
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 10:19:33

就是读文然后把感想和看法写下来.. 我写着写着总觉得自己写的有点别扭. 有人能写一个让我看看吗?.. 100个单词左右就够了.谢谢啊. www.6park.com

题目原文是: www.6park.com

Most city-folk believe that animals are for petting, not eating.
Yet,because farms deliver a product to people far removed
from its production,it it easy to forget that we meat eaters are slaughterers too - at least by proxy. Beginnning in the 1990s, animal welfare advocates like People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals began to inform the consuming public about the realities of so-called factory farming. They explained how cows,pigs and poultry are often condemned to sunless and sometimes awful lives, only to die with needless cruelty.These advocates led protests against the largest hamburger chains. After initial resistance,in 2001 the chains agreed to some improvements.McDonald's and Burger King imposed guidelines for their meat and egg supplier:extra water, wing room,and fresh air for egg-laying hens;electric shock stunning of pigs and cattle before slaughter. Perhaps this is more than you wanted to know about the life and death of the creatures who made that ham and eggs on your plate possible. Yet many Americans are increasingly interested in asking. Retailers see advantages in appealing to kinder and gentler meat-eaters. There is a growing realization that this humane movement is a long-term movement and this is part of our responsibility for our choices as consumer. Whether to eat the meat of animals treated very badly during their lifetimes or to buy so-called blood diamonds or clothes made in sweatshops become parallel questions, and changing consumer choices reflect a profound shift of attitudes. www.6park.com
