许佳琪应援微博:The Future of Workplaces — GigaOM Pro

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 08:41:35

The Future of Workplaces


Technological advancements have minimized the need for employees to be as physically present in a traditional office setting, and employee relationships now extend across different time zones and geographies. This paper discusses the future of work and the workplace in that context. We examine the shifting nature of actual workspaces, from four office walls to the online world; the emergence of new flexible hours that no longer require a nine-to-five mindset; the role of consumer-grade technologies such as iPads, smartphones and notebooks in the workplace; and what role cloud-based services such as Box.net, Huddle and Dropbox play. Companies mentioned in this report include Facebook, Apple, Google and Skype. For a full list of companies, and to read the full report, sign up for a free trial.

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  1. Table of Contents
  2. About Abhijeet Rane
  3. About Tavishi Agrawal
  4. About Techaisle
  5. About GigaOM Pro
  6. Introduction
  7. An Evolving Sense of Time and Place — The Shifting Physical Place of Work
  8. Flex Work — A Defining Feature of Future Workplaces
  9. Consumer Technology Accelerating New Work Styles
    1. Disintermediation of IT
    2. Opening of Extended Labor Markets and Worker Sourcing
    3. Information Overload is Shredding Older Forms of Communication
    4. Decline of Legacy Technologies, Emergence of Consumer Technologies
    5. Video Communication is Becoming a Workplace Centerpiece
  10. Emerging “New Worker” Persona
  11. Conclusion
  12. Further Reading

Read more: http://pro.gigaom.com/2011/03/the-future-of-workplaces/?utm_source=tech&utm_medium=editorial&utm_campaign=auto3&utm_term=324531+note-to-media-dont-fight-zite-learn-from-it&utm_content=mathewingram#toc#ixzz1InlIpYCk