
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 15:49:27



学校:__________________ 班级:________________ 姓名:__________________ 考号:__________________




1.What does the man do?

A.A taxi driver.  B.A hotel receptionist. C.A waiter.

2.What does the man mean?

A.He really doesn’t like any fruit.

B.He likes both apples and oranges.

C.He likes bananas more than any other fruit.

3.What career does the woman’s brother plan to follow?

A.Interpersonal relationship research.

B.Art and history.

C.Business administration.

4.Why did the man want someone to come up to his apartment?

A.He needed an electrician.  B.The water was running.

C.There was no heat.

5.What does the man mean?

A.It’s too far away to walk to.  B.It’s within walking distance.

C.He always walks to the train station.



6.What might be the relationship between the speakers?

A.Workmates.  B.Husband and wife.


7.What will the woman do if the telephone rings again?

A.Call the man home.  B.Answer the phone herself.

C.Go to the neighbor’s.

8.How does the man feel?

A.Angry.      B.Disappointed.  C.Anxious.


9.When does the woman usually watch TV?

A.After midnight.  B.When she is bored.

C.After she has dinner.

10.Why was the man unhappy?

A.He lost his meal tickets.  B.The food was terrible.

C.The TV program was boring.

11.Why did the man feel even worse?

A.He didn’t sleep well.  B.He wasted so much time.

C.The woman had the same problem.


12.What did George’s sister do yesterday?

A.She looked after her baby.  B.She stayed at home all day.

C.She did some shopping.

13.What did the woman want to invite George to do last night?

A.To a concert.  B.To meet her friend Mary.

C.To have dinner together.

14.Which of the following is TRUE according to the conversation?

A.George stayed at home for a whole day yesterday.

B.The woman invited George to go shopping with her.

C.Both of them knew about the concert.


15.What does the woman do?

A.A policewoman.  B.A librarian.  C.A student.

16.When did the man borrow the book?

A.On September 17.  B.On a rainy day.  C.On September 7.

17.What do you know about the book?

A.The man returned it.     B.It was lost.

C.The records on it were correct.


18.What or who made Dick turn back to London?      

A.Some bells ringing in London.

B.A rich merchant.

C.His only friend,a cat.

19.How did Dick get a lot of money first?

A.He sent goods to trade in Africa.

B.He sold his cat.

C.He found a job with a rich merchant.

20.Why did they say the bells of London had been right?

A.Because Dick became rich.

B.Because Dick was made Lord Mayor of London.

C.Because Dick traded a lot of goods.


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

 21.—Do you know why the project is stopped now?

—It’s said that all the money borrowed from the bank has________.

A.run out of  B.run out   C.used up   D.let out

22.With great efforts of the peace­loving people all over the world,the country________the war.

A.survived  B.survived from

C.survived on  D.survived to

23.The boy________the moon for a while and then returned to tell me something about it excitedly.

A.noticed  B.observed  C.saw  D.glared

24.(2009年辽宁卷)Peter’s jacket looked just the same as Jack’s,but it cost________his.

A.as much twice as  B.twice as much as

C.much as twice as  D.as twice much as

25.—Where is Bob?I cannot find him anywhere.

—He________have been off long.I heard him make a call just now.

A.shouldn’t  B.can’t    C.mustn’t  D.needn’t

26.We firmly________the fundamental principles of Marxism­Leninism.

A.stand up  B.stand about  C.stand by  D.stand back

27.They have to put off the meeting.Mr Zhang is________not to arrive on time because of traffic jam.

A.possible  B.probable  C.like  D.likely

28.It is known that squirrels often hide a large________nuts in side trees in autumn.

A.quantity of  B.deal of  C.many  D.plenty

29.We all know that this activity can help the city bid for the Olympics,which________will promote its economic development.

A.in fact   B.in nature  C.in turn  D.in return

30.—Is that the small company you often refer to?

—Right,just the one________you know I used to work for years.

A.that  B.which   C.as  D.where

31.At the meeting he didn’t________well,so everyone was in a puzzle about his idea.

A.get out  B.get across  C.get off  D.get away

32.The time has come________we can make extensive use of nuclear energy.

