
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 00:23:03
  001 Get back to me on this
    Here are some name cards to look over.Get back to me on this before Monday morning.
    Here's a contract for you to look over.Get back to me on this before Tuesday morning.
    Sure thing,Mr.Martin.
    I can't read it.I can't read English.
    When you finish the design,get back to me and we'll talk.
    I will.
    And I need it by this afternoon. 002 Headquarters
    Many companies have their headquarters in Hong Kong.
    This news is from headquarters.
    You're too much!I'm going to report you to the headquarters!
    Go ahead.See if I care.
    Who do you think you are talking to?
    Where is your headquarters?
    My firm's headquarters is in Shenzhen.
    What part?
    I'm in Public Relations.
    I heard you got a new job at the headquarter.
    Yes,and promotion too!
    Oh promotion!   003 Branch office
    Our head office is in Hong Kong.We have branch office in Shenzhen and Beijing.
    We set up a branch office in the downtown area.
    Where are you going to visit today?
    I want to visit your branch office.
    No problem.
    We have 4 branch offices around China.
    Really? You must earn a lot.
    So you treat me to dinner tonight.
    I just heard you opened a branch office in shanghai.
    Yes,it's a wonderful place.
004 I needed it yesterday.
    Where is my invitation?
    Do you need it now?
    I needed it yesterday.Where is it?
    It's under your chair.
    You're crazy.
    When do you need the price list?
    I needed it yesterday.
    Why didn't you tell me?
    I called but you didn't answer the phone.
    I heard that you are looking for a digital camera.Do you still need it now?
    Yes,I needed it yesterday.Did you find a good deal on one?
005 I'd like a word with you.
    Can I have a word with you?
    Sure.But I need to finish my work.See you later.
    No,this is more important than anything else.
    I'd like a word with you.
    Ok.Go ahead!
    Do you mind if I use your car?
    I love your car.
    Are you available now?
    Yes.What's up?
    I'd like a word with you.
    Ok,but just one word. 006 Keep up the good work!
    Your design is wonderful.Keep up the  good work!
    The boss will give you a pay raise.Keep up the good work!
    You did a good job!Keep up the good work!
    I will.
    If you keep working like this ,I'll give you a raise.
    What lovely music!You played very well!Keep up the good work!
    Thanks dad.
    I play on piano 4 hours a day.
    I broke the traffic rules again this morning.
    Did you get caught?
    No,not yet.
    Oh,Keep up the good work!As long as you don't get causght,it's ok.     007 Civil Servant
    Robert has been a civil servant for over 10 years.
    My father wanted me to become a civil servant.
    I met your wife yesterday.What does she do?
    She is a civil servant.
    Where did your father work?
    He's a civil servant.
    Hello,my name is Judy.I'm with the Pacific Insurance Service.
    Hello,I'm Bob.I'm a civil servant.
008 Qualified
    She's well qualified for being in sales.
    I suggest John do the designing work .He's a highly-qualified designer.       What do you think of the new assistant?
    She's qualified.
    But I think she talks all the time.
    I like the way he does it.I think he's qualified.
    Obviously,he enjoys his work.
    Yes,everyone can see it. 009 Cooperation
    Thank you for your cooperation.
    I want to let you know that you have  our full cooperation.
    For the further cooperation,we should do this work without pay.
    Smart idea!
    Do you really think so?
    No,not really.
    I need your cooperation in this matter.
    What do you want me to do?
    Please come with me.I'll show you.
    Oh,Fred. What about the cooperation with Judy's company?
    Oh,it's great!it couldn't be better.
010 Guarantee
    Your order is guaranteed within 24 hours.
    Your letter is guaranteed to arrive 2 days later.
    When will the flight to Shenzhen arrive?
    We can't guarantee the arrival time because of the windy weather.
    But I've been waiting for so long.
    No one can guarantee you will make a profit.
    But I must succeed.
    You can't do like this.
    Your stisfaction is always guaranteed.
    Where is that?I'd love for my satisfation if they guaranteed.
011 Stressed out
    I've been stredded out about my oral exam.
    I've  been completely stressed out,trying to win the contract.
    Where are you going, Judy?
    I don't want to be stressed out,I am  just going to the beach to relax.
    Where were you these days?I called you several times. 
    I am stressed out about the sales volume.
    It will be OK,just keep trying.
    But my boss got angry with me. 012 Commit
    She wants to get married,but he's afraid to commit.
    We are having dinner at seven.Does it work for you?
