
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/13 22:56:48


1. In____, you must do your best to make the party_____.  (名词、冠词)

  A. a word; success  B. a word; a success  C. one word; success D. words; successes

2. –Hello, Tom, where were you last night?  ----_____.

  A. At Brown’s  B. To the Brown’s  C. To Brown’s D. At the Brown’s

3. He has bought ___ vegetables and meat.

 A. a great deal of  B. a large number of  C. a good many D. a large quantity of

4. Mike is the best in the class, but he got a ____ B in the composition test.

  A. grade  B. degree  C. size  D. class

5. Don’t expect to succeed without taking _____.

  A. pains  B. a pain  C. any pain   D. pain 

6. His _____ in coming to Winnipeg was to visit the exhibition held by the government there.

  A. object  B. chance  C. condition  D. possibility

7. ---I’m going skating in the mountain tomorrow.  ----Oh, really?  Have_______!

  A. a fun   B. the fun  C. lots of funs  D. fun

8. I couldn’t make out what they were saying, for they spoke to me ____.

  A, right away  B. all the time  C. in all  D. at once 

9. Now the machine runs at double ______.

  A. a speed   B. speed   C. the speed   D. for speed

10.Towards ____evening _____ cold rain began to fall.

  A. the; a  B. /; a   C. an; the  D. the; / 

11.Charles Oakley, _____ NBA All-star, hasn’t missed ____ game in _____ three years.

  A. an; a; /  B. a; a; the  C. the; / ; the  D. a; the; /

12.He came in _____ in the 400-metre race.

  A. seconds  B. the second  C. a second  D. second

13.____ most of us like to drink beer, but those who drink _____ most are ____ least healthy.

  A. The; the; the  B. The; /; the  C. /; the; the  D. /; /; /

14.She is ____newcomer to ____ chemistry but she has already made some important discoveries.

  A. the; the   B. the;  /   C. a ; /  D. a; the 

15.Here’s my card. Let’s keep in _____.

  A. touch  B. relation  C. connection  D. friendship 

16.He gained his ____  by printing ____ of famous writers.

  A. wealth; work  B. wealths; works  C. wealths; work   D. wealth; works

17.I’ll look into  the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little _____.

  A. wait   B. time   C. patience  D. rest 

18.Many people agree that ____ knowledge of English is a must in _____ international trade today.

  A.a; /  B. the; an  C. the; the  D. /; the 

19.If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask them to leave a  ____.

  A. message  B. letter   C. sentence   D. notice 

20.Paper money was in ____ use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in _____ thirteenth century.

  A. the; /  B. the; the  C. /; the  D. /; / 

21.Most animals have little connection with __ animals of___ different kind unless they kill them for food.

  A. the; a  B. /; a  C. the; the   D. /; the 

22.For the sake of her daughter’s health, she decided to move to a warm ____.

  A. weather  B. temperature  C. season    D. climate 

23.I saw Bob play the piano at John’s party and on that ______ he was simply brilliant.

  A. scene   B. circumstance   C. occasion  D. situation 

24.It can’t be a(n) ____that four jewelry stores were robbed in one night.

  A. coincidence  B. accident  C. incident   D. chance 

25.The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took _____ pictures of them.

  A. many of   B. masses of  C. the number of  D. a large amount of 

26.---I’m sorry I stepped outside for a smoke. I was very tired.

   ---There is no ____ for this while you are on duty.

   A. reason   B. excuse   C. cause   D. explanation 

27.”I don’t think it is my ____ that the TV blew up, just turned it on, that’s all,” said the boy.

  A. error   B. mistake   C. fault  D. duty 

28.In our opinion, the root _____ of the crime problem is poverty and unemployment.

  A. reason  B. excuse   C. fact  D. cause  

29.When you are abroad, you find it difficult to get used to another country’s _____.

  A. customs   B. habits   C.  practice  D. instructions

30.Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first _____.

