郑多燕的多燕瘦:我喜欢的 却不适合放到学校摘抄本里面的 那些

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 11:13:25

我喜欢的 却不适合放到学校摘抄本里面的  那些


你出现的时候 “哗” 的一声   世界就只剩下我们了

When you show up, it seems only you and I left in the whole world.

和你相遇的那个午后 我们本来在街上闲逛 忽然下起大雨 我拉着你在雨中跑

那次以后 每次大雨的时候 我就能想起你

Since then …… every time once it is raining l will think about you.

梧桐树叶连接起来 很难看到天

地铁站 图书馆 咖啡店 觉得我们常走的那条街 似乎没有尽头

If walking with you, every street seems like no end for me.

When I’m at your side, it’s like a button inside of my body gets turned off with a “pop”.

一起制造的回忆 只剩我一个人保存 会过期呢

I had to start my journey. So vast, the ocean.



Spring tickles your nose


Summer whooshes through your sleeves.


The sky stands high in the fall.

等到发觉的时候 冬天已经过去了大半

By the time we realize, most of the winter has passed.

黑眼圈 女明星

半条尾巴的 黄条纹猫

带海军帽子的 老头儿

戴格子围脖的 诗人

我匆匆地 环绕世界 去履行自己和自己的诺言

心里有 艾米丽那样的坏笑

飞机降落时候的激动 有泡面 西式早餐

又好想要哭的小萝莉 也有 一心要好好爱的金刚

We will all grow old with the passing of each day, and die. Isn’t that great?

Don’t walk too slowly, the flowers will wilt

But don’t walk too fast either,

Then the flowers won’t be blossoming yet.


The green got so deep.

I started to get sleepy.


Are “love” and “like” synonyms?

If you love a flower, you’ll water it; if you like a flower, you pick it.

What about “like” and “hate”, are they antonyms?

If you like a flower, you pick it. If you hate a flower, you still pick it.

I want to travel to the past, and hold you tightly.

I am … jealous of you.

Don’t let the person that loves you cry heartbrokenly.

Even if they still love you, there is something, something real, which has changed.

I’ve always believed that when you show up, I will know that it’s you……

All the things that I know about you now, are only the weather broadcast.

All of them are the love you’ve given me.



