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another try-最磁性的男声Josh Turner


     和大多数当代乡村男歌手标志性的甜美嗓音略显不同的是,Josh Turner的音色明显相对浑厚和低沉。Josh Turner的这一特点早在当年令他扬名的单曲《Long Black Train》中就表现得淋漓尽致,Josh Turner首张专辑《Long Black Train》中的这支同名主打单曲在当年的Billboard乡村单曲榜上名列第13位,而这首单曲的成功也直接促进了首张专辑《Long Black Train》的畅销。如果说Josh Turner的首张专辑主要还是依靠个别成功的单曲在打拼的话,这张新作则完全是一张成型的专辑了。开篇第一首歌曲《Would You Go With Me》运用了很多新乡村一惯的特殊调旋演奏过门的技巧,通过跳跃的节奏给人带来活力。在浪漫如抒情诗一般的《No Rush》中,Josh Turner再次展示出他营造温馨气氛的功力。同样,作为一名乡村歌手,Josh Turner演绎轻松流畅的乡村小调的能力也相当了得,听了新专辑同名单曲《Your Man》之后你就会明白,Josh在这张专辑中表现出来的实力丝毫不逊于Toby Keith和Alan Jackson。从一首成功单曲到一张真正意义上的专辑,Josh Turner在这两年半中已经进步了许多,如果他能够不断学习与坚持,Josh Turner有一天会成为新一代乡村歌手中的佼佼者。

another try


    All the things I’ve felt and never shared.
  All the times that she was lonley with me there.
  Tears I wouldn’t let fall from my eyes.
  And how I let her go without a fight.
  The reasons I’m alone, I know by heart.
  But I don’t wanna spend forever in the dark.
  I swear next time I’ll hang on for dear life.
  If love ever gives me another try.
  There’s no changing things that we regret.
  The best that we can hope for is one more chance.
  If the hands of time culd just move in reverse.
  I wouldn’t make the same mistake again with her.
  The reasons I’m alone, I know by heart.
  But I don’t wanna spend forever in the dark.
  I swear next time I’ll hang on for dear life.
  If love ever gives me another try.
  Oh, the reasons I’m alone I know by heart.
  But I don’t wanna spend forver in the dark.
  I swear next time I’ll hang on for dear life,
  If love ever gives me another try.
  Oh if love ever gives me another try.