
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/05 21:58:10

而作为公共图书馆的Minneapolis Public Library的馆藏发展政策,与国会图书馆相比,就更多的带有了地方性的性质。

Minneapolis Public Library是一个市级的图书馆,其下设一个主体图书馆和若干个社区的分馆。其主体图书馆设在Minneapolis City的艺术中心Hennepin Avenue和商业中心Nicollet Mall之间。其新馆建设于2000年,由世界著名设计师Cesar Pelli设计。这个新建的353,000平方英尺的建筑物最抢眼的设计就是透明的天花板和在Hennepin 及 Nicollet出口的由透明和半透明的玻璃组合而成的大门,并用与Minnesota 印象相同的水、树木和草原牧草的元素设计,以及一个18,560平方英尺的“绿色”屋顶来种植低增长和抗旱的植物,还有一个140,000 平方英尺的地下停车场。所有的设计都遵循尽量满足读者需求,使读者心情舒畅的设计理念。

Minneapolis Public Library的馆藏发展政策于2000年11月3日由the Minneapolis Public Library Board of Trustees核准通过,其大致内容如下:


1.  使命宣言:

声明了该图书馆是Minneapolis City关键的公共事业机构,是社会民主的明显标志和重要的教育、终身学习和智力自由的场所,是该社区人民关键的信息、教育和文化资源。

2.  使命目的:











Collection development is a process guided through all its stages by the expertise and judgment of librarians.在一个集成开发政策的引导下,由各位专业馆员进行判断。Ultimate responsibility for the direction, purpose, and scope of collection development rests with the Minneapolis Public Library Board.最终责任的方向、目标、范围收集开发属于公共图书馆的明尼苏达董事会。The Library Director is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the policy, and delegates this professional responsibility through the managers of Central and Community Libraries to the librarians and staff of various library agencies and departments.图书馆主任负责日常管理的政策、与会代表由此与专业经理人负责。


The library's community is diverse, consisting of individuals of various ages, races, faiths, levels of education, incomes, sexual orientations, ethnic backgrounds, and languages spoken.图书馆的社会是多元的,包括个人的各种年龄、种族、宗教信仰、教育程度、收入、性倾向、种族背景、语言. Its primary audience is the residents of the City of Minneapolis.它的主要读者是明尼阿波利斯市的居民。





 The Minneapolis Public Library meets the needs of its diverse community with collections that emphasize:在Minneapolis Public Library里,为适应多元化的社会,其藏品强调重视:

·····111111,的 早期识字等幼童教育

·Skill and purpose of author or creator支持接受各级正规教育的学生

·Consideration of the work as a whole, rather than a specific passage or passages成人终身学习

·Evaluation of the currency and accuracy of the information contained, to the extent that is possible所有年龄的Recreational reading, listening, and viewing for all ages休闲、阅读、收听、收看

·Representation of diverse points of view一般性研究,尤其是在地方或区域利益的领域,或高需求科目

·Representation of important movements, subjects, genres, or trends of local, regional, or national significance艺术和创作资源




六.Minneapolis Public Library馆藏建设内容及范围





·Suitability of format or physical form for library use and as user demand dictates, based on universal criteria established in this policy.表格格式或身体是否适合图书馆使用和用户需求为法则,基于通用标准确立  这一政策.

·Cost relative to the value the item contributes to the collection成本相对价值,有助于项目的收集

·Space required relative to the value the item contributes to the collection所需空间相对价值,有助于项目的收集

·The extent to which the item supplements, expands on, or supports the existing collection, rather than duplicates it副刊多大程度上项目,扩大,或维持现有的收集,而不是重复它

·Relevance to observed and anticipated community needs and desires相关的观察和预期社会需要和愿望

·Reputation and qualifications of the author, creator, or publisher of the work资历和声望的作家创作,还是出版工作

·Local significance of the author or creator of the work当地意义作者或创作者

3.  内容标准:

·Suitability of format or physical form for library use and as user demand dictates, based on universal criteria established in this policy.广泛采集,包括广度和深度










·可供Accessibility to multiple users多用户使用






1.  赠送

2.  保留和保全标准

3.  评估标准

4.  复审的要求

从以上对Minneapolis Public Library馆藏建设政策的描述中,可以看出,作为Minneapolis City的公共图书馆,其服务对象主要为在本社区生活或工作的人群,专业性、广泛性的要求并不是很高,只是为了满足本社区人们对于文化的基本需求。因此,其馆藏发展政策也具有普遍的搜集性。Minneapolis Public Library的馆藏发展政策主要几种在馆藏发展的目的、责任、服务对象及馆藏管理,特别是其制定的馆藏管理的一系列文献采访政策标准,是其馆藏发展政策的核心内容。其馆藏发展政策的主要框架如下:


同样的,作为专业图书馆和学校图书馆的复合型图书馆的下设在The Notre Dame Law Department 的Kresge Law Library,其The collection development policy of the Kresge Law Library includes decisions concerning the appropriate titles and subject areas of material purchased for the library and types of material (print, microform, electronic, audio, video, or other media) approp riate for the collection.馆藏发展政策包括关于适当的名称及学科领域的材料购置了图书及各类材料(印刷,缩微,电子,视听,或其他媒介)次要的收集。The collection development policy also sets out goals for the storage, retention, weeding, and preservation of library materials.馆藏发展政策还列出各项目标的储存、保留、剔除,及保存图书馆材料、Access to information housed in the library or available through the library is also considered.获取信息寄居在图书馆或透过图书馆。

Kresge Law Library是下设在The Notre Dame Law Department的专业图书馆,目前有324,000本纸质文献,6,200卷系列图书,以及294,000卷微缩胶卷。图书馆设有专门的检索途径,供学生学习之用。




我认为在该馆的馆藏发展政策中,最有价值的,不是每一个步骤的具体实施方式,也不是其制定的一系列完备的标准,而是它制定的那个FIVE YEAR GOALS五年目标):“During the next five years the library will attempt to maintain its rate of current acquisitions of all suitable material within the guidelines discussed above. Additionally, the library will seek out opportunities for enhancing particular areas of the collection through special purchases or because of development opportunities that might arise.”在这段话中,图书馆真正写下了自己的宣言,对于图书馆确定自己的目标,明确自己的工作方向,有极大的帮助。