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Thailand's anti-gov't protesters hold rally in Bangkok

23:27, April 10, 2011      

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Thailand's anti-government "red- shirt" protesters on Sunday held a major rally in Bangkok to mark the first anniversary of the April 10, 2010 clash between government forces and UDD protesters at Bangkok's Khon Wua intersection.

In early afternoon on Sunday, thousands of the "red-shirts", also known as the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), assembled at Bangkok's Democracy Monument on Ratchadamnern Avenue.

Police expected about 50,000 "red-shirt" protesters from Bangkok and other provinces would turn out. Twenty-one companies of police were deployed at the Democracy Monument and nearby areas to ensure law and order, according to Metropolitan Police Bureau spokesman Pol Maj Gen Piya Uthayo.

Thai army has set up a war room to monitor the mass rally and all army units in Bangkok are ordered to be on standby at their barracks to help police maintain law and order, if emergency occurs.

The mass gathering at the Democracy Monument will finish at around 02:00 a.m. local time on Monday, according to the organizers.

At late afternoon, there was no report of any violence at the Democracy Monument.

During March and May 2010 the "red-shirt" protesters held a prolonged protest in a bid to oust Abhisit government from the office. As the government resorted to military forces to disperse the protesters on April 10 and May 19, more than 90 people were killed and nearly 2,000 were injured.

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