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Healthy eating
I. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标和要求:
1.Topics 话题
1>Talk about healthy food and junk food
2>Talk about eating habits and health
2.Function: 交际功能
看病(seeing a doctor)
Patient: I’ve got a pain here. This place hurts. I don t feel well. There is sth. wrong with...
Doctor: Lie down and let me examine you.  Let me have a look.  Where does it hurt?
Drink plenty of water and get some rest.
发表意见 (giving advice and making suggestions)
What can I do for you?  Can I help you? What’s the matter? I advise you to...  You d better...
I think you should...    Why not...    I suggest you...   Why don’t you...?
3.Vocabulary 重点词汇和短语
fat; stomach; fever; salad; peach; ripe; ought; examine; plenty; energy; soft; bar; fuel; diet; pace; bean; fibre; mineral; function; chemical; balance; fit; digest; gain; sleepy; brain; peel; tasty; mushroom; steam; boil; bacon; lettuce; mixture; spoonful; slice; junk food; ought to; plenty of; keep up with; make a choice; now and then; roll up
情态动词(1)---had better; should; ought to
1 就某事向某人提出建议或发表自己的观点---使用had better(not)
2 劝说某人做某事或不要做某事,向某人提出忠告---使用should(not)或ought (not) to
II. Difficult points
III. Main teaching aids教具: A tape-recorder; Multimedia, projector, role cards
Ⅳ. Main teaching methods 教法:
1. The interaction between the teacher and the students, and among the students themselves; Attention to the students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing; and so on.
2. Listening-and–answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material.
3. Use both individual work and group or pair work to make every student work and think in class
V. Teaching procedure:
Period 1第一节
1. Talk about eating habits and health.
2. Practise seeing the doctor, giving advice and making suggestions.
3. Warming up to arouse the students love in talking.
4. Do some listening to improve the students listening ability.
5. Making simple dialogues to train the students speaking ability.
(二) 整体感知
Step 1 Presentation
Every day I have food. Food makes us feel full and happy and it also helps to build our bodies. But have you ever thought what you eat is junk food or healthy food? Today we’re going to learn something about food.
Step 2 Warming up
(1) Open your books on Page 1 and look at the eight pictures in it. Discuss in pairs what are junk foods or healthy foods.
Photo 1: Junk food: fast food     (French fries and hamburgers)
Photo 2: Chinese street food      (dumplings, corn, noodles, and rice)
Photo 3: Food group: vegetables   (cabbages, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers)
Photo 4: Food group:            (peanuts, fried bread, nuts)
Beans and nuts; bread and grains
Photo 5: Food group: fruits        (bananas, apples, pears, oranges, grapes)
Photo 6: Food group: meats       (beef, chicken, pork, fish)
Photo 7: Junk food: desserts            (ice cream, candy, candy bars, chocolates)
Photo 8: Food group:            (tofu, mushrooms)
Vegetables; beans and nuts
(2) Ask your classmates what they like to eat. And fill in the table.
Step 3 Listening comprehension
Now let’s have some listening training. In this activity Ss will hear a conversa­tion between a mother and her son. Mike, the son, is trying to recall everything he had to eat earlier that day. Instructions Have Ss listen to the tape script carefully and then answer the questions.
Part 1
MIKE: Ohhh, ouch, my stomach hurts!
MUM: What's wrong, Mike?
MIKE: Oh, my stomach hurts. I must have eaten too much today. .
MUM: Well, what did you eat?
MIKE: For breakfast, I had two pieces of chocolate, a glass of coke and two cookies.
MUM: That isn't a very healthy breakfast. What else did you eat?
MIKE: Around 8:30 I was hungry again, so I ate an apple and a bag of potato chips.
MUM: Uh-huh.
MIKE: And then I had a couple of sandwiches at ten. MUM: That's a lot of food! Did you eat anything else?
MIKE: Well, yes, I had lunch, too.
MUM: What did you have for lunch?
MIKE: Hmm, let me see, I had two hamburgers, two large orders of French fries, an apple pie, and a large milkshake.
MUM: Oh, my! Well, no wonder your stomach hurts. But maybe we should go to see the doctor just to be sure.
1 He has a stomachache.
2 Two pieces chocolate, a glass of coke, and two cookies.
3 Answers will vary since Ss are asked their opinions.
DOCTOR: Hi, Mike. Hi, Mrs. Peterson. How are you?
MUM: I'm fine, thanks. But Mike has a stomach­ache. He ate too much today. All junk food.
DOCTOR: Well, let's take a look. Come here, Mike. Where does it hurt?
MIKE: On the left side, right here.
MIKE: Ouch! Yes!
DOCTOR: Hmm. Let me check and see if you have a fever. Put this in your mouth.
MIKE:  Hmmffgg.
DOCTOR: Now, let's see. No, your temperature is nor­mal. Your mum's right - you probably just ate too much. Here, take these pills tonight and tomorrow morning and see if you feel better. If anything changes or you don't feel better, give me a call.
MUM: Thank you, doctor.
MIKE: Ouch. Yeah, thanks, doctor.
1 His left side hurts.
2 No, he doesn't. His temperature is normal.
3 Take some pills and call him if there is a problem.
Step 4 Speaking practice
Everyone wants to be healthy and strong. But sometimes we are not feeling well. When we re ill, we d better go and see a doctor and the doctor will look over us and give us some advice. Now we’re going to practice some everyday English used by doctors and patients. Here are three situations for you. Choose one of them and make up a dialogue with your partner according to the example given and then act out.
Sample dialogue 1:
D= Doctor; L = Lily
D: What seems to be the trouble, Lily?
L: I'm not sure. My back hurts but so do my legs.
D: Oh? Let's have a look. Does your back hurt here?
L: No, a little lower.
D: How about here?
L: Ouch. Yes, right there. Ohhh.
D: Show me where your legs hurt.
L: They hurt behind my knees and here on this part. D: That's called the calf of your leg. Well, you might have two problems.
L: Two problems? Oh no, is that serious?
D: I don't think so. Have you done any heavy lifting recently?
L: Why, yes. Last night I helped my cousin carry some boxes of books to her room. We had to walk all the way from her school.
D: I see. Well, you have a sore back from lifting too much. Have your mum rub it for you.
L: OK. But what about my legs?
D: Nothing to worry about them. They're just tired from so much walking! So take a rest today.
L: Oh, great! No housework! Thanks, Doctor.
Sample dialogue 2
D = Doctor; P = Patient
D: Good morning. How are you feeling today?
P: Good morning, doctor. Oh, I'm not feeling so good. D: What's the matter?
P: I'm coughing all the time.
D: I see. And do you have a fever?
P: Yes, I think I do. And I have a terrible headache.
D: OK. Lie down and let me examine you. Let's check your temperature. (The doctor takes the patient's tem­perature.) Well, you have a bit of a fever, but nothing to worry about. Let's listen to your cough. (The doc­tor asks the patient to cough and listens to the patient's chest and breathing.) It sounds ok. You have a cough, but your lungs sound fine. Do you have difficulty breathing?
P: No. I just have a cough.
D: I think you have a cold. I will give you some medi­cine for your cough. Drink lots of water and get plenty of rest. Stay in bed until your fever goes down. If the fever doesn't go down, or if it goes up, please call me immediately.
P: Thank you, doctor.
Sample dialogue 3
D = Doctor; P = Patient
P: Ouch! Doctor, doctor, please help me. Ow, it hurts!
D: Calm down. Where does it hurt?
P: My arm hurts, right there. I fell off my bike and hurt my arm.
D: Let me have a look. Hmm, that's a big bruise. Can you move your fingers?
P: Yes, but it hurts.
D: It looks like your arm might be broken. We are going    to have to x-ray it to make sure. Please go with the nurse.
Step 5 Necessary language points
Listening and speaking听说要点
1>Does Mike have a fever?
fever [用法]发烧,发热;热度;狂热,高度兴奋
[举例]He had a slight fever.    他有点发烧。
Everyone was in a fever of excitement.    所有的人都兴奋之极。
[联想]feverish a.1. 发热的,发烧的 2.狂热的,兴奋的
[举例]You re a bit feverish, you should go to bed.    你有点发烧,你该上床去。
They worked with feverish haste to finish the job.为了完成此事他们以狂热的速度工作着。
2>My left arm is broken. It really hurts.
hurt [用法]vt.1. 使受伤 2. 使疼痛 3. 伤...的感情;使(感情)受到伤害 4. 损害,危害
vi.1. 疼痛 n.1. (精神上的)创伤 2. 伤;痛
[举例]No one was seriously hurt in the traffic accident. 在这次交通事故中没有人受重伤。
The tight shoe hurt my foot. 这只鞋太紧,把我的脚挤疼了。
He inadvertently hurt her feelings. 他无意中伤了她的感情。
3>---What s the matter?---I have a pain here.
Ask the patient what is wrong and give him some advice.
What's the matter [用法]怎么啦?有什么毛病?
pain [用法]n.1. 疼痛;痛苦 2.辛苦,努力[-s] vt.1. 使烦恼,使痛苦 2. 使疼痛
vi.1. 引起疼痛,感到疼痛
[举例]It pained me to see my child suffer like that.看到我的孩子受这样的罪,我心里非常难过。
My arm is paining.  我手臂疼痛。
4>Was the peach ripe or green? You ought to be careful with fruit.
ought to [用法]1.应当,应该 2. (表示可能性、期望)该
[举例]Students ought to study hard. 学生应该努力用功。
You ought to read his novels. 你应该读读他的小说。
It ought to be a fine day tomorrow. 明天该是好天气。
careful [用法]a.1. 仔细的;小心的[(+of/about/with)][+to-v][+v-ing][+Wh-][+(that)]
[举例]John was careful not to say anything about this to her.
Be careful with the dynamite.  当心这炸药。
5>You d better get some rest.
had better [用法](劝告、建议说)最好做某事;比较有用的办法是...
6>I advise you not to eat fruit that isn’t ripe in the future.
advise [用法]vt. 劝告,忠告[(+ sb + to do)][+doing][+that+(should)do]
[举例]We advised her that she (should) wait.  我们劝她等。
We advised him not to act in haste. 我们劝他不要匆忙行事。
7>Lie down and let me examine you.
examine [用法]vt.1. 检查;细查;诊察 2. 审问;盘问[(+on)] 3. 测验[(+in/on)]
[举例]The doctor examined the boy and found there was nothing the matter with him.
Step 6 Summary小结:
Today we’ve done some listening and speaking, and learn how to give advice and some everyday English used between doctors and patients.
UNIT 1  Healthy Eating
Step 7 Homework
1. Please practice talking about going to the doctor.
2. Please preview the reading text.
Period 2第二节
1. Learn and master the following words and expressions: make choices, pace, diet, nutrient, muscle,
bean, keep up with, fibre, mineral, chemical balance, fit, be good for, function, and be harmful to.
2. Develop the students reading ability.
Step 1 Presentation
Today we come to the Reading. It s about a healthy diet and tells the importance of keeping a balanced diet. Read the text quickly and answer the following questions. Remember that this activity is intended to get Ss to begin thinking about the topic of the read­ing. As such, its purpose is more to spark discussion than to find facts.
Step 2 Pre-reading discussions
Answers to the exercises:
1 No correct answer: all three choices can provide en­ergy, but at different levels depending on when they are eaten (consumed) and how much (quantity) is con­sumed.
2 Three meals is common but answers may vary. The second part requires self-reflection.
3 Water is consumed in different liquids. Encourage Ss to consider this fact in their responses.
4 In the "Warming Up," the Ss had to consider what is and isn't a snack. Their response to this question should reinforce, or add to, their understanding of just what a snack is.
Step 3 Reading
Read the text carefully again, and give the students some explanations.
① Reading
1. What do traditional diets often have?  too much fat and too many calories
2. What can help our body fight disease and give us energy?  vitamins, fiber and minerals
3. What contains a lot of protein?   fish, meat and beans
4. Why do some people become vegetarians?
Because they believe it is healthier not to eat meat or they think we should not kill animals for food.
5. From the passage we can conclude that it is probably better, if___________.
we buy good food and keep a balanced diet
② How many paragraphs are there in this reading passage? 5
And What’s each paragraph about?
Para. 1  Keeping a balanced diet    Para. 2  Choosing what to eat is difficult
Para. 3  Developing healthy eating habits
Para. 4  Choosing what to eat based on nutrients
Para. 5  Choosing according to what we believe
Step 4 Listening to the reading passage
Play the tape for the students to listen and follow.
Step 5 Post-reading
1 It means the food we need to keep our bodies healthy and active. Green foods are organic foods, that is, foods that are grown and produced naturally. But not all green foods are actually green in color.
2 Any food that tastes good; any food that is healthy; any food that is a vegetable; any food that is organic; any food that is safe.
3 We have more foods to choose from and many of the foods are not produced organically; We are busier than in past years so we now have less time to eat than before; More snack foods are available since more people like to eat between meals; now many people are paying more attention to their health because others remind them to; some people refuse to eat foods produced with chemicals because they believe they are unsafe; some people care as much about the health and safety of animals as people so they refuse to eat meat; people today expect food to taste good and still be healthy, and they now have more choices when they go to market; many people don’t get enough nutrition from their food so they take supplements, especially vitamin pills.
4.Sample answers:
●People go to fast food restaurants because they are quick and convenient.
●Too much sugar and fat will make you as big as a whale.
●Some people start crash diets because they are in too much of a hurry to lose weight naturally.
●To keep a balanced diet, we must first make a list of the foods we most often eat.
Step 7 Summary 小结
Step 8 Homework
1. Please read the reading text clearly and fluently.
2. Try to know and remember all the language points in it.
3. Please get well prepared for the exercises.
Period 3第三节
1. Learn some useful words and expressions in the reading passage.
2. Learn how to use "had better", "should" and "ought to" while giving advice.
3. Do some reading about Snacks.
4. Do some writing to develop the students writing skill.
Step 1 Presentation
In this class, we’ll first go through the language points in the reading text. And then we’ll finish all the exercises in the Students’ Book.
Step 2 Necessary language points
Reading language points 课文要点:
1>Our eating habits have changed, as has our way of life.
as+倒装句 [用法]...也一样,即...and our way of life too.
2>If we want to keep up with the high pace of modern life, we d better make the right choices about what and how we eat.
keep up with [用法]1. 跟上 2. 和...保持联系
[举例]They walked so fast that I could not keep up with them. 他们走得那么快,我没法跟上。
She has kept up with some of her friends since her retirement.
3>Some nutrients help build our body and make it stronger.
build [用法]vt.1. 建筑;造 2. 建立;发展;增进[(+up)]
4>Fish, meat and beans contain a lot of protein.
contain [用法]见高一上册 unit 11
5>Other nutrients help keep our body functioning well.
function [用法]n.[C]1. 功能,作用 2. 职务,职责
vi.1. (机器等)工作,运行 2. 起作用[(+as)]
[举例]The teacher did not explain its grammatical function.老师没有解释它的语法功能。
The sofa functions as a bed at night.这沙发在夜里可以当床。
6>Vitamins help our body fight disease.
fight [用法]vt.1. 与...作战;与...斗争
[联想]fight with 和...斗争;fight for 为争取...而斗争
7>But the choice we make are not just about nutrition..
not just [用法]同not only
8>Many people make their choices about eating habits based on what they believe.
based on [用法]见高一上册 unit 7; unit 9,此处为过去分词短语做定语。
9>Organic vegetables are those that are grown without chemicals that can be harmful to human beings or the environment.
chemical [用法]a.1. 化学的,化学上的,化学用的 n.1. 化学制品;化学药品[C]
[举例]He devoted his life to chemical research.他一生从事化学研究。
He is experimenting with a new chemical.他正在实验一种新的化学制品。
10>Because we have so much to choose from, many companies offer advice about what we eat.
to choose from [思考]动词不定式做定语什么时候要加‘尾巴’介词?
