送老人花:新东方商务口语:确认约会 Confirming an Appointment_英语口语_可...

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 11:13:18
5.确认约会 Confirming an Appointment Mr. Jones: Accounting, this is Mike.
您好,我是财务部的Mike. Mr. Lee: Mike, this is Leo in Sales. I was just calling to confirm our meeting tomorrow. Are we still on?
Mike, 我是销售部的Leo。我想打电话确认明天的约会。我们还能见面吗? Mr. Jones: Goodness! It’s been so long I actually forgot. Let me see … yes, it is on my calendar.
天呀!过了这么长时间我都忘记了。让我看看…… 是的,我已经标在日历上了。 Mr. Lee: OK. See you at your office at 2:30.
两点半在你办公室见。 Mr. Jones: Right, see you then!
好的,到时候见! 6.Changing an Appointment Kim: Hi Ron, this is Kim at headquarters.
你好,Ron.我是总部的Kim. Ron: Oh, hi Kim. How’s it going?
你好,Kim.最近怎么样? Kim: Great, thanks. I was calling to change our meeting next week.
很好,谢谢。我们下星期的见面,我想改期。 Ron: Ok, sure. When did you have in mind?
Kim: Well, I was hoping we could reschedule for early next month, Our trip has been postponed until the 2nd.
我想订在下个月的月初。我们推迟到2号才出差。 Ron: Why don’t’ we say the 3rd around 2:00 p.m.?
那三号下午两点左右见面行吗? Kim: That works for me! I will call you when I get into town to reconfirm.
可以,我到了后再打电话给你确认。 Ron: Great. Talk to you then.
: http://www.kekenet.com/kouyu/200612/9810.shtml