    I'm already committed.I've arranged to see a lawyer.
    It must be boring.
    We need your signature on the contract.
    Ok.I'll commit.
    Oh,you're gorgeous.
    Thank you.
    Have you signed the contract with the client?
    Not yet.I'm afraid to commit.
    Oh,if you don't give the commit,how about the others?
013 Workplace
    Our TVstation is too small..We need a new workplace.
    It's about 5 minutes walk from your office to my workplace.
    What about your new workplace?
    My workplace is full fo flowers and plants.
    Where's your workplace?
    It's near the railway station.
    It must be very noisy.
    But it's convinient for shopping.
    I went to visit my brother's company.There's no chair in his office.
    Oh,what does he do on his working?    His workplace is really unforgetable.
014 Register
    Please write down your name,nationality and passport number on this registration card.
    The company registered a new trade-mark.
    Show me your registration card.
    Oh,here you are.
    Sorry,this is for last year event.Not this year.
    I want to have this letter registered.
    You need to fill out registration card.
    You need to sign your name here.
    I would like to register a new name for my company.
    Oh,really.What name?
    It is called promotion.
    That's very interesting.Sounds like a good idea! 015 Appointment
    You need to set an appointment with the consulate.
    I can't have dinner with you.I have an appointment with a lawyer.
    She received a good appointment with  a high-tech firm.
    Would you mind finishing this for me?
    Sorry,Any.I'm busy.I even have an appointment with a reporter.
    You always have good excuse to refuse me.
    When are you going to help me repair  my car?
    Maybe tomorrow.
    How about today?
    I am afraid not.I have an appointment with Mr.Green now.
016 Memo
    The boss wrote a memo and gave it to  the secretary.
    I found  a memo on my desk.
    What is it?
    A memo from Ben.
    Can I see it?
    Is it a private memo?
    I got a memo from Judy.
    What does it say?
    It says:"Please rewrite the report."
    Then,I guess,I'll have  no weekends.I hate you and the boss.
    Here's the memo the boss left for you.
    What does it say?
    It says tonight's party was concelled.
    So we can go to party instead. 017  Promotion     Our new product is now on promotion,So it is not quite expensive.
     Here are our sales promotion products.Take your choice.
     Do you like this electric dog? It is our latest promotion.
     Could you show me how to use it?
     Sure.You just press this button.
     I really want that promotion,but I keep getting turned down.
     Don't give up .You'll get it.
018    Organized
     Susan is very organized.
     He's not organized.He is often late for meetings.
     Did you enjoy the Christmas party?
     No,not really.I don't think it's highly-organized.
     What do you think of the general manager?
     He's not organized.He always makes arragments at the last moment.           
019   Official
      Did you receive our official invitation?
      This is the official price. I have no right  to give you  a discount.
      What do I need to apply for the visa?
      You must have an official invitation from the country you want to go to .
      What else?
      I'm applying for studying abroad.
      Really?So have you sent them your official school transcript?
020  Contract
     The contract still holds.
     We will sign the contract tommow.There is no time to make changes.
     How long will you stay in this university?
     My contract will last until the end of this year.
     What will you do then?
     I plan to sign the contract  with Mr. Wang.
     If I were you, I wouldn't do it in such a short time.
021  Invest
    He invested his life saving in a footwear factory.
    You are free.I thhink you should invest your time in something.
    I heard you opened a book store.
    I also plan to invest in a coffee bar.
    Hello.This is the BluePoint Investment company.May I help you?
    I want to speak to your manager Jeffery Kang.
    You know,I just received a lot of money.
    But I don't know how to handle it or how to use it.
    Don't worry about it .I'll help you to invest it.
022  Arrangement
    We made a special arrangement for your mother's birthday party.
    What do you think of our arrangement?
    Great! Keep up the good work!
    Excuse me.Could you tell me the arrangement for tonight?
    We have a buffet dinner and a fashion show.
    What else do you have planned?
    That will take the whole night.
023  Hse your head
    Use your head.Maybe we can fix it.
    Come on,use your head.Even Bob could do it.
    I try my best.But I'm not good at it.
    Keep on trying.
    Can you help me do my maths homehork?
    Come on.Use your head.it's not hard work.
    I know,but I'm slow with it.
024  What's your occupation?
    What's your occupation?
    I work for a footwear factory.I'm a footwear designer.
    Where do you work?
    At a high-tech development zone.
    It's a nice place.I've been there.So what's your occupation?
    I work for a software development comapny.