11>It is probably better if we spend our time and money on buying keeping a balanced diet.
probably [用法]ad. 大概,或许,很可能(比可能性大,而且常有一定依据)
[举例]He will probably refuse the offer.他很可能会拒绝这一提议。
spend [用法]spend...(in)doing; spend...(on)doing; spend...on/for sth
12>The same goes for crash diets that some companies say they will make us lose weight fast.
go for [用法]适合于;对...适用
[例句]What he said about you goes for me too.他关于你的一席话对我也适用。
lose weight [用法]体重减轻
[例句]I think she might have lost a bit of weight.我想她体重可能减轻了一些。
13>We ought to learn more about our body and the fuel it needs to keep fit.
fit [用法]此处:健康的;强健的
[例句]You look very fit, Mike.麦克,你看上去很健康。
14>Only in this way will we be ready for the challenges and opportunities in life.
Only in this way will we... [用法]only+状语放在句子开头要引起主句倒装
[例句]Only when you grow up will you understand the importance of learning.
Only then could he thought of me.
Step 3  Vocabulary
Answers to the exercises:
1 nutrients  2 diet  3 fibre/fiber  4 minerals  5 fat  6 sugar  7 protein  8 calories
Step 4 Grammar
Ss must use one of the modal verbs listed in the direc­tions but expect the advice they provide in their answers to vary greatly. The important thing is for Ss to use each of the modal verbs (and their negative forms) listed at least once and to add different kinds of advice which a doctor might give to a patient. Encourage Ss to be spe­cific and detailed in their advice.
Sample answers to Grammar Exercise 1:
1 You have a bit of a fever. You should stay home to­day.
2 You had better change your diet if you want to stay healthy.
3 If you are sick, you had better not go outside in the  rain.
4 Before you eat an apple, you should make sure it is ripe.
5 You don't look well. You ought to get some rest.
6 You have a bad cough. You had better take this cough medicine twice a day.
7 This medicine will make you sleepy. You had better not drive your car until this afternoon.
8 There's nothing seriously wrong with your knee, but       you should try not to run on it.
Note: In American English, had better and had better not are used much less often because it is considered stronger than should. Indeed, it can sometimes be taken as a threat, as in you had better do it ... or else, indicat­ing that negative consequences will result from inac­tion.
Instructions to Grammar Exercise 2:
The purpose of this exercise is to provide Ss with prac­tice in applying grammar to a real-life situation, in this case a newspaper advice letter. Have Ss read and dis­cuss the model before doing it themselves. Remind Ss to follow a logical sequence when giving their advice to Xiao Lin.
Sample advice for Grammar Exercise 2:
1 First, you ought to talk to your friend about it before       the dinner.
2 But if you don't want to ask her, then you had better       do what she does at the table.
3 Of course, you should try all the food you are of­fered.
4 However, you shouldn't be too nervous. After all, you're her guest and she will try her best to make you feel comfortable.
Step 5 Summary
Have we ever tiled to make snacks or seen our mother make snacks. Let’s try to write the recipe for your favorite dish. Before writing, you should read Tips first.
Step 6 Homework
1. Learn the language points by heart.
2. Finish all the exercises in the book.

Period 4  第四节
(一) 明确目标
1. Review the language points learnt last period.
2. Do some reading about the junk food “Don’t be a mouse potato”.
3. Do some writing to develop the students writing skill.
(二) 整体感知
Step 1 Presentation
Today we’ll first check up your words and expressions in the reading text learnt the other days. Then we’ll develop some reading and writing skills.
Step 2 Revision
Now let’s have a short dictation of words and expressions.
Step 3 Integrating skills
We have learnt how to give advice. Now let’s try to write letters giving advice. Here in our textbook there are letters asking for some advice. Read them quickly, then write down four pieces of advice for each of them using "had better (not) , "ought (not) to or should (not) .
Many students like having snacks. Is the habit good or bad? Let s read “Snacks".
Step 4 Listening
Now please listen to the passage, and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
Step 5 Reading comprehension
After fast reading, do the following True-or-False exercises.
1. Our body doesn’t need to refuel if we choose nutritious food for our main meals.
2. Good snacks should come from different food groups and should not have too much fat or sugar.
3. Fruits and vegetables don’t give us any vitamins.
4. Most fruits need cooking.
5. Fruits and vegetables are the only healthy snacks.
参考答案:1 F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5F
Suggested Answers:
Instructions Point out to Ss that a good snack doesn't have to be something you buy at the grocery store and eat out of a bag. As the article says, it can be a piece of frui_ or something simple you make like a salad. Ask Ss to 'rank their favourite snacks from "most healthy" to "least healthy" on the blackboard and try to reach an agreement about their list of rankings.
Extension Have small groups of Ss go on the Internet and do a word search with the phrase "snack recipes." Ask them to write down or print out a recipe they find interesting. Now have each group present their list to their classmates by writing the ingredients on the board along with the name of the dish and either a photo or sketch of what it should look like when it is ready to eat. Then ask each group leader to give you the recipe for how to use the ingredients step-by-step. Now invite another group to guess how the ingredients should be prepared and have them write their recipe on the black­board. This can be a competition to see which group can come closest to writing the correct recipe.
Sample recipe:
Crispy Beef Roll
300 grams (0.66 lb) ground beef 350 grams (0.77Ib) bread crumbs 2 eggs
1 gram (1/4 tsp) MSG     2 grams (1/3 tsp) .salt    10 grams (2 tsp) cooking wine
5 grams (1/6 oz) finely cut scallions 5 grams (1/6 oz) chopped ginger
10 grams (1 1/2 tbsp) dry cornstarch 300 grams (3/5 cup) cooking oil
1 Add to the ground beef the" salt, MSG, cooking wine, scallions, ginger and 5 g (1 tbsp) of the dry corn­ starch, and mix well until it becomes sticky.
2 Whip the eggs in a bowl.
3 Divide the ground beef into 3 portions and shape into long rolls 5 cm (2 inches) in diameter and 15 cm (6 inches) in length. Steam over strong fire for 10 minutes. When the rolls cool off, cover them with the whipped egg and bread crumbs.
4 Heat the oil in a wok to 110-135 °C (230-275 OF) and deepfry the beef rolls until they are a golden color. Drain off the oil.
5 Cut in a slanting way to divide the rolls into sections 3 cm (1.2 inches) long each. Put on a plate and serve.
Features: Golden in color.
Taste: Crispy outside and tender inside, the rolls are really delicious.
Give the students some explanations when necessary.
Step 6 Necessary language points
Today we ve done some listening and speaking, and learn how to give advice and some everyday English used between doctors and patients.
1>Even if we choose nutritious food for our main meals, we probably still need to refuel now and then.
Even if [用法]同even though,即使;尽管
now and then [用法]同a little now and a little then; every now and then,有时候
2>Most fruits are naturally sweet and we can eat them just the way they are.
just the way they are [用法]意同in the way that they are
3>There are many recipes for simple and healthy snacks that taste great and keep us going.
taste  [用法]连系动词,相关用法见高一上册 unit 12
Step 7 Writing
Ask the students to think about the question. They may work in pairs and make a list of reasons for or against eating meat, and then use the list to write their para­graph. You may also discuss the question with the whole class before the students write the paragraph.
Sample 1
We should not eat meat or use animal products. A vegetarian diet is healthier than a diet with lots of meat. Vegetables and fruits contain more minerals and vita­mins than animal products, so we should eat bananas instead of bacon. In the past, we had no choice, but to­day we know better. It is not right to kill animals for food or clothing and animals should not be kept in small boxes or cages. We must stop treating animals in this way. Finally, we must stop eating meat if we want to survive. Animal farms use up too much of our resources. We should use that land for other kinds of farming that
give us more food. If we stop eating meat, we will treat our animals better, protect our planet and use our re­sources in a better way. So please don't touch that ham­burger, steak or sausage and don't buy that fur coat-help make the world better!
Sample 2
Animal meat is delicious and nutritious and it should be part of everyone's diet. We should eat vegetables too, of course, but we should not become vegetarians or vegans. Meat tastes good and is healthy. It contains many of the nutrients we need to keep our body going. A good steak, for example, is an excellent source of protein. If we don't eat meat, we will get weak and sick. A lot of people would go hungry if we stopped eating meat.
Eating meat is natural. We are part of nature and ani­mals are meant to be eaten. Some people may think that it is cruel to kill animals for food or clothes. But they forget that we are all part of nature. It is not cruel to kill animals, as long as we treat them well and only kill the animals we need for food. We must not kill them for fun and we should not treat them badly. It is true that some animals are kept in small cages and have a very bad life, but that doesn't mean that it is wrong to eat meat.
If we treat our animals well, we can enjoy a good steak when we are hungry and wear a leather jacket when we are cold. So please, all you vegans and vegetarians, don't touch my steak!
Step 8 Summary
Step 8 Homework
1 Write a nice and correct passage according to the sample.
2 Get ready for the exercises in the Workbook.
Period 5  第五节
1. Learn and master the following words and expressions: make choices, pace, diet, nutrient, muscle, bean, keep up with, fibre, mineral, chemical balance, fit, be good for, function, and be harmful to.
2. Develop the students reading ability.
Step 1 Presentation
Today we come to the Workbook. First we’ll do some listening comprehension, and then we’ll do some talking practice.
Step 2 Listening comprehension
Now let s have some listening training.
Part 1
W: Hello. May I take your order, please?
P: Urn, let me see. Ah, yes. I think I'd like to try the fried rice with egg and ham.
S: I'd like a vegetarian burger, please.
W: One fried rice and a vegetarian burger. Would you like a salad?
P: Well, maybe. What do you recommend?
W: I would recommend the house salad. It's light and fresh and we serve it with bread.
P: That sounds good.
S: I'd like the tomato salad, please.
W: Large or small?
P& S: Large, please.
W: And what would you like to drink?
P: I think I'll have a coke.
S: Me too.
W: Diet or regular?
P: Diet, please.
S: Same here.
Part 2
W: Good evening, sir. Are you ready to order?
K: Urn, yes. Well, I haven't quite made up my mind.   Oh, yes. I'd like the onion soup, please.
W: Oh, I'm sorry, we're out of onion soup. Would you like the soup of the day instead?
K: What is the soup of the day?
W: It's chicken soup.
K: Oh, well, no thanks. I think I'll take the tomato salad instead. Oh, a small one, please.
W: One small tomato salad.
K: And then I'd like a cheeseburger, please. Does that come with French fries?
W: Yes, it does.
K: And could I have bread Tolls with that, please?
W: Of course. Let me see, a small tomato salad, a cheeseburger with fries and bread rolls. Anything else, sir?
K: No, thank you.             .
W: And what would you like to drink?
K: I'd like a Sprite, please, and a cup of coffee after the meal.    .
W: Sprite and coffee. Right.
Suggested Answers:
Part 1: one fried rice with egg and ham, one vegetarian burger, one large house salad, one large tomato salad, two diet cokes
Part 2:  one small tomato salad, one cheeseburger with fries and bread rolls, one Sprite and coffee af­ter the meal
Customers 1 and 2 (part 1) would have to pay $18.50 for their meal. Customer 3 (part 2) would have to pay $8.55.
Step 3 Speaking practice
Everyone wants to be healthy and strong. But sometimes we are not feeling well. When we re ill, we d better go and see a doctor and the doctor will look over us and give us some advice. Now we’re going to practice some everyday English used by doctors and patients. Here are three situations for you. Choose one of them and make up a dialogue with your partner according to the example given and then act out.
Sample Dialogue1
A: Good evening, ma' am. May I take your order?
B: Yes. I'm a vegetarian, so I don't want to eat any meat. Do you have any vegetarian dishes?
A: Yes, we do. We have onion soup and two salads. We also have spicy tofu and a vegetarian burger.
B: Hmm. Well, I do like spicy food. Maybe I'll try the tofu. You said you had two salads, what are they?
A: We have a house salad and a tomato salad.
B: What's the house salad?
A: It's lettuce, tomato, onion, mushrooms and corn.
B: That sounds good. I'd like a house salad, please.
A: OK, so one spicy tofu and one house salad. What would you like to drink?
B: Orange juice, please.
Sample Dialogue2
A: Excuse me, waiter! Could I order, please? I'm very hungry!
B: Of course. What would you like?
A: Oh, I like all kinds of food. I'll eat anything as long as I get a lot of it!
B: I see. Well, in that case, I recommend that you order a steak.
A: Well, yes, but I'm worried that it may not be enough. What does it come with?
B: It comes with two vegetables and your choice of French fries or bread rolls.
A: Can I have both fries and bread rolls?
B: Sure. And perhaps you'd like a salad?
A: Good idea! I'd like a regular house salad. Oh, and I'd like some dessert, too.
B: We have apple pie and ice cream.
A: Great. I'll take the apple pie, please.
Sample Dialogue 3
A: Good evening. May I take your order?
B: Yes, please. I'm ordering dinner for three friends and I need your help. One of them is a vegetarian.
A: Well, we have a vegetarian burger. Do you think your friend would like that?
B: Yes, that's a good idea. My other friend does not like spicy food.'
A: In that case, I'd recommend either a BLT sandwich or a chicken roll-up.
B: I think a BLT sandwich will be fine. She likes sand­wiches. What does it come with?
A: It comes with a choice of French fries or potato crisps.
B: Potato crisps. Now, my third friend loves Chinese food. What do you recommend?
A: The Sichuan-style pork is very popular.
B: OK, let's try that. Oh, and I'd like a vegetarian burger, too.
A: Right, so that's two vegetarian burgers, a BLT with       crisps and a Sichuan pork. What would you like to drink?
A: Ah, that's easy: four diet cokes.
Step 4 Summary 小结
Step 5 Homework
1. Please Learn all the language points by heart in this unit.
2. Finish all the exercises in the Workbook.
Period 6  第六节
1. Review the text learnt in the last period including useful words and expression.
2. Learn how to use "had better", "should" and "ought to" while giving advice.
3. Do some reading about Snacks.
4. Do some writing to develope the students writing skill.
Step 1 Presentation
In this class, we’ll discuss the answers to the exercises in the Workbook and then do the Integrating skills. Write a
Step 2 Vocabulary
Answers to Exercise 1:
A mushroom grows in nature. Chocolate, sweets and ice-cream are made in factories.
We use calories to measure energy. Fibre, vitamins and minerals are nutrients.
A diet is a list of food you should eat. Peaches, salads and French fries are different kinds of food.
Steam, fry and boil are all cooking terms. Peel is not a cooking term.
Answers to Exercise 2:
1 fried, steamed  2 balanced  3 refuel  4 examination  5 ripe  6 chemicals  7 digested  8 taste
Answers to Exercise 3:
Various answers are possible.
A bowl of cooked rice contains very little fat while a plate of fried rice has 20 grams of fat.
