
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 00:40:42
 2009-11-14 14:38 jac, ject throw reject, eject, project, trajectory, interject, dejected, inject, ejaculate, adjacent join, junct join adjoining, enjoin, juncture, conjunction, injunction, conjunction judice judge prejudice jug, junct, just to join junction, adjust, conjugal juven young juvenile, rejuvenate labor work laborious, belabor lau, lav, lot, lut wash launder, lavatory, lotion, ablution, dilute lect, leg, lig choose, gather, select, read collect, legible, eligible leg law legal, legislate, legislature, legitimize -less Adjective: without, missing motiveless levi light alleviate, levitate, levity lex, leag, leg law legal, college, league liber, liver free liberty, liberal, liberalize, deliverance lide strike collide, nuclide liter letters literary, literature, literal, alliteration, obliterate loc, loco place, area location, locally, locality, allocate, locomotion log, logo, ology word, study, say, speech, reason, study catalog, prologue, dialogue, zoology, logo loqu, locut talk, speak eloquent, loquacious, colloquial, circumlocution luc, lum, lun, lus, lust light translucent, luminary, luster, luna, illuminate, illustrate lude play prelude -ly Adverb: in the manner of fluently macr-, macer lean emaciated, meager magn great magnify, magnificent, magnanimous, magnate, magnitude, magnum main strength, foremost mainstream, mainsail, domain, remain mal bad, badly malformation, maladjusted, dismal, malady, malcontent,malfunction, malfeasance, maleficent man, manu hand, make, do manual, manage, manufacture, manacle, manicure, manifest, maneuver, emancipate, management mand command mandatory, remand, mandate mania madness mania, maniac, kleptomania, pyromania mar, mari, mer sea, pool marine, marsh, maritime, mermaid matri mother matrimony, maternal, matriarchate, matron medi half, middle, between, halfway mediate, medieval, Mediterranean, mediocre, medium mega great, million megaphone, megaton, megaflop, megalomaniac, megabyte, megalopolis mem recall, remember memo, commemoration, memento, memoir, memorable ment mind mental, mention -ment Noun: condition or result document meso middle mesomorph, mesoamerica, mesosphere meta beyond, change metaphor, metamorphosis, metabolism, metahistorical, metainformation meter measure meter, voltammeter, barometer, thermometer metr admeasure, apportion metrics, asymmetric, parametric, telemetry micro small, millionth microscope, microfilm, microcard, microwave, micrometer, microvolt migra wander migrate, emigrant, immigrate mill, kilo thousand millennium, kilobyte, kiloton milli thousandth millisecond, milligram, millivolt min little, small minute, minor, minuscule mis wrong, bad, badly misconduct, misinform, misinterpret, mispronounce, misnomer, mistake, misogynist mit, miss send emit, remit, submit, admit, commit, permit, transmit, omit, intermittent, mission, missile mob, mov, mot move motion, remove, mobile, motor mon warn, remind monument, admonition, monitor, premonition mono one monopoly, monotype, monologue, mononucleosis, monorail, monotheist, mor, mort mortal, death mortal, immortal, mortality, mortician, mortuary morph shape, form amorphous, dimorphic, metamorphosis, morphology, polymorphic, morpheme, amorphous multi many, much multifold, multilingual, multiped, multiply, multitude, multipurpose, multinational nano billionth nanosecond, nanobucks nasc, nat, gnant, nai to be born nascent, native, pregnant, naive nat, nasc to be from, to spring forth innate, natal, native, renaissance neo new Neolithic, nuveau riche, neologism, neophyte, neonate -ness Noun: state, condition, quality kindness neur nerve neuritis, neuropathic, neurologist, neural, neurotic nom law, order autonomy, astronomy, gastronomy, economy nom, nym name nominate, synonym nomen, nomin name nomenclature, nominate, ignominious non nine nonagon non not nonferrous, nonsense, nonabrasive, nondescript nov new