蚕变成飞蛾后吃什么:101 个人发展的网站

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 01:53:45
101 个关于个人发展的网站
广南子 收录于2007-08-13 阅读数:
101 个关于个人发展的网站
译者注: 请不要试图一次看完, 你需要做的, 是把这篇文章收藏起来,然后当你觉得有时间的时候, 随机打开一个. 如果喜欢,就 订阅 .
Lifehacker43 FoldersLifehack.orgWeb Worker DailyDumb Little ManZen HabitsLifeDevProductivity501Black Belt ProductivityLifeCleverSlacker ManagerInstigator BlogThe Optimized LifeCranking Widgets BlogIan’s Messy Desk
个人发展(Personal Development)
Steve PavlinaRirian ProjectScott H Youngsteve-olson.comWise Bread Personal Finance ForumIntelligent Self Improvement at PickTheBrain.comLife OptimizerThe Positivity BlogChange Your thoughtsToday is That DayLife Coaches BlogBrianKim.netThe Happiness ProjectShards of ConsciousnessCultivate GreatnessGenius TypesEvolving TimesCraig Harper - Motivational SpeakerChief Happiness OfficerMeditations on Meaning
心智激励(Mentally Stimulating)
这些站点专注于艺术与科学, 给人以启迪.
kottke.orgMargin EvolutionFreakonomics BlogLanguage LogCognitive DailyCosmic VarianceScientific AmericanNature.comBoing BoingViolent AcresPostSecretDilbert BlogMcSweeney’sBibliOdysseyMetaFilterGrow-A-BrainIndexedDyskeThink ExistBrainy QuoteMind HacksHalf SigmaThe Assimilated NegroNeatorama
商业,博客以及经济上的成功(Business, Blogging, and Financial Success)
尽管它们中的许多站是面向与我类似的bloger和站长们的, 还是有一些是适合大众的. 它们致力于帮助你取得经济上的成功.
The Motley FoolFast CompanySEO BookPronet AdvertisingGet Rich SlowlyThe Simple DollarI Will Teach You to be RichBrazen CareeristThe Digerati LifeSlow LeadershipProBloggerJohn Chow dot ComGaping VoidCopybloggerSEOmozGraywolf’s SEO BlogDaily Blog TipsAlister Cameron - BlogologistChris GarretSmashing MagazineEntrepreneur’s JourneyQuick SproutShoemoneyTropical SEODuct Tape MarketingNet Business BlogeMoms at HomeJakob Nielsen on Web UsabilitySeth Godin
教育参考资料与阅读(Educational References and Reading)
These sites contain massive amounts of information and are my favorite destinations (other than Google) for serious research or casual reading. 这些站点包含大量的信息, 是除Google之外我最喜爱的. 对认真的研究和随性的阅读都很好.
BartlebyProject GutenbergHow Stuff WorksGoogle Book SearchThe Internet Classics ArchiveThe Online Books PageThe Online Poetry ArchiveClassic Short StoriesOnline Education ResourcesLibriVox (free audio books)Audio Books For FreeWikipediaLudwig von Mises InstitueeHow
101 Online Self Improvement Resources by John Wesley
翻译 by河流 @LifePro