    What's your occupation?
    I'm a toy engineer.
025  What's your title?
    What's your title?
    I'm a doctor.
    What kind of doctor?
    I'm a head doctor.
    Where is your workplace?
    I'm at the Diwang Tower.
    Wow,the tallest office building.What's your title?
    I'm a lawyer at a foreign trade company.
    Well,you're so important.
    I heard you got a new job.What's your title?
    I'm the director.
    You are the director? So what kind of directior?
    I'm the director who tells everybody what to do.       
026  Mess
    We have to get the mess cleaned up bebore the host comes back.
    Get cleaned up! Your desk is a mess.
    Your hair is a mess.
    It's windy.I can't help it.
    Everything is in such a mess.When can I have them done?
    Take it easy.Tom.Things will work out.
    Your hair is always in a mess.Did you wash it?
    No,I don't ever wash it.
    Oh,what a strong smell.
    Oh,no.That's because I don't take a shower either.
027  Clear
    Don't clear the papers on my desk. They are very important.
    Let's clear the bathroom.
    May I clear the table?
    Yes,You can do it now.
    It's in such a mess.
    Get over there and clear those newspapers.
    Don't tell me what to do!
    Bettery hurry.Your article is in that pile.
    Did you clear my bedroom?
    No,I haven't been there.
    But where's my fashion magazine?
    I have no idea.Did you look in the kichen?   
028  Dust
    We need to dust the coffee table.
    Dust the tables and chairs.They're dirty,too.
    Don't just dust around the computer table.
    Well,what else should I do?
    You should gather the papers.
    So what should we do first?
    Let's dust the dinning table.
    HI,Fred!What's this?
    Let's dust.When do you last time clean this place?
    Ok,Let's do it now.
    You do it, I don't clean up.
    You're a gentleman,please help me.
029  My car's engine died.
    The computer is dead.
    My battery is dead.
    My ball-point pen is dead.
    My car's engine died.What would I do ?
    You should try to restart it .
    Do you think that wil work?
    My tape player is dying.
    You should fix it now.
    My car's engine died at the beltway.Can you help me?
    I'll be right there.
030  Used car
    These are all used books.They are now sold at 80% off.
    I just bought a used car. What do you think of it?
    It looks good.But what about the price?
    I got  a great deal. I bargained hard.
    What was the price?
    You didn't buy it. Someone gave it to you.
    I'd like to buy a used camera.Do you have any good suggestion?
    Maybe the Canon is fit for you.
031  Drive safely
    "Drive safely" Mom shouted as I left for work.
    It's crowded in this area. Drive safely!
    I will!
    Watch out for the police.
    I'm thinking of the police.
    Good-bye,darling.Drive safely!
    Good-bye.Have a sweet dream!
    I will.I'm so tired.
032  Parking meter
    Ann parked her car and then put some money in the parking meter.
    Something is wrong with the parking meter.You can't put any money in it.
    Oh,I forgot to put some money in the parking meter.
    I'm afraid you will be fined.
    Do you know how much the fine will be?
    30 to 50 yuan.
    There's no parking meter here.
    So you can't park here.
    So we can park any where.
    I forgot  to put money in the parking meter when I parked my car.
033  License plate
    Every car must have a license plate.
    You need to apply for the license plate.
    My car's license plate was stolen.
    Really? Where was it stolen?
    At a park.
    You should ask for the safety guard.
    Can I borrow your car?
    I would like to,but my car has no license plate now.
    I saw you driving your car.
    I saw a very interesting license plate.You know what?
    What did it say?
    It says China 007.
034  Clear the way
    The police are shouting,"Clear the way!"
    "Clear the way!",let them take the refrigerator into the house.
    Clear the way! Clear the way!
    Who's coming?
    I don't know,but I'm getting out of the way.
    Ok,let's go.
    Clear the way! The parade is coming.
    Yes, I see it .We'd better move.
    Clear the way.A police car is following us.
    Oh,no. Let's get out the way quick.
    Yeah, I don't know which direction, I am so nervous.
    Go that way.
    Oh, I will do that.
035  Where do I board my plane?
    Excuse me, Sir.Where do I board my plane?
    At Gate 2 on the second floor.
    Ok, I'm clear.
    It's right over there.
    Tichet and passport, please.
    Here you are.Where do I board the plane?
    At Gate 33. Here's your ticket,passport and boarding pass.
    My ticket to Beijing is the same as you.Where do I board the plane?
    At Gate 10.