  A. intention  B. attempt  C. purpose  D. desire 

31.When there are small children around, it is necessary to put bottles of pills out of _____.

  A. reach   B. hand   C. distance   D. place

32.When he applied for a ____ in the office of the local newspaper he was told to see the manager.

  A. situation   B. condition  C. position   D. work

33.With no rain for the last three years, the country is in a desperate_____.

  A. occasion  B. case  C. situation   D. background 

34.I’m afraid I haven’t got a very good ____ of direction, so I easily get lost.

  A. idea   B. sense  C. thought   D. thinking 

35.His father has made a  ____bench for her.(数词、主谓一致)

  A. four legged  B. four-leg   C. four-legged   D. four legs   

36.About ____ of the workers in that steel works are young people.

  A. third-fifths  B. three-fifths  C. three-fives  D. three-fifth 

37.Four is ____ of two.

  A. two   B. double   C. the two    D. the double 

38.He has been there for ____.

  A. an hour and a half  B. one and a half hour  C. one and half an hour  D. one and half hours

39.Alice, together with two boys, ____ for having broken the rules.

  A. was punished  B. punished  C. were punished  D. being punished 

40.Mary as well as her sisters ____ Chinese in China.

  A. are studying    B. have studied   C. studies   D. study 

41.When and where to build the new factory ____ yet.

  A. is not decided  B. are not decided  C. has not decided  D. have not decided

42.The hero of the story is an artist in his ____.

  A. thirtieth  B. thirty  C. thirty’s  D. thirties

43.The house rent is expensive. I’ve got about half the space I had at home and I’m paying _____ here.

  A. as three times much  B. as much three times C. much as three times D. three times as much

44.He did it ____ it took me .

  A. one-third as time  B. one-third time C, the one-third time D. one-third the time

45.---Can I help you?(代词、it的用法)

  ---I’d like to buy a present for my father’s birthday, ____ at a proper price but of great use.

  A. that   B. one   C. anyone  D. everything 

46.We didn’t see ___ pictures, for it needs many visits to do so properly.

  A. any  B. none  C. all the  D. every 

47.She wore a dress to the party that was more attractive than____.

  A. the other girls  B. those of any other girls  C. other girl’s  D. that of the other girls

48.Don’t use powered milk. Use the fresh____.

  A. one  B. ones  C. /  D. milks

49.What a pity ____ he has made ____ friends since he joined our club.

 A. for; few  B. that; only a few C. that; only few  D. for; a few

50.Every boy and girl must have ____ uniform neatly kept.

  A. his   B. her   C. their   D. them 

51.You may keep the pen if you like. I’ve got plenty of _____.

  A. ones   B. the others   C. some others  D. others

52.The traffic was _____ that nobody could move.

  A. so   B. so many   C. such heavy  D. such 

53.May didn’t want ____ of the two kinds and asked the shop assistant to show her ____.

  A. both; the other  B. all; the others  C. either; another  D. neither; another 

54.____League members must be strict with ourselves.

  A. All   B. We    C. The   D. Our 

55.Granny wanted some more coffee but _____ left in the coffee maker.

  A. there was none  B. none were  C. nothing was  D. there was no one

56.They usually have less money at the end of the month than ____ at the beginning.

  A. which  is  B. which was   C. they have  D. it is  

57.Will these flowers be watered____?

  A. every a few days  B. after two hours  C. within a few days  D. every other day

58.____is ____ who wants to see you.

  A. It; he  B. That; he  C. It ; I   D. That; him

59.---When shall we meet again?

  ----Make it _____ day you like; it’s all the same to me.

  A. one  B. any  C. another   D. some 

60.It was about 600 years ago ___ the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.

  A. that   B. until  C. before   D. when

61.Dr. Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge. I can’t remember_____.

  A. where   B. there   C. which   D. that 

62.Few pleasures can equal ____ of a cool drink on a hot day .