A.when  B.which   C.since  D.while

33.________let her brother continue his study,she had to leave school and do manual work in the town.

A.So as to  B.In order to

C.In order that  D.So that

34.Chinese differs greatly________Japanese________pronunciation.

A.from;in  B.with;at  C.from;on  D.in;from

35.She has made great progress in her studies but she said what she had achieved was________little compared to the teacher’s expectation.

A.so far  B.too far  C.far from  D.far too

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

One in five US workers regularly attends after­work drinks with co­workers,where the most common things__36__from bad­mouthing (说坏话) anohter worker to__37__too much,according to a study released on Tuesday.

Most workers__38__so­called “happy hours” to bond with (培养关系) colleagues,__39__15 percent go to hear the__40__office gossip and 13 percent go because they feel forced,said the survey__41__for CarreeBuilder.com,an online job site.

__42__what happens when the after­work drinks__43__,16 percent__44__bad­mouthing a colleague,10 percent__45__a secret about a colleague,8 percent kissed a colleague and 8 percent said they drank too much and acted__46__.

Five percent said they had shared a secret about the company,and 4 percent__47__singing karaoke.

__48__21 percent of those who attend say happy hours are good for networking,85 percent said attending had not helped them__49__someone higher up or get a better__50__.

A(n)__51__number of men and women said they attend happy hours with co­workers,__52__younger workers age 25 to 34 most likely and workers over 55__53__likely to attend.

__54__,21 percent of workers attend happy hours with co­workers and,of those,nearly a quarter go at least once a month.

The survey was conducted online among 6,987 full­time __55__between February 11 and March 13.

36.A.separate  B.depend  C.range  D.happen

37.A.drinking  B.playing  C.working  D.demanding

38.A.devote  B.focus  C.accept  D.attend

39.A.because  B.although  C.where  D.as

40.A.special  B.common  C.late  D.latest

41.A.conducted  B.functioned

C.carried  D.put

42.A.Other than  B.Apart from  C.As to  D.As with

43.A.take  B.flow  C.deliver  D.fly

44.A.recognized  B.reported  C.believed  D.imagined

45.A.shared  B.made  C.admitted  D.declared

46.A.wisely  B.diligently  C.urgently  D.foolishly

47.A.took up  B.stood out  C.admitted to  D.held on

48.A.While  B.Despite  C.When  D.Whether

49.A.adopt themselves to  B.focus them on

C.stand up to  D.get closer to

50.A.situation  B.position  C.sight  D.view

51.A.proper  B.adequate  C.equal  D.important

52.A.with  B.for  C.without  D.beyond

53.A.best  B.very  C.necessarily  D.least

54.A.However  B.Overall  C.Actually  D.Instead

55.A.managers  B.assistants  C.empolyees  D.trainers



Kids will often ignore your requests for them to shut off the TV,start their chores (杂事),or do their homework as a way to avoid following your directions.Before you know it,you’ve started to sound like a broken record as you repeatedly ask them to do their assignments,clean their room,or take out the trash.Rather than saying,“Do your chores now,” you’ll be more effective if you set a target time for when the chores have to be completed.So instead of arguing about starting chores,just say,“If chores are’t done by 4 p.m.,here are the consequences.” Then it’s up to your child to complete the chores.Put the ball back in their court.Don’t argue or fight with them,just say,“That’s the way it’s going to be.” It shouldn’t be punitive (惩罚性的) as much as it should be persuasive.“If your chores aren’t done by 4 p.m.,then no video game time until chores are done.And if finishing those chores runs into homework time,that’s going to be your loss.” On the other hand,when dealing with homework,keep it very simple.Have a time when homework starts,and at that time,all electronics go off and do not go back on until you see that their homework is done.If your child says they have no homework,then they should use that time to study or read.Either way,there should be a time set aside when the electronics are off.

When a kid wears his iPod or headphones when you’re trying to talk to him,make no bones about it;he is not ignoring you,he is disrespecting you.At that point,everything else should stop until he takes the earplugs out of his ears.Don’t try to communicate with him when he’s wearing headphones—even if he tells you he can hear you.Wearing them while you’re talking to him is a sign of disrespect.Parents should be very tough about this kind of thing.Remember,mutual respect becomes more important as children mature.

