
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 14:52:47


WASHINGTON - Does misery really love company? 


An intriguing new study suggests that may be the case. 


Researchers who study how people's sense of well-being varies from place to place decided to compare their findings with suicide rates. 


The surprising result: The happiest places sometimes also have the highest suicide rates. 


"Discontented people in a happy place may feel particularly harshly treated by life," suggested Andrew Oswald of the University of Warwick in England. 

“越是在幸福感高的地区,不满的人们越是觉得自己被生活亏待了”,英国华威大学经济学家安德鲁•奥斯维德(Andrew Oswald)如是说。

Or, put another way by co-author Stephen Wu of Hamilton College in Clinton, N.Y., those surrounded by unhappy people may not feel so bad for themselves. 

或用另一位来自纽约克林顿哈密尔顿学院合作者史蒂芬•吴(Stephen Wu)的话来讲,当身边的人越是不开心,自己反而不会觉得很糟糕。

But Wu urged caution in drawing conclusions, saying: "I don't think that means if you are unhappy you should be around others who are unhappy." 


Their study ranked Utah as the No. 1 state for residents' sense of well-being, but it also scored a high No. 9 in suicide rate. By contrast New York State ranked a low 45th in well-being, but an even lower 50th in suicides. 


The researchers came up with their rankings from a federal survey of behavioral risk factors and U.S. Census Bureau numbers on suicide rates. 


Sonja Lyubomirsky, a psychology professor at the University of California, Riverside, who wasn't involved in the research, agreed that living around people who are, on average, pretty satisfied with their lives, when you are not, can make you feel more miserable. 

加利福尼亚大学心理学教授索尼娅•柳博米尔斯基(Sonja yubomirsky)没有参加上述研究,但她同意这个观点,即当身边朋友普遍都对生活满意时,只会让自己本来不如意的生活增添更多烦恼。

In an interview by email, she said the findings remind her of an effect researchers have discussed in cases where a city with a reputation for being a good place to live also has a high suicide rate. 


The idea is, "If you're unhappy there, you conclude, `something must be really wrong with me,' or `nothing will make me happy,' so you're more likely to get depressed and take your life," said Lyubomirsky, who researches happiness and well-being. 


However, she added, other things may also be at play. 


She suggested there may be other factors that states with high life satisfaction have in common that could be associated with high suicide rates. For example, if they are more likely to be rural, that could mean people also are more isolated. Religious beliefs that vary among states may also have an effect, she said. 


John F. Helliwell of the University of British Columbia, who has studied well-being and suicide rates internationally, said suicides tend to peak when days are longer, "not as you might have thought, when days are shortest." Researchers have suggested that when people who are unhappy see others in happy, social situations such as picnics, that may bring their own crisis to a head. 

英国哥伦布大学约翰 F•赫利韦尔(John F.Helliwell)一直在致力于研究国际上幸福感与自杀率间的关系,他认为当白昼时间较长时,自杀率会达到顶峰,”当然白天时间较短时,也不一定相反”。研究表示不开心的人如果看到别人在参加野餐等社交活动中很快乐时,他们的危机感将明显增强。

The new study, which has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, looked at the 50 states and the District of Columbia. 


It lists the top 10 states for well-being as Utah, Louisiana, Colorado, Minnesota, Wyoming, Hawaii, Arizona, Delaware, Florida and Nevada. 


Four of those states also are in the top 10 for suicide rates, with Nevada ranked 3rd, Wyoming, 5th; Colorado, 6th; and Utah, 9th. Among the others, Arizona was 11th and Florida, 15th. 


The 10 states with the lowest well-being ratings are: Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Missouri, Ohio, New York, Massachusetts, Michigan and Rhode Island. 


Just one of those states, West Virginia, is among the top 10 for suicides, ranking No. 8. The only other state in the top 20 was Kentucky at 16th. 


Wu noted that international studies have found that Scandinavian countries also display high satisfaction levels and high suicide rates. 


But the researchers said that because of variations in culture and suicide-reporting systems, it's hard to make comparisons from one country to another. 


To develop their data, Wu and colleagues used information collected by the federal government in the Behavioral Risk-Factor Surveillance System, a monthly survey designed to gather health data and identify emerging problems. One survey question asks people how satisfied they are with their life and the responses to that from people aged 18 to 85 formed the basis for the well-being assessment. The survey interviews more than 350,000 people each year. The suicide rankings are based on mortality data reported by the Census Bureau in 2008. 



Behavioral Risk-Factor Surveillance System: http://www.cdc.gov/brfss 


Census Bureau: http://www.census.gov