  A. some    B. any   C. that   D. those 

63.---Why don’t we take a break?  ----Didn’t we just have ______/

  A. it   B. that   C. one   D. this

64.If this dictionary is not yours, ____ can it be ?

  A. what else   B. who else    C. which else’s  D. who else’s

65.I read about it in some book or other, does it matter _____ it was ?

  A, where   B. what    C. how   D. which  

66.Many people have helped with canned food, however, the food bank needs____ for the poor.

  A. more   B. much   C. many   D. most  

67.____fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from one aspect.

  A. What   B. That  C, This   D. Which 

68.---You’re always working. Come on. Let’s go shopping.

   ----_____  you ever want to do is going shopping.

  A. Anything   B. Something   C. All   D. That 

69.It is pretty well understood ____ controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out the atmosphere today.

  A. that   B. when   C. what   D. how  

70.They said nothing, looking _____ at the headmaster.(形容词、副词)

  A. sad   B. worried   C. excited   D. coldly 

71.Please tell me ____ you want your coffee-black, with milk or with sugar?

  A. what    B. that   C. when   D. how  

72.I’m not sure what time I’ll arrive, maybe half past seven or a quarter to eight. _____, I’ll be there as early as possible.

  A. Anyhow   B. However   C. Thus   D. Therefore

73.The article to be read is _____ difficult.

  A. fairly    B. rather too   C. quite too  D. pretty too 

74.---Did you enjoy yourself at the party?  -----Sorry to say I didn’t. It was ____ a  meeting than a party.

   A. more of   B. rather like  C. less of   D. more or less

75.However ____, the native people do have something in common.

  A. hard   B. ordinary   C. different    D. poor 

76.It is generally true that the lower the stock markets fall, _______.

  A. the higher the gold price raises     B. higher the price of gold rises

  C. the higher the price of gold rises   D. higher the gold price raises

77.She is ____ a musician than her brother.

  A. much of   B. much as   C. more of   D. more as 

78.Oh! She is wearing a ____ dress. How beautiful she is !

  A. silk new red   B. new red silk   C. new silk red   D. red silk new

79.---Why didn’t you go to the concert last week? ----It was something ___pleasant.

  A. more less    B. much more   C. a lot least   D. far less 

80.You can’t be ____ careful when you drive a car.

  A. very   B. so   C. too  D. enough  

81.Professor White has written some short stories, but he is ____ known for his plays.

  A. the best   B. more   C. better   D. the most  

82.____to make this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills.

  A. Brave enough students  B. Enough brave students 

  C. Students brave enough    D. Students enough brave 

83.We all write _____, even when there’s not much to say.

  A. now and then  B. by and by  C. step by step  D. more or less

84.---I’d like _____information about the management of your hotel, please.

  ---Well, you could have _____ word with the manager. He might be helpful.

  A. some; a   B. an; some   C. some; some   D. an; a 

85.If you work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, ____ great it is .

   A. what   B/. how    C. however   D. whatever 

86.In that case, there is nothing you can do _____ than wait.

   A. more   B. other  C. better   D. any 

87.The magazine is a(n) ____ number. You can take it out of the reading-room.

  A. back   B. past   C. old   D. former

88.---I was riding along the street and all of a sudden, a car cut in and knocked me down.

  ---You can never be _____careful in the street.

   A. much   B. very   C. so   D. too

89.---I hear they aren’t pleased with the house you’ve chosen for them.

  ---Well, _____ could they live in such comfort?

   A. where else  B. what else  C. how   D. why  

90.____my return, I learned that Professor Smith had been at the Museum and would not be back in several hours.(介词、连词)

  A. On    B. By   C. At    D. Of 

91.The house is beautiful and comfortable _____its distance from the main road.

  A. besides    B. but    C. except     D. except for   

92.He will agree to do what you require____ him

  A. of    B. from   C. to   D. for 

93.There were fifty people ____ when the accident happens.