56.According to the passage,it seldom happens that________.

A.kids turn a deaf ear to their parents’ requests

B.parents’ directions sound like a broken record

C.children are ready to follow their parents’ directions

D.parents are unaware of what they are repeating to their kids

57.Parents will be able to deal with their child more effectively if they ________.

A.avoid direct ways of punishment

B.make him do things at their request

C.argue and fight with their child

D.allow their child to behave in his own way

58.When the kid is doing his homework,parents________.

A.should provide him with a good learning environment

B.can do whatever they like

C.can stay aside watching TV

D.must switch off the power

59.It can be inferred from the passage that________.

A.parents should take off his headphones when trying to have a talk with their child

B.it will make no difference that a kid is wearing his earplugs while talking to his parents

C.parents shouldn’t give in to their kid when he shows no sign of respect

D.kids’ purposely talking to their parents with iPod gives them a sense of power and control

60.The main idea of the passage is________.

A.that respecting each other is more important than anything else

B.how kids behave to ignore and disrespect their parents

C.that children should make choices and decisions on their own

D.how parents can deal with their kid’s behavior without losing their control


Sydney—A shark savaged a schoolboy’s leg while he was surfing with his father at a beach in Sydney on February 23.It was the third shark attack along the coast of Australia’s largest city in a month.

The 15­year­old boy and his father were in the water off Avalon,on Sydney’s northern beaches,around dawn when he was attacked.The city’s beaches are packed with locals and tourists during the summer months.

“The father heard a scream and turned to see his son thrashing (激烈扭动) about in the water,” police said.“Fortunately,the shark swam away and the boy was helped to the shore by his father.”

Lifesaving Club spokesman Nick Miller said,“It got him around the top of his left leg and the father came and dragged him out of water.” He said the boy was bleeding heavily when he was brought to the shore.“There was a lot of pain,as you can imagine.” The teenager was airlifted to hospital for treatment for leg injuries.

Police said the bites “cut through to the bone”,but the boy did not appear to have sustained any fractures (骨折).He was in a stable condition now.

Several beaches were closed after the attack.Water police and lifeguards were searching for the shark,while police hoped to identify its species by the shape of the bite marks.But they said it was too early to say what type of shark attacked the boy.“I don’t even know if he saw it,” Miller said.

Many shark species live in the waters off Sydney’s beaches,but attacks on humans are still relatively rare.However,there were two attacks on successive days earlier this month,one on a navy diver in Sydney harbor,not far from the famous Opera House,and the other on a surfer at the city’s world­famous Bondi beach.

Fishermen say shark numbers are on the rise.There is a ban on commercial fishing in the harbor,which has increased fish stocks.Marine experts also claim environmental protection has created a cleaner environment,attracting sharks closer to the shore as they chase fish.Many shark species,including the Great White—the man­eaters made famous in Steven Spielberg’s Jaws—are protected in Australian waters.

61.The report mainly tells us________.

A.shark attacks on humans are on the rise

B.sharks attacked humans three times in one month

C.a boy was attacked by a shark at a Sydney beach

D.shark numbers are increasing in the waters off Sydney’s beaches

62.The underlined word “savaged”  in the first paragraph probably means “________”.

A.attracted  B.dragged  C.bit  D.packed

63.What do we know about the city of Sydney from the passage?

A.It is one of the largest cities in Australia.

B.Sydney harbor is not far from the famous Opera House.

C.There are many locals and tourists on its coast all the year round.

D.There are few shark species in the waters off Sydney’s beaches.

64.About the injury of the boy we know that________.

A.he was losing much blood when he was dragged out

B.he was very nervous when he was sent to hospital

C.he may be in danger of losing his leg

D.he was injured in the right leg

65.All the following are the causes of Australia’s sharks’ increasing except that________.

A.environmental protection has created a cleaner environment

B.a ban on commercial fishing has increased fish numbers

C.many shark species are protected in Australian waters

D.the film Jaws has made the Great White famous


You may be surprised to learn that one of the best steps you can take to protect your health is to step outside and spend some time in the grass,dirt and water.