There is very little fat in a plate of leafy vegetables, but there are 15 grams of fat in a small order of French fries. 100 grams of deep-fried chicken contains almost twice as much fat as 100 grams of cooked chicken.
Fruit and salad contain very little fat, while roast duck and chocolate contain a lot of fat.
Bread, steamed bread, cooked dry beans, vegetables and fruits are low-fat foods. Fried and roasted food, such as French fries, fried rice, deep-fried chicken and roast duck are high in fat.
Step 3 Grammar
Answers to Exercise 1:
1 should 2 should / must 3 mustn't 4 mustn't 5 must 6 should / could 7 May / Can 8. must / have to 9 will 10 must
Answers to Exercise 2:
1 The doctor tells Jane that she should exercise more.
2 If you are trying hard to lose weight, you ought to avoid eating too much oil and fat.
3 You ought to take exercise while you are trying to lose weight. You'd better take a walk for about half an hour at least once every day.
4 Boys need about 2,800 calories a day, and girls need about 2,200 calories a day.
S You'd better not eat more than 65 grams of fat every day. Answers to Exercise 3: Various answers are possible.
Chinese fast food
Is it healthy?
Western fastfood
Is it healthy?
I think baozi made of fried pork is junk food because it contains too much fat and does not give us the nutrients we need. However, baozi made of vegetables is healthy food.
I think pizza is junk food because
it contains too much fat and not
enough nutrients.
French fries
French fries are not good for you.
It is true that vegetables are full of
minerals, but French fries contain
too much fat.
We should not eat hamburgers too
often. They contain lots of fat and
do not give us the nutrients we need.
Step 2 Integrating skills
We have learnt how to give advice. Now let’s try to write letters giving advice. Here in our textbook there are letters asking for some advice. Read them quickly, then write down four pieces of advice for each of them using "had better (not) , "ought (not) to or should (not) .
Many students like having snacks. Is the habit good or bad? Let s read “Snacks".
Step 3 Listening
I’ll play the tape for you to listen and follow.
Step 4 Reading comprehension
Suggested Answers:
1 A couch potato is a person who spends too much time in front of the TV and eats too much junk food.
2 Junk food gives us too much fat, sugar and other un­healthy things but not enough nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Healthy food, like vegetables and fruits, gives us few calories but lots of vitamins and minerals.
3 A
4 "It is better to eat a potato than to be one" means that we should eat vegetables - for example potatoes ­and not spend too much time in front of our TV or computer and eat too much junk food.
5 Various answers are possible.
Give the students some explanations when necessary.
Step 5 Writing
Sample 1
Dear Emily,
The best way to lose weight is to exercise and eat healthy food. Don't try to lose weight fast, because that can be dangerous. Try to make small changes in your eating habits: eat fruit instead of sweets and don't eat too much fast food. You should also try to get more exercise. Why not try going for a walk every day? A long walk with a friend is fun and is also a good way to improve your health.
Sample 2
Dear Peter,
People who play basketball and other sports ought to eat food that gives them a lot of energy. Try to eat lots of carbohydrates and protein. Keep a balanced diet and make sure to eat noodles, vegetables and fruit. You should eat a healthy meal and rest before you train or play a game. You must also remember to drink lots of water. You needn't worry too much about your size and strength; good players come in all sizes.
Sample 3
Dear Steve,
It sounds like you need to take a look at your diet. You probably need to eat a better breakfast and you should eat fruit instead of sweets. You have to make sure that your diet is balanced and that you get enough exercise. By eating right and keeping fit, you will have more en­ergy and you won't feel tired.
Step 5
Have we ever tiled to make snacks or seen our mother make snacks. Let’s try to write the recipe for your favorite dish. Before writing, you should read Tips first.
Sample 1
We should not eat meat or use animal products. A vegetarian diet is healthier than a diet with lots of meat. Vegetables and fruits contain more minerals and vita­mins than animal products, so we should eat bananas instead of bacon. In the past, we had no choice, but to­day we know better. It is not right to kill animals for food or clothing and animals should not be kept in small boxes or cages. We must stop treating animals in this way. Finally, we must stop eating meat if we want to survive. Animal farms use up too much of our resources. We should use that land for other kinds of farming that
give us more food. If we stop eating meat, we will treat our animals better, protect our planet and use our re­sources in a better way. So please don't touch that ham­burger, steak or sausage and don't buy that fur coat-help make the world better!
Sample 2
Animal meat is delicious and nutritious and it should be part of everyone's diet. We should eat vegetables too, of course, but we should not become vegetarians or vegans. Meat tastes good and is healthy. It contains many of the nutrients we need to keep our body going. A good steak, for example, is an excellent source of protein. If we don't eat meat, we will get weak and sick. A lot of people would go hungry if we stopped eating meat.
Eating meat is natural. We are part of nature and ani­mals are meant to be eaten. Some people may think that it is cruel to kill animals for food or clothes. But they forget that we are all part of nature. It is not cruel to kill animals, as long as we treat them well and only kill the animals we need for food. We must not kill them for fun and we should not treat them badly. It is true that some animals are kept in small cages and have a very bad life, but that doesn't mean that it is wrong to eat meat.
If we treat our animals well, we can enjoy a good steak when we are hungry and wear a leather jacket when we are cold. So please, all you vegans and vegetarians, don't touch my steak!
4. Workbook
1>May I take your order, please?
take your order [用法]餐馆常用语,order:叫(菜或饮料)
2>What do you recommend?
recommend [用法]vt.1. 推荐,介绍[(+as/for)]
Can you recommend me some new books on this subject?
3>A hamburger is a dish while the others are not.
while [用法]而,强调对比关系
4>You should avoid eating vegetables that are grown with too many chemicals.
avoid [用法]避免,后接ing形式
5>You must pass your driving test next time you take it.
next time [用法]连词用法
6>There is a species of inactive people, namely the mouse potato.
namely [用法]ad. 即,那就是
[举例]Only one person can answer the question namely you.
7>The best source for calories is carbohydrates.
source [用法]n.[C]1. (河的)源头;水源 2. 根源;来源 3. 提供消息(或证据)者;消息(或证据)来源 4. 出处;原始资料
[举例]Do you know the source of Amazon River? 你知道亚马逊河的源头吗?
They are required to publish the sources of their campaign funds.
8>A healthy diet should include a variety of food, most of which should be rich in nutrients.
include [用法]见高一上册 unit 7
variety [用法]见高一上册 unit 11
be rich in [用法] 富于...的,有很多...的
[举例]The country is rich in resources. 这个国家资源丰富。
Step 6 Summary
Step 7 Homework
Period 7  第七节
1.  检查本单元单词、短语及相关句型。
2.  讲评统一布置的课外基础练习。
I. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标和要求:
1.Topics 话题
1>Talking about festivals and customs
2.Function: 交际功能
表达和支持某意见(Expressing and supporting an opinion)
In my opinion we should...     I believe we should...  I don t think it s necessary to...
We must decide...     I hope we can make a decision.    If we do this,we can...
I think that...should...
3.Vocabulary 重点词汇和短语
theme; parade; holy; Easter; symbol; conflict; argument; opinion; major; probably; honour; ancestor;   principle; nation; purpose; creativity; faith; commercial; joy; light; similar; generation; salute; kiss; cheek; nod; celebrate; respect; gift; cycle; fool; invitation
dress up; in one s opinion; play a trick on sb; take in
情态动词(2)---must, have to and have got to
1 能够用英语表达做某事的重要性或必要性---must/have to/have got to
2 能够用英语表达做某事不重要或不必要---don t have to/haven t got to
3 能够用英语坚决表达某事不可接受或不可取---must not
II. Difficult points
III. Main teaching aids教具:A tape-recorder; Multimedia, projector, role cards
Ⅳ. Main teaching methods 教法:
1. The interaction between the teacher and the students, and among the students themselves; Attention to the students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing; and so on.
2. Listening-and–answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material.
3. Use both individual work and group or pair work to make every student work and think in class
V. Teaching procedure:
Period 1第一节
1. Warming up to arouse the students love in talking.
2. Do some listening to improve the students listening ability.
3. Making simple dialogues to train the students speaking ability.
(二) 整体感知
Step 1 Presentation
Do you know what is called the Christmas of China? The Spring Festival. Yes. The oldest and most important festival in China is the Spring Festival. Each country and each nation has its own festivals. Today we are going to learn something about the different festivals.
Step 2 Warming up
1 Get the students to look at the pictures and discuss the questions. There will be some festivals together with their pictures to be shown. You just try your best to introduce these festival to us.
Answers:  Picture 1: Halloween   USA and Europe  Trick or treating?
Picture 2: Obon   Japan   Floating paper lanterns
Picture 3: Day of the Dead   Mexico  Lighting candles for prayers to the dead
2 Work in pairs. Compare a Chinese festival with one from another country. If you don’t know of any festivals from other countries, you can ask me for ideas. And then fill in the form
Step 3 Listening comprehension
Now let s have some listening training. Listen to the tape and finish the exercises.
1 "Throw me something, Mister! Throw me something, Mister!" Thousands of people are waiting for the pa­rade to pass them by and for someone to throw them a cup, some beads, or some candy. Welcome to New Orleans, USA. Welcome to Mardi Gras. Mardi Gras is a holiday celebrated in the South of the U.S. The name of the festival, Mardi Gras, is French and means "Fat Tuesday". Mardi Gras is celebrated on a Tues­day between February 3 and March 9, always 47 days before Easter Sunday. During Mardi Gras, people like to dress up in colourful and unusual costumes, and of course, watch parades in the streets. The official colours of Mardi Gras are purple, green and gold. Mardi Gras is celebrated for two weeks before Fat Tuesday and people from all over the world come to watch the festival.
2 Ramadan is one of the most important festivals for Muslims. The name of the festival comes from the Arabic month in which it is celebrated. Ramadan is celebrated in countries all over the world, especially in Africa and the Middle East. The time for celebrat­ing Ramadan varies each year. People celebrate it in the ninth month of the Arabic lunar calendar. During Ramadan, people must not eat during the day: from when the sun comes up to when the sun goes down, people celebrating Ramadan will not eat or smoke. When the sun has gone down, however, the celebra­tion begins. People often stay up all night eating, sing­ing and dancing.
3 In late spring, many people around the world cel­ebrate Easter. The festival is a celebration of spring and it is also a religious holiday. It is the time for Easter bunnies and egg hunts, and of course for eat­ing lots of delicious foods. Easter is celebrated in late March or early April but the exact dates are dif­ferent from year to year. People celebrate Easter in different ways: in some countries, the Easter Bunny - a big rabbit - will visit and children will go on egg hunts, looking for eggs and candy that have been hidden by their parents. In other countries, Easter is a time for children to dress up like witches and go from door to door asking for candy __ much like Halloween in the US. The Easter Bunny and Easter Egg are popular symbols of the festival.
Answers  for Mardi Gras: 1B 2 A 3 A  for Ramadan: 1B 2 A 3 A  for Easter: 1B 2 B 3 C
Step 4 Speaking practice
Work in groups of four and discuss why your holiday is the best one.
Sample discussion
A: OK, I will begin. We need to decide what the new holiday will be. I think that the new holiday should be a Peace Day. On this day, no fighting or conflicts are allowed. People will learn and talk about peace. The holiday will be celebrated on the second Sun­day in January. I think this is the best idea because nothing is more important than peace.
B: That's a good idea, but I think we should create a Happiness Day instead. If people are happy, there won't be any wars or fights. We should celebrate Hap­piness Day on the shortest, darkest day of the winter, because many people feel unhappy when it's cold and the sun doesn't shine. People will celebrate by doing something that makes another person happy, for example, helping them do something or giving them a card or a small gift. Most important, people should smile and laugh a lot on Happiness Day.
C: I like your ideas, but I would like to suggest some­thing different. Why don't we have a Friendship Day? If people have friends and are friendly to each other, they will be happy and they won't fight. I think that we should celebrate Friendship Day the first day of every- month. If we do this, we will start each month in a friendly way. We can learn about how to make and keep friends and how to solve prob­lems together. People will celebrate Friendship Day by making new friends and spending the day together with their friends.
D: Well, perhaps we shouldn't be so selfish. Peace, hap­piness and friendship are important to us, to human beings, but what about the rest of the planet? We mustn't forget about nature, the environment and the animals. On this day, which we will celebrate on the first day of spring, people will not pollute and they will learn more about nature. We should also plant trees and do something for our animal friends. I think that we will be happier, friendlier and more peaceful if we learn to take better care of our planet. Why not have a Nature Day? (The discussion continues.)
Step 5 Necessary language points
Today we’ve done some listening and speaking, and learn how to give advice and some everyday English used between doctors and patients.
Listening and speaking听说要点
1>If you don t know of any festivals, you can ask your teacher for help.
know of [用法]知道;了解,懂得(同know about)
[举例]There is one or two things I d like to know about.
ask for [用法]1. 要,要求 2. 找(人)
[举例]The miners are asking for another increase in pay. 煤矿工人正在要求再次加薪。
There s an old man at the door, asking for you. 门口有一位老人找你。
2>When is the festival celebrated?
celebrate [用法]vt. 庆祝 vi. 庆祝,过节
[举例]We held a party to celebrate our success. 我们举行宴会庆祝我们的成功。
Today is his birthday, so we re going to celebrate.
[联想]celebration n. 1.庆祝 2.庆祝活动,庆典[C]
[举例]The party was in celebration of Mother s silver wedding.
A Fourth of July celebration includes a display of fireworks.
3>What are some important themes, for example family and peace ?
[用法]n.[C]1. 论题,话题,题目 2. 主题,主题思想;题材 3. (学生的)作文,文章
[举例]The main theme of discussion was press censorship. 讨论的主题是新闻审查制度。
The theme of the poem is love and peace. 这首诗的主题是爱与和平。
Our school themes must be written in ink and on white paper.
4>The two main popular symbols of Easter are the Easter Bunny and Easter egg.
symbol [用法]n.[C]1. 象征,标志[(+of)] 2. 记号,符号[(+for)]
[举例]The white bird is a symbol of freedom. 这白色的鸟是自由的象征。
We use x as the symbol for an unknown quantity. 我们用x表示一个未知数。
5>No fighting or conflicts are allowed on Peace Day.
conflict [用法]n.[C]1. 冲突,抵触,不一致,分歧(+between) 2. 斗争,争执,战斗(+between)
[举例]This is an irreconcilable conflict.  这是一个不可调和的矛盾。
Armed conflict is likely to break out between the two countries.
Step 6 Summary小结:
Step 7 Homework
Period 2第二节
1. Develop the students reading ability, especially their reading comprehension.
2. Read the reading passage and know about some festivals.
3. Get the students to discuss something about the Spring Festival.
4. Answer the questions according to the reading material and help them to know
Step 1 Presentation
Today we come to the Reading. It’s about the Spring Festival. All Americans know something about Christmas. Both of them are important holiday in the world. Do you want to know about some other festivals, such as Kwanzaa? Today your curiosity will be met.
Step 2 Pre-reading discussions
Answers to the questions:
1 Various answers are possible. Ask the students to de­scribe what their families do, what they eat, how they decorate the house, who they invite and where they go / celebrate the festival. Try to get as many spe­cific details as possible and encourage the students to compare and contrast answers.
