Whom do you admire most?In what way does that person inspire you? 16.如果你的孩子一出生,你就可以替他选定终生职业,你会不会这样做?     If at birth you could select the profession your child would eventually pursure,would you do so? 17.如果让你变得极其丑陋,便可享寿千年,你愿不愿意?*     Would you be willing to become extremely ugly physically if it meant you would live for 1,000 years at any physical age you chose? 17*你会以貌取人吗?如果你不再漂亮迷人,你的生活会发生变化吗?你觉得长得长生不老可信吗?你觉得最理想的寿命是多大?      How much are you affected by a person's physiccal appearance? How would it change your life if something happened to make you much less attractive than you are now?      Do you find anything disturbing about immortality? What age seems ideal to you? 18.如果有一天清晨,你醒来后发现自己拥有了未曾有过的能力与资质,你希望是什么?     If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one ability or quality,what would it be? 19.如果有缘遇到一个至爱之人,她让你充满爱的喜悦。令人伤心的是,六个月内她就会死去。想想日后的痛苦,你还愿意遇见她,爱上她吗?万一你爱的人不会死,却背叛了你,你会怎样?*     You have the chance to meet someone with whom you can have the most satisfying love imaginable-the stuff of dreams.Sadly,you know that in six months the person will die.Knowing the pain taht wouldfollow,would you still want to meet the person and fall in love?What if you knew your lover would not die,but instead would betray you? 19*对你来说,爱情的浓度和持久度哪个更重要?对你的爱人有什么期待?你认为伴侣的什么行为让你有背叛感——冷漠?不诚实?还是不贞?      In love,is intensity or permanence more important to you?How much do you expect from someone who loves you?What would make you feel betrayed by your mate-indif-ference?dishonesty?ifidelity? 20.如果有一种办法可以让你死后的财产极大的帮助人类,你愿意接受吗?你愿意只留给家人极少的遗产吗?     If you knew of a way to use your estate,following your death,to greatly benefit humantiy,would you do it and leave only a minimal amount to your family?