购房中介服务协议:替换词 精华 【A】

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 19:51:17
1. important =crucial   significant

2. common=universal, ubiquitous=【omnipresent   = illocal  (无所不在的)】----ubiquitously                    【    Love/ god is omnipresent    】      
  2.  immanent  (immanent value  )       =         internal (internal combustion  )              =  inherent  (  inherent aptitude :天资)                      =   intrinsic  3. abundant=ample =  plentiful  =  copious  = profuse  =  numerous  =  multiple   < > scarce   =  scant 4. stick  =   adhere, cling 5. neglect=ignore 6. near =adjacent   =    adjoin    =   contiguous 7. pursue    =  woo       =    seek  8. accurate   =     precise   =   exact  9. vague    =   obscure  =  misty   =fuzz 10. top  =  peak  =  summit 
11. competitor    =    rival    =  opponent  12. blame  =   condemn    =  denounce  =  deplore  . 13. opinion   =  perspective   =   standpoint  = viewpoint    14. fame   =    prestige     =     reputation  =  credit
15. build   =    erect      = establish
16. insult  =    humiliate  =   make  a chump out of sb    =   contemn 17. complain    =    grumble   18. primary   =    radical  =   fundamental
19. relieve   =   alleviate  
20. force   =    coerce  into     =  compel
21. enlarge   =   magnify   22. complex   =   intricate    23. Lonely  =   solitary   24. small  =   minuscule  =  minute  25.   praise  =   extol    compliment   26. hard-working  =  assiduous   27. difficult   =   arduous    28. poor (soil)   =   barren    =   infertile      29. fragile    =   brittle   =  vulnerable    30. show   =   demonstrate     31. big  =    massive    colossal =   tremendous  32. avoid   =   shun     33. fair  =  impartial    34. attack  =   assault =  assail   35. dislike   =   abhor   =   loathe  36. ruin   =  devastate    39. always  =   invariably      40. forever  =  perpetual    =   immutable  41. surprise  =   startle   =  astound   =   astonish  42. enthusiasm  =    zeal    =   fervency     43. quiet   =   tranquil    =  serene  44. expensive  =   exorbitant    45. luxurious   =    lavish   =  sumptuous  46. boring=  tedious     47. respect  =   esteem  48. worry  =   fret   49. cold  =   chilly     =  icy  50. hot   =    boiling  
51. dangerous  =  perilous   =  hazardous 
52. nowadays  =  currently

53. only  =  unique  =  distinctive 

54. stop = cease   

55. part = component 
56. result = consequence  =outcome =

57. obvious = distinct    =   marked   =   prominent(突出显著的)    = visible    = evident   =  apparent  =  manifest    =  transparent(透明的,显然的) 

58. based on =  ground  on    =   derived from                          drive   不等于 derive

60. quite  =  fairly
61. pathetic = lamentable    = wretched

62. field =  domain  

63. appear   =  emerge      

64. whole = entire   = integrated     =  intact  = complete

65.   wet( n/v/adj )     =  damp(n/v/adj)      =   moist ( n/adj)   =   humid(adj)              moisty(潮湿的)    misty( 有雾的,模糊的)
66. wrong  = erroneous   =  incorrect  = inaccurate  = improper  =  false   

67. difficult =  formidable

68. change = convert  = shift =  vary   = transform  =

69. typical(特有的) = quintessential(精粹的)  = extractive          

69.typical  = characteristic   = representative   
70. careful = cautious =  prudent  =  wary  .

71. ability = capacity =  capability 

72. strange = eccentric  = abnormal = odd  =  curious

73. rich   = affluent    = abundant  = luxurious 

74. use  =  utilize   =   avail of ( this  good opportunity )   =  avail oneself of (the offer/   every  opportunity)

75. du
bious   =   skeptical  =  have doubt on  sth    =  suspicious  = doubtful    = questionable
76. satisfy = gratify  = content 

77. short = fleeting   = ephemeral   =  brief  = transient
77. migratory  = nomadic  = ragamuffinly  =  wandering
77. ragamuffin(衣衫褴褛的人) = scarecrow (衣衫褴褛+稻草人)  =  Jackstraw (稻草人+无足轻重的人)   =   straw man(稻草人+无足轻重的人)
77. insufficient   = deficient  = inadequate 
78. scholarship  =  fellowship

79. angry = enraged  =  riley  =  vexed   = vex

80. smelly = malodorous =  rank   = 【 frowzy = frowsy  = frouzy  =frousy】--四个词一样                     frowzy = draggly  =untidy  :不整洁的

81. draggy   = dull  = dilatory  = slow-motion  = tardy:缓慢的, 拖拉的       【【【【【【【 【【【 draggy  不等于 draggly】】】】】】】】
81. ugly = hideous =   unattractive 

82. attractive = appealing  =  pleasing   =  absorbing  =  attract you a great deal 
83. diverse =  miscellaneous   =  various  =   = varying  =   jumbly

84. disorder = disarray  =  chaos  = confusion =  disturbance   = turmoil  = involvement
85. crazily = frantically   =  wildly =  furiously    =  ragingly       = madly  =  insanely

86. rapid  =  meteoric   

87. ordinary  =  mundane    =   usual  =  regulation  = general  = average   = stock

88. despite   =   notwithstanding  =   in spite of    =  in despite of  = for all that

89. best  =  optimal   = first-rank  

90. sharp = acute(急性的,严重的,尖声的) 

91.crucial  = critical = important  = considerable  =  material  =
91. unbelievable  =  incredible  =   spectacular =   remarkable =  fabulous   =  tremendous  =  inconceivable  

92. puzzle =  perplex   = baffle   = discomfit  
93. method  = avenue (手段) =  approach  

94. famous = distinguished  = noted  = celebrated   =  renowned   =  famed

95. ancient = archaic  (extremely old and extremely old-fashioned)

96. decorate  =  embellish  (embellish means make something look more attractive via decorating it with something else) 

97. possible  =   feasible  
98. so  =  consequently =  accordingly  = therefore  =  thus  = hence  =  as a result of 

99. rare = infrequent  

100. greedy  =  rapacious   = grasping = gripple = cavetous  = avaricious
   = acquisitive
 1  .   mitigate   :  Vt :   mitigate  = comfort  = obtund                          Vi  :   mitigate  =  to alleviate   = ease off

2.inscrutable(高深莫测的,神秘的,不可理解的)  =   mysterious   =  magic =   fantastic 

3. temporary   =  transient   =  transitory  =    provisional  =     impermanent  =  passing   =   occasional   =   extraordinary   =  interim  =  odd 

4. deem =