2 Various answers are possible. You can help the stu­dents answer the question by breaking down the ques­tion into smaller parts, e.g. We celebrate the Spring Festival to get together with our family. Why is that important? or We celebrate the Spring Festival to welcome the new year. Why is the new year impor­tant to us? Try to compare the Spring Festival with at least one other festival to point out that there are similarities.
3 Various answers are possible. Ask the students to think of examples of historical or cultural parts of the Spring Festival - the students can use their an­swers from question 1. Examples include the Spring Festival poems, the Spring Festival colours, the Spring Festival food etc. The students can also think about Christmas and try to find any historical / cul­tural elements. The students are free to guess and provide very general (even slightly incorrect) an­swers; the point is to make them think about the relationship between festivals and culture/ history.
4 Various answers are possible. If the students are familiar with Christmas, ask them to give examples of gifts they have gives or received; you can also ask them what people buy for the Spring Festival.
Step 3 Reading
Read the text carefully again, and give the students some explanations.
What is the festival about?
It is a seven-day festival celebrating the culture and history of African Americans.
Read Para.1 carefully and answer the questions.
What’s Kwanzaa?
It is a seven-day festival celebrating the culture and history of African Americans.
2.When do people celebrate Kwanzaa?
The week following Christmas Day.
Read Para.2 carefully and answer the questions.
1. When was Kwanzaa born?   In 1966
2.Why did people create Kwanzaa?
People created the festival so that African Americans would be able to celebrate their history and culture.
3.What did the African first-fruit festivals have in common?
1.People would get together to celebrate their harvest;
2.They used to give thanks for their harvests and for life;
3.They used to honour their ancestors, celebrate their past, and the group or society they live in.
Read Para.3 carefully and answer the questions.
1.What are the principles of Kwanzaa?
1.Unity  2.Self-determination  3.Living together  4.Working together  5.Purpose  6.Creativity
Which one do you think is the most important? Why?
Are there any other festivals which have one or more of the same principles?
Read Para4 carefully and answer the questions.
1.When does Kwanzaa begin and end?
It begins the day after Christmas Day and ends on New Year’s Day.
2.Why did people choose that dates?
Because people who celebrate Kwanzaa can enjoy the spirit of the holidays without all the commercial activities of Christmas.
3.How do people celebrate Kwanzaa?
People celebrate it by lighting a candle each day and discussing one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa.  On the last day of Kwanzaa, family and friends gather to enjoy a large meal and to celebrate the new year.
Step 4 Listening to the reading passage
Play the tape for the students to listen and follow. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
Step 5 Post-reading
1. People created the festival so that African Americans would be able to celebrate their history and culture.
2. Each time we celebrate a festival it changes a little and in that way we keep our culture alive. The Spring Festival, Christmas, Ramadan, Kwanzaa and all the other holidays and festivals help us understand who we are, remember where we come from and share our hopes for a happy future.
Festivals celebrate history and keep our culture alive. To celebrate a new season or a new harvest
3. All three reunite families. Christmas and Kwanzaa also bring together friends and members of the community. Spring Festival is tied to the lunar calendar while Christmas and Kwanzaa are fixed days. Christmas is both a religious and popular celebration while  Kwanzaa also honors a specific group of people.
4. Make the students express themselves.
True or False: 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 F 6 T
Step 6 Summary 小结
Step 7 Homework
Period 3第三节
1. Learn about the useful words and expression in the reading text.
2. Get the students to know about Modal Verbs(2)--must, have to, have got to.
3. Read the table in the integrating skills and know more about some festivals.
Step 1 Presentation
In this class we’ll first go through the text and learn to use some language points. And then we’ll discuss the exercises together with each other.
In the Spring Festival, something is not allowed. For example, floors may not be swept on the first day of New Year. Anyone who breaks a dish or a glass on this day must quickly say "Peace for all time" to avoid incurring misfortune. So if you want to say it is necessary for someone to do something, you use "must" or "have to". Today we ll learn Grammar—Modal Verbs: must, have to.
Step 2 Language points in the reading text
2. Reading
1>The day following Christmas Day, many African-American families get together to greet the new year.
get together [用法]聚集
[联想]get-together n. 聚会;联欢会
2>The African-American festivals had many things in common: people would get together to celebrate their harvest.
have sth in common [用法]见高一上册 unit 11
would [用法]此处:(表示过去的习惯)总是,总会,常常
[举例]He would sit silent for hours. 他常常接连好几个小时默默地坐着。
3>They used to honour their ancestors, celebrate their past, and the group or society they lived in.
honour [用法]n.1. 荣誉;名誉,面子 2.光荣的事或人(+to) 3. 敬意
vt.1. 使增光;给...以荣誉 2. 尊敬
[举例]We fight for the honor of our country. 我们为祖国的荣誉而战。
He is an honor to our school. 他是我们学校的光荣。
4>The festivals were a way to celebrate history and culture, as well as the new year.
as well as [用法]见高一上册 unit 3
5>We should believe in our family, our people, our teachers and our leaders.
believe in [用法]1. 信仰 2. 信任 3. 相信...的效用
[举例]Christians believe in Jesus. 基督徒信仰耶稣。
Jim believes in fresh air and morning exercises.
6>People celebrate Kwanzaa can enjoy the spirit of their holidays without all the commercial activities of Christmas.
commercial [用法]a.1. 商业的;商务的 2. 营利本位的;商业性的
n. (电视、广播中的)商业广告[C]
[举例]a commercial traveller 旅行推销员    commercial records 商业性的唱片
The TV show was interrupted by too many commercials.
7>People celebrate it by lighting a candle each day and discuss one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa.
light [用法]vt.1. 点(火);点燃(+up) 2. 照亮(+up) 3. 使容光焕发(+up)
vi.1. 点着 2. 变亮
[举例]He lit a match. 他划着了一根火柴。
The room is brilliantly lighted up and full of guests. 房间里灯火辉煌,宾客济济。
principle [用法]n. 原则;原理[C]
[举例]I take this seriously. It s a matter of principle. 我对此很认真。这是原则问题。
8>Each time we celebrate a festival it changes a little and in that way we keep our culture alive.
Each time [用法]这里,同 every time,在句中做连词。类似的用法还有一些,请大家注意积累。
9>Our ancestors celebrated the birth of children by giving away red eggs.
give away [用法] 赠送;分发
[举例]She gave away all her money to the poor. 她把钱都送给穷人了。
Step 3 Practice: Vocabulary
Answers to the exercise:
1 theme, faith, purpose 2 nations, determination 3 joy, ancestors, birth   4 peace, treated
Step 4 Practice: Grammar
Sample answers to Exercise 1:
1 A soldier must know how to salute.
2 You don't have to kiss every baby on the cheek.
3 Must we look into the eyes of a man to see if he is telling the truth?
4 Must I give my cousin a hug when I meet her if I don't like her?
5 You don't have to nod when you see someone you know.
6 You don't have to shake hands when you greet your best friend.
7 You don't have to get off the bike when you greet someone.
8 You must bow when you are introduced to others. 9 You must take off your hat when you go inside.
Sample answers to Exercise 2:
1 you have got to apologise to your grandma
2 you have got to stay with us
3 you have got to save some of it
5 you have got to do it over again
6 you have got to get up very early
Note: The modal ought, as in You ought to do your homework first, is used more often in British than American English, which prefers should.
Step 5 Summary
Have we ever tiled to make snacks or seen our mother make snacks. Let’s try to write the recipe for your favorite dish. Before writing, you should read Tips first.
Step 6 Homework
Period 4  第四节
(一) 明确目标
1. Review the language points learnt last period.
2. Do some reading about some festivals.
3. Do some writing to develop the students writing skill.
(二) 整体感知
Step 1 Presentation
Many students like having festivals. But how many festivals do you know in the world? Today we are going to learn about some other festivals and then we should learn how to make our own festivals.
Step 1 Question the students on some language points
Step 2 Integrating skills
After fast reading, do the following True-or-False exercises.
1. Our body doesn’t need to refuel if we choose nutritious food for our main meals.
2. Good snacks should come from different food groups and should not have too much fat or sugar.
3. Fruits and vegetables don’t give us any vitamins.
4. Most fruits need cooking.
5. Fruits and vegetables are the only healthy snacks.
参考答案:1. F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5F
Step 3 Listening to the Passage
Now Listen to the reading passage.
Step 4 Reading comprehension
After fast reading, discuss these questions with your partner.
1. We can do a lot of things or organize some activities that improve or protect the environment, for example cleaning up the school yard, picking up trash, planting trees etc.There are several similar festivals or days in China that are devoted to the environment and helping people in the community, e.g. tree-planting day and Lei-Feng Day
2. Have a short discussion.
3. Have a short discussion.
4. Have a short discussion
5. To have “a day off” means to stay at home from work for a day, usually to relax. A “day on” means that although an American doesn’t work that day, they should do something serious to honour the man for whom the holiday is given.
It is not a time for us to rest, but a time to think about and do something important and great.
Give the students some explanations when necessary.
Step 5 Writing
Sample festival creations:
Name of the festival
Space Flight day
October 15th
Remembering the unforgettable day when the first manned space flight was successfully made
Creativity collective work unity love
How is the festival celebrated
Making model spaceship
The symbol
Wearing clothes with five stars
Name of the festival
Grandparent’s  Day
April 15
To honour the hard work and caring
Respect dignity
How is it celebrated?
Children vist or call their grandparents
The symbol
The Chinese character for long life
Step 6 Necessary language points
Today we ve done some listening and speaking, and learn how to give advice and some everyday English used between doctors and patients.
3. Integrating skills
1>It is the reminder that we need to care about the world we live in.
reminder [用法]n.[C]1. 提醒者,提醒物,令人回忆的东西
2. 提示,帮助记忆的记号
2>The festival honours both the living and the dead.
the living and the dead [用法]the+形容词表示一类
3>It is not a sad day, but rather a time to celebrate the cycle of life.
cycle [用法]n.[C]1. 周期;循环;一转 2. 整个系列;整个过程 3. 脚踏车;摩托车
vi./vt. (使)循环,轮转 vi. 骑脚踏车(或摩托车)
[举例]The seasons of the year make a cycle.  一年四季构成一个循环。
I cycled to the beach.  我骑车去海滩。
4>Our friends play tricks on us and try to fool us.
trick [用法]n. 1. 诡计;骗局;谋略;花招 2. 恶作剧 3.戏法,把戏;特技,妙计
vt./vi.1. 哄骗
[举例]He got into the castle by a trick. 他耍了个花招混进了城堡。
Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language.
No one understood how I did the card trick.
5>If a person is taken in, he or she is called April Fool .
take in [用法]1. 让...进入;接受 2. (此处)欺骗
Step 7 Homework
Period 5  第五节
1. Do some listening to improve the students listening ability.
2. Making simple dialogues to train the students speaking ability.
Step 1 Presentation
Today we come to the Workbook and do the listening comprehension and also do some talking practice.
Step 2 Listening comprehension
Part 1
It was two days before the Christmas holiday. Our teacher asked us to write about the best Christmas we had ever had. Before we started writing, we discussed the ,topic in groups.
MIKE: The best thing about Christmas is the gifts! I always write a long wish list. This year I want a new basketball, a pair of shoes, a CD, a guitar, a ...
SHAWN: Oh, come on Mike, that's not what Christ­mas is about. It's true we like to get and give gifts, but don't you like to get together with your family?
MIKE: Oh, yeah, I love the dinner. We always have lots of great food: turkey and chocolate pie. Oh, and...
LAURA: Mike! That's enough. I think what SHA WN means is that Christmas is a time to be to­gether with your family and friends. Now, SHAWN, what's your favourite Christmas memory?
SHAWN : My favourite Christmas was when I was eight years old. My grandparents came two days before Christmas Day and we went skat­ing on the lake together. On Christmas Eve, we had a picnic in the snow by the lake. It was great!
Part 2
SHAWN: What about you, LAURA? What's your favourite Christmas memory?
LAURA: My favourite Christmas was last year. My dad had been away for three months, work­ing in another city. Mum and I were very sad, because he had called and told us that he wouldn't be able to come home for Christ­mas. We tried to make the best of it. Mum and I invited our grandparents and we had dinner together. In the evening, we called dad and talked for a long time. I could hear that. dad was very sad, too, though he tried to sound happy.
SHAWN: That doesn't sound like a good Christmas at all. Why do you say that it's your favourite Christmas?
LAURA: Well, because of what happened later. My dad returned in March. I was in school the day he arrived, and mum hadn't told me that he was coming. When I got home from school, our house was decorated with Christ­mas lights and even some snow. I ran into the house and there was a big Christmas tree in the living room. Mum and Dad were wait­ing for me and we had a great Christmas party that evening. That was the best Christmas ever - even if it wasn't really Christmas at all.
MIKE: Now I understand what you mean when you say that Christmas is not just about getting gifts.
Suggested answers to the exercises:
Part 1:   IC  2A  3B  4C
Part 2:   1 Laura's father was working in another city.
2 They invited Laura's grandparents and tried to make the best of the situation.
3 Laura' s father came home and arranged a surprise Christmas party.
Step 3 Talking practice
Step 4 Sample talking
A: OK, let's begin. We are going on a holiday together and we have to decide where to go and what to do. Let each of us tell the group where we want to go and why: Can you start, please?
B: Yes. I think that the best way to celebrate is to have dinner at a restaurant and then go singing because we should have some fun. A holiday is a good time to eat together and we all like singing, so I think this is what we should do. And, if we eat at a restaurant, we don't have to cook or wash dishes.
D: I agree that we should have fun, but I'm not so sure that going to a restaurant is such a good idea. I think we should stay home and invite our friends and fam­ily to dinner. We should spend our holiday at home, with the people we love, not go out to some restau­rant. Besides, cooking together is fun and we can make dumplings and help each other do the dishes.
C Well, I think we should go on a trip to Mt Taishan and go hiking in the mountain. We don't have that many chances to go on a trip, so I think we should go now. We would get some exercise and some fresh air, and we would see all the wonderful sights.
A: But that's too expensive. I like the idea of spending the holiday outdoors, but we don't have to travel that far. The buses and train_ are going to be crowded, anyway, and we won't be able to enjoy the trip. Why don't we go to the park and have a picnic. If we have a picnic, we can enjoy a good meal and nature at the same time, and we may meet some interesting people. It's not as expensive as travelling or going to a res­taurant, and it's more fun than staying at home.
B: Well, let's see. I want to go to a restaurant, you want to have dinner at home, you want to go on a trip and you want to have a picnic in the park. So, we all want to eat, right?
(B summarizes the discussion and the students continue the discussion, trying to find the best possible compro­mise or solution.)
Step 5 Summary 小结
Step 7 Homework

Period 6  第六节
1. Discuss all the answers to the exercises in the Workbook.
2. Learn to use the grammar knowledge
3. Further develop the students’ writing skills.
Step 1 Presentation
In the class
Step 2 Vocabulary
Answers to Exercise 1:
1 = faith 2 = cheeks 3 = destruction 4 = nation 5 = kiss 6 = invitation 7 = ancestor 8 = salute
The circled letters form the word "festival."
Answers to Exercise 2:
Words with similar meaning:
I honour I respect  2 purpose I intention  3 argument I discussion.
Words with opposite meaning:
1 peace I fight  2 joy I sorrow  3 destruction I construc­tion.
Answers to Exercise 3:
I In northern China, especially in the countryside, people celebrate the New Year by dressing up in an­cient costumes and going on parades.
