
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 03:00:30
刚看了 An Englishman in New York 。知道这部片子完全是翻找约翰·赫特 (John Hurt 《一九八四》里扮演 Winston Smith 却在《V字仇杀队》里演独裁者 Adam Sutler 的老演员)作品时看到的,当时并不知道该片的内容如此。影片用一小时多一点的时间还原了英国作家 Quentin Crisp 晚年在曼哈顿的时光。惊奇的是作为一个老式的英国人+异装癖+独身+同性恋者,竟搭配得如此自然,他和大多数那些“开放”年代的同性恋者泾渭分明地不同。片中他在纽约进行一次 one man show 时说,
For people like me, the dream is to win and to keep the love of a great dark man. A real man. The essence of a real man is that he does not fall in love with his own sex. It’s impossible. This does not prevent homosexuals from trying. They pile the make-up on thicker, they sway more from side to side, they camp even more outrageously. And the more they do this , the further the object of desire backs away, his hands raised in horror.
Quentin Crisp 是警句泛滥式的作家、演讲者,连日常生活中的对话也是。一个小时警句的铺面而来当然是需要警觉的,但是这个同性恋者对于同性恋者状况的思考的确是深刻的。
片中还有一段对话,Quentin Crisp 和他的 show partner Penny Arcade 进入一个歌舞升平的 gay bar,
Q: Homosexuals have always been experts in the art of hedonism.
P: Homosexuals? You’re so queer, you’er not even gay.
Q: Thank you.
P: You said that the trouble with gays was they thought the whole straight world was one big party, and the only problem was that they hadn’t been invited.
Q: I remember saying something like that.
P: Uh-uh. They’re hosting the party now. Quentin, look at them. To be young and gay now means your commandments are written in stone. Thou shalt go to the gym. Thou shalt take drugs. Thou shalt wax off every body hair thou hast. And if you don’t, you get hurled out of heaven, cast out by the outcasts. Sound familiar?
哈,他们现在在主持派对呢。昆丁你瞧他们,要作为年轻的同性恋者就意味着 把戒律都抛到脑后 戒律上身,应该去健身,应该去嗑药,应该 给每根体毛都打上发蜡 把每根体毛都剃掉。如果你不做,就会被丢出天堂,被驱逐出伊甸园。耳熟吧?
在这里 Penny 显然是用曾经教会对待同性恋者的话语讽刺了同性恋者排除异己的同性恋者的状况。

@dongdd 04/29/2011 19:36:38