袁洪峪度假村:Implementing the CLR Asynchronous Programming Model

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Implementing the CLR Asynchronous Programming ModelJeffrey Richter
Code download available at: ConcurrentAffairs2007_03.exe (157 KB) 
Browse the Code Online  ContentsThe Heart of the APM: IAsyncResult 
Implementing the APM 
Testing and Performance 

Slow and unpredictable are words that typically characterize I/O operations. When an application performs a synchronous I/O operation, the application is basically giving up control to the device that is doing the actual work. For example, if an application calls the StreamRead method to read some bytes from a FileStream or NetworkStream, there is no telling how much time will pass before that method returns. If the file being read is on a local hard drive, then Read may return almost immediately. If the remote server housing the file is offline, then the Read method may wait several minutes before timing out and throwing an exception. During this time, the thread making the synchronous request is tied up. If that thread is the UI thread, the application is frozen and stops responding to user input.A thread waiting for synchronous I/O to complete is blocked, which means that thread is idle but is not allowed to perform useful work. To improve scalability, many application developers create more threads. Unfortunately, each thread introduces significant overhead such as its kernel object, user-mode and kernel-mode stacks, increased context switching, the calling of DllMain methods with thread attach/detach notifications, and so on. The result is actually reduced scalability.An application that wishes to remain responsive to the user, improve scalability and throughput, and increase reliability should not perform I/O operations synchronously. Instead, the application should use the common language runtime (CLR) Asynchronous Programming Model (APM) to perform asynchronous I/O operations. Much has been written about how to use the CLR APM, including Chapter 23 of my book CLR via C#, 2nd Edition(Microsoft Press®, 2006). However, I'm not aware of anything that has been written explaining how to define a class with methods that implement the APM. So I decided to focus on this topic for this column.There are basically four reasons why a developer would want to implement the APM itself. First, you might be building a class that communicates directly with hardware (such as a file system on a hard disk, a network, a serial port, or a parallel port). As already mentioned, device I/O is unpredictable and therefore an application should perform asynchronous I/O operations when communicating with hardware in order for the application to remain responsive, scalable, and reliable.Fortunately, the Microsoft® .NET Framework already includes classes that communicate with many hardware devices. Thus, you would not need to implement the APM yourself unless you were defining a class that communicated with a hardware device not already supported by the Framework Class Library (FCL), such as a parallel port. However, there are devices that are supported by the FCL, yet certain sub-features are not supported. In this situation, you might need to implement the APM if you wanted to perform I/O operations. For example, the FCL does offer a FileStream class that lets your application communicate with a disk, but the FileStream doesn't let you access opportunistic locks (microsoft.com/msj/0100/win32/win320100.aspx), sparse file streams (microsoft.com/msj/1198/ntfs/ntfs.aspx), or other cool features offered by the NTFS file system. If you wanted to write P/Invoke wrappers to call the Win32® APIs that exposes these features, you would want the wrappers to support the APM, thus allowing the operations to be performed asynchronously.Second, you might be building an abstraction layer over an already defined class that communicates directly with hardware. Several examples of this already exist in the .NET Framework. For instance, let's say you're sending data to a Web service method. On the Web service client proxy class, there is a method that accepts your arguments, which could be a set of complex data structures. Internally, the method serializes these complex data structures into an array of bytes. The byte array is then sent over the wire by using a NetworkStream class (which already has the ability to communicate with the hardware using asynchronous I/O). Another example occurs when accessing a database. The ADO.NET SqlCommand type offers BeginExecuteNonQuery, BeginExecuteReader, and other BeginXxx methods that parse arguments to send data over a network to a database. When the I/O completes, the corresponding EndExecuteNonQuery, EndExecuteReader, and other EndXxx methods are called. Internally, these EndXxx methods parse the resulted data and return rich data objects back to the caller.Third, your class might offer a method that could potentially take a long time to execute. In this case, you might want to offer BeginXxx and EndXxx methods, allowing the callers the convenience of the APM. Unlike the previous examples, which ended up being I/O-bound operations, this time your method is performing a compute-bound operation. Because the operation is compute-bound, a thread must be used to perform the work; you are just defining BeginXxx and EndXxx methods as a convenience to users of your class.Finally, your class might wrap a Win32 method that performs synchronous I/O. Unfortunately, there are a number of Win32 methods that perform I/O but for which Win32 offers no way to perform these I/O operations asynchronously. For example, the Win32 registry and event logging functions could communicate with a local or remote registry/event log. Microsoft could create asynchronous versions of these Win32 functions allowing a thread not to block on them. However, as of today, asynchronous versions of these Win32 functions do not exist. When I wrap these kinds of methods with managed code, I always offer BeginXxx and EndXxx methods so that I can do the right thing in managed code even though my application is not as efficient as it could be because my methods must have a thread block while Windows® performs the synchronous I/O operation. However, if Microsoft ever adds asynchronous versions of these methods to Win32, I could change my wrappers to take advantage of the new methods, thereby gaining efficiency, without having to change my client code at all.
