郑州