
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 14:10:36

心理学家理查德 ·怀斯曼 (Richard Wiseman)说,人们经常自欺欺人,认为贵的酒一定会比便宜货味道更好。

In a blind taste test, volunteers were unable to distinguish between expensive and cheap wine


An expensive wine may well have a full body, a delicate nose and good legs, but the odds are your brain will never know.


A survey of hundreds of drinkers found that on average people could tell good wine from plonk no more often than if they had simply guessed.


In the blind taste test, 578 people commented on a variety of red and white wines ranging from a £3.49 bottle of Claret to a £29.99 bottle of champagne. The researchers categorised inexpensive wines as costing £5 and less, while expensive bottles were £10 and more.

在蒙眼品尝测试中,578人对多种酒红、白葡萄酒进行鉴评。这里有£3.49一瓶的普通波尔多红酒,也有£29.99一瓶的香槟。研究者将£5一下的归为便宜酒,把£10 以上的分类为昂贵酒。 

The study found that people correctly distinguished between cheap and expensive white wines only 53% of the time, and only 47% of the time for red wines. The overall result suggests a 50:50 chance of identifying a wine as expensive or cheap based on taste alone – the same odds as flipping a coin.


Richard Wiseman, a psychologist at Hertfordshire University, conducted the survey at the Edinburgh International Science Festival.


"People just could not tell the difference between cheap and expensive wine," he said. "When you know the answer, you fool yourself into thinking you would be able to tell the difference, but most people simply can't."


All of the drinkers who took part in the survey were attending the science festival, but Wiseman claims the group was unlikely to be any worse at wine tasting than a cross-section of the general public.


"The real surprise is that the more expensive wines were double or three times the price of the cheaper ones. Normally when a product is that much more expensive, you would expect to be able to tell the difference," Wiseman said.


People scored best when deciding between two bottles of Pinot Grigio, with 59% correctly deciding which was which. The Claret, which cost either £3.49 or £15.99, fooled most people with only 39% correctly identifying which they had tasted.

大家做的最好的是区分两瓶不同灰皮诺的时候,有59%的参与者选择了正确答案;而波尔多红酒,价值分别£3.49 和£15.99 愚弄了最多人,只有39%的品尝者成功了。

In 2008, a study led by Adrian North, a psychologist at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, claimed that music helped boost the flavour of certain wines. North, who was commissioned by a Chilean winemaker, reported that Cabernet Sauvignon was most affected by "powerful and heavy" music, while Chardonnay benefited from "zingy and refreshing" sounds.

在2008年里,来自爱丁堡赫瑞瓦特大学的心理学家Adrian North开展了一项研究,表明了音乐对于特定的酒有助兴功能。 North,被一名智利酿酒师授权声明,喝卡伯纳-苏维翁酒时,最能够被“重而有力”的音乐感染,而愉快清新的音乐则给夏敦埃酒添加一丝品味。