
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 17:07:39
Source: VOA  Onion  2011-03-19 
Officials from seven of the world's largest economies are helping bolster Japan's troubled economy by taking joint action to cut the value of the yen. Exports are vital to Japan's economy, and the recent sharp increase in the value of the yen means that Japanese-made products would be more expensive on world markets, which would hurt sales. So finance ministers from the G-7 nations held an emergency conference by phone early Friday to agree to sell large quantities of the Japanese currency. Selling yen for dollars, pounds, euros or whatever, means there are more yen on the market, and a greater supply of yen means the price of the yen falls. The yen immediately dropped sharply in value after news of the joint market intervention. The news encouraged investors, and Japan's benchmark Nikkei stock index rose a sharp 2.7 percent. The rebound helped Japanese companies recover some of the value they have lost as stocks went into free fall after the recent series of disasters. 世界七大经济体的官员们正采取联合行动,通过降低日圆汇率来帮助陷入困境的日本经济。出口对日本经济至关重要。日圆升值意味着日本生产的产品在国际市场上更加昂贵,从而伤害到日本产品的销售。为此,七国集团各成员国的财政部长星期五清晨举行了紧急电话会议,同意大量出售日圆。出售日圆以换取美元、英镑、欧元或其它任何货币,这意味着,市场上会有更多的日圆,而日圆供应增加意味着日圆汇率的下降。这次联合干预市场的消息发布后,日圆立即大幅下跌。这一消息鼓励了投资者,并使日本经济的晴雨表日经指数大涨2.7%。这一反弹帮助日本企业挽回了一些它们在股市上失去的市值。日本最近一系列的灾难导致股票价格自由落体式地下跌。