Our ancestors enjoyed the healing power of nature,and now scientists are starting to catch up.According to research in recent years,just having a view of nature has been shown to improve hospital patients’ recovery and reduce illness rates among office workers.Also,exposure to wildlife,horseback riding,hiking,camping and farms can be helpful for a variety of health conditions in adults and children.

Much of this type of research is focusing on children,and in fact an entire movement has quickly developed to connect kids with the healing power of nature.

Obesity (肥胖).Rates of childhood obesity have grown sharply in recent years,and this is partly because of reduced outdoor activity time.Increasing the time students spend learning about nature,both in and outside the classroom,would help solve this problem.Such lessons are often more attractive for students and often lead them to become more active outside.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (注意力缺失症).Exposure to ordinary natural settings in the course of common after­school and weekend activities may be effective in reducing attention deficit symptoms in children.Participation in green activities—such as nature walks—helped ADHD patients from a wide range of backgrounds to stay focused and complete tasks.

Stress.Access to nature,even houseplants,can help children cope with stress.

Depression and seasonal emotional disorder.Major depression requires medical treatment,but physical activity,especially outdoors,can help ease symptoms.For your average case of winter blues,experts suggest spending time outside every day and,if possible,taking the family to a sunny vacation spot in mid­winter.

Experts emphasize that you needn’t go to wilderness preserves to enjoy nature’s benefits—simply walking in a city park or growing in a rooftop garden can make a difference.

66.What can we infer from the first two paragraphs?

A.Ancient people were not familiar with the healing power of nature.

B.Modern people are not familiar with the healing power of nature.

C.The healing power of nature works better on children.

D.The healing power of nature works better on office workers.

67.According to Para.4,lessons about nature________.

A.should involve parents in them

B.should take place outdoors

C.are used widely at schools

D.are liked by students

68.Exposure to green areas in neighborhoods can________.

A.improve children’s skills at learning

B.help reduce ADHD symptoms

C.treat major depression

D.cure winter blues

69.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.You can only enjoy nature’s benefits in the wilderness.

B.A common natural setting is beneficial to your health.

C.A city park and a rooftop garden have different benefits.

D.Too many people in the wilderness will reduce the benefits of nature.

70.Who are the intended readers of the passage?

A.Parents.  B.Children.

C.Office workers.  D.People in general.


Each new school year brings fresh reminders of what educators call the summer learning gap.Some call it the summer learning setback.Put simply,it means the longer kids are out of school,the more they forget.The only thing they might gain is weight.

Most American schools follow a traditional nine­month calendar with winter and spring breaks and about ten weeks of summer vacation.Some schools follow a year­round calendar.They hold classes for about eight weeks at a time,with a few weeks off in between.The National Association for Year­Round Education says there were fewer than 3,000 such schools at last count.They were spread among forty­six of the fifty states.

But many experts point out that the number of class days in a year­round school is generally the same as in a traditional school.Brenda McLaughlin is research director at the National Center for Summer Learning at Johns Hopkins University.She

says studies of year­round schooling have not found strong learning gains.Lead researcher Paul von Hippel said,“Year­round schools don’t really solve the problem of the summer learning setback.They simply spread it out across the year.”

Across the country,research shows that students from poor families fall farther behind over the summer than other students.Experts say this can be prevented.They note that many schools and local governments offer programs that can help.

But calling them “summer school” could be a problem.The director of the summer learning center at Johns Hopkins,Ron Fairchild,said research with groups of different parents in Chicago and Baltimore found that almost all strongly disliked the term “summer school”.In American culture,the idea of summer vacation is connected to beliefs about freedom and the joys of childhood.The parents welcomed other terms like “summer camp”,“extra time” and “hands­on learning”.

71.According to the first paragraph,the summer learning gap________.

A.helps children to gain weight

B.leads children to work harder

C.improves children’s memories

D.affects children’s regular studies

72.Compared to traditional schools,students in the year­round ones________.

A.perform better and have more learning gains

B.have much less time for relaxation every year

C.have generally the same number of class days

D.hold more classes with more free weeks off

73.Which of the following statements is true?

A.Students from poor families often fall behind after the vacation.

B.Year­round schools can solve the problem of the learning gap.

