达濠华侨中学校长女儿:威震美国2011枪展的中国品牌 – 铁血网

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 12:54:35


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Swords have a very special allure that “calls” to a surprisingly broad audience. Whether you’re a serious arms collector, a historian, a martial artist,

or even a gaming enthusiast, the idea of owning a sword that reflects your character is not at all uncommon. Although there is no shortage of long,

shiny blades out there, the more serious you are about swords, the harder it is to find one that is functional and truly combat worthy. And if you are

lucky enough to find such a sword, you might find yourself paying a kingly price to make it yours. Fortunately, a few companies have recognized

the need for high-quality, historically authentic swords that can be offered at affordable prices. One of the pioneers of that effort—and still one of

the industry leaders—is C.A.S. Hanwei.

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刀剑在广泛的受众群体中具有无与伦比的召唤力 。无论你是古董兵器收藏者、历史学家、格斗专家,甚至一个赌徒,拥有一把刀剑的想法时刻出现在脑海中一点也不稀奇。尽管光华耀眼刀剑并不稀缺,困难的却是找到一把具有使用功能的甚至可以真正用于拼杀格斗的刀剑。即使你足够幸运找到这样一把刀剑,你也需要消耗国王般的花费来拥有它,幸运的是少数几个公司认识到有关于高品质、复古的(具有实用性的)真刀剑的需求,并且让他们具有可以(被大众)接受的价格。这些先驱之一同时也是行业的领军者就是--汉威。


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