036  Have a nice flight!
    Here's your ticket. Have a nice flight.
    Give me a call when you see my sister. Have a nice flight!
    I sure will. Good-bye.
    Come back soon.
    You will fly to San Francisco?
    Yes indeed.
    Have a nice flight!
    I can't wait to see Chinatown.
    I'm going to attend one of my friend's weeding ceremony.
    That's great! Have a nice flight.
    Yes. I'll come back next next week.
    Ok.See you then.
    See you.
037  May I have a blanket?
      May I have a blanket?
      Sure. What else do you want?
      I'd like some newspapers.
      What kind of newspapers are you looking for?
      May I change a seat with you?
      What's your seat number?
      It's 8C. It's a window seat. I'd like to stay with my friend.
      Ok, no problem.
      Thank you.
      You're welcome.
      It's too cold here. May I have a blanket?
      Sure. I'll get you a nice and warm one.
      Oh, you are so sweet! 038  Delay
    Don't wait for Judy. Her plane has been delayed.
    Flight No.222 has been delayed.
    Luky for you, the train was delayed. Otherwise you would still be waiting.
    That's lucky. I'd hate to have to sleep in the station.
    Who likes?
    I do sometimes.
    I have to get dressed for tonight.
    Darling, I'm afraid we must leave without delay.
    Why are you here? At the airport.
    I'm waiting for my wife's plane. It's been delayed.
    I'm sorry to hear that.
    I hope it will be here sonn. I miss her so much.
 039  Cell phone
    You can't use the cell phone when you drive. It's dangerous.
    My cell phone stopped working in this area.
    Can I use your cell phone?
    No, I'm waiting for a call right now.
    I'll only take a minute.
    Helen, how can I reach you?
    Oh, here's my name card and this is my cell phone number.              040 Is someone there
    Hello.Is Michael there?
    Hello.Is Jenny there?
    Can I leave a message?
    Yes,if it is a short one.
    Hello.Is Judy there?
    Is this the Judy I know?
    I heard someone knocking the door.
    I'll go to check.
    Is someone there?
    Yes,a very very small man.
    He's hard to see.
    To see you!
041 What number are you calling
    Hello.This is Helen.Is Judy available?
    What number are you calling?
    Oh,this is 5550163.
    Hello.Is John there?
    What number are you calling?
    I'm sorry,this is 6361692.    
 042 Line
    The line is busy.Please redial later.
    Ted's office has twelve telephone lines.
    Why didn't you call me?
    I caled,but the line was busy.
    You're always talking on the phone.
    Is Julia available?
    She is on another line.Could you call back later?
    But I have something pressing.
    I tried to call you several times yesterday.
    But your line is always busy.
    Oh,I have so many friends and always talking on the phone.
    I konw that you always on the phone.How can I reach you?
    Maybe I should get a second line.
    Sounds like a good idea.
043 Give me a call (to call me,to telephone me,to phone me)
    See you late,John.
    Give me a call if you get a chance.
    When should we have the dinner again?
    How about next week?
    Sounds good.Give me a call when you make the decision.
    This is my cell phone number.
    If something is wrong with the air conditioning please give me a call.
    Oh,thank you.You know,I love air conditioning.
    Yeah,I know.
    I'm always so hot.
    Yeah,because you are fat.     
    044 Where will I find you?
    Now I'm at the Skyland building.Where will I find you?
    I'm at the exit of the airport now.Where will I find you?
    We will get to your factory at 11 o'clock.Where will I find you?
    Probably at the sample room if you can't find me please give me a call.
    I'm on my way to the goverment building.Where will I find you?
    I'll be standing at the gate of the government building.
    Where will I find you?
    I'll be at the 1st office on the 8th floor.
    045 Communication
    We had good communication with this university.
    We learn English for better communication with foreigers.
    Do you have any opening?
    What's your specialty?
    English is my specialty,I'm also good at communication and driving.
    What does your elder sister do at the hotel?
    She's with the Public Relations Department.
    Then she must have very good communication skills.
    046 Anyone I konw
    I've got to go pick up a firend at the airport.
    Anyone I know?
    My best friend form home.
    Oh,this picture is great! Who made this? Anyone I know?
    Yes,it's my work.
    I can't believe it.
    Where were you last night?
    I had a date.
    Anyone I know?
    I don't think so.
    047 What was the name again?
    I can't find your name card.What's the name again?
    Your company's name is very long.What's the name again?
    What's your name again? Sorry I forgot your name.