2 The celebration of Earth Day can be a reminder that we need to care about the world around us and re­spect life and nature.
3 Be careful on April 1 st, because your friends may play a trick on you. If you are taken in, you'll be called "April Fool!"
4 What's the purpose' of celebrating the "World Envi­ronment Day"?
5 On "Peace Day", no fighting or conflicts are allowed.
6 Many people still believe that when a person dies he starts a new cycle of life.
Step 3 Grammar
Answers to Exercise 1:
1 mustn't forget  2 mustn't shout  3 must help  4 mustn't ask  5 mustn't go  6 must finish
7 mustn't tell  8 must get  9 mustn't cross  10 mustn't accept  11 mustn't speak  12 must return
Answers to Exercise 2:
1 We have got to leave now; it is getting late.
2 You have got to accept the small gift; it would be impolite not to do so.
3 You have got to call a taxi; we must be / get home before six o' clock.
4 I'm afraid we have got to walk home; our car won't start.
5 You have got to carry your luggage yourself; there is no one here to help you.
6 I have got to take a hot bath when I get home; I want to get warm.
Answers to Exercise 3:
2 I have to wear sunglasses and a hat to protect myself from the sun.
3 We have to put up a tent / tents.
4 We have to prepare / cook our own meal.
5 We have to' wash ourselves and brush our teeth ev­ery day.
6 We have to bring tools / a tool box so that we can repair things that are broken.
Step 4 Integrating skills
We have learnt how to give advice. Now let’s try to write letters giving advice. Here in our textbook there are letters asking for some advice. Read them quickly, then write down four pieces of advice for each of them using "had better (not) , "ought (not) to or should (not) .
Many students like having snacks. Is the habit good or bad? Let s read “Snacks".
Step 5 Listening to the Passage
Listen to the reading passage.
Step 6 Reading comprehension
After fast reading, do the following True-or-False exercises.
What is each paragraph about?
§         Para.1. Harvest festivals in Africa
§         Para.2. Harvest festival in India –      Onam
§         Para.3. Chu Suk is a kind of harvest festival in Korea
§         Para.4. Chinese harvest festival – The Mid-Autumn Festival
§         Para.5. Harvest festivals are still popular all over the world
1. Why do people celebrate harvest festivals?
§         To give thanks for the year that has passed and for the harvest and to welcome the new season.
§         Different festivals have different themes, such as the Onam festival with its flowers and the story about the king and Chu Suk which also celebrates our ancestors.
2. What is the story behind Onam?
§         An ancient king was so beloved by his people that the gods became jealous and sent him away. To keepthe people from being too angry, the gods allowed the king to return once a year to celebrate Onam with his people.
2. 1 T  2 F  3 F 4 T  5 T
3  Compare the festivals described in the text. What are some similarities and differences?
§         Similarities:
They are all harvest festivals; they all celebrate life and they all have special foods and ways to celebrate.
§         Differences:
They are celebrated at different times; Onam is based on a story; during Chu Suk, people visit their ancestors’ graves.
* 4 Work in groups. Some festivals, like Christmas,   the Chinese Spring Festival and Ramadan, are celebrated in many countries and are becoming more popular. Why are these festivals spreading around the world?
Where is it celebrated?
Europe, the US, also sometimes in China
Why is it spreading?
People like the story about Santa Claus; businesses like to make money by selling Christmas things
Who celebrates it? Christians, mainly, but also people who simply enjoy the festival
Spring Festival
Where is it celebrated?
China, other Asian coun­tries, also Europe and the US
Why is it spreading?
People like the colourful celebra­tion and the rich tradition; Chinese 'people live all around the world
Who celebrates it?
Chinese people, mainly, but also people who simply enjoy the festival
Where is it celebrated?
The Middle East, North­ern Africa, also Europe, Asia and the US
Why is it spreading?
People like the ideas behind the fes­tival; people ,are interested in Is­lamic culture
Who celebrates it?
Mainly Muslims, but also people who simply enjoy the festival
Step 7 Sample writng
Dear Julie:
Thank you for your letter. I will try to help you. ,I can tell you about the Spring Festival in China. The Spring F es­tival is the biggest festival in China. It is usually cel­ebrated in early February, but the actual dates are dif­ferent every year. The reason why the dates are different is that the Festival is based on a different calendar, the lunar calendar. The Spring Festival/begins on the day before the new year in this calendar and lasts for 15 days. The most important day is New Years Day. Fami­lies get together on New Year’s Eve and have a big meal. During the festival, we visit friends and have fun to­gether. Most parents give their children a red envelope with some money in it. People celebrate the festival to welcome the new year and to show their love for their family and friends. In my family, we enjoy preparing for the festival. We cook together and we each have a spe­cial task. My job is to put up the traditional scrolls. These are two large, red pieces of paper with a Spring Festi­val poem written on them. I put one on each side of our front door. I have many happy memories of the Spring Festival - it is a happy time of the year and I always enjoy 'spending time with my family. I hope this will help you write about the Spring Festival.
Picture 1 (Yuanxiao, Chinese Lantern Festival)
The Lantern Festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the flfst year of the Chinese lunar calendar. The festival ends the New Year's celebration. It is a fun festival. People carry lanterns and go into the streets at night to watch lion or dragon dances, play games and light fire­crackers. Yuanxiao, a sweet dumpling made of rice flour, is the traditional food eaten during the festival. In Chi­nese, the festival is named after the dumpling, which is said to represent family unity and happiness (because it is sticky, round and sweet).
Picture 2 (Dai Water-Sprinkling Festival)
The Dai minority in Yunnan celebrate the Water-Sprin­kling Festival in the middle of April. The festival cel­ebrates the Dai Lunar New Year and lasts for three days. There are dragon races and fireworks displays on the flfst day and a fair on the second day. At the fair, young lovers throw love pouches to each other. The third day is the actual water-sprinkling day; people splash water on each other to wash away illnesses and bad luck and bring good luck for the coming year.
Picture 3 (Dragon Boat Festival)
Hundreds of beautifully decorated dragon boast take to river to celebrate the memory of the great poet Qu Yuan.
In rivers across the country, dragon races are held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar. The festival is also a time to eat Zongzi, a traditional dish of rice and fruit wrapped in bamboo leaves. Ac­cording to the story of Qu Yuan, people would throw Zongzi into the water so that the fish would eat the rice instead of the poet. The festival is also celebrated to protect people from bad luck and illnesses. Healthy herbs are sometimes hung on the front door and nutritious drinks are prepared. Some people believe that if an egg is balanced on its end at exactly 12:00 noon, it means that the coming year will be good.
Picture 4 (Losar, Tibetan New Year)
Losar, or the Tibetan New Year, is celebrated on the 25th day of the 10th month of the Tibetan calendar. The festival lasts for a week and is a time for giving thanks. On the last day of the year, people clean their houses and prepare for the new year. On the 29th day of the last month, houses are cleaned, washed and painted as part of the Gutor festival. At dawn on New Year's Day, Ti­betans go to visit holy places and hang flags over their homes. Many families will go for picnics and visit friends and family. The festival lasts well over two weeks, but the first four days are for small family feasts. When the family gathers at home for the New Year cel­ebration, they eat a special bread called tab-zan.
Step 5 Summary
Have we ever tiled to make snacks or seen our mother make snacks. Let’s try to write the recipe for your favorite dish. Before writing, you should read Tips first.
4. Workbook
1>It is likely that people have celebrated harvest festivals even since they began to plant and gather food.
likely [用法]a.1. 很可能的[+to-v][+that] 2. 适当的,正合要求的[(+for)]
[举例]John is likely to be in London this autumn. 今年秋天约翰可能在伦敦。
The park is a likely place for the picnic. 这公园倒是个适合野餐的地方。
2>On each day there is a special event: a parade of elephants, fireworks and dances.
parade [用法]n. 行进,行列,游行[C]
vt. 在...游行,在...列队行进
vi. 游行,列队行进
[举例]A parade was held on New Year s Day. 元旦那天举行了游行。
3>The boats used are beautifully painted and decorated with flowers.
decorate [用法]vt./vi. 装饰,修饰
[举例]The great hall was decorated with flowers. 大厅里装饰着花朵。
4>The king is so popular that the gods become jealous and send him away.
jealous [用法]a. 妒忌的(+of)
[举例]He was jealous of his friend s reputation. 他妒忌朋友的声誉。
Why is he so jealous? 他为何这么会妒忌?
5>A very special event takes place the night before ChuSuk.
take place [用法]用法见高一上册 unit 4
6>...the yearly festivals represent our love for family, friends and life.
yearly [用法]a. 每年的,一年一次的 ad. 每年;一年一度
[举例]I make a yearly trip to the mountains.  我每年进一次山。
Interest is paid yearly. 利息一年支付一次。
Step 7 Homework
Period 7  第七节
3.  检查本单元单词、短语及相关句型。
The Nechlace
I. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标和要求:
1.Topics 话题
1>Talking about drama and theatre
2>Talking about the play The Necklace
2.Function: 交际功能
征求许可(Ask for permission)
Could we/I...?     May/Can I...?  Shall we...?   Is it possible...?  Do you mind...?
讨论可能(Talk about possibilities)
It can t be...           It could...    He might...        They must...
3.Vocabulary 重点词汇和短语
dormitory; recognise; surely; diamond; explain; ball; jewellery; franc; continue; lovely; debt; precious; positive; attend; earn; lecture; silly; mosquito; bat; besides; outline; plot; quality
call on; bring back; day and night; pay off; at most; act out
情态动词(3)---must, can/could, may/might
1 能够用英语有把握地猜测某人或某事物现在的情况---must/can t
2 能够用英语不十分有把握地猜测某人或某事物现在的情况---can/may/could/might
II. Difficult points
III. Main teaching aids教具:A tape-recorder; Multimedia, projector, role cards
Ⅳ. Main teaching methods 教法:
1. The interaction between the teacher and the students, and among the students themselves; Attention to the students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing; and so on.
2. Listening-and–answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material.
3. Use both individual work and group or pair work to make every student work and think in class
V. Teaching procedure:
Period 1第一节
1. Warming up to arouse the students love in talking.
2. Do some listening to improve the students listening ability.
3. Making simple dialogues to train the students speaking ability.
(二) 整体感知
Step 1 Presentation
Say to the Ss many of you must have heard of some good stories, including fairy tales. Can anyone tell us an interesting one?
(Let the Ss talk about some mysterious stories .look at the pictures and use them to make up a story.)
Today we are going to talk about some mysterious stories. Look at the pictures and use them to make up a story. (Let Ss discuss it first, and then ask them to tell the class and act out their stories.)
Step 2 Warming up
Step 3 Listening comprehension
Now let s have some listening training.
Listen to the short play to the tape. Ask the students to listen carefully and do the exercises of this part in their books.
After listening, let the students discuss the mystery.
Scene 1
John and Mary are in their apartment.
Mary: John, I can't find my necklace and my cellphone.
John: Maybe you just forgot where you put them?
Mary: No, I'm sure they were here on the table.
John: Look at this! There are footprints on the floor.
Mary: Hmm, the footprints look strange. They're so small! Let's follow the footprints and see where they go.
Scene 2
John and Mary follow the mysterious footprints.
John: Aha! The window is open. Someone must have climbed up the tree, gone in through the win­dow, and stolen your cellphone and necklace.
Mary: I think you're right. Oh, and look at this – there is something on the floor here.
John: What is it?
Mary: I'm not sure. It's red and it looks like ... hair! Yes, it is hair. Very thick red hair.
John: This is getting more and more mysterious.
Scene 3
John and Mary have gone into the garden to look for more clues.
Mary: Look, here are more footprints.
John: And what is this? A banana peel.
Mary: A banana peel? What's it doing in our garden? John: I think I know who stole your cellphone and necklace.
Scene 1   1 B 2 A   Scene 2   1 D 2 C    Scene 3   1 B 2 It's a monkey.
Step 4 Speaking practice
Divide the class into several groups after going though the 3 different situations given in the book. Help each group to choose one and discuss what will happen next.
After the discussion, one student of each group is asked to report their imagined story. Then the whole groups are required to act it out in class.
Model play of The Secret of the Black Tower
NOTE: (Scene 1 should consist of dialogue based on the description in the SB)
Scene 2
NARRATOR: ... The three friends have gone to bed and are trying to fall asleep when suddenly they hear a sound they'd never heard before.
LI RONGll:     (raising his head from the pillow) My God! What was that?
ZHANG FEI: Oh, my, what was that indeed?
BAO NAN:     Who cares? Get some sleep!
LI RONGll:    Huh? Get some sleep? How can you sleep when you know that --
BAO NAN:    Know what? That a terrible monster is   about to eat us?      11
ZHANG FEI:. Or maybe it's a dragon that will breathe fire on us!
BAO NAN:    Or maybe it's an old rat that ran into a   wall and hurt itself.
ZHANG FEI: There are rats in this tower? Li Rongji,   you told me this tower had no rats?
LI RONGll:    Of course, there are no rats.
BAO NAN:    Li Rongji is probably right.
LI RONGll:    (wearing a big smile) Ah, so you agree it could be a monster.
BAO NAN:    I didn't mean that. I mean it's got to be a mouse. Now go back to sleep, silly.
LI RONGll:    I am not silly!
NARRATOR: Suddenly they hear the noise again, only this time it is louder.
LI RONGll:    Does that sound like a mouse to you?    Huh? Huh?
ZHANG FEI: Yeah, mice squeak, they don't roar.
BAO NAN:    OK. Then go have a look and find out    for yourself.
LI RONGll:    What? Are you crazy? I'm not climbing down those stone stairs by myself in the dark. Oh, no!
BAO NAN:    Then take Zhang Fei with you. And let   me get some sleep.
NARRATOR: After making some plans, they take off their shoes to beat the monster, they climb down the stairs. Just as they are passing a small window in the tower they hear the sound again.
LI RONGll:    Oh, my! There it is again!
ZHANG FEI: (looking out the window) Look! A rainstorm!
TOGETHER: And lots of lightning. (They look at each other, feeling ridiculous. For a moment, the lightning stops and it becomes very quiet. )
BAO NAN: Zzzzz….Zzzzz
LI RONGJI: What was that? That noise came from inside this tower.
ZHANG FEI: You're a great detective, Li Rongji. (He yawns.) That's Bao Nan having a good rest.
LI RONGJI: Huh? Get some sleep? How can you sleep when you know that ­
BAONAN: Know what?
Step 5 Necessary language points
The aim of this class is to foster the abilities of listening and speaking, as well as imagination. If time permits, let one student gives a situation in each group, and the others create a good story accordingly.
Listening and speaking听说要点
1>Each scene will give you a clue that you can use to solve the mystery..
clue  [用法]n.[C] (解决疑案、问题等的)线索,迹象,提示[(+to)]
[举例]"Do you know the time of the next train?" "I don t have a clue."