C.There are schools in each state following a year­round calendar.

D.Nothing can help the students who fall behind after the vacation.

74.Why did almost all parents dislike the term “summer school”?

A.They cherish the children’s rights of freedom very much.

B.They are worried about the quality of the “summer school”.

C.They want their children to be forced to make up the gap.

D.They can’t afford the further study during the vacation.

75.What would be the best title of this passage?

A.Opening Summer Camps

B.Forbidding Summer Schools

C.Minding the Summer Learning Gap

D.Reforming Year­Round Education



第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)

(1)I really don’t need anything for Christmas.I had the best gift ever last night,watching my two sons reading their books before bedtime.They were each in different rooms,engrossed in their pages,with no TV,music or anything else in the background.I will take this small gift any time,any day,any season.

(2)Like anyone else,I had lots of other interests,but once I discovered reading I was pretty much hooked.I read everything—books,magazines,newspapers,the backs of cereal boxes or orange juice cartons if there was nothing else on the table at the moment.I have my parents to thank in large part for the love of reading.They were always working on something.

(3)With few exceptions,today’s kids are up against far more distractions (令人分心的事) than most of us ever were,and it is so EASY for them to become disengaged in reading.There’s the PlayStation or the XBox.There’s the iPod.There’s the Internet.There’s texting.And there’s peer presure.If the coolest kid in the class thinks reading a book is the most god­awful thing...

(4)I’ve told my sons that with reading comes information,knowledge,and understanding,____________________will help them at every stage in their lives,now and forever.However,we’ve gotta say it and model it.It’s not enough for the teachers to say it and require it,or for us to leave it to them.We have to,as well.

(5)Of course we have to use and acknowledge the power of new technologies in our lives.But we need to keep the reading going too.There’s a place and a need for everything.So it’s an amazing thing.It’s not Christmas yet and I already have my gift.(My__husband’s__comment__when__I__told__him__this:“Does__this__mean__I__can__return__all__of__yours?”)

76.What’s the main idea of the first paragraph?(Please answer within 15 words.)


77.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

I developed the love of reading mainly because of my parents’ influence.


78.Fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper word(s) or phrase(s) to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 10 words.)


79.Is everybody around you engaged in reading?Why do you think some of them are not engaged in reading?(Please answer within 30 words.)


80.Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.


第二节 写作(满分30分)




注意:1.词数:120~150。题目已给出,不计入总词数;2.参考词汇:地球一小时Earth Hour;鸟巢Bird’s Nest;水立方Water Cube。



















1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.B 7.A

8.C 9.B 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.A

14.C 15.B 16.A 17.A 18.A 19.B



21.B 本题考查动词辨析。  当主语是物时,“用完、用尽”用run out或用被动形式be run out of或be used up。

22.A 句意为:在世界各国爱好和平的人们的努力下这个国家才幸免于战争之苦。survive在此用做及物动词,表“幸免于……”之意。survive表示“继续存在或生存”时,才用survive from sth.,survive on sth.或survive as sth.结构。

23.B 本题考查动词辨析。根据句意:这个男孩观察了一会儿月亮,然后兴奋地告诉我有关它的情况。“观察”用observe。notice注意到;see看到;glare怒视。

24.B 倍数表达法是形容词比较等级中一种很常用的比较级结构。不管用哪种比较级结构来表示比较,表示倍数的词总是放在比较级结构的最前面。这里“twice”是倍数,用了as...as...这个比较结构。

25.B 考查情态动词的用法。  由答语的“I heard him make a call just now.”可以推断,这里要表达的意思是:他离开的时间一定不长。所以选B,意思是“不可能”,表示对过去事情否定的推测。must只能用于肯定的猜测;shouldn’t不应该;needn’t没必要。

26.C  本题考查动词短语。根据题意:我们坚决支持马列主义的基本原则。stand by支持;stand up起立,站立;stand back往后退,远离。

27.D 本句主语是“人”,而且接不定式,故只能用likely。

28.A a large quantity of为“大量的”后跟可数或不可数名词,a large deal of后跟不可数名词,C、D选项搭配不对。

29.C in fact实际上;in nature实际上,本质上;in return作为报答,均不符句意;in turn依次;反过来,转而,符合句意,为正确答案。