    I told you a thousand times.But you always forget.
    Then please tell me one more time.
    What's the name again?
    It's Helen Xu.H E L E N, X U.
    You just told me your name,But I'm so sorry I forgot it so quick,What's your name again?
    Helen,You forgot all the time,I'm Fred.
    Oh sorry,I always think you're Scott or something.
    That's my son.
      048 Don't bother
    Don't bother taking off your shoes,You're not staying long.
    Don't bother clearing my desk,I have some important papers to deal with.
    I'm going to get food for you.
    Oh,don't bother.I'm not hungery.
    You must be hungery because you have nothing to eat.
    Should I give you a plastic bag to wrap it?
    No,Don't bother.
    Are you going to eat it now?
     049 All set
    We are all set to go to the casino in Macao.
    We are all set to sing the song.
    I'm all set to see the entire city from it.
    Shall we begin the operation?
    Anytime you are ready.We are all set to go.
    Have you ever done this operation before?
    No,this is my first time.
    If everything is all set, we will repaint the living room.
    Anytime you are ready.
     050 If you don't mind
    If you don't mind,could I use your powder room?
    If you don't mind could you get me some ice-cream?
    I don't mind at all.
    I can't see.If you don't mind,could you move a little to the right?
    No problem,Is that all right?
    If you don't mind,can I borrow your car this weekend?    I don't mind if you don't mind it has no breaks.     051 Don't rush me.
    Don't rush me.My mind is a blur.
    Come on!You can finish.Keep trying.
    Don't rush me! I have to do it in my own way.
    I don't know what's your own way.
    Then leave me alone.And just let me do it in my own way.
    You really must go talk to a lawyer.
    Don't rush me.I'll go when I'm good and ready.
    You should go soon.
    But I'm afraid.
    You could get a lot of money.      052 I'm with you.
    I think this leather bag is too expensive.
    I'm with you.Let's go to other stores to take a look.
    Oh,I'm with you,too.
    This place is horrible!
    I'm with you.Want to go somewhere else?
    Sure.Maybe go somewhere bright.It's so dark here.
    He is too young to be a manager.
    I'm with you.
    He often gives me orders.
    You should tell him to go away.
    Oh,I dare not.   
053 Are things getting you down?
    Gee John,you look unhappy?Are things getting you down?
    Are things gettiong you down?
    Yeah,I failed in the entrance exam this time.
    Hey,Are things getting you down?
    Yes,I lost my wallet when I went shopping.
    You look unhappy.Are things getting you down?
    Yes,My dog ran away.
    Maybe he's looking for a girlfriend. 054 Do I make myself clear?
    We are through.Do I make myself clear?
    No,the answer is no.Do I make myself clear?
    Sit down and copy the book three times.Do I make myself clear?
    Yes,Miss Wu.
    I will fly to Beijing this weekend.So I can't do this.Do I make myself clear?
    Are you sure?     
055 I heard so much about you.
    Hello,I've heard so much about you.
    Hello,Glad to meet you.
    Haven't I seen you on TV?
    I've seen you too.
    Oh,that was not me.Thet's my twin brother.
    This is my boss Mark.
    Hello,Mark,I've heard so much about you.
    He's the best boss.
    This is my partner Mr Smith.
    Hello I heard so much about you.
    He's the one with all of the money. 056 When I'm good and ready
    When are you going to tidy your living room?
    When I'm good and ready.
    When do you think you're good and ready?
    When are you going to move in?
    When I'm good and ready.
    When would that be?
    When are you going to see the boss?
    When I'm good and ready.
    Are you afraid of him?
    Yes,I'm scared of him.   

057 You're too much.
    You're too much I'm going to tell this to your father.
    Oh, please don't.My father is hot-tempered.He'll be very angry with me.
    Oh,I'm happy he'll give you a good lesson.
    Get out of my office! You're too much!
    What did I say?
    You said I looked bad.
    The picture was really funny.You're too much!
    I just do my best.   
058 No way to tell
    Will the shop be open when we arrive?
    No way to tell.They don't keep the regular hours.
    When can we get out of the crowd?
    No way to tell.Maybe ten minutes,maybe one hour.
    How long shall we wait to pick up mom?
    No way to tell.The train is delayed.
  059 I can't accept that.
    You are too much! I can't accept that.
    You need to pay extra money on the new item.
    What! I can't accept that.
    The best price is 2,000 yuan for each pair.
    I can't accept that.My best offer is 1,000 for each pair.