The Heart of the APM: IAsyncResultAt the heart of the CLR APM is the IAsyncResult interface, which is defined as shown in Figure 1.  Figure 1 IAsyncResult
public interface IAsyncResult {WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle { get; } // For Wait-Until-Done techniqueBoolean    IsCompleted     { get; } // For Polling techniqueObject     AsyncState      { get; } // For Callback techniqueBoolean    CompletedSynchronously { get; } // Almost never used}
When any BeginXxx method is called, this method must internally construct an object whose type implements IAsyncResult and its four read-only properties. This object identifies the status of the asynchronous operation that has just been started. After the BeginXxx method returns to application code, the application can query these properties to determine whether the operation has completed. This object also contains the state of the completed operation: a result value if the operation completed successfully, or an exception if the operation failed to complete. An application passes the IAsyncResult object to an EndXxx method, which waits for the operation to complete (assuming it's not finished yet). The EndXxx method either returns the result or throws the exception letting the caller know the operation's result or error.Figure 2 defines an AsyncResultNoResult class that implements the IAsyncResult interface. This simple class can be used for asynchronous operations that have no return value-specifically, the operation either succeeds or fails. The Stream's BeginWrite and EndWrite methods are an example of this. When you start an asynchronous write operation to a stream, the result is either success or failure-the EndWrite method is prototyped as returning void.  Figure 2 AsyncResultNoResult Class
internal class AsyncResultNoResult : IAsyncResult{// Fields set at construction which never change while// operation is pendingprivate readonly AsyncCallback m_AsyncCallback;private readonly Object m_AsyncState;// Fields set at construction which do change after// operation completesprivate const Int32 c_StatePending = 0;private const Int32 c_StateCompletedSynchronously = 1;private const Int32 c_StateCompletedAsynchronously = 2;private Int32 m_CompletedState = c_StatePending;// Field that may or may not get set depending on usageprivate ManualResetEvent m_AsyncWaitHandle;// Fields set when operation completesprivate Exception m_exception;public AsyncResultNoResult(AsyncCallback asyncCallback, Object state){m_AsyncCallback = asyncCallback;m_AsyncState = state;}public void SetAsCompleted(Exception exception, Boolean completedSynchronously){// Passing null for exception means no error occurred.// This is the common casem_exception = exception;// The m_CompletedState field MUST be set prior calling the callbackInt32 prevState = Interlocked.Exchange(ref m_CompletedState,completedSynchronously ? c_StateCompletedSynchronously :c_StateCompletedAsynchronously);if (prevState != c_StatePending)throw new InvalidOperationException("You can set a result only once");// If the event exists, set itif (m_AsyncWaitHandle != null) m_AsyncWaitHandle.Set();// If a callback method was set, call itif (m_AsyncCallback != null) m_AsyncCallback(this);}public void EndInvoke(){// This method assumes that only 1 thread calls EndInvoke// for this objectif (!IsCompleted){// If the operation isn't done, wait for itAsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne();AsyncWaitHandle.Close();m_AsyncWaitHandle = null;  // Allow early GC}// Operation is done: if an exception occured, throw itif (m_exception != null) throw m_exception;}#region Implementation of IAsyncResultpublic Object AsyncState { get { return m_AsyncState; } }public Boolean CompletedSynchronously {get { return Thread.VolatileRead(ref m_CompletedState) ==c_StateCompletedSynchronously; }}public WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle{get{if (m_AsyncWaitHandle == null){Boolean done = IsCompleted;ManualResetEvent mre = new ManualResetEvent(done);if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_AsyncWaitHandle,mre, null) != null){// Another thread created this object's event; dispose// the event we just createdmre.Close();}else{if (!done && IsCompleted){// If the operation wasn't done when we created// the event but now it is done, set the eventm_AsyncWaitHandle.Set();}}}return m_AsyncWaitHandle;}}public Boolean IsCompleted {get { return Thread.VolatileRead(ref m_CompletedState) !=c_StatePending; }}#endregion}
