郑则仕死了怎么又活了:Capt. Loo

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/13 20:31:29

Capt. Loo

Candidate: Mr.Subroto Dey
1st Attempt: 1hr 10mins
2nd Attempt: 25mins

Rope Work

He is very specific about it. Will end the oral if your rope work is below his standard.

Learn all the types from D.J. House, Chapter 3.
He gives special attention to the use, why this type is used, anylimitation and special procedure like the distance kept between the cowhitch of a stopper, no of turns etc.

  • Gave me two ropes of same material but different diameter and asked to join them. Why I used that specific type to join.
  • Sheet Band : Use , why
  • Stopper: Western Country Type: Used on which type of ropes. any limitation and exception; ( DJ Pg: 66 (4), pg:88):
  • Stopper: Rope. both type. Which one goes along the lay and which against the lay, why?
  • Stopper: Wire stopper, Dist between the two hitch, and how many turns after that, why against that lay?
  • Rolling hitch: Why, Use
  • Learn the different types from this link: Ropes , Bollard Hitch
  • May also ask to identify the type of rope.


  1. Types of Warning received on board ship?
  2. From which source do you get them and who issues them?
  3. What are Hydrolan & Hrdropac? The regions connected with them and who issues them.
  4. Chart correction.
  5. How will you know that your publications are up-to-date?
  6. A ship is on a tramping route and has all the 73 vol of ASD on board. How will you know that they are corrected up-to-date without looking into them?
  7. How ASD, Nav Warnings and ALRS corrected ?
  8. What are the time periods for the reprints of the publications?
  9. Principle pf sextant. Errors in sextant ( using horizon method) and how to correct them. He is very specific about the correction of the errors including the re- checking of 2nd and 3rd adjustment screws again and again to correct the sextant. (b'cos when we correct the index error through 3rd screw the 2nd screw gets out)
  10. Purpose and use of hygrometer.
  • Its calibration
  • how will u use it
  • importance of knowing the dew point
  • draw the table of predicting the dew point( rough idea which is given in the NP 100, pg: 124)
  • draw how will u know when we can experience bad visibility ( NP 100 pg: 125)
  • What are cargo and ship sweat ? When to start and stop ventilation.(he likes to cross question from different angles)
  • TRS: You are in N-hemisphere and wind is backing. Your action.
  • TRS: Barometer pressure is rising and wind veering . Which quadrant are you in and then u action.

11. Plates. Fashion plate, carling, gusset , oxter, stealer, coffin and boss plate. What is a fish plate and the use.
12. Camber of the ship, Rise of floor and flare.
13. All the plans on board. The next question will be about the plans you told him or an important plan that u didn't
  • General Arrangement Plan
  • Capacity Plan
  • Rigging Plan : What all do you get in them. (read from COSWAP)
  • Shell Expansion plan. : Naming and information . The naming of the plates from aft starts from............?
  • Pipping Plan (
  • Stability booklet.
  • Docking Plan. ( painting scheme, positions of anodes, under water projection logs and transducers, blocks positions, underwater openings, etc)

14. Precaution before and during heavy lifts. He is specific about
  • SWL of derricks
  • Load density . where will u find it and its use
  • Stability: How will reduce FSE and check the GM
  • No barges along side ( for bunkering or provision)
  • Position of the hook above the load so that it does not swings when lifted.
  • Gangway up
These may look very small and obvious points but they are very IMP.

15. What is transverse thrust. ( Draw the forces). How we use this force in ship handling?
16. Maneuvering characteristics of the ship. ( transfer, advance, tactical dia) (Draw it)
17. Cabin Fire. Action ( Imp points)
  • Dont open the door. Use the vent on the door bottom to check for the seat of fire. then you break the wire mess to put in the fire hose in spray mode and shooting upward.
  • Boundary rooms to be taken care of.That is check from all 6 direction.

18. Types of fog. How r they caused. ( all 5 types)
19. SCBA testing. ( DJ House: pg 184. Read all the instruction carefully.especially the positive pressure test and the
use of anti dim solution.)
20. Everything about the special mark. (showed me a can shaped special mark). Which side to pass and why?
21. General direction of buoyage and local direction of buoyage.
22. Explanation of rule 2, 8 and 19. I used paper to draw special situation and used his model ships to explain my
23. Showed lights and asked me to identify it, day signal, any fog signal and then action.

  • Identify
  • Length
  • Day signal
  • If length of tow > 200m
  • fog signal + ( if last vessel in a tow manned)
  • Action (including blasts: stbd full turn and pass from stern)

Day signal
Day signal if powered by machinery.

  • Identify
  • Fog signal
  • Special fog signal ( 4 short blast)
  • To give its position ( "R" )
  • How will you pass
  • Vertical distance bw the all-round fwd and stern light.

  • Identify
  • Action
  • Fog signal
  • Day signal

  • Condition: Restricted visibility You are faster than the vsl ahead of you.
  • Your action ( keep vsl on your stbd)
  • Why?
  • Sound signal.

Be careful when you you are telling about the sound signal. The sound signal should be complete.


  • " One prolong blast followed by two short blast at an interval of not more than 2 mins"
  • "at least five short and rapid blast" this blast can be more than 5. so be specific.
  • Rule 34, is about vsl when they are in sight of one another, so be careful while you are crossed questioned.