"您知道下一班火车的时间吗?" "我一无所知。"
The police have no clue to his identity.
mystery  [用法]n. 神秘的事物;难以理解的事物;谜[C]]
[联想]mysterious a. 神秘的;不可思议的
2>The black tower is a scary place.
scary  [用法]a.1. 引起惊慌的 2. 胆小的;提心吊胆的
[联想]scare vt. 惊吓,使恐惧
scared a. 吃惊的, 吓坏的; 恐惧的
Step 6 Summary小结:
Step 7 Homework
Period 2第二节
1. Develop the students reading ability, especially their reading comprehension.
2. Read the reading passage and know about the play.
Step 1 Presentation
Today we come to the Reading. It s about a necklace. The play is based on a French story written by a writer called Maupassant. There are 3 leading characters in the play: Mathilde Loisel, Pierre and Jeanne. We will come to 3 scenes given in the text.
Step 2 Pre-reading discussions
Questions 1-3: answers will vary.
Step 3 Reading
Read the text carefully again, and give the students some explanations.
1. Let’s the students read the first scene of the play as quickly as they can. Try to answer the following questions.
(1) what‘s the matter with Mathilde?
(2) Why didn’t Jeanne recognize her at first?
(3) Why has she been working so hard?
(4) Why did she need to borrow some jewellery?
2. The students are encouraged to find out more about the necklace in scene two. Now, the story goes back to ten years earlier. Some comprehension questions are also given.
(5) Why was Mathilde worried?
(6) What did Pierre suggest?
(7) What did they decide to do?
3. In scene 3, we’ll find out the ending of the story. Read it quickly and find what happened on the way home after the ball.(suggested answer: Mathilde saw the necklace was no longer around her neck.)
(1) She has been working hard for 10 years.
(2) She looks older than her age and she doesn’t look well.
(3) Because of the diamond necklace.
(4) She was invited to a ball at the palace so she needed to borrow some jewelley.
(5) She didn’t have an evening dress or any jewellery to wear.
(6) Pierre suggested borrowing some jewellery from a friend who might lend her some.
(7) Mathilde decided to go and borrow some jewellery from Jeanne.
Step 4 Listening to the reading passage
Play the tape for the students to listen and follow. Pay attention to the pro- nunciation and intonation. Listen to the tape of the 3 scenes one by one, and make sure the students understand it, dealing with some language points.
Step 5 Post-reading
1. Mathilde returns to the palace where the ball was held to ask about the necklace .ask the students to
make a dialogue between Mathilde and another person in the palace.
2. Ask the students:” how do you think Mathilde felt when Jeanne told her the stone in the necklace
were made of glass, not diamonds?”
Let the students continue the story and write a similar scene.
Answers to Part 1:
1 E   2 C   3 B   4 F   5 A    6 D
Sample story for Part 2:
Scene 4
M: You will never guess whom I met today in the park. P: Oh, was it someone important?
M: Why, yes, you could certainly say that. (Looking at him.) I met Jeanne.
P: No, you don't say?
M: Yes, she was sitting there when I walked by but she didn't know it was me.
P: How could she forget? (He sees his wife putting her hands to her face)     Oh, I'm sorry.
M: That's all right. Anyway, we both know I did it to myself.
P: Did what, dear?
M: Made a fool of myself. I simply had to be the love­liest lady at the ball and look what it cost me and you. I'm sorry.
P: Forget it, dear. What's past is past. You mustn't keep blaming yourself.
M: But you don't know the worst part. Oh, I still can't       believe it! She told me that the diamond necklace wasn't real.
P: What do you mean? M: It wasn't real. It was only worth a few hundred francs.
P: Oh my goodness! And we worked so hard to pay for that necklace. Our whole life... But at least we did the right thing. We must forget about the past. At least we still have each other.
M: (not listening) And to think she gets to keep the necklace now! (She shakes her head many times)
P: Forget the necklace. It can only bring you as much trouble as the old one.
Step 6 Summary 小结
Step 7 Homework
Period 3第三节
1. Learn about the  useful words and expression in the reading text.
2. Learn how to use "had better", "should" and "ought to" while giving advice.
3. Discuss the answers to all the exercises in the Students’Book.
Step 1 Presentation
In this class we’ll first go through the text and learn to use some language points. And then we’ll discuss the exercises together with each other.
Step 2 Language points in the reading text
1>But I don t think I know you.
[解释]本句包含否定转移现象。一般说来,think, believe, suppose, expect, fancy, imagine
等动词后面宾语从句的否定词要转移到主句中,即主句的谓语动词用否定式,而从句的谓语动词用肯定式。        (更多解释请到语法专栏)
2>But you may not remember me..
may  [用法]v.aux.1. (表示可能性)可能,也许
2. (表示许可或请求许可)可以
3. (表示希望、祝愿等)祝,愿
4.may not表示可能不或不可以
[举例]She may be a nurse.        她可能是个护士。
"May I come in?" "Yes, please."        "我可以进来吗?" "请。"
May you succeed!        祝你成功!
3>I would rather not tell you..
would rather  [用法]1.would rather+动词原形,表示宁愿做什么
2.否定形式为would rather not do
3.would rather加句子常用虚拟语气形式,从句动词用过去式
4>So I need to borrow some jewellery..
jewellery  [用法]珠宝之总称  [联想]jewel [c]
5>And a new dress costs over four hundred francs..
cost  [用法]vt.1. 花费 2. 使付出(时间、劳力、代价等),使丧失
[举例]The car cost him around ten thousand US dollars.        这车花去他一万美元左右。
The error cost the company one million pounds.        这错误使公司损失了一百万英镑。
6>Does that matter?
matter  [用法]vi. (常用于否定句和疑问句)有关系,要紧
[举例]All these things do not matter now.        所有这一切现在都无关紧要了。
7>She married a man with a lot of money.
marry  [用法]见高一上册 unit 2
8>So I called on you and asked if I could borrow some jewellery..
call on  [用法]拜访某人  [联想]call at 访问某地
9>You tried it on and it looked wonderful on you.
try...on  [用法]试穿
10>Well, after all these years we ve at last paid off all our debts
pay off  [用法]还清  [联想]pay for 付钱买什么;为什么付出代价
11>It was worth five hundred francs at most.
worth  [用法]a.1. 有(...的)价值,值... 2. 值得(做...)
[举例]This necklace is worth 1,000 US dollars.        这条项链值一千美元。
That novel is not worth reading.        那部小说不值得一读。
The exhibition is worth a visit.        这展览值得一看。
[联想]be worthy to be done; be worthy of being done
Step 3 Practice: Vocabulary
1. Let the students do the two exercises in their books. Both of them can help to consolidate their learning of the new words and phrases. Allow them to discuss in pairs.
Answers to Exercise 1:
1 continue     2 ball     3 recognise / recognize  4 diamond   5 jewellery / jewelry
Answers to Exercise 2:
1 payoff         2 any more   4 call on  5 at the most  7 at all
Step 4 Practice: Grammar
2. Grammar talks about possibilities
When you are very sure of something, you use “must” in positive sentences and “can not” or “can’t” in negative sentences.
When you think that something is very possible, you use “can”.
When you think that something is possible, but you are not very sure, you use “could”, “may” or “might”.
Go through the sentences in the book with the whole class.
Answers to Exercise 1:
1 He can't be at home. / He must be out.
2 They must earn a lot of money.
3 They must be poor. / They can't be very rich.
4 He must be terribly busy.
5 It must be very interesting.
Answers to Exercise 2:
1 must / may be      2 can't be        3 must / may be   4 can't be     5 must / may be
Step 5 Summary
Have we ever tiled to make snacks or seen our mother make snacks. Let’s try to write the recipe for your favorite dish. Before writing, you should read Tips first.
Step 6 Homework
Period 4  第四节
(一) 明确目标
1. Review the language points learnt last period.
2. Do some reading about Snacks.
3. Do some writing to develop the students writing skill.
4. Get students to know the use of the modal verbs: must, can /may /might
(二) 整体感知
Step 1 Presentation
Today we are going to deal with the part “language study”. First, let’s come to “words study”, and then we’ll talk about the grammar.
Step 1 Question the students on some language points
Step 2 Integrating skills
We have learnt how to give advice. Now let’s try to write letters giving advice. Here in our textbook there are letters asking for some advice. Read them quickly, then write down four pieces of advice for each of them using "had better (not) , "ought (not) to or should (not) .
Many students like having snacks. Is the habit good or bad? Let s read “Snacks".
Step 3 Listening to the Passage
Step 4 Reading comprehension
After fast reading, do the following True-or-False exercises.
Answers to comprehension
1 TV shows have plots, that is, they tell stories just like a play. Computer games don't really tell stories but they do have a beginning, middle, and end to their action, like plays and characters.
2 The roles we play in life may be real or fake. We may act the way we truly think and feel or pretend to be someone we are not-just like an actor does. Often the role we play depends on our relationship to others, especially how we feel about them.
3 Shakespeare once wrote, "All the world's a stage," If life is like theatre, then we are all actors on its stage. Some of us have big roles to play while others have small roles. But each role is important to the success of the play, just like in the real life.
4 The task here is for Ss to take one of the two prompts from the reading and create a play around it. One deals with a student who meets an alien on her way to her grandmother's home. The other involves a stu­dent who meets a girl on her way to school who looks exactly like her.
Give the students some explanations when necessary.
Step 5 Writing
Now let s have some listening training.
Sample plays:
1 A strange encounter
Cast of characters
Jane, a teenage girl
Jane 2 ("Girl"), Jane's clone
J = lane; G = Girl
(Jane is walking down the street. She is on her way to school and is carrying a book bag. She is smiling and singing a song. Suddenly another Girl comes towards her. Jane looks at her and seems surprised.)
J:     (to herself): Hmm, that's strange. That girl looks familiar.
(The Girl comes closer. Both girls stare at each other. They look shocked. After a brief silence, they start speaking at the same time.)
J and G: Oh my! It's me!
J:        You look just like me!
G:       No, you look like me!
J:        I'm Jane. What's your name?
G:       My name is Jane 2.
J:        We have the same name!
G:       No, my name is Jane 2, you know, the number two, not also too.
J:     What do you mean?
G:    I'm not sure, but I think that you must be my clone.
J:    Your what?
G:    Your clone. You know, like a twin, or a copy.
J:     I didn't know I had a twin.
G:    Well, I only found out yesterday. That's why I came here, to find you and try to find the sci­entists that made me. We must find him!
J:    This can't be true! There are no human clones. They must have been lying to you.
G:    Think about it. Look at us. We are the same. We must be clones.
J:     If you are right, then why didn't my parents tell me about you?
G:    They must not have known. But we can't keep it a secret anymore. We must go and tell them at once.
J:     OK, let's go. (Girl moves towards exit.) No, wait. I have a better idea. If we are the same, and if nobody knows it, maybe we should try to have some fun before we tell people. Let's go to my school and play a trick on my class­mates.
(They laugh and walk off stage.)
2 You must believe me!
Cast of characters
Mary Smith, a teenage girl
Peter Scoles, one of Jane' s classmates
Steven Smith, Mary's father
Angela Smith, Mary's mother
Ploink and Bzoink, aliens from the planet Hummdrumm
M = Mary; J = Jeff; S = Steven; A = Angela
Scene 1
(Mary is sitting at home. She is reading a book. Sud­denly a strange red light shines from a corner of the room. There:S- a loud crash and suddenly Jeff is stand­ing in Mary’s room.)
M: Jeff! Where did you come from?
J: (Looks around.) Where am I? Is that you Mary? M: Yes, of course it's me.
J: Quick, tell me what year it is!
M: What do you mean? It's 20O4! What a strange ques­tion.
J: 2004! Thank goodness! Oh, Mary, I'm back!
M: What do you mean "you're back?" Where have you been?
J: I've been to the future!
Scene 2
(Jeff and Mary are talking to Steven and Angela, Mary’s­ parents.)
A: Now, that's a strange story, Jeff. You say you were on your way to your grandmother and then some ...
J: Small green men.
A: Small green men took you to the year...
M: 4089.
S: That's ridiculous, Jeff. Your story can't be true. You must be lying or trying to play a trick on us. You mustn't lie to people, Jeff!
J: I'm not lying, Mr. Smith! It's true. I know it must seem strange, but I am telling you the truth. You must believe me. The people in the future warned me about something terrible that will happen next month. We must stop it from happening!
A: You must understand that it is difficult for us to be­lieve you, Jeff.
J: Please listen to me! Here's what they told me...
(Scene ends. The next scene is set in the future. The aliens are telling Jetf what will happen.)
Scene 3
(The year 4089, aboard an alien spaceship. Ploink and Bzoink are showing Jeff what the Earth looks like in the future. They are wearing speaking devices that trans­late what they say into English.)
P: Look, Jeff, I know this is difficulty to believe, but you must listen to us. It's for your own good. Look at the earth down there. Do you see any people or animals?
J: No, no... it's all... empty and quiet. And there are no trees or planet. And why is the water black?
B: That's what we are trying to tell you. All life on earth     will die unless you start thinking about the environ­ment.
J: Oh my! What happened? How did the earth end up  like this? It was such a beautiful planet!
P: Yes, it was. But it's not too late. That's why we have been sent here. You can save the earth!
J: Me? Save the earth? No, that can't be right. I'm just a middle school student. I can't do anything about this.
B: You're wrong, Jeff. There is something you can do, in fact must do if you want to keep the future from looking like this.
J: But what can I do? '
P: It's simple. We have looked at what happened in the past and we know that what you did...
B: Or rather what you didn't do!
P: That's right, what you didn't do caused all this.
J: What, me? How?
P: Next month, there will be a special program about the environment in your school. You and your class­mates were asked to take part in a speech competi­tion.
J: Yes, but I'm not going to give a speech ...
B: That's the problem! We have looked at another pos­sible future...
J: What do you mean "another future"?
P: We can do that. We saw another future where you gave the speech together with your friend Mary. You won the speech competition and were chosen to give: your speech on TV. People listened to your speech and started thinking about the environment. You and f your classmates learned more about the environment, as did students all over the world. Because so many people thought about the environment and made small changes in their life, the earth was saved. Look at this. (They show Jeff another future, where the earth is green and blue again and full of life and hap­piness.)
J: (With tears in his eyes.) That's beautiful.
P: Now go back and give that speech, Jeff. The future of this planet depends on it.
J: Yes, I must. I will. Let's go!
Step 6 Necessary language points
Today we ve done some listening and speaking, and learn how to give advice and some everyday English used between doctors and patients.
1>I don t like plays that much..
that  [用法]ad.【口】那样,那么
2>I act as one of the heroes in the game..
act as  [用法]充当;担任
3>Why don t we try writing a play of our own?
try writing  [用法]见高一上册 unit 12
4>And Besides, we have to start somewhere if we want to learn how to write plays..
[用法]ad. 此外,而且,加之
[举例]The driver couldn’t see either. Besides, the roads are nearly impassable.
Besides, I want you to promise me one thing.        此外,我要你答应我一件事。
5>If we work together, we might come up with a very good story.
come up with  [用法]见高一上册 unit 3和unit 9
Step 7 Homework
Period 5  第五节
1. Do some listening to improve the students listening ability.
2. Making simple dialogues to train the students speaking ability.
Step 1 Presentation
Today we come to the Workbook and do the listening comprehension and also do some talking practice.
Step 2 Listening comprehension
W: Woman    P: Policeman
W: Excuse me, please. I've lost a necklace. I wonder if anyone has brought it in here.
P: When did you lose it?
W: I lost it in the street yesterday when I was on my way home from a party.
P: Are you sure you lost it in the street?
W: Yes, I’m sure. I had it on when I put on my coat to leave the party. When I got home and took my coat off, it was gone. I’ve looked in the hall of my house, but I can’t find it.