As you can see, the AsyncResultNoResult class has a constructor that accepts AsyncCallback and Object arguments that are used to start all asynchronous operations. The constructor just saves these arguments in private fields. IAsyncResult's AsyncState property returns the Object field to the caller. The class defines an m_CompletedState field used to implement IAsyncResult's IsCompleted and CompletedSynchronously properties. It also defines an m_AsyncWaitHandle field to implement IAsyncResult's AsyncWaitHandle property. Finally, the class defines an m_exception field. This field is set when the operation completes. If the operation completes successfully, then the field is set to null (same as its initialized value); if the operation fails, then the field is set to the Exception-derived object indicating the reason for failure.If you analyze the AsyncResultNoResult class, you'll notice that the code as a whole is very straightforward-except for the section that deals with the m_AsyncWaitHandle field. This field, a reference to a ManualResetEvent object, is only needed if the code starting the asynchronous operation queries the AsyncWaitHandle property or if the code calls the EndInvoke method before the operation has actually completed executing. The most common and recommended way to use the APM is to specify an AsyncCallback method that should automatically be invoked when the operation completes. For this common usage, the ManualResetEvent object is not necessary at all. As a result, I've gone to great lengths to avoid creating and using this object unless the code using an AsyncResultNoResult object absolutely needs it.The reason I go to such great lengths is because creating and using a kernel object (such as a ManualResetEvent) is relatively expensive. For more information about the performance hit of using kernel objects, please see my October 2005 Concurrent Affairs column (msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/05/10/ConcurrentAffairs).When the asynchronous operation completes, some piece of code must call AsyncResultNoResult's SetAsCompleted method, passing in null if the operation completed successfully or a reference to an Exception-derived object if the operation failed. The code also indicates whether the operation completed synchronously (almost never) or asynchronously (almost always). This information is returned from IAsyncResult's CompletedSynchronously property, but very few applications actually care about it.Internally, SetAsCompleted saves the exception in the m_exception field and changes the state of the m_completedSynchronously field. Then, if the manual reset event object was created, it is set. Finally, if an AsyncCallback method was specified when the AsyncResultNoResult object was constructed, this method is called back, letting the application code know that the asynchronous operation completed so that it can process the result (or failure).To get the results of the operation, the application code will call some EndXxx method that will, in turn, call AsyncResultNoResult's EndInvoke method to determine whether the operation succeeded. If EndInvoke is called prior to the operation completing, then EndInvoke uses the manual reset event to suspend the calling thread until the operation has completed. If the operation completes, EndInvoke either returns or throws the exception that was saved off earlier when SetAsCompleted was called.Since many asynchronous operations do have a return value, I also defined a class to support this: AsyncResult (see Figure 3). This generic class is derived from AsyncResultNoResult and really just adds support for a return value of type TResult. This support comes in the form of a private field to hold the result (m_result), an overload of the SetAsCompleted method that accepts a TResult value, and a new EndInvoke method that waits for the operation to complete and then returns the result if the operation succeeded or throws an exception if the operation failed.  Figure 3 AsyncResult with a Return Value
