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加勒比海盜「黑鬍子」船長不僅存在於電影《神鬼奇航:幽靈海》中,他也確實航行於300年前的大西洋上;美國水下考古學者近日在北卡羅萊納州(North Carolina)發現了一具「鬼盜船巨錨」,據信是屬於黑鬍子船長的「安妮皇后復仇號」(Queen Anne's Revenge)所有。
根據18世紀的文件顯示,這些「釘彈」(langrage)是海盜的智慧發明,它不會對船隻造成嚴重破壞,但卻對人員有致命的殺傷力;探險隊長王爾德蘭辛(Dr Mark Wilde-Ramsing)指出,「安妮皇后復仇號」配有強大武裝,但卻鮮少使用,「因為光是臨時湊成的『釘彈』就已經夠對手受的」。
「黑鬍子」(Blackbeard)船長本名愛德華?汀奇(Edward Teach),於英國與西班牙2國爭奪海上霸權時崛起;他在1715年時主動攻擊英國皇家海軍,但並非透過猛烈砲火交戰,而是選擇直接衝撞海軍戰艦,展開肉博式攻擊;這起行動殺得海軍措手不及,黑鬍子從此以嗜血及無懼聞名。
Blackbeard's Queen Anne's Revenge wreck reveals secrets of the real Pirate of the Caribbean
Divers exploring the wreck of Blackbeard’s flagship Queen Anne's Revenge are bringing to the surface new evidence of the terrifying tactics used by the pirate.

By Jasper Copping 10:22AM BST 28 May 2011
He was a real-life pirate of the Caribbean, who carefully cultivated a bloodthirsty reputation that struck fear through seafarers.
Now, almost 300 years after Blackbeard's death, marine archaeologists have discovered a huge anchor and an arsenal of "improvised" ammunition from the wreck of his flagship, Queen Anne’s Revenge.
New evidence about the terrifying and deadly tactics employed by Blackbeard is emerging from the diving expedition on the vessel’s presumed remains. The divers have discovered that weapons used by the pirate were not only intended to kill but were designed to strike terror into survivors and force them into a swift surrender.
The shipwreck lies in about 25ft of water just off the coast of theAmerican state of North Carolina and the expedition to recover artefacts is being led by the state’s Department of Cultural Resources.
During the two-week exploration, the team aimed to recover a 1.4 ton (3,000lb) anchor from the ship, which they have now successfully raised.