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Beidou satellite launch marks first of many 2011 space missions

15:01, April 11, 2011      

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    The high-density launch missions of China's aerospace industry in 2011 began with the successful launch of the eighth Beidou navigation satellite. In 2011, China will implement more than 20 launch missions, such as the Tiangong-1, Shenzhou-8 and the Beidou navigation project, according to plans.

    According to sources, China is expected to carry out more than 100 space launches during the 12th Five-Year Plan period.

    Wu Dong, director of the Navigation Project Office under the China Aerospace Science and Technology Company, said that the high-density launches are a test of various capabilities, such as the development and research of aerospace products as well as launch and monitoring support. Therefore, they need to take various measures to ensure the smooth implementation of the high-density launching.

    Sun Baowei, Party secretary of the Xichang Satellite Control and Launch Center, said the center has the ability to adapt to requirements of high-density launching tasks through upgrading the technological capabilities and the integrated management capabilities of the launch site.

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