internal class AsyncResult : AsyncResultNoResult{// Field set when operation completesprivate TResult m_result = default(TResult);public AsyncResult(AsyncCallback asyncCallback, Object state) :base(asyncCallback, state) { }public void SetAsCompleted(TResult result,Boolean completedSynchronously){// Save the asynchronous operation's resultm_result = result;// Tell the base class that the operation completed// sucessfully (no exception)base.SetAsCompleted(null, completedSynchronously);}new public TResult EndInvoke(){base.EndInvoke(); // Wait until operation has completedreturn m_result;  // Return the result (if above didn't throw)}}
Also, many BeginXxx methods accept arguments in addition to the AsyncCallback and the Object. For example, the Socket class has a BeginAccept method that takes IPAddress (address) and Int32 (port) arguments. If you want to use the AsyncResultNoResult or AsyncResult class with a BeginXxx method that takes additional arguments, you'll want to define your own type derived from either of these two base classes (depending on whether your EndXxx method returns void). In your class, define additional fields-one for each argument-and set them in your class's constructor. Then the method that does the actual work can extract these argument values from your class's fields when the time is right.
Implementing the APMNow that you see how to define a type that implements the IAsyncResult interface, I'll show how to use my AsyncResult and AsyncResultNoResult classes. I defined a LongTask class (see Figure 4) that offers a synchronous DoTask method that takes a long time to execute and returns a DateTime instance indicating when the operation completed.  Figure 4 LongTask Simulates Asynchronous I/O
internal sealed class LongTask{private Int32 m_ms;  // Milliseconds;public LongTask(Int32 seconds){m_ms = seconds * 1000;}// Synchronous version of time-consuming methodpublic DateTime DoTask(){Thread.Sleep(m_ms);  // Simulate time-consuming taskreturn DateTime.Now; // Indicate when task completed}// Asynchronous version of time-consuming method (Begin part)public IAsyncResult BeginDoTask(AsyncCallback callback, Object state){// Create IAsyncResult object identifying the// asynchronous operationAsyncResult ar = new AsyncResult(callback, state);// Use a thread pool thread to perform the operationThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(DoTaskHelper, ar);return ar;  // Return the IAsyncResult to the caller}// Asynchronous version of time-consuming method (End part)public DateTime EndDoTask(IAsyncResult asyncResult){// We know that the IAsyncResult is really an// AsyncResult objectAsyncResult ar = (AsyncResult)asyncResult;// Wait for operation to complete, then return result or// throw exceptionreturn ar.EndInvoke();}// Asynchronous version of time-consuming method (private part// to set completion result/exception)private void DoTaskHelper(Object asyncResult){// We know that it's really an AsyncResult objectAsyncResult ar = (AsyncResult)asyncResult;try{// Perform the operation; if sucessful set the resultDateTime dt = DoTask();ar.SetAsCompleted(dt, false);}catch (Exception e){// If operation fails, set the exceptionar.SetAsCompleted(e, false);}}}
As a convenience, I also offer BeginDoTask and EndDoTask methods that follow the CLR APM, allowing users to execute the DoTask method asynchronously. When a user calls my BeginDoTask method, I construct an AsyncResult object. Then I have a thread pool thread call a small helper method, DoTaskHelper, which wraps a call to the synchronous DoTask method.The DoTaskHelper method simply calls the synchronous version of the method with a try block. If the DoTask method runs to completion without failing (throwing an exception), then I call SetAsCompleted to set the operation's return value. If the DoTask method throws an exception, then DoTaskHelper's catch block will catch the exception and indicate that the operation has completed by calling SetAsCompleted, passing in the reference to the Exception-derived object.The application code calls LongTask's EndDoTask method to get the results of the operation. All EndXxx methods are passed an IAsyncResult. Internally, the EndDoTask method knows that the IAsyncResult object passed to it is really an AsyncResult object, casts it, and calls EndInvoke on it. As discussed earlier, AsyncResult's EndInvoke method waits for the operation to complete (if necessary) and then returns the result or throws an exception indicating back to the caller the outcome of the asynchronous operation.
Testing and PerformanceThe FunctionalTest method (see Figure 5) shows some code that uses my implementation of the APM. It tests the three rendezvous techniques offered by the APM: wait until done, polling, and callback method. If you examine the code, you'll see that it looks identical to any other usage of the APM that you've ever seen. Of course, this is the point of the whole exercise.  Figure 5 Using LongTask
private static void FunctionalTest(){IAsyncResult ar;LongTask lt = new LongTask(5);// Prove that the Wait-until-done technique worksar = lt.BeginDoTask(null, null);Console.WriteLine("Task completed at: {0}", lt.EndDoTask(ar));// Prove that the Polling technique worksar = lt.BeginDoTask(null, null);while (!ar.IsCompleted){Console.WriteLine("Not completed yet.");Thread.Sleep(1000);}Console.WriteLine("Task completed at: {0}", lt.EndDoTask(ar));// Prove that the Callback technique workslt.BeginDoTask(TaskCompleted, lt);Console.ReadLine();}private static void TaskCompleted(IAsyncResult ar){LongTask lt = (LongTask)ar.AsyncState;Console.WriteLine("Task completed at: {0}", lt.EndDoTask(ar));Console.WriteLine("All done, hit Enter to exit app.");}
The PerformanceTest method (see Figure 6) compares the performance of my IAsyncResult implementation to the implementation that the CLR provides when using a delegate's BeginInvoke and EndInvoke methods. My implementation seems to perform better than the FCL's current implementation, apparently due to it always constructing a ManualResetEvent whenever it creates its IAsyncResult object regardless of whether this event is needed by the application.  Figure 6 Testing IAsyncResult Performance
private const Int32 c_iterations = 100 * 1000; // 100 thousandprivate static Int32 s_numDone;private delegate DateTime DoTaskDelegate();private static void PerformanceTest(){AutoResetEvent are = new AutoResetEvent(false);LongTask lt = new LongTask(0);Stopwatch sw;s_numDone = 0;sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();for (Int32 n = 0; n < c_iterations; n++){lt.BeginDoTask(delegate(IAsyncResult ar){if (Interlocked.Increment(ref s_numDone) == c_iterations)are.Set();}, null);}are.WaitOne();Console.WriteLine("AsyncResult Time: {0}", sw.Elapsed);s_numDone = 0;DoTaskDelegate doTaskDelegate = lt.DoTask;sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();for (Int32 n = 0; n < c_iterations; n++){doTaskDelegate.BeginInvoke(delegate(IAsyncResult ar){if (Interlocked.Increment(ref s_numDone) == c_iterations)are.Set();}, null);}are.WaitOne();Console.WriteLine("Delegate    Time: {0}", sw.Elapsed);}

ConclusionI think it is interesting to understand what is going on inside the CLR when we use mechanisms such as the APM. After examining my implementation here, you can get a sense of the size of IAsyncResult objects, what their state is and how they manage their state. This understanding can lead to improved ways of architecting your own applications and to better performance.In this column, I used my IAsyncResult implementation to perform compute-bound tasks using thread pool threads. In a future column, I'll show how to use my IAsyncResult implementation with I/O-bound operations.

Send your questions and comments for Jeffrey to  mmsync@microsoft.com.