
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 01:33:12


How To Get A Good Night's Sleep : This film shows you what you can do to make sure you get a good night's sleep. VideoJug presents you with some simple steps on how to sleep well, from your bed to your diet, our aim is to help you sleep better at night.

Step 1: Food and drink      
Avoid coffee, tea, cocoa and cola drinks late in the evening as they all contain caffeine, which may keep you awake. Remember, your nightcap has a price. Malted food drinks - like Ovaltine - are much better. Bedtime snacks can help too. But don't stuff yourself,beacause your body will have to stay awake half the night digesting your meal, so you won't feel rested in the morning. Milk, turkey and peanuts all contain chemicals that help the brain relax. Why not have a turkey and peanut butter sandwich?
1. 关于饮食
         晚上不要很晚了还喝咖啡、可可和可乐等饮料,因为他们都含有咖啡因,而咖啡因会让你难以入睡。记住,睡前喝饮料会有副作用的。麦芽食品饮料如阿华田就好的多了。睡前吃点点心也能助你入睡。但是不要吃的太多,因为吃太多的话你的肚子就会花上大半夜的时间去消化,你到早上醒来时就会感到没有休息好。牛奶、火鸡肉和花生豆含有帮助大脑放松的化学成分。来块火鸡肉加花生酱的三明治如何?Step 2: Sleeping position    
 Another thing that affects the quality of your sleep is the position you sleep in. We all have our preferences, but for a perfect night's sleep you should try to keep your body in a 'midline' position, where both your head and neck are kept roughly straight. All you need is a properly supportive and comfortable bed and some strategically placed pillows. If you sleep on your side, place a pillow between your knees, this will help support your hips. If you sleep on your back: Place pillows under your knees to take the load off the lower back. Make sure there are enough pillows to support the neck and head in the midline position, thereby preventing the head and neck tilting forward or back. Sleeping on your front isn't recommended. Head and neck are twisted in this position, which is bound to give you aches and pains.
2. 睡姿
         影响你失眠质量的另一个因素就是你的睡姿。我们都有自己喜欢的睡姿,但是为了睡得好,我们应该尝试"中线"睡姿,头和脖子保持在一条直线上。这样,你还需要的就是一张舒适的床,和几个精心摆放的枕头。如果你选择侧卧睡姿,在两膝之间放个枕头,这样能让你的髋关节放松。如果你喜欢平躺着睡觉,把枕头放到膝盖下,以便减轻背部下方的压力。采用"中线"睡姿时,一定要确保有足够多的枕头来支撑你的头部和脖子,以免让头和脖子前后倾斜。趴着睡是不可取的。这种睡姿,你的脖子是弯曲的,会让你感到疼痛。Step 3: The 4 Rs
 Getting to sleep is all about the 4 Rs - Regularity, Routine, a Restful bedroom and the Right bed.
入睡一定要谨记4个R:Regularity(规律),Routine(习惯),a Restful bedroom(安静的卧室)和the Right bed(舒服的床)。Step 4: Regularity
Regularity of bedtimes and getting up times helps ensure good sleep. If possible, try and go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Keep your bedroom dark while you are sleeping so that the light will not interfere with your rest. As soon as it's time to wake up, open the curtains or turn a light on. Light helps your body know it's time to wake up. Planned daytime naps are fine, but naps caused by sleepiness will ruin your night-time sleep. Try to stay awake all day if you can. Regular exercise is important too -it helps regulate your body clock.
4. 规律
起居规律有益于睡眠。如果可能的话,尝试每天都在同一时间睡觉和起床。睡觉时保持卧室是黑暗的,以免光线影响你休息。到起床的时候了,就立马拉开窗帘打开或者把灯打开。光线能够告诉你的身体该起床了。白天有规律的小憩倒是没什么,但是睡多了到晚上你就该睡不着了。所以白天尽可能地不睡觉。有规律地做些运动也很重要,能够帮你规律你的生物钟。Step 5: Routine
Having a bedtime routine - like having a bath before bed - will help your brain wind down and prepare you for sleep. Reading a book or listening to the same piece of calming music every night may help too. Anxiety excites the nervous system, making you more alert. Write down your worries and possible solutions before you go to bed, then stop thinking about them!
5. 习惯
睡前习惯-如上床前洗个澡-能够帮助大脑放松下来,准备入睡。每晚看看书或者听同一点安眠曲也会起到助眠作用。焦虑会使神经系统兴奋,使你毫无睡意。在上床前把自己忧虑的事情以及可行的解决方案写下来,睡觉的时候就不要想啦!Step 6: Restful bedroom
 Your bedroom should be a place for sleeping only. It is not a good idea to use your bed for doing work, making phone calls etc. Help your body recognize that this is a place for rest by getting rid of anything work-related before you go to bed.
卧室应该只是用来睡觉的地方。在床上工作、打电话等都是不可取的。在上床前不要做与工作相关的事情,让你的身体意识到,这就是休息的地方。Step 7: The Right bed
You need to look after your bed. Turn themattress over every few months. It should get replaced every 10 years at least.