超级美臀s身材美女:日本核泄漏威胁持续(中英文对照) - 北极星电力新闻网4

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 06:42:25


北极星电力网新闻中心  2011-3-16 9:40:13    我要投稿

所属频道: 核电   关键词: 日本核事故  日本大地震 核电站 

Television footage showed a large explosion at 3:36pm local time on Saturday, with plumes of grey smoke pouring from the site. Tepco said four workers at the site were injured in the explosion.


At the time Mr Edano said the blast had “destroyed the roof of the outer building but the reactor containment vessel did not explode”.


The level of radiation was higher than normal before the blast because engineers had been venting contaminated steam from the reactor vessel, in an effort to relieve pressure that had been building since the cooling system failed on Friday. The venting process triggered the explosion when combustible hydrogen released by the steam mixed with oxygen in the air, officials said.


Japan’s Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (Nisa) confirmed the presence of caesium and iodine, both radioactive elements, in the vicinity of Fukushima Daiichi Unit 1. Nisa reported an initial increase in levels of radioactivity around the plant earlier on Saturday, but these levels have been observed to lessen in recent hours.

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