追风筝的人好句和分析:中国美味小吃名录 Repure 编译

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 04:34:17



A list of Chinese dainty snacks

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中式早點 food for Chinese -Breakfast
水饺     Boiled dumplings
烧饼      Clay oven rolls/ Sesame seed cake 
蛋饼          Egg cakes

油条          Deep-fried dough sticks/ Fried bread stick

鱼丝炸春卷    Fried fish &leek roll/ The fish silk deep-fries spring roll

韭菜饺    Fried leek dumplings

水晶鲜虾饺    Crystal fresh shrimp dumplings

腐皮海鲜卷    The doufu skin seafood wraps/bun

奶香鸡蛋挞    Milk egg tart

皮蛋          Preserved egg/ Pidan

饭团          Rice ball/ Rice and vegetable roll
咸鸭蛋    Salted duck egg
豆浆                   Soya-bean milk/ Soybean milk
馒头     Steamed buns
蒸饺     Steamed dumplings
割包     Steamed sandwich

蜜汁叉烧包    sticky rice ball with coconut milk

香甜玉米饼    sweet corn cake
甜果馅饼      Tart

蛋奶烘饼      Waffle     

华夫饼        Waffle

饭类          Rise
稀饭          Congee / millet gruel/ Rice porridge

卤肉饭        Braised pork rice/ Rice with red-cooked pork

蛋炒饭    Fried rice with egg
糯米饭    Glutinous rice
油饭     Glutinous oil rice
白饭          Plain cooked rice /Plain white rice
红苕稀饭   Rice porridge with sweet potato
地瓜粥    Sweet potato congee
稀粥          Thin gruel