    You must write this 20 times.
    I can't accept that.    
060 I don't want to alarm you.    I don't want to alarm you,but I saw your girlfriend with another man.
    I don't want to alarm you,but I saw your son fighting with another boy.
    Oh,goodness! I'll teach him a good lesson.
    I don't want to alarm you,but I saw someone was around your house.
    Oh,I'll go back home right now. 061 I don't mind.
    Can I use your telephone?
    I don't mind.
    I need to make a long distance call to Canada.
    Should we have Chinese food or Western food?
    I don't mind.
    How about Chinese food? That's my favorite.
    I prefer spicy Chiese food.
    If you don't mind,I prefer non-spicy Chinese food.
    Would you mind finishing this for me?
    I don't mind.
    That's so nice of you.
    062 Have it your way.
    I would like to paint this room green.
    I prefer blue.
    Ok.Have it your way.
    Let's get some orange yogurt.
    No.If you buy yogurt,I like the pure yogurt.
    Oh,have it your way.
    Well,how about this watch?
    The color is nice,but I don't like the style.
    Oh,have it your way. 063 Leaving so soon?
    We must be off now.
    Leaving so soon?
    Jane has to rush for the train.
    Leaving so soon?
    Yes,thank you for inviting me.I must leave now.
    Oh,thanks for coming.
    Leaving so soon?
    Yes,I have to pick up my friend at the airport.
    Oh,I'm sorry for keeping you.     064 Don't ask.
    What was your antrance exam like?
    Don't ask.
    How was your class reunion?
    Don't ask.
    Did you see your first love?
    How was your first date with Mark?
    Don't ask.
    Did he try to kiss you?       065 Don't be gone too long.
    Don't be gone too long.The film will start soon.
    Don't be gone too long.It's about time to dinner.
    I've got to the drugstore to get some medicine.
    Don't be gone too long.
    I'll be right back.
    Don't be gone too long.The train will arrive.
    Trust me.I'll be back one minute later.
    If you were not back,we'll leave without you. 066 Does it work for you?
    We're having dinner at7:30.Does it work for you?
    Sounds fine.
    I hope you like Italian food.
    We will arrive 20 minutes later.Does it work for you?
    Works for me.
    Then don't move.
    We're going to interview you this afternoon.Does it work for you?
    Fine.I'm expecting you.
    Please prepare for some photos.We need that.
067 Don't give up too easily.
    She says no every time I ask her for a raise.
    Well.Don't give up too easily.
    Maybe,it's time to find a new job.
    I know that's my pen,but he didn't admit it.
    Don't give up too easily.
    I'll have to steal it back.
    I failed the entrance exam again.I can't  see my future.
    Don't give up too easily.
    I'm too old to keep trying. 068 If I were you
    If I were you,I would get rid of that old computer.
    If I were you,I would keep it to myself.
    I want to trade my car for a new one.
    If I were you,I wouldn't do it.
    But my old one keeps breaking down.
    If I were you,I would get him fired.
    Oh, but you know,he's my brother-in-law.
    Then you'll have to accept him.
069 Believe you me
    Believe you me,this is our best price.
    How do you like my spring roll?
    Believe you me,this is the best spring roll I've ever eaten.
    I'd like to make you more spring rolls for you.
    No,thank you.I'd like western food better.
    Is it hot in the car?
    It really is.Believe you me.
    Please turn on some air-conditioning. 070 My pleasure
    Thank you for driving me home.
    My pleasure.
    It's better than walking.
    Oh,you really helped my grandmother.Thank you so much.
    My pleasure
    Would you help me with my dog,too?
    Helen,this is my wife,Mary.
    It's a pleasure to meet you.
    She's my best friend.
071 Don't speak too soon.
    It looks like the stock index will go down.
    Don't speak too soon.
    Yes,The stock market is always up and down.
    It looks like the tallest mountain is not far away.
    Don't speak too soon.There's a cave in front of us.
    Chris,it looks like Mechael will win the boxing match.
    Don't speak too soon.There are still two rounds left. 072 Guess what?
    Guess what?
    I saw Bob's ex-wife last night.
    Oh,really? What does she look like?
    She looks terrible.
    Guess what? 
    I don't know.What?
    Tracy and Brad secretly went to Macao for the weekend.
    Really? I thought both of them are married.
    Fred,know what?
    I just won 1000 rmb from the lottery.
    Oh!That's wonderful! How much are you going to share with me?
073 Know what?
    Know what?
    Tell me.