P: Right. I’d better write down the information. Then if anyone hands it in, we can return it to you. May I have you name, please?
W: Mrs. Roome. That’s R-double oh-M-E.
P: And the address?
W: 40 Spring Gardens, Knotley. That’s K-N-O-T-L-E-Y.
P: And is there a telephone number?
W: Yes, it's 0993 464392.
P: Where did you lose the necklace?
W: Somewhere between High Street and Spring Gar­dens.
P: Could you describe the necklace to me?
W: Yes. In the centre there's a large light blue stone, rather like an egg. And on either side there are small round stones and long thin ones; they are light green in colour.
P: Right, Mrs. Roome. If it comes in here, we'll ring you.
Ex. 1: Picture 4
Ex. 2: Mrs Roome  40 Spring Gardens, Knotley   0993 464392   Between High Street and Spring Gar­dens
Ex. 3: 1 lose  2 sure you lost it  3 May I have your  4 And the   5 is there a telephone
6 Where did you lose the   7 Could you describe the necklace
Step 3 Talking practice
Situation 1
(Mathilde and her husband are sitting at the breakfast table. They both look sad and shocked.)
M = Mathilde          H = Husband
M: Oh my! I can't believe I lost the necklace. What are we going to do? (She starts crying.)
H: There, there, don't cry. We'll think of something.    Maybe someone has found it.
M: Oh, if only that were true! That necklace is very expensive. We must find it so we can return it.
H: Well, if we don't find it, we'll have to tell your friend that you lost her necklace.
M: That's impossible! I couldn't live knowing that I had lost my friend's necklace. No, if we don't find it, we'll have to buy a new one.
H: How can we buy a necklace like that? We don't have that much money?
M: I don't care what we'll have to do, as long as we return the necklace. (She is getting upset again.)
H: Ok, calm down. I suppose we could try to borrow       some money at the bank. Of course, it would take us many years of hard work to pay back the loan.
M: Oh darling, we must! Please help me! We can make it if we both try our best.
H: I know we can. Let's go to the bank tomorrow and       see about that loan.
M: Thank you!
Situation 2
(Mathilde returns after talking to her friend. She looks tired. Her husband is sitting in his chair. He is old and tired.)
M: Oh, Pierre! Pierre!
H: What is it?
M: I just talked to the friend whose necklace I lost. You can never guess what she told me!
H: What?
M: The necklace ...
H: Did she discover that we had bought a new one?
M: No. Oh, the necklace I lost, it, it ... it wasn't real!
H: Not real? What do you mean?
M: It was made of glass.
H: Oh my! And we... we worked so hard to pay back that loan. All those years.
M: I was angry at first and I felt so stupid, but now I        think we still did the right thing. We may have worked hard and ...
H: At least we did what we had to do.
M: Yes. But, if only...
H: Yes, if only...
Step 4 Sample talking
Step 5 Summary 小结
Step 7 Homework
Period 6  第六节
1. Discuss all the answers to the exercises in the Workbook.
2. Learn to use the grammar knowledge
3. Further develop the students’ writing skills.
Step 1 Presentation
In the class
Step 2 Vocabulary
Answers to Exercise 1:
1 I except / besides 2 except (for) 3 besides
2 I called off 2 called on 3 calls... up
3 I brought back 2 bring about 3 brought up
Answers to Exercise 2:
1 dormitory  2 beautiful  3 precious  4 outline  5 qualities  6 lecture
Answers to Exercise 3:
1 come on 2 call on 3 hold on 4 kept on 5 went on 6 try on 7 turned on 8 put on
Step 3 Grammar
Answers to Exercise 1:
ID 2A 3B 4C
Answers to Exercise 2:
in, to, at, on, for, for, from, at, after, for, as, After, for, When, that, until, of, at
Answers to Exercise 3:
Various answers are possible.
1 I think the tiger must be in the box on the right because the princess doesn't want the young man to many the young woman. OR.. on the left because the princess wants to save the young man's life.
2 I think the tiger can't be in the box on the left be­cause the princess doesn't want the young man to many the young woman. OR .. on the right because the princess doesn't want the young man to die / be eaten by the tiger.
3 I think the princess may wan_ to help the young man marry the beautiful young woman because she doesn't want the young man to die / be eaten by the tiger.
4 I think the princess may not want to see the young man go into the box with the young woman in it be­cause she does not want the man to many the young woman.
Step 4 Integrating skills
We have learnt how to give advice. Now let’s try to write letters giving advice. Here in our textbook there are letters asking for some advice. Read them quickly, then write down four pieces of advice for each of them using "had better (not) , "ought (not) to or should (not) .
Many students like having snacks. Is the habit good or bad? Let s read “Snacks".
Step 5 Listening to the Passage
Step 6 Reading comprehension
After fast reading, do the following True-or-False exercises.
1 Various answers are possible. Actors prepare for a performance by learning the lines of the play, but they also need to understand the character they are going to play. They may change the way they look or watch how a person like their character lives. (Stu­dents may also answer the question by describing how actors develop their basic skills, as outlined in the reading passage.)
2 I-Paragraph 2; 2-Paragraph 1; 3-Paragraph 5; 4-Para­graph 3; 5-Paragraph 4.
4 Various answers are possible.
On stage
In real life
Remember lines
Remember what to say
Study, take exams
Speak clearly
Speak to the audience
Give a speech, read poetry
Understanding feelings
Playing a character
Understanding ourselves and our
Team work (Various answers
Act together with other actors
Study together, work together
are possible)
Step 7 Sample writng
Dear Fantastic Films,
My name is Song Lin and I am fifteen years old. I live in a town in western China. I read your ad and decided to send you a letter. I have always wanted to be an actor. When I was five years old, I used to sing songs and read poems to my family. In school, I have acted in many plays and I have also taken some classes in acting. Last year, I was given an award by our town for my performance in the play Let's Dance. I think I could be a good actor, because I am interested in people and the way they think. If I can study acting in your school, I am sure that I can learn the things I still need to become _ good actor. Becoming a star is not so important to me, but I would love to spend my life working in the film industry. I want to make films that show people how beautiful life can be and that make people smile and happy. Thank you for giving me this chance, I hope you will choose me as one of the students for your school.
Yours sincerely,
Song Lin
Step 5 Summary
Have we ever tiled to make snacks or seen our mother make snacks. Let’s try to write the recipe for your favorite dish. Before writing, you should read Tips first.
4. Workbook
1>Have you ever dreamed of becoming an actor?
dream of  [用法]1. 梦见 2. 梦想;渴望
[举例]I dreamt of seeing her last night.        我昨晚梦见了她。
Many boys dream of becoming pilots.        许多男孩梦想成为飞行员。
2>The first thing an actor must have is the desire to become an act and the belief that he can act well.
desire  [用法]见高一上册 unit 11
belief that...  [用法]that引导的是同位语从句。高一上册就多次出现,如高一上册 unit 1以及unit 9等。
3>Students are then asked to close their eyes, concentrate on the object...
concentrate  [用法]vt.1. 集中;聚集,集结(+on/upon)
vi.1. 集中;聚集,集结 2. 全神贯注;全力以赴(+on/upon)
[举例]We must concentrate our attention on efficiency.
Our population is concentrated in the big cities.       我国人口集中在大城市里。
She couldn’t concentrate on a book very long.        她不能长时间专心读一本书。
4>When Tom Hanks shot the film, he had to lose a lot of weight to look like someone.
shoot  [用法]拍摄
[举例]The new movie was shot in Africa.      这部新的影片是在非洲拍摄的。
Step 7 Homework
Period 7  第七节
4.  检查本单元单词、短语及相关句型。
5.  讲评统一布置的课外基础练习。
Scientists at Work
I. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标和要求:
1.Topics 话题
1>Talking about science and scientists
2>Talking about experiments
2.Function: 交际功能
1.发出指令(Giving instructions)
Build the frame of the kite by making...
Tie the corner of the handkerchief to the points of the cross...
Add a tail to the frame and tie a long string to the cross...
First, fix a sharp piece of metal...
Second, fasten a key to the end of the long string.
Third, tie a silk ribbon to the string...
Fly the kite when...
2.讨论和评估赞成与反对(Discussing and evaluating pros and cons)
It s good for the ceremony.
It can help many people in the future.
It is cleaning and does not pollute the air.
It is important for science.
It brings people more comfort.
It is too expensive.
It is dangerous or bad for your health.
It is bad for the environment.
It is unnecessary.
Some people will use it for other things.
3.Vocabulary 重点词汇和短语
experiment; glove; gas; liquid; advantage; disadvantage; engine; nuclear; comfort; unnecessary; successful; conduct; lightning; thunderstorm; string; charge; electric; shock; prove; tear; frame; handkerchief; control; sharp; foot; fasten; sense; test; shampoo; skin; drug; activist; doubt; cruel; view; conclusion
a number of; a great deal of; pick out; test on
构词法-----合成词    foot + ball=football           up + stairs=upstairs
under +storm=thunderstorm     hide + and + seek=hide-and-seek
II. Difficult points
III. Main teaching aids教具:A tape-recorder; Multimedia, projector, role cards
Ⅳ. Main teaching methods 教法:
1. The interaction between the teacher and the students, and among the students themselves; Attention to the students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing; and so on.
2. Listening-and–answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material.
3. Use both individual work and group or pair work to make every student work and think in class
V. Teaching procedure:
Period 1第一节
1. Warming up to arouse the students love in talking.
2. Do some listening to improve the students listening ability.
3. Making simple dialogues to train the students speaking ability.
4. Learn to express the student’s everyday life, especially their life on science study.
(二) 整体感知
Step 1 Presentation
When you are talking about studying, almost all of you think that studying can only happen in the classroom, and it only means listening to the teachers’ explanation. But there can be many means to study. For example, studying in the lab, reading the books by yourself. Now turn to page 22. And try to describe the four pictures listed in your text book.
2. After describing the pictures, let the students answer the following question.
(1) What are the names of the school subjects in which you study sciences?
(2) Give an example of what you learn about for each field of science.
(3) What are the rules when you do the experiments in the lab?
Step 2 Warming up
Suggested answers for Question 1:
I Photo 1 shows students at work in a chemistry lab.
2 Photo 2 shows an English book called Hamlet, a dic­tionary and a notebook.
3 Photo 3 shows two students doing an experiment.
4 Photo 4 shows students looking at something through a microscope.
Suggested answers for Question 2:
1 Chemistry     2 Physics     3 Biology
Suggested answers for Question 3:
1 In chemistry we learn about the way different liq­uids and materials react with each other. For example, if you put a piece of metal into a glass containing a strong acid, it will dissolve.
2 In physics we learn about the laws of the universe, for example about Newton and the reason why all things on earth fall down.
3 In biology we learn about life on earth, for example  by looking at the structure of cells.
Step 3 Listening comprehension
Now let s have some listening training.
Listen to the tape and try to answer the exercises. Tell the differences between the rules they have talked about and the one listed in the tape. Then get to know the important to keep safe in the lab.
MR DENG: Everybody listen carefully! Today Mrs. Zhu will explain about the safety instruc­tions for the lab. If you have any ques­tions, you can raise your hand.
MRS ZHU: For experiments that are done in this lab, everybody should remember: Safety comes first! This is very important, be­cause the experiments are fun and very interesting, but we don't want any acci­dents. First of all, don't come in here with­out your teacher. Once you're in here, fol­low your teacher's instructions. When you come into the lab, students with long hair should tie it up, or put their hair under their clothes. Always listen carefully to your teacher's instructions and don't touch any­thing, unless your teacher tells you to.
MR DENG: Can you explain a bit more about doing experiments?
MRS ZHU: Sure. Never put your nose directly into a glass or over a bottle. Gases can be very dangerous. Instead, you should wave some air in your direction and carefully smell it. Never put your fingers into glasses and never taste anything! When working with fire, be careful about the flame. When working with electricity, make sure your hands are dry. When anything gets into your mouth or eyes, immediately wash with a lot of water. Remember that the classroom isn't a playground. Don't throw i things or start playing. That can be dan­gerous.
SUN YAO: What about when we leave?
MRS ZHU: When class is over, clear everything away and leave the classroom neat and clean. Before leaving the classroom, wash your hands with water and soap. Don't forget to turn off the lights and shut the windows.
Answers to Exercise 1 :
safety in the lab, experiments, long hair, gases, flames
Answers to Exercise 2:
1 Safety comes first!
2 Follow the teacher's instructions.
3 Bottles may contain dangerous gases.
4 Immediately wash your eyes with a lot of water.
5 Clear everything away and leave the classroom neat and clean. Wash your hands with water and soap. Turn off the lights and shut the windows.
Step 4 Speaking practice
Talk about the effect of the science of technology. Let the students know the application of science and technology does good to our society , at the same time , it also harm to the human beings or the environment.
Practice in pairs to talk about some advantage and disadvantage of the scientific discoveries and applications listed in the book.
Sample chart:
1 can help some women have babies
1 it is not natural to make people
2 can help medical research
2 dangerous; people use it to do strange things
1 can make all the electricity we need
1 unsafe to all life if not controlled
Nuclear energy
2 is a limitless resource
2 can be expensive to build / repair
1 makes communication faster
1 unsafe because of viruses
2 can keep information better
2 makes more problems than it solves
Space flights
1 makes research of outer space possible
1 expensive and dangerous
2 put communication satellites in space
2 used by the army
Sample dialogues:
A: Cloning is one of the most important discoveries of our times.
B: I think it should be forbidden. It's dangerous and it's unnecessary.
A: What do you mean? It's great if we can clone people.    It's a way to make people, so women can have ba­bies but they don't need to give up their jobs.
B: But don't you think it's wrong to sort of make people? It's unnatural. And besides, some people will use it for other things.
A: I don't think so. Cloning can be useful to the devel­opment of medicine and make the life of women more comfortable.
B: No. You should think of the dangers. People will use it to create people and use those people as slaves.
Nuclear energy:
A: It's been known for many years that we can't go on using coal and oil for fuel. They pollute the environ­ment too much. Nuclear energy is the best way to make electricity. It's clean and it doesn't pollute the air. It can help many people in the future.
B: It's true that it doesn't pollute the air, but it isn't clean. Nuclear waste is very dangerous for your health. Accidents in nuclear energy plants can kill all life on the planet. These places aren't really safe, you know.
A: I think you worry too much. Electricity from nuclear energy is cheap and that is good for the economy.
B: I don't believe it can be cheap. These factories are very expensive to built, to keep working safely and taking care of their waste is also very expensive. Nuclear waste is very bad for the environment.
A: Well. What do you want to use instead of coal and  oil for fuel?
B: Nuclear energy is unnecessary. People can use wa­ter power and the sun to make electricity.
A: Computers are very useful and can help people in the future even more.
B: I agree. But there are also disadvantages.
A: What do you mean?
B: Well. Just think about it. Who makes computers? People do. Right? And because the people who make computers can make mistakes, we can't rely on com­puters.
A: I see your point. But what problems will they cause?
B: Who knows? Maybe they will make people lazy. ­Maybe they're unnecessary for doing some jobs.
A: I don't agree that they're unnecessary. I think com­puters are important for science, especially for medicine. There is no doubt about it. Computers can store a lot of information and it's very easy to find information. .With computers people can work faster. Today one man working with a computer can do the job of ten people in the past. That's good for the economy.