  A. on the board   B. on board   C. board   D. above board 

94.The watchman kept still, listening ____ any more noise to come.

  A. in   B. to   C. for   D. out 

95.The teachers have no right to force their own opinions ____ the students.

  A. upon   B. at   C. in   D. to  

96.---Where does Mr Zhang Hua live? ---He has been on the island ___ the end of the Long March.

  A. since   B. by    C. in   D. at  

97.One should speak clearly and it is the same _____ writing.

  A. such   B. with   C. in  D. as 

98.Jane seems to take great pleasure ____the old lady clean her house every day.

  A. in helping   B. to help   C. of helping   D. for helping 

99.---Have you got ____ with your composition? ---No, I need another twenty minutes.

   A. through  B. up   C. along   D. well

100.____men have learned much from the behavior of animals is hardly new.

  A. That   B. Those   C. What   D. Whether 

101.____an expert in computer science, so he got a well-paid job in a foreign-founded firm last month.

  A. Being   B. Having been  C. As   D. He was 

102.Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true____ it comes to classroom tests.

  A. when   B. since   C. before   D. after 

103.Not that John doesn’t want to help you,____ it is true.

  A. but that   B. for that   C. and that   D. in that 

104.---You must do as you are told. ---Oh, I must,____?

  A. should I  B. mustn’t I   C. needn’t I   D. must I

105.Not that I’m unwilling to go with you, ____ I’m busy now.

 A. because   B. but   C. but that    D. however

106.Even though I’d hurt leg I ____ swim back to the boat.

   A. could   B. might   C. had to   D. was able to 

107.It was ____ Mrs. Brown who called while I was out.

   A. no other but   B. no one than   C. no other than   D. no one other than 

108.The course normally attracts 20 students per year, ____up to half will be from overseas.

  A. in which   B. for whom   C. with which  D. of whom 

109.The day must be broken, ____the birds have begun singing.

  A. because   B. as   C. for   D. since

110.The residents, ____ had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross.

  A. all their homes   B. all whose homes  C. all of whose homes  D. all of their homes

111.There comes a time in every man’s life______.

   A. which he needs  B. when he has to think  C. then he has to think D. therefore he has to work hard

112.I have kept that portrait ____ I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university days in London.

  A. which   B.   where   C. whether  D. when 

113.The British are not so familiar with different cultures and other ways of doing things, ____ is often the case in other countries.

  A. as    B. what   C. so   D. that  

114.____the aid from the International Red-Cross Organization, more Taiwanese would have been killed in the earthquake.

  A. Because of   B. But for   C. With   D. Now that 

115.My brother brought me a lot of books he ____ useful to me.

  A. regarded   B. hoped them  C. considered  D. thought

116.Alice hopes to become a friend of ___ shares her interest.

 A. anyone   B. whomever  C. whoever  D. no matter who 

117.It is ____ you deal with difficulties that shows ____ you are really like.

  A. what; what  B. how; what  C. which; how   D. how; what

118.Mr Black will move into his new house next Monday, ____ it will be completely finished.

  A. by that time  B. by which time  C. by then  D. by the time

119.Mike is one of those people who ____ trouble making up ____.

   A. has; his mind   B. have ; their minds  C. has; their minds  D. have; his mind

120.This is not a good plant for your garden ____ its seeds are poisonous.

  A. even if   . as though   C. so that   D. not that 

121.His health failing, ____ in 1995.

  A. so John went on leave from the army     B. army gave John leave 

  C, John went on leave from the army       D. when the army gave John leave 

122.Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially ____ Father was away in France.

  A. as    B. that   C. during   D. if  

123.It was not until 1920_____ regular radio broadcasts began.

  A. while   B. which   C. that  D. since.

124.She thought I was talking about her daughter, ____ in fact, I was talking about my daughter.

   A. whom   B. where   C. which   D. while 




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