    Martin Smith's beautiful daughter will come to Guangzhou next week.
    Know what?
    Jack married Ann.
    I guess Ann looks five years older than Jack.
    Helen,Know what?
    Oh,Tell me ,what?
    My whole family is coming to China to see me.
    Oh,congratulations! When do you think they will come?
    I think next week all fifty of them.
    Oh,my God! You have such a big family!
    Yes,it will be great.
    You never tell me before.
    I'll come to see you too.
    Oh,very nice.It's so sweet.    
074 I've got work to do.
    It's too late.I have got to leave now.I've got work to do.
    Here's the contract.Please take a look.
    I've got work to do.It will have to wait.
    This is very important.
    It's too hot today.Please go and get  some ice-cream.
    I've got work to do.
    You know.I've got so much work on my hands.
075 Don't waste my time.
    I want to ask for a raise.
    Don't waste my time.
    I just had a new idea.I'd like to tell you.
    Don't waste my time.
    Ok,but I'm going to make a lot of money.
    Don't waste my time.
    But I need to talk to you.
    What do you think of the book fair?
    Don't waste my time.It's too crowded and noisy.
076 Don't you know?
    What is the shortest way to your work place?
    Don't you know? I have no idea.
    I always take the taxi.You'll have to ask the taxi driver.
    You need to sign your name on the bill.
    Where should I sign?
    Don't you know?
    How can I get on line?
    Don't you know?
    I know nothing about computer. 077 Look who's here!
    Look who's here!My dear grandfather.How are you?
    Look who's here!
    Isn't that Matt Green?
    Oh,he's my ex-boyfriend.
    Look who's here! My old deskmate. How's everything going?
    Hi,Fred.What's new?
    Nothing much.
    I heard you got married again.
    Look who's here!
    Isn't that Amy?
    Yes,it's her.
078 What's keeping someone?
    We've been waiting here for an hour for dad.What's keeping him?
    Who know?
    I think Jane will be back soon.
    I think so.What's keeping her?
    The headmaster hasn't shown up yet.What's keeping him?
    How should I know? 079 Welcome to our house!
    Welcome to our company.Is this the first time you've come here?
    Welcome to our class.I hope you have  a wonderful time here!
    Helen,please,come in.Welcome to our house!
    Thanks.Sorry I'm late.
    Welcome to our bookstore!Do you need  any help?
    Excuse me,where is the toilet?
    This is bookshop but not a washroom.Please go away.
080 Date
    Brad has a date with Ann tonight.
    Judy dated a millionaire who is old enough to be her grandfather.
    Where were you last night?
    I went on a date.
    Someone I know?
    Can you keep a secret?
    Don't tell anybody,but I dated Bob.
    Did you know he divorced 4 times?
081 Wether you want or not.
    We have to wait,whether we want or not.
    Whether you want or not,you have to use the computer.
    when can we leave?
    You have to finish your homework ,whether you want or not.
    But the homework is boring.
    Oh,sorry I broke the cup.
    I'm afraid you have to pay for it,whether you want or not.
    No,I don't want to pay for it. 082 What brings you here?
    Hello,Helen.What brings you here?
    I was invited,just like you.
    Look who's here.
    Hi!Fred.What brings you here?
    I came for an interview.
    What a small world!I came in for an interview too.
    Well,what brings you here?
    I came to attend the book fair. 083 From where I stand
    From where I stand,your sister is too much.
    From where I stand,it will be a very  good chance.
    From where I stand,it is just terrible.
    Do you think it's good business?
    From where I stand,it is worth doing.
    What do you think of the new secretary?
    From where I stand,she is qualified.
084 I can't go on like this.
    To be honest,you are a little pudgier.
    You're right.I can't go on like this.
    You'll lost this chnace if you continue to do nothing but wait.
    I can't go on like this.
    You'll be in hot water if you continue to be late for work.
    I can't go on like this.
    Then you'd better get a new alarm clock.
    You're right,I'll buy it now.
    Good idea!
    Let's go shopping together.
085 What if I do?
    Are you really going to give up your career?
    What if I do?
    Oh,what a pitty! You've been the top one in your field.
    Are you really going to sell your house?
    What if I do?
    Then you'll have to sleep on the street.
    Are you going to get in after midnight?
    What if I do? 086 No sweat
    Thank you for driving me home.
    No sweat.Glad to help.
    If I can help you sometime,please let me know.
    Congratulations!You broke the record again.
    No sweat!That's a piece of cake.