novel, renovate, novice, nova, innovate nox, noc night nocturnal, equinox, noctilucent numer number numeral, numeration, enumerate, innumerable numisma coin numismatics ob, oc, of, op toward, against, in the way oppose, occur, offer, obtain oct eight octopus, octagon, octogenarian, octave oligo few, little Oligocene, oligosaccharide, oligotrophic, oligarchy omni all, every omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, omnivorous onym name anonymous, pseudonym, antonym, synonym oper work operate, cooperate, opus -or Noun: condition or activity valor, honor, humor, minor ortho straight, correct orthodox, orthodontist, orthopedic, unorthodox -ory Noun: place for, serves for territory, rectory -ous, -eous, -ose, -ious Adjective: having the quality of, relating to adventurous, courageous, verbose, fractious over excessive, above overwork, overall, overwork pac peace pacifist, pacify, pacific ocean pair, pare arrange, assemblage, two repair, impair, compare, prepare paleo old Paleozoic, Paleolithic, paleomagnetism, paleopsychology pan all Pan-American, pan-African, panacea, pandemonium (place of all the demons), para beside paradox, paraprofessional, paramedic, paraphrase, parachute pat, pass, path feel, suffer patient, passion, sympathy, pathology pater, patr father paternity, patriarch, patriot, patron, patronize path, pathy feeling, suffering pathos, sympathy, antipathy, apathy, telepathy ped, pod foot pedal, impede, pedestrian, centipede, tripod, podiatry, antipode, podium pedo child orthopedic, pedagogue, pediatrics pel, puls drive, push, urge compel, dispel, expel, repel, propel, pulse, impulse, pulsate, compulsory, expulsion, repulsive pend, pens, pond hang, weigh pendant, pendulum, suspend, appendage, pensive, append per through, intensive persecute, permit, perspire, perforate, persuade peri around periscope, perimeter, perigee, periodontal phage eat macrophage, bacteriophage phan, phas, phen, fan, phant, fant show, make visible phantom, fantasy phe speak blaspheme, cipher, phenomenon, philosopher phil love philosopher, philanthropy, philharmonic, bibliophile phlegma inflammation phlegm, phlegmatic phobia, phobos fear phobia, claustrophobia, acrophobia, aquaphobia, ergophobia, homophobia phon sound telephone, phonics, phonograph, phonetic, homophone, microphone, symphony, euphonious phot, photo light photograph, photoelectric, photogenic, photosynthesis, photon pico trillionth picofarad, picocurie, picovolt pict paint, show, draw picture, depict plac, plais please placid, placebo, placate, complacent pli, ply fold reply, implicate, ply plore cry out, wail implore, exploration, deploring plu, plur, plus more plural, pluralist, plus pneuma, pneumon breath pneumatic, pneumonia, pod foot, feet podiatry, tripod poli city metropolis, police, politics, Indianapolis, megalopolis, acropolis poly many polytheist, polygon, polygamy, polymorphous pon, pos, pound place, put postpone, component, opponent, proponent, expose, impose, deposit, posture, position, expound, impound pop people population, populous, popular port carry porter, portable, transport, report, export, import, support, transportation portion part, share portion, proportion post after, behind postpone, postdate pot power potential, potentate, impotent pre, pur before precede prehendere seize, grasp apprehend, comprehend, comprehensive, prehensile prin, prim, prime first primacy, prima donna, primitive, primary, primal, primeval, prince, principal pro for, foward propel proto first prototype, protocol, protagonist, protozoan, Proterozoic, protoindustrial psych mind, soul psyche, psychiatry, psychology, psychosis punct point, dot punctual, punctuation, puncture, acupuncture, punctuation pute think dispute, computer quat, quad four quadrangle, quadruplets quint, penta five quintet, quintuplets, pentagon, pentane, pentameter quip ship equip, equipment quir, quis, quest, quer seek, ask query, inquire, exquisite, quest