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中文:米咪眯      日期:2011-03-08


【米咪眯按】 扎哈·哈迪德是世界上最具声誉的建筑师之一,她的作品以震撼性、先锋性、和突破性著称,因此,她在建筑学术界极受尊敬,同样因此,她的作品常常得不到实施建造。如果有人问,谁是当代最有原创力的建筑师?懂行的人多半会说,扎哈·哈迪德;但是后退十年,想欣赏到她的作品,只有看看计算机作出的效果图而已。幸好,这种状况在过去的十年开始转变。


以下是《卫报》艺术与设计评论员 Jonathan Glancey 对广州歌剧院的感想。此文为典型的英国风格,流畅幽默,引经据典,言辞间不带任何吹捧咋呼,但笔者对艺术作品的激情和对艺术家的敬佩毋庸置疑。




Zaha Hadid's Guangzhou Opera House

Jonathan Glancey , guardian.co.uk, Monday 28 February 2011 Photograph: Dan Chung for the Guardian


I walk up the ramp of the new Guangzhou Opera House, and suddenly it seems like Chinese New Year.  The brand new skyscrapers that surround it, each named after some global finance corporation, burst into neon life, flickering and flashing in a way that makes Las Vegas seem like a mere twinkle.  By contrast, the opera house seems almost serene – remarkable given that it's the latest design by Zaha Hadid, an architect celebrated for buildings that shoot across the urban landscape like bolts of lightning.  Yet, while the pulsating lights disguise what are regular office towers, once inside, Hadid's opera house reveals itself in all its complexity, at once highly theatrical and insistently subtle.

Set in Haixinsha Square, a brand new stretch of south China's ever-expanding trading city, the opera house takes the form of what appear to be two enormous pebbles that might have been washed up on the shores of the Pearl river, on which Guangzhou stands.  Rough-shaped things sheathed in triangles of granite and glass protrusions, one houses the main auditorium while the smaller encloses a multipurpose performance space.  There's no question, though, that the opera house is best experienced at night.  As darkness falls and the foyers fill up with people, the building magically comes to life.




The opening-night audience has come to experience Akram Khan's cacophonous dance piece, Vertical Road.  Yet all eyes are trained on the doors as the architect makes her entrance.  Tonight, Hadid is architecture's Queen of the Night, making stately progress through a phalanx of photographers.  For the British contingent in the wave-like foyer, there is something special in seeing Hadid inside the building she should have built in Britain years ago.

Ah, yes, the Cardiff Bay Opera House.  In 1994, Hadid had designed a magical theatre for the Welsh coast.  It would have become the most radical and compelling building in Britain, but an alliance of narrow-minded politicians, peevish commentators and assorted dullards holding the Lottery purse strings ensured it was never built.  More than a decade on, Hadid has built her opera house.  Of course, it's not the same design, yet the building embodies the spirit as well as something of the presence of the great theatre we could have had in Britain rather than here, 6,000 miles away.  (【米咪眯按】此段哀叹哈迪德为英国音乐之城卡迪夫设计的歌剧院未得建造。原因是“头脑闭塞的政治家、怨声载道的评委、和掌管六合彩钱袋的蠢材们”不予批准。英国的全民六合彩 National Lottery 所得利润主要用于支持文化艺术项目。 )

Zaha Hadid takes a seat


The Chinese had been thinking of an opera house in Guangzhou as early as 1993, when mayor Lin Shusen championed the new commercial and cultural quarter by the river.  "It was incredible," says Hadid.  "When I first came to Guangzhou in 1981, it seemed such a hard and dour place with everyone in Chairman Mao uniforms.  By the late 90s it had begun to grow very fast indeed, but where we're standing now [in the foyer of the opera house], there was nothing whatsoever."

Even in a city famous for building at breakneck speed, the opera house has taken more than five years to complete.  But then, this was never going to be an ordinary commission.  The main building comprises a freestanding concrete auditorium set within an audacious granite and glass-clad steel frame.  The exposed frame is a stunning thing, a kind of giant spider's web protruding in several unlikely directions.  It seems to challenge the laws not just of conventional geometry, but of gravity itself.  The Chinese state engineers charged with the project were pushed to new limits.  "The magic, though," says Simon Yu, the Scottish-born project architect, "is in the joints that hold the structure in place."  We look up at them.  Here are star-like, cast steel junction boxes that keep the adventurous structure in tension.  They look spectacular.  "We made them the same way they made great medieval bells.  They were sandcast in an old fashioned foundry in Shanghai where the sparks flew like … fireworks."


Hadid has long talked about the idea of buildings as landscapes, of shaping structures and spaces within them as if they might meander like a river. This is a beautiful idea very nearly realised in Guangzhou. If I have a criticism it is this: instead of dropping down to meet the Pearl River, the landscape of the opera house ends abruptly with further developments, including a viewing stand built for the 2010 Asian Games, and a concatenation of lumpen apartment blocks. It would have been so very special to have stepped out of a performance of Billy Budd or The Flying Dutchman and to have walked down to the river without having to think about which way to turn.

Even then, Guangzhou has to be applauded for giving Hadid and her team such a free hand with the design, when such a building has yet to make its debut in Britain. Despite building on a grand scale around the world, in the UK Hadid has just a school in Brixton, Maggie's Centre in Kirkcaldy and the Aquatics Centre for the 2012 Olympics to her credit. For, here is an architect clearly in love with the arts, and who is an artist herself. A performing one, too, as she receives the adulation of Guangzhou walking slowly and yet so proudly through a building that she had been thinking about for almost 20 years.

A beautiful rehearsal room; the ceiling folds down and over to reach the floor in a dance of acoustic folds and arches.


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