    Could you break it again now?
    You can fix the computer.
    No sweat!That's my specialty.
087 Interview
    The boss will hold interviews for the new job.
    I've got the interview with the American Consulate.
    What about today's interview?
    It's touch-and-go.
    What do you mean by that?
    I'm afraid I must leave now.I have an inteview with an athlete.
    Come again if you have free time.
088 Strength
    Her computer skills are excellent.That's her strength.
    She has good phone skills.That's her  strength.
    What are your strengths?
    I have very good communication skills.
    I don't understand what you mean by that?
    We really do need an interpreter.
    Amy would be fit for that,that's her strength.
    Do you have any job opportunities now? 089 Experience
    You need 3 years of sales experience.
    Your salary will depend on your experience.
    Can I have your car tonight?
    Absolutely not! You only have 2 weeks of driving experience.
    What kind of person are you looking for?
    She must have 2 years of hospital experience.
090 Reference
    I got a good reference from my former employer.
    I'll show you the banker's reference.
    Did you bring your reference with you?
    No,I'm sorry.I forgot it.
    Since we worked together for 5 years,could you give me a reference?
    No problem.What do you expect me to write?   
091 Skill
    You need to have very good communication skills.
    She has very good singing skills.
    What kind of person are you looking for?
    She must have very good phone and computer skills.
    This is a lovely painting.Who did this?
    My daughther painted it.Her teacher has taught her great painting skills.
092 Apply for something
    Judy is applying for a passport.
    Tracy applied for a job at a stock market.
    Do you think I should apply for a driving license?
    I would if I were you.Since you have time on your long vacation.
    The boss wants me to go to America on business.
    So, what must you do to prepare?
    Well,I applied for my visa.Now I am waiting for their answer.
093 After you
    The man bdside me said:"After you."
    It's time to line up for food.Who should go first?
    After you.
    No,you go first.You look hungrier than me.
    We can change money at the reception.Would you like to go first?
    After you.
    No,you go first.I have to find my money.
094 This time around
    This time around,the ticket is on me.For the next round,it's on you.
    I failed in the English exam last time,but,this time around I'll succeed.
    I'm leaving tommorrow.
    You mean to say you're leaving the company forever?
    You mean you will leave this company forever?
    No.This time around,I am just leaving for one year.
    This time around,I will not forgive you.I'll leave you forever.    Please do not. 095 On hand
    I have no small change on hand.
    I can't talk too long.I have a lot of things on hand.
    I had a lot of things on my hand this morning.
    How many toys do you have on hand?
    Nearly 100.
    Wo,that's a lot.Could you give some to me?
    do you have any lipstick on hand?I need to add some color to my lips.
    Yes,I do.Here you are.
096 Taken
    Is this room taken?
    Is this digital TV taken?
    Is this beauty shop taken?
    Not yet.But many people have lined up  for it.
    Is this seat taken?
    No,not yet.
    Is Lili's dinner time taken tonight by you?
    No,not yet.
    Oh good.Then I can invite her for dinner.
    Oh,really?Why not invite me to have dinner?
    I just want to have dinner with Lili  alone.       
097 Swear
    I swear I've never met that person before in my life.
    I swear I will never come back here again.
    Can you keep a secret?
    I swear I won't tell anyone your secret.
    I'm in a hury.When are you going to finish with my car?
    I swear I can make it within two minutes.
098 Gather
    Give me some time to gather my thoughts.
    Can you gather the papers and give them to the lawyer's office?
    Sure.I'm leaving now.
    Come quickly and get them.
    Now I'm going to sing a song about mother.
    Sing something I know.
    It's hard to gather the songs I'm familiar with.
    Come on,let's go .
    But give me just a minute.I need to gather a few thins up.
    Oh,you always need fine to gather thins.You're a man.
    I know.But I act like a woman sometimes. 099 Have faith in
    I have faith in this ability in management.
    We have faith in you.
    What do you think of his operation skill?
    I have faith in him.He has 11 years experience in this field.
    The boss wants me to go to the sales  department.
    It sounds like a good idea.I have faith in you.Go for it.
100 Ways off
    Dinner is a ways off,so you'd better eat some fruits.
    The new year is a ways off,but some children are wearing their new year clothes.
    The football match is a ways off,so you'd better have some sleep.
    Call me when it is on .
    I will if I'm awake,I may get some sleep too.
    The train is a ways off.Let's go window shopping.
    Anythins you say.
    I can't believe I said that,I hate window shopping.