B: That's true, but for common people they're still too expensive.
A: I agree. But I'm sure they'll become cheaper. In the future we'll all be using computers every day, and they'll bring people more comfort.
Space flights:
A: China is the third country in the world that has sent a man into space. Isn't it Great!
B: Yes. It's a great achievement. I'm sure it's very important for science, but on the other hand, such space flights are very expensive.
A: That's true. But you mustn't think of it in that way. Think of all the new discoveries that will be made during space flights!It can help many people in the future. China can put satellites up into space that we need for communication.
B: Well. I still think they're too expensive. The space programme costs too much money and. that money could be spent better on other things. Besides, I'm sure these discoveries you are talking about can also be made on earth. So space flights are unnecessary.
A: Well. Aren't you proud of our nation's space programme?
B: Sure I am. But that does not change my mind about the advantages and disadvantages of space flights.
Step 5 Necessary language points
Today we ve done some listening and speaking, and learn how to give advice and some everyday English used between doctors and patients.
Listening and speaking听说要点
1>Why should students be careful smelling from bottles?
be careful smelling  [用法]also be careful to do 小心做某事
[举例]John was careful not to say anything about this to her.
Be careful crossing the road.        小心过马路。
2>We should make more use of this new technology.
make use of  [用法]利用
[举例]We will make good use of our time.        我们将好好利用我们的时间。
[思考]1.如何表示 充分利用 ?
2.如何将We will make good use of our time改为被动态?
3>It brings us more comfort.
comfort  [用法]n.1. 安逸,舒适[U] 2. 安慰,慰问[U] 3. 安慰者,给予安慰的东西[C]
vt.1. 安慰,慰问
[举例]We could give him no comfort.        我们无法给他安慰。
It s a comfort to be with you.        与你在一起使人得到安慰。
Step 6 Summary小结:
Step 7 Homework
Period 2第二节
1. Develop the students reading ability, especially their reading comprehension.
2. Read the reading passage and know about
3. Enable the students to know the serious attitude to science.
Step 1 Presentation
Today we come to the Reading. It s about  As we all know ,Benjamin Franklin is a famous politician.But today, we will read a passage about him as a scientist. His serious attitude to science .Let’s see how Franklin made his famous electricity experiment by flying a kite.
Step 2 Pre-reading discussions
We all know that it is the scientists’ great effort that makes the great achievement on science. Could you name some scientists’names? And what are they famous for? Try to
fill in the blanks of the following form, if you。Can’t, ask your classmate to help you.
Form: in the 18th & 19th centuries scientists all over the world made many important discoveries.
Give some example.
Answers to the exercises:
Some famous scientists are:
Archimedes: mathematics and physics: he discovered pi (π)
Darwin: biology: he discovered that the ancestors of people were monkeys
Curie: physics: she discovered radium and radio­activity
Newton: physics: he discovered why all things fall down to earth.
√ Madame Curie
√ Florence Nightingale
√Watson & Crick
√Beatrix Potter
(Pie charts)
("seeds" of mushrooms)
√ Isaac Newton
√ John Snow
√Charles Darwin
(spread of disease)
(Gas laws)
√ Lord Kelvin
√ Louis Pasteur
√ Mendeleev
√ Carl Linnaeus
(lowest temperature)
(Periodic Table of elements)
(Naming plants)
Step 3 Reading
Read the text carefully again, and give the students some explanations.
Get the students read the test and then decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
1.In 1752 scientists already knew what electricity is. (   )
2.Franklin was helped by a friend to do the experiment.   (    )
3.Franklin made the kite of silk because wet silk does not conduct electricity.
4.A condenser was used in the experiment to store electricity.
5.The key tied to the string was put into the door to stop he kite from flying away.
1.T  2.F  3.F  4.T  5.F
Read he passage and then find out the main idea.
Paragraph 1 Introduction of Franklin’s experiment.
Paragraph 2—3 The process Of the experiment.
Paragraph 4—6 The tip of doing the experiment.
Aim:       To show that lightning and electricity are the same.
Materials:   Some wooden sticks, a piece of silk, some rope, a very sharp piece of metal, a silk ribbon, a key, a condenser, a small shed, a thunderstorm with lightning.
Instructions: Paragraphs 5 and 6. Description: Paragraph 3.
Results:       The electricity stored in the condenser can be used to do other Experiments, which proves that lightning and electric­ity are the same.
Discussion:  None.
Step 4 Listening to the reading passage
Play the tape for the students to listen and follow. Pay attention to the pro- nunciation and intonation.
Step 5 Post-reading
Answers to Exercise 1:
1 True      2 False  3 False   4 True     5 False
Suggested answers to Exercise 2:
1 He wanted to prove that lightning and electricity are the same thing.
2 A silk kite will last longer in bad weather than a pa­per kite.
3 Yes. Franklin's experiment was very dangerous be­ cause if something went wrong he could be killed by the lightning.
Answers to Exercise 3:
1 Incorrect    2 Correct     3 Incorrect  4 Correct
Extension 1 Franklin said, "You can collect and store the electricity with the condenser and use it for other experiments." Ask students what other kinds of simple experiments could be done using the electricity stored in the condenser. Benjamin Franklin conducted many experiments in his life. You might want your Ss to go on the Internet to find out what they were and report back to the class. '
Step 6 Summary 小结
Step 7 Homework
Period 3第三节
1. Learn about the  useful words and expression in the reading text.
2. Language ability: Learn one word formation—compounds.
3. Moral teaching work with perseverance.
Step 1 Presentation
In this class we’ll first go through the text and learn to use some language points. And then we’ll discuss the exercises together with each other. After having learnt many words, we find that some words have more than one part or speech or a meaning. For example, bank can lean not only the ground near a river, but also the establishment for keeping money . It is one factor of words and we may find that if some words are combined, a new word come into being. Today we’ll talk about these two phenomena.
Step 2 Language points in the reading text
1>Franklin conducted a number of experiments in which he showed what electricity is.
conduct  [用法]vt.1. 引导,带领 2. 实施;处理;经营,管理
3. 指挥(军队,乐队等) 4. 【物】传导(热,电等)
[举例]He conducted the members of the audience to their seats.        他引观众到他们的座位上。
Most metals conduct electricity.        大多数金属能导电。
a number of  [用法]见高一上册unit 12
2>Having realized that I could use a kite to attract lightning, I decided to do an experiment.
Having realized that...
3>The kite flew high in the rainy sky, but nothing happened.
high  [比较]highly 1. 非常,很,高度地 2. 高价地,高额地
[举例]They are highly skilled workers.        他们是技术很好的工人。
4>I was beginning to think that the experiment would not work.
work  [用法]见高一上册unit 1; unit 12
5>The string was getting charged.
charge  [用法]vt.1. 索价; 2. 把...记入账册 3. 向...冲去,袭击 4. 将(电池)充电
vi.1. 索价;收费(+for) 2. 冲锋,向前冲(+at)
n.1. 费用,价钱,索价[C](+for) 2. 掌管;照顾;责任[U]
[举例]This store often charges only 65 US cents a dozen for large eggs.
Please charge my account.        请记在我帐上。
The lion charged at those little animals.        狮子向那些小动物冲了过去。
The charge for admission is US$5.        入场费五美元。
6>Others followed even before the whole string was wet, and I was able to collect and store a lot of electricity in the condenser.
was able to  [思考]这里的was able to是否可以用could来替代?
7>This experiment proves that lightning and electricity are the same.
prove  [用法]vt.证明,证实[+(that)] vi. 证明是;原来是[L]
[举例]I ll prove to the world that he was right.        我将向世人证明他是对的。
The rumor proved true.        这谣传结果是真的。
My advice proved to be wrong.        我的意见证明是错的。
8>Most kites are made of paper, but a kite made of silk will not tear so soon.
tear  [用法]vt./vi. 撕开;扯破;撕掉
[举例]He has torn a hole in his shirt.        他把衬衫扯了一个洞。
She tore the letter into tiny pieces.        她把信撕得粉碎。
9>First, fix a very sharp piece of metal, pointing a foot above the frame, to the top of the longer stick of the cross.
fix  [用法]vt.1. 使固定;牢记 2. 确定;决定(+up)[+wh-][+to-v]
[举例]Her image was fixed in his mind.        她的形象深深印在他的脑海里。
Shall we fix a date for the picnic?        我们定一下野餐的时间好吗?
10>This ribbon will protect you from the electricity.
protect...from...  [用法]保护...免受(伤害等)
11>Take care that the string does not touch the wall or the door.
Take care that...  [用法]a.1. 有(...的)价值,值... 2. 值得(做...)
[联想]Take care! 保重!        take care of 照顾
Step 3 Practice: Vocabulary
Come to the word study, and finish the work.
Let the students think more examples of words that have more than one meaning. Then make a conclusion to help them to decide word meaning in a specific situation.
Word number of correct sentence
charge  3  conduct 2  cross 1  sharp 2  tear 1  tie 3
Step 4 Practice: Grammar
Come to grammar, and finish to exercise.
Talk about the word formation, especially compounds. And the noun compounds and adjective compounds.
Word formation
Compounds are mainly nouns or adjectives that are made up of two parts. These parts can be other nouns, adjec­tives or prepositions.
1 foot + ball = football
2 shoe + string / lace = shoestring / shoelace
3 ice + cream = ice cream
4 green + house = greenhouse
5 down + town = downtown
6 sea + food = seafood
A few more examples:
1 play + ground = playground
Part 1 Something you do in your free time
Part 2 What is under your feet
2 gate + keeper = gatekeeper
Part 1 The way into a park or yard
Part 2  Someone keeping or taking care of some­thing
3 motor + bike = motorbike
Part 1 Part of the car that makes the power to move
Part 2 Two wheels + a saddle + a bell
4 black + board = blackboard
Part 1 The opposite of white
Part 2 A flat and smooth piece of wood
5 table + tennis = table tennis
Part 1 A piece of furniture with four legs
Part 2 A game played by hitting a small ball over a net in a field of grass
Step 5 Summary
Have we ever tiled to make snacks or seen our mother make snacks. Let’s try to write the recipe for your favorite dish. Before writing, you should read Tips first.
Step 6 Homework
Period 4  第四节
(一) 明确目标
1. Review the language points learnt last period.
2. Train the students reading and speaking ability by making a debate after reading the material.
3. Do some writing to develop the students writing skill.
(二) 整体感知
Step 1 Presentation
With the development of medical science, more and more new medicines come into being. But do you know that there are some animal’s contribution to the coming of the new medicine. Because each new medicine must be tested on animals before it is used on human being to decide whether the new medicine can be used. And then many animals die in this kind of experiment every year. So it brings a heated argument. Some are against. Today we will also take part in this debate.
Step 1 Question the students on some language points
Step 2 Integrating skills
Read the arguments listed in the textbook. And think it over to decide whether the students are for this kind of animal test. Try to make your opinion solided.
From some groups to debate with each other. Choose some groups to act it out before the class.
Step 3 Listening to the Passage
Step 4 Reading comprehension
After fast reading, do the following True-or-False exercises.
Sample persuasive essays:
For testing:
Animal testing is used to develop new medicines to meet the needs of a growing number of older people. These medicines are helping us to live longer and healthier lives. But some activists are trying to change the way we think about new medicines. They are against the use of animals to test these drugs and believe such testing is unnecessary.
Scientists who work in medical labs know from ex­perience that there is a very high chance that medicines that work with animals can also work with people. Some­times mice are used to begin the experiment, then later dogs and monkeys. Finally, when the scientists are al­most sure about the safety of their new medicines, they will ask for humans to help to test them. As we can see, animal testing is a practical, necessary part of the pro­cedure.
However, some people are against animal testing. They believe that it is unnecessary to use animals in testing new medicines because doctors can use knowl­edge that was gained from experiments in the past. These activists also say animals have the same rights as hu­mans. But what if someone in our family has cancer and our doctor says a new drug might make them bet­ter? Do you really think we will care what happens to a mouse?
Some kinds of animal testing on products that make us look better, like skin creams, may really be unneces­sary. Yet doctors have a duty to continue to improve the lives of humans first.

Against testing:
Every year hundreds of new products are offered for sale in shops. Soap with the smell of watermelons, peach or apples. There will be new food products with funny new colours, smells and tastes. All these new products look beautiful and they taste or smell wonderful. But can you really enjoy using them if you about all the suf­fering behind them?
Animal testing has helped doctors to develop medi­cines against many diseases. But is it really necessary to continue developing new drugs for illnesses for which we have already found a cure. For some simple diseases such as a cough or a headache, you can go to a shop and find maybe forty or fifty different brands. All these medi­cines have been tested on animals and thousands of them suffered pain and died or were destroyed. Why can't people be happy to have a choice of two or three good medicines that cure a disease?
Although animal testing is not as cruel as it used to be, that does not mean we have the right to use animals in experiments. We don't have the right to use humans in experiments because we think human life is of great value and humans feel pain. But so do animals, and their life is just as important as that of people. Enough is enough. Animal experiments should be stopped now!
Assessment criteria:
For assessment criteria for organisation, vocabulary, lan­guage use and basics, please refer to the Appendix about writing assessment.
For the content, the students' writing could be assessed using the following criteria:
Does the essay have a clear title that immediately con­veys the opinion of the writer?
Does the writer give both arguments for and against animal testing?
Does the writer successfully make the reader feel that we need animal testing?
Does the writer successfully make the reader feel that animal testing is cruel?
Does the writer give enough examples that show that animal testing is beneficial?
Does the writer give enough examples that show that animal testing is unnecessary?
Does the writer give enough examples of products and situation in which animals are used?
Three more examples for each group:
1 Compounds that are written as two words: toy fac­tory, washing machine, apple tree.
2 Compounds that are written as one word: handmade, gunfight, goldfish.
3 Compounds that are written with a hyphen: window­ cleaner, easy-going, boat-ride.
Give the students some explanations when necessary.
Step 5 Writing
Generalize the students’ opinions and give them the instruction of writing an argumentive essay.
Talk about the advantage and disadvantage of building the three Gorge Dam.
Step 6 Necessary language points
Today we ve done some listening and speaking, and learn how to give advice and some everyday English used between doctors and patients.
1>In Britain every year 2.5 million animals die in experiments to develop and test new medicine.
test  [用法]vt.1. 试验;检验;测验(+for/in/on)
[举例]The doctor tested his ears.        医生检查他的耳朵。
The teacher will test us in maths.        老师将测验我们数学。
2>There is no doubt that 100 years ago animal testing was cruel but today animals in experiments are very well taken care of.
doubt  [用法]vt. 怀疑;[+whether/if][+that]
n.  1.怀疑,不相信[C][U][(+about)][+whether/if]; 2. 疑问,不确实[U]
[举例]There is no doubt about his innocence.        他完全是无辜的。
3>Choose two arguments from the reading to support your view.
view  [用法]n.1. 视力;视野[U] 2. 观看;眺望[(+of)]
3. 景色;风景画,风景照片[C] 4. 看法,观点[C][+(that)][(+about/on)]
[举例]Victory is in view.        胜利在望。
She tried writing out her views.        她试着把自己的想法写下来。
4>Choose one or two arguments that go against your view.
go against  [用法]1. 违背 2. 不利于
[举例]She went against her father.        她违背她父亲。
The war is going against us.        战争的局势对我们不利。
Step 7 Homework
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