
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 01:29:55











  A. Xiao Wang, our monitor,will attend the meeting.


  B. Our monitor, Xiao Wang, will attend the meeting.


  句A以主语Xiao Wang开头,句B以同位语Our monitor开头。






  A. She is young and ambitious, she works hard to get the job.


  B. Young and ambitious, she works hard to get the job.


  句A以主语She开头,句B以形容词短语Young and ambitious开头。


  C. The girl entered the room gracefully.


  D. Gracefully, the girl entered the room.


  句C以主语The girl开头,句D以副词Gracefully开头。


  E. The students reached the top of the mountain exhausted.


  F. Exhausted, the students reached the top of the mountain.


  句E以主语The students开头,句F以过去分词Exhausted开头。






  A. A beautiful girl stood in front of me.


  B. In front of me stood a beautiful girl.


  句A以主语A beautiful girl开头,句B以介词短语In front of开头。


  C. The students worked hard to pass the exam.


  D. To pass the exam, the students worked hard.


  句C以主语The students开头,句D以不定式短语To pass the exam开头。


  E. He was confused about the problem and went to ask for his teacher.


  F. Confused about the problem, he went to ask for his teacher.


  句E以主语He开头,句F以过去分词短语Confused about开头。


  G. You may go home after you finish your homework.


  H. Your homework finished, you may go home.


  句G以主语You开头,句H以独立主格结构Your homework finished开头。




  A. I will attend your lecture if I am free.


  B. If I am free, I will attend your lecture.


  C. We all know she is famous.


  D. That she is famous is known to us all.















  A. He must have finished his homework.


  B. She is a diligent student.




  A. Does she know English?


  B. What did you do last night?




  A. Have a cup of tea.


  B. Don't smoke.




  A. What an interesting film!


  B. How beautiful it is!






  A. She has finished her homework.


  B. Both my brother and sister are teachers.




  A. Honey is sweet, but the bee stings.


  B. Type O is the most common blood type in the world, and type AB is the rarest.




  A. Because the luxury liner was traveling so fast, it was impossible to avoid the ghostly looking iceberg.


  C. Some people say that it may result in some social problems in the future.




  A. He was watching me or something for an hour or two, drawing back the curtain so little lest I catch him, but I saw his face, and I think I can see the anxiety upon it, the worried impatience.


  B. I have brought what you need, but you haven't brought what I need.








  A. The workers here are mostly diligent, though not all.


  B. The workers here are mostly, though not all,diligent.


  C. He will go abroad if he has enough money.


  D. If he has enough money, he will go abroad.








  A. What is written without effect is in general read without pleasure.


  B. Deeds show what we are; words what we should be.




  A. We can gain knowledge by reading, by reflection, by observation or by practice.


  B. I have a dream that my four children will someday live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.






  A different form of reading might also be done, as it was in the past: reading aloud. Few pastimes bring a family closer together than gathering around and listening to mother or father to read a good story. The quite hour could become the story hour...









1. 论说文






A) 归纳法(induction)是指从若干个别事例和现象中综合它们的共同本质,总结出普遍的道理、观点或看法。如:Americans feel proud of themselves for working hard, but they feel equally proud of themselves when they sit and do nothing over weekends. As a matter of fact, some Americans measure success in terms of the length and frequency of their vacations. The man who gets a month’s vacation each year considers himself more successful than the man who gets two weeks. Many people become teachers because teachers get a three-month vacation every year. Some college teachers who teach three classes consider themselves less successful than one who teaches only one or two or none at all. In brief, the less work Americans do, the more successful they consider themselves.




B) 演绎法(deduction)是指从一般论断(公认的、众所周知的原理或道理)来推断出一个观点。如:The “Band Wagon” is a device to make us follow the crowd, to accept the propagandist’s program en masse(全体、整个地). Here his theme is: “Everybody’s doing it.” His techniques range from those of the medicine show to dramatic spectacle. He hires a hall, fills a great stadium, marches a million men in parade. He employs symbols, colors, music, movement, all the dramatic arts. He appeals to the desire, common to most of us, to “follow the crowd”. Because he wants us to “follow the crowd” in masses, he directs his appeal to groups held together by common ties of nationality, religion, race, environment, sex, vocation. Thus propagandists campaigning for or against a program will appeal to us as Catholic race or as Negroes; as farmers or as school teachers; as housewives or as miners. All the artifices of flattery are used to harness the fears and hatreds, prejudices and biases, convictions and ideals common to the group; thus emotion is made to push and pull the group on to the Band Wagon. In newspaper article and in the spoken word this device is also found. “Don’t throw your vote away. Vote for our candidate. He’s sure to win.” Nearly every candidate wins in every election before the votes are in.


C) 类比法(analogy)是把两种相同或相似的事物加以比较,最后得出一个结论。如:Some old people are oppressed by the fear of death... The best way to overcome it  so at least it seems to me  is to make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal, until bit by bit the walls of the ego recede, and your life becomes increasingly merged in the universal life. An individual human existence should be like a river  small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past rocks and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being. The man who, in old age, can see his life in this way, will not suffer from the fear of death, since the things he cares for will continue...




2. 说明文








A) 定义法(definition) 在说明事物的过程中,必须交代清楚事物的种类、特征,使读者对事物的特点有一个全面深刻的了解。如:Ambition means the goal in our life. To have one’s ambition does not necessarily mean to become the chief state leaders. This is not in the real sense of the word. The ambition is the goal that encourages us always to look forward and not to lose hope because of failure. Ambition differs from person to person and everyone has his own ambition. Yet not everyone of us can succeed in what we desire to do.


B) 举例法(illustration)通过举例来说明需要阐述的内容。如: Since  different  people  like  to  do  so  many different things in their spare time, we could make a long list of hobbies, taking in everything from collecting matchboxes or raising rare fish, to learning about the stars or making model ships. Some hobbies are very popular: stamp collecting, painting and cycling, for example, while others are quite unusual, like collecting insects or traveling on all the trains in one country.


C) 比较与对比法(comparison and contrast)一般来说,比较是对人或事物之间的共同点进行分析;对比是对他们之间的不同点进行分析。在很多情况下,这两种方法可以混合使用。如:It is easy to be a winner. A winner can show his joy publicly. He can laugh and sing and dance and celebrate his victory. People love to be with winners. Winners are never lonely.


Unlike winners, losers are the lonely ones of the world. It is difficult to face defeat with dignity. Losers cannot show their disappointment publicly. They cannot cry or grieve about their defeat. They may suffer privately, but they must be composed in public. They have nothing to celebrate and no one to share their sadness.