
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 02:51:09
First Posted: 04-21-11 04:52 PM   |   Updated: 04-21-11 04:52 PM  While it may look like a handful of precious gems taking a dip in a river, the image below is actually of the Mentougou City, a gorgeous new "Ecological Silicon Valley" located in the mountains not far from Beijing.    虽然看起来像是一把撒入河中的宝石,但其实这是一张门头沟市的图片,它展示了坐落于毗邻北京的山中的一座光彩炫目的新型“生态硅谷”。 The new development will be comprised of research institutes for modern science along with eco-efficient urban living. Designed with carbon neutrality, water and energy conservation, and renewable energy in mind, Mentougou Eco Valley even hopes to reduce its environmental footprint to one third that of a typical city of similar size. 
    这项全新的发展计划拥有许多针对现代科技以及绿色城市生活的研究所。本着碳平衡、对水资源和能源的合理利用和保护、可再生能源的设计理念,门头沟生态谷希望能将其碳排量减少至同等规模城市的排放量的三分之一。 The Miaofeng mountain area, located about 30 km west of Beijing, is slated to be reborn as a gorgeous new "Ecological Silicon Valley." Located close to the urban metropolis of Beijing, the new city will combine research institutes for modern science and innovation with environmentally friendly and eco-efficient urban living. The master plan for the eco-city was laid out by the Finnish firm, Eriksson Architects in collaboration with Finnish ecological experts Eero Paloheimo Eco City Ltd. With goals of carbon neutrality, respect for the environment, water and energy conservation, renewable energy, and housing and amenities for all employees and visitors, the Mentougou Eco Valley aims to reduce its environmental footprint to one third that of a typical city of similar size.  
    坐落于北京城以西30公里处的妙峰山区被规划为建成一个全新的“生态硅谷”。这座毗邻北京市的新城将聚集许多研究所,致力于现代科技的发展以及对绿色环保的城市生活的革新。这项生态城市总体规划由芬兰公司Eriksson Architects和芬兰生态专业公司Eero Paloheimo Eco City Ltd共同主导。门头沟生态谷旨在将其碳排量降至同等规模城市的排放量的三分之一,以此达到碳平衡、体现对环境的尊重、合理利用和保护水资源和能源、实现能源再生,并且可以为所有的雇员和游客提供宜居环境。 The 100 sq km development will include space for 9 environmental research institutes and companies, a city center and smaller residential villages with enough housing for 50,000 people.  
       占地100平方公里的建筑群将包括9所环境研究所和公司、市中心以及可供50000人居住的小规模住宅区。   Public transportation will connect all the parts of the valley together and the architecture and sitting of buildings will be based on the natural topography.  
       公共交通将把整个生态谷的各个区域连接在一起。各个建筑的样式和选址都将以自然地形为基础。 Plans as of now include that the eco city will produce all of its own water, recycle it along with waste back into the ecosystem in order to boost agriculture to meet the needs of the inhabitants.  
       照目前的设想,这座生态城将会自给自足所有所需的水,水和垃圾粪便将会在生态系统中进行再循环,用于促进农业生产,满足居民的生活需要。  Taking lessons learned from other eco city projects, like Huangbaiyu, Masdar and Dong Tan, Mentougou hopes to exceed their plans for sustainability.  
       在学习和吸取了诸如黄白峪(译注:在唐山市)、马斯达尔(译注:阿联酋城市)以及东滩(译注:在上海崇明岛上)这些生态城项目的经验教训之后,门头沟希望能将自己的计划持续地发展下去。   The developers of the valley want to ensure they correctly match the need for housing as well as jobs.  
       生态谷的开发者们希望能确保很好地满足住房需求和工作需求。 They will aim for carbon neutrality along with an overall sustainability plan to minimize their impact.  
       他们将以碳平衡和全面长久的发展作为目标,以此将可能产生的矛盾降至最低。 Currently, the master plan is awaiting approval from Chinese authorities, after which the developers will begin to seek out funding and potential business partners.   
       目前,这项总体规划正等待中国决策者的批准。在获得批准之后,开发者将开始寻找资金和有潜力的商业伙伴。 The area is being dubbed as the "Ecological Silicon Valley" for its aim at combining sustainability with high tech research and businesses.  
       该地区被称为“生态硅谷”,因为它致力于将高科技研究和商业同可持续发展结合在一起。  =====================―――――――――评论开始―――――――――14tavoliberal   05:36 PM on 4/21/2011 47 Fans:They copy everything. I love laughing at bootleg toys though. :他们什么都山寨。我就爱嘲笑那些私卖的玩具。     brownfrown   07:20 PM on 4/21/2011     137 Fans    :I don't care what you say, I love my Spader-Man and Specialman action figures!     :我可不在乎你说什么。我就爱我的“蜘蛈侠”和“超入”玩偶。(译注:应该是Spider-Man和Superman,这里是在吐槽山寨玩具)
        ydrittmann   07:26 PM on 4/21/2011         112 Fans        :I've been to their restaurants and love their Bef and Loobster.         :我去过他们开的餐馆,超爱他们的“午肉”和“尨虾”。(译注:应该是Beef和Lobster,同上)            WYHKTai-Tai   08:43 PM on 4/21/2011             2062 Fans            :Can't live without my Calvin Klink underwear, either!             :离了我的“刺客”内裤我也没法活呢!(译注:应该是Calvin Klein,简称CK,同上)                brownfrown   09:19 PM on 4/21/2011                 137 Fans                :Haha.. another good one I saw was Nike shoe = Mike shoe                 :哈哈,我还见过山寨耐克鞋的迈克鞋。――――――――――――――――――need-to-know   05:48 PM on 4/21/2011 18 Fans:Beautiful! Looks like a wonderful place to live. I'd like to see this type of vision here in America.:真美!看起来就像仙境一样。我希望在美国能看到这样的美景。――――――――――――――――――rodjard   05:53 PM on 4/21/2011 194 Fans:Why isn't one entrepreneur, environmental group, or anyone in this country building one ecofriendly community from the ground up? :为什么我们美国就没有企业家、环境组织或者什么人来建造这么一个绿色环保的社区?