越来越多女性不结婚:27 -- 50/1

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 10:59:53
1.   Genuflect begs: My face is not quite white, still little acne does?


1. acne  =comedo  =zit  = whelk

2 .You can see why you don't know whether to genuflect or buy him a 【lollipop】 when you first meet him.

3.  ambiguous  =blurred              ambiguously

4.  ambition (n)

5.   It has let hundreds of CIA agents roam about.                   roam about  =    wander off  =    go on a tour

6.    sympathy for

7.  It came just days before the G20 meeting in London, 

   at which leaders were due to discuss additional funding for the IMF—and, more controversially, who would supply it and on what terms.


8.  dominant    predominant(主要显著的)  = 【prominent  主要著名的  】       【prominently】  =  【 predominantly  (占主要地) 】

        It was curious to observe some faces which stood out prominently from among the group.



9.  This is very different from most other provinces in China, including predominantly Han provinces in western China such as Sichuan.


10.   did so without some official connivance.

11.    connivance               connive (同流合污,睁一只眼闭一只眼,默许)  ------             =       collude (共谋)      =        conspire (V协力共谋,密谋)          

             In certain industries, companies may actively collude to fix prices.


11.  默许(n) =  acquiescence   =  tacit consent

11.         Paradoxically, this was the tacit consent of the majority of consumers.


11.  But days, weeks, months, elapsed.  Tom  had tacitly accepted Cosette's tacit consent.  

       但是,多少天、多少星期、多少个月接连过去了, Tom  一声不响地接受了珂赛特一声不响的同意。

11.        Paradoxically( = abnormally  =eccentrically =  freakishly  ) , this was the tacit consent of the majority of consumers.


11. Oh, my God! You really are freakishly strong. :出奇地(离奇地)

11. freakish (畸形的,反常的)      =   malformed    =  thrawn  (畸形丑陋的)


11. 【  freakish weather 】 反常 古怪 的                            a capricious(善变无常的) summer breeze  :任性无常的夏天微风!!~~~

11. 【 capricious women】


11. They argue that without a clear political mechanism to cope with wayward countries, the euro is doomed to repeat the sort of crisis it has suffered this year.

     他们认为,如果没有明确的政治机制对付  任性无常/刚愎自用 的国家,欧元将注定重复今年已经遭受过的那种危机。

11.      sort of           the sort of 

11.     And the longer the economy struggles, the more wayward politicians are likely to become.


11. wayward pupil : 难缠的小孩

11.She's hopelessly headstrong她任性得无要救药                headstrong  =  self-partial  =wayward  =

11.   He's a cantankerous, nasty man who hates students with a passion.


11. cantankerous  =spleenful  = mean-tempered  =   ill-neturod  =

11.    All work and no play makes Val a mean-tempered old hag.


11.  I knew this woman  was an infernal hag , but I thought she loved me.

        我深知    这婆娘是个【坏透了的女人】,       可是我想她喜欢过我。

11. Tartarean  =    hellish(凶恶地狱毛骨悚然的)

11.The weather's been hellish recently.


11.   【There would be hellish choices 】about which banks are perceived to be too big to fail, and whether lower-risk retail banks should be charged less.


12.  Yet the government still seems ambivalent about them.

12.       Are you contradictory   /ambivalent now?           


13.    Once an avid reader himself, he is disgusted with the idea of books and detests how they all contradict and refute each other.


12.   disapproval (n:不赞成/喜欢)               【【【【  disprove (V)     =  redargue (V)  = contradict   =  refute = confute  】】】】

12. To  weigh and consider :推敲!!!

12.  I detest you !!   【【【【 detest  = hate !!!】】】】     =    turn away from: 离开.../【对....厌烦】

12.  Then  slowly turn away from me ~~~:慢慢离开我 。 

12.    I detest people who deceive and tell lies.           


       I always did detest a welcher/ welsher.


12.I should detest my own heart if I saw either pride or resentment【 lurking in me】.



13   whereabouts         【whereabouts  unknown】

14.They are doing everything possible to ascertain his whereabouts.


15. 【 collaborate  with  :通敌 】  collaborationist  :通敌者              【 collaborationism   = quislism 】

16.        collaboration   =  synergism   = co-operation  

17.   it is a policy of almost lunatic recklessness

18.  It assumes India will withstand almost any provocation.

19.blasphemy law. 

20.  hanker  for      =   hanker after   

21.   hanker  =  aspire

22.    bent on   (热衷于,追求 ...)    =    intent on     doing

23.  be bent solely on profit  : 是财 就不放过~!!!  唯利是图

24.   【intend  to:打算...】   =  mean to do = want to

25.       Our dictionary is intend for managers.


26. intend : V :打算../  想要..

    intent :n  : n 目的  ,  adj  专心的/ 坚决的

27. prissy  =  jumpy  = screwed-up

28. twit an twat  : 挖苦 笨蛋!!

29【 Vt】:    make a  mockery of   =   twit  = laugh at 

30.【n】    persiflage       =  quizzing     =   mockery      =   quib   =  derisiveness


31.    He wandered through a derisive, if desultory, critique of Dick Cheney, then switched gears.


32.  desultory (散漫无条理的)  =  loose   =  intermittent  =   【 on-again】          intermittent production  :间歇/断续 生产



33.  on again :

34.  【 the din of 】criticisms of Iraq  :  对伊拉克政策排山倒海的批评声浪 。

35. n:   hurly-burly  =  din 

35.   Then a great hurly-burly   ensued;                                 ensued  ensued  ensue        ensued  ensued   ensued   ensued   ensued 


36   【 Keep far away】 from   【  social    uproariousness  】   and hide secrets into the deepest heart within total quietness.

       【 远离】尘世的喧嚣,在万籁寂静之间,隐藏着内心世界的秘密。

37.   【Go ahead hastily】, only uproariousness sounds in your ears gradually.

         【匆匆地前行】,       耳中充斥的,渐渐就只剩车水马龙的喧嚣。 

38.   A tall, burly man riding a big step into the room.                        

39.   ride  【a big step】 into :【大跨步】  进入


39    :  strong  = burly    :     He is  just  so burly !   so  very  burly !!

40.    burly chap ! 

41. 【 complacently  =  gloatingly     

42.   Captain Black yawned deliciously, rubbed the last lethargy from his eyes and laughed gloatingly .


43  .Never【 gloat over 】   the ruin of your friend.

    不要  【冷眼旁观看着】  你的朋友堕落。

44.    Do not gloat when your enemy falls.


45.    A good sportsman should never 【crow over/about】 his achievements     【吹嘘】~~~~~   

      【   brag about  = crow about/over】 :吹嘘 ,炫耀~~~~

46.          He is a narrow-minded person who would 【crow over  】 other's failure.  幸灾乐祸~~

              他心胸狭窄,  看到别人失败反而幸灾乐祸。 

47.  narrow-minded   =  small-minded    =    mean-spirited (侧重卑鄙的气度小)  

48. opinionated =  arbitrary (固执己见的) =  opinioned  =  self-opinioned

48. arbitrarily(武断专横地)      randomly              wilfully      discretionarily

48.  discrimination        

49.  【discrete =uncontinuous =incontinuous 】    discretion    【discretional  = discretionary】  discretionarily

48.   It is rather as if German official media were casually blaming Jews for the Holocaust.


48.   The opposition, casually described as "the Taliban", is【 far from】 a unified force in 【a country of great ethnic complexity.】


48.      Nobody can casually succeed, it comes from the thorough self-control and the will.


49. artificial =  synthetic

50. Well, i think i would be a little out of my league】 , but  i would 【give it  a shot】 !!    虽然有点难, 但不妨一试~~~

51. Maybe  i got too carried away  before ~~~~ 过于 得意忘形了~~~

    carry away :  运走!     过于得意

52.     I can't make it to dinner tonight; but,【【【【【【【 can I take a rain check ?】】】】  =  delay  = hold over

        今天晚上我不能去吃晚饭,但是我们改天再吃好吗?。     改天/下次/爽约!~~~~

53     Meanwhile, 【lest】  Israel and its allies try to prise the economy away from it, Hamas is tightening its hold over supplies by land.


54.    he has a hold over me : 紧紧的掌握/控制我

          He has a demonic hold over his fighters but can expect no sympathy from elsewhere.


55.  Just  stand over here    :   就站着不动~~~

     let the issue stand over :  搁置问题/延期

          you stand over him    :  监督

56.  but  the bottom line is you love her ~~~  底线 是你爱她

57.         Is it possible to boil down the messages of all your poems into a single sentence or two?


58.       All the figures boil down to one thing we are not making enough profit.


59.  【【【【【【【【【【 Anyway , it all boils down to this  :  归纳起来说 ,总而言之!!】】】】】】】】】】】】

60. These clowns  want to take us, for a ride  , i won't let them  :  想欺骗我们(占便宜) ~~~~  Monica  said !!!

61.  【take  us  for a ride : 去兜风  ;  绑架杀害 ;  欺骗 】

62.  Do not 【speak ill of the dead !! 】

63. 【denigrate 】 =  vilipend  = 【 speak  ill of 】   

64.     He said some photographs on the CNN and BBC websites had been deliberately cropped to【 denigrate】 China.


65.we denigrate our own advantages  :贬低/ 诋毁  自己的 优势~

66. storm  out !  甩门而走!!   storming  out !!

67.   Made everybody  vomit and  have diarrhea        让人 上吐下泻~~~~~~、

68. What  are you guys  woofing  about ?

69. He got phased out : 被 排挤出去了 ,   逐渐淘汰~~~~  :【 phase out】

70.  but you should just slowly phase out the really deplorable stuff, like junk food.


71.   I have been forced to admit diverse propositions which appear 【somewhat】 deplorable .


72.        He said despite the tremendous efforts of both two countries, the situation for the refugees is deplorable.


73. somewhat

74. proposition (V/n)   : 【 make someone a proposition :向某人提议】...   

75. unique selling proposition = USP(独特卖点): 独特销售主张)!!

76. premium (保险费/奖金 ) =     bonus   =  dividend ( 股息/奖金)

77. insurance premium   =  insurance expense  =  premiums

78.expense  :   a great expense:巨大的代价

 expense disbursement :费用开支/支出

78. consumption expenditure                     consumer

79.【consumption goods】   【 spending/consumption pattern = expenditure pattern 】 【consumption level】

80. consumption patterns =consupmtion structure  :消费结构   ,     不同于  consumption pattern:消费方式!

81.【revenue  and expenditure】  =【receipts and disbursements】

82. disbursement        【 disbursement account】    【discretion

83.    A supplementary grant may be awarded at the discretion of the committee.   【at the discretion of


84.【 With discretion 】  =  cautiously =   prudently

85.  Officials say they are 【cautiously optimistic 】about making progress. :官员 对取得进展 持 谨慎乐观的态度

86. deliberately =  purposely  =   intentionally         【original intention】 【good/evil intention】

87. 非故意地: without intention   

88. tent    = residence  = accommodation   【residence booklet】 【 residence phone】 【former residence】

                     She is grant a【 residence permit/card 】 for one year.   



83. tension    intension    

84.  【massive retaliation】

85. extensive        【 extensively solicit   】                  solicitor    

85  solicit opinion       solicit contributions   = solicit articles 

85. It is the only institution so far to【  make extensive use 】of the grade.


86. extensive View                 We are going to Inner Mongolia to enjoy the【 extensive view】 of grasslands this summer vacation    

87.    【extensive cultivation 】 【extensive operation/management】  【extensive 

88.  despise(轻视。鄙视)  =  slight =  【set light by】(轻视)


89.We should not set light by the advice of our seniors              

 90.  desperate = Venturous  =  devil-may-care                     desperate              depression (抑郁沮丧) = disappointment   =  recession

91. I don't like her 【devil-may-care attitude】 玩世不恭, 不在乎一切的态度!!

92. temerarious(不顾一切的,意思最浓)   =  reckless  【 reckless driving】 【reckless    = indiscretionary

93.insouciant  =insouciant  

94.there is never a person like you to 【devote for me】 so temerarious. :从未有人像这样 不顾一切的为我牺牲~~~

95. desperate   depression        depredation(掠夺)     【 reckless depredation】   destruction(破坏) 


96. incautiously  =  recklessly  =  imprudently

97.    How can God be so generous to send his elaborately made work imprudently?


     He   【dimly】     realizes it is dangerous if he acts imprudently without full preparation.

       他 【朦胧地】  感觉到,    没有充分准备就贸然的行动,风险很大。

98.superficial                  superstitious 

99. supersede     = substitude for  =   displace                      supersession

          He 【was superseded by 】a young girl for the post.


               She superseded the old statue.


100.     Many people were forcibly displaced by the flood.                   force(V/n)   forcing   【 forced(adj)= forcible(adj)】     forcibly


 100.       forcibly    = by the strong hand    = compulsively

 100.      mandatory    = compulsive   = forced  =forcible   = coercionary         

100.      【 mandatory measures】:指令/强制性措施

 100.     compel  =  force   =  impel (驱使V)    【 impellent force】推动力

100.     proposition          position             

100.  【 propulsion system】       propulsion  =  pulsion  =anteropulsion    =drive