30.D 考查定语从句的关系词。the one指代上文的company,you know是插入语,where指代in the company,在从句中作地点状语。答语句意为:是的,就是我过去曾工作多年的那家公司。

31.B 本题考查由动词get组成的词组的用法。get out出去,离去,出版;get off下车,动身;get away离开,逃脱;get across把……讲清楚。

32.A 考查关系副词when引导的定语从句。time是先行词,指时间,在定语从句中作状语,因此引导词应是when,相当于at which。句意为:我们广泛利用核能的时代来到了。

33.B 本题考查in order to,so as to,so that与in order that的区别。  in order that与so that后跟从句。  in order to与so as to后加动词原形,但so as to不能位于句首。

34.A 本题考查动词differ的用法。表示“与……不同”时,differ和from搭配。in pronunciation表示“在发音方面”。

35.D little是形容词,根据题干来看,应用far too来修饰。so far到目前为止,常和完成时搭配;too far太远;far from绝非如此,远非;距……远,均与题意不符。

36.C 这里用range from A to B表示“从A变化到B”;从讲同事的坏话到醉酒。

37.A 从语境内容可知本题选A,既然是after­work drinks,那么这里表示他们喝酒喝多了。

38.D 这里表示去参加所谓“欢乐时光”的活动,以拉近同事关系。

39.B 语境表示转折关系,因此选B:虽然去参加所谓“欢乐时光”的人中有15%是去搜罗最新的办公室流言,大多数员工去那里都是为了拉近同事关系。

40.D 这里用latest表示“最新的,最近的”:其中15%是去搜罗最新的办公室流言。

41.A 本题用conduct表示“实施,进行”:这项为在线求职网站CareerBuilder.com所做的调查显示的结果。最后一段也作了提示。

42.C 本题用as to表示话题的转移:前面谈到参加这种“欢乐时光”活动的目的,现在谈到参加这样的活动的具体内容,因此选C“至于”。

43.B 这里叙述推杯移盏之间,用动词flow表示“流淌”。

44.B 语境表示在调查中,这些人承认自己做过什么事。

45.A 这里表示10%的人说他们会散播某位同事的秘密,用share表示“分享”。下一段“shared a secret about”也作了提示。

46.D 喝酒喝多了,做出一反常态的愚蠢行为。

47.C 和前面的叙述相同,这里表示在调查中,这些员工叙述自己参加这样的活动都做了些什么,用admit to (doing sth.)表示“承认(做错了事,犯了罪)”。

48.A 这里用while引导状语从句表示对比,“尽管,虽然”。虽然参加“欢乐时光”的人当中有21%表示此类活动有助于人际关系。

49.D 语境表示“85%的人则表示参加此类活动并不能让他们跟某些高层人士更加接近”,用get close to表示“接近,靠近”。

50.B 这里表示这样的聚会对于这些员工的升职没有什么帮助,用B表示“位置,地位”。

51.C 从选项看,本题选C,表示“男性和女性跟同事共赴‘欢乐时光’的人数是一样的”。

52.A 这里是一个独立主格结构,用with+名词+形容词。

53.D 这里表示对比,用least与前面的most对应:年龄在25到34岁之间的年轻员工是最有可能参加此类活动的人群,而55岁以上的员工参加的可能性是最低的。

54.B 这里对前面的调查数据作回顾,因此选B“总的来说”。句意为:总的来说,有21%的员工下班后会与同事共赴“欢乐时光”,而他们当中有近四分之一的人每月至少去一次。

55.C 从前面的叙述可知,这个调查的对象是US workers,因此选C。


56.B 因果判断题。A项错误,是求学而非就业;文章并没有提及哪个地方的大学更好,排除C项;文章也没有提及是为了提高外语水平和结交外国朋友,排除D项;依文章第二段最后两句可以得出B项为其目的。

57.B 推理判断题。A项明显错误,并非指没有了父母的孩子;C项错误,目的是上大学,并非指拥有大学教育的孩子;D项表述错误,亚洲不讲英语的孩子有很多,这里强调的是在国外求学的亚洲孩子;依文章最后一段中的“To be a ‘satellite kid’means to grow up in a country where you know you are different and where you cannot make friends because you do not speak English well.Also,it means to grow up alone...”可知B项正确。“means”一词,起到了下定义的作用。

58.C 细节理解题。依文章倒数第二段最后一句话“Therefore,these children become‘satellite kids’...”可知,前文是其原因,由此得出答案为C项。

59.D 主旨大意题。文章讨论了“satellite kids”这一群体的成因及这些孩子的表现和心声,由此可知,本文是以“孩子”为中心来写的,由此排除A、B、C三项。

60.D 推理判断题。本文作者讲这个故事目的是给人们传递“好人有好报”这个道理,故答案为D项及“传递a lesson(=experience)”。

61.B 推理判断题。从文章开头的叙述可知,这两位老人到达该旅馆的时候是凌晨1点。而且当时镇上有三个会议,再结合倒数第二段中老人将新建的豪华酒店交由该店员管理等信息可推知,老人夫妻俩并非没钱住豪华的房间,故B项错误。

62.C 词义猜测题。从画线词的语境和选项看,该词与镇上的旅馆客满有关,因此这里表示有三个“会议”同时在该镇举行,而不是三个“房间、套间、旅馆”。

63.D 推理判断题。从故事情节的发展不难判断选D。这个职员的热心帮助换来了被帮助人的厚报,使他成为世界豪华酒店的经理,这正应验了“好人有好报”。

64.D 推理判断题。由第二段内容可知,当作者说自己杀了人时,没有人表示出惊讶或其他类似惊讶的反应,只有一个司机答话了,而他也只是问具体地点,因此D项正确,即他对此很冷漠。

65.C 推理推断题。由第三段可知,当作者告诉司机自己失业,因此感到对生活失去了希望时,他们极力地劝说他不要失去信心。而当作者提出要到华盛顿大桥中央的时候,一位司机拒绝载他,当然是害怕他会自杀。即C项合理。

66.A 细节理解题。由文章最后一句话中的“but I think he wanted me to learn that even a bank robber can’t expect unconditional support”可知答案。

67.C 通读全文,尤其是根据第一段可知,本文主要介绍出租车司机对乘客的个人麻烦所持的态度。

68.A 根据第三段最后一句可知答案。

69.C 根据第四段的叙述以及文章最后一句可知版权所有的作品不可擅自作为他用,所以重新出版是侵权行为。

70.B 根据后面所接宾语this process以及后一句“When the terms of the copyright protection end,...”当版权条款结束时,作品会被放到公共区域,可以推测该词意思为“监控”。

71.D 根据最后一段倒数第三句“ So this may be why many people believe that all information on the Internet is in the public domain”可以确定,C选项正是人们误认为的公共区域的概念。根据第四段最后一句可知A项的说法正确;根据第五段最后一句确定B选项正确;根据第五段第一句“ Publicly owned works,...are part of the public domain”确定D项正确。

【语篇解读】 本文通过对几个研究的描述,介绍了消费者付小费的多少会受到哪些因素的影响。

72.D 由第二段第二、三句可知,除服务本身外,侍者的语言选用、举止、账单的数目甚至侍者自己提醒消费者应付多少小费,都会影响消费者最终付小费的额度。

73.C 由第四段最后一句可知答案。

74.D 由倒数第二段可知,账单数目越大,小费比例越小,当账单达到$100以上时,小费比例基本稳定。由此可知D项正确。

75.D 本文通过几个研究的结果来告诉我们影响付小费额度的因素,由此可知,作者对两位研究人员的研究成果是支持的。


76.Names 77.Deathdate 78.economist 79.book 80.activities 81.government 82.road 83.against 84.Comments



Protect Wild Animals

Wild animals are man’s close friends.They not only provide us with fun but also play a key role in keeping the balance of nature.

Unfortunately,they are being overhunted,and some species are dying out.If it goes on like this,man is to be punished.

In order to stay away from the seemingly faraway disaster,man has to do something.First,effective laws must be passed to  give  the  illegal  hunters  proper punishment.Second,we must set up nature reserves  to  provide  the  animals  with comfortable habitats.Third,people’s awareness of environment protection should be raised to a higher level.