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来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 06:27:52
1. n. [c]  greeting on arrival 迎接
 She gave us a warm/kind/cold welcome.  她热情地/友好地/冷淡地接待了我们。
2. interj.  an expression of greeting to a guest or someone who has just arrived
    Welcome  home/back.  欢迎你/你们回来。
  Welcome to our home/China.  欢迎你/你们到我家/中国来。
3. vt.    A. show  that  you are  pleased  when  someone  or something comes; 欢迎、乐意接受
 Mr. Green welcomed us to his house. 格林先生高高兴兴地把我们接到他家。
We were warmly welcomed.  我们受到了热烈的欢迎。中国家庭教育网
    B. show that you like something; 赞成/
Mr. Bill welcomed our plan.比尔先生赞成我们的计划
4. adj  received with giving, pleasure 受欢迎的,讨人喜爱的
 You are a welcome guest.你是受欢迎的客人。
 be welcome to do sth/to sth  可随意做某事,可随意取用某物
   You are welcome to borrow my bike.你可以随意借用我的自行车。
 You are welcome to the use of my car. 你可以随意借用我的车。
you' re welcome(to it)=Don't mention it别客气(回答对方道谢时用语)。

欢迎某人做某事”可以说sb. is welcome to do sth,但不可以说welcome sb. to do sth。  我们欢迎你来访问北京。
 误:We welcome you to visit Beijing.
    正:You are welcome to visit Beijing.
      欢迎某人来某处”不能用welcome sb to some place, 但可以用 be welcome to some place。
  误:Welcome you to Beijing.
 正:(You are ) welcome to Beijing.
 误:We were warmly welcomed by them.`
      正:We were given a warm welcome.      正:They gave us a warm welcome.      正:We received a warm welcome.