软件著作权说明书范本:---------- ENTERPRISES structural importance of intellectual capital

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 16:31:05

                  -- ENTERPRISES structural importance of intellectual capital

With the above;

       Intellectual capital that can be used to create the wealth of intellectual resources: knowledge, intellectual property, experience and ability to create knowledge.

      With the advent of knowledge economy, knowledge is increasingly becoming competitive competition, talent competition, then, it has been to expand the concept of capital to the creation of knowledge and have the knowledge and intellectual knowledge, intellectual capital concept came into being. We can say that the knowledge economy is intellectual capital investment as the mainstay of the economy, intellectual capital is the knowledge economy.

      The reason why intellectual capital is raised, first, the concept of human capital is more mental than physical value added, the second is the rapid development of knowledge-based economy in the process, the company's market value far exceeds its book value, although the operation of capital factors which, however, the intangible value of enterprise value-added market value is the main reason. It is called intellectual capital this part of the capital. In fact intellectual capital is a comprehensive human capacity to create value or utility of an ability to interact is intelligence and knowledge to benefit from convergence of capital.

     Popular understanding, intellectual capital is wealth that can be used to create intellectual resources: knowledge, intellectual property, experience and ability to create knowledge. West Neal early in 1836 will be the intellectual capital as synonymous with human capital, that the intellectual capital that people possess the knowledge and skills. American economist John Kenneth Galbraith pointed out that intellectual capital is not just a static in nature, intangible assets, and it is a thought process, is a means to an end. • Thomas Stewart, the American scholar, intellectual capital is defined as, "all members of the company known for corporate gain a competitive advantage in the market and things of." He proposed intellectual capital "HSC" structure, that is, the value of corporate intellectual capital embodied in the enterprise human capital, structural capital and customer capital among the three. Namely:

- Human capital: employees with the skills and knowledge and their ability to create knowledge;

- Structural capital: organizational structure, systems, norms, and culture;

- Customer Capital: marketing channels, customer loyalty, corporate reputation and so on.

      The good news is that now almost no one does not attach importance to entrepreneurs, intellectual capital, at least verbally so. Unfortunately, most of which pay more attention to entrepreneurs and customer capital human capital, while ignoring or belittling one of the structural capital, the reason, one may be in intangible intellectual capital than human capital and customer capital, structural capital but also "visible" some, that is, its added value is obvious; the second may be that we have always been more emphasis on Chinese culture and the relationship between human use in enterprise development, human capital and customer capital in some of the elements even more to our taste, and compare contempt rational system of norms and role in the management of structural capital is precisely this type. But with globalization and intense competition in the market, companies can not do without a strong structure and rational system of rules, even for large enterprises, this kind of structural capital structure in the status of intellectual capital will become increasingly important, it is even another play an important foundation for both.

       Although invisible structural capital, but in the world-class business and competitive enterprises can get a glimpse of the figure. I remember a visit to a standard sewing machine company (a joint venture with Japan), its production site management class. When I was in the workshop found that large quantities of industrial processes to protect components in the processing of the surface of paper is a newspaper, he felt a curiosity, instead of using the newspaper industry is certainly in order to save paper, but the newspapers come from? Upon inquiry, the manager that the workers automatically collected. I asked why workers are willing to take the trouble to read the collection of waste paper factory? The answer is corporate incentives to the dictates of the workshop. As we all know, the workshop is a cost center, but the companies approved annually by the cost of the workshop to save go shop, the shop into a profit center. So it is easy to understand why the workers to collect newspapers, because they generate profits for himself. Moreover, the annual workshop profits by economizing in the workshops only retained for one year, next year will be turned over by a certain percentage, so that the workshop every year to promote efforts to reduce costs. Such a system and mechanism is a kind of invisible structural capital. The enterprise systems and mechanisms like this there are many, another example, I saw one dressed in the workshop in the wooden products are processed by the device package, which of course is the result of the above incentives, but suddenly I found a box with the name of a clip like a name, boss told me that was the thought process at work very smoothly, so the design of this clip, greatly improving the efficiency, enterprise workers by the name of the and promote the use of this clip. From this we can imagine, in this policy and culture, business creativity and innovation spirit can not rise up? The hero is behind the structural capital. From this we realize that although the intangible capital structure, but its role in massive and everywhere. It will affect all levels of the enterprise, including customers and society.

      Here, I think of an article, saying that China's Jin Yong's martial arts class heroes: their weapons as the most incisive take the blunt of the effort; get better weapons with the fist; with fists as with the palm of; with the palm of your hand is better than nothing at all, these people will be a few meters away by the internal strength to destroy the opponent! The same is true competition in the world, intangible intellectual capital increasingly important, and one more "intangible" structural capital is more important.

       Rules of the game world: the competitiveness of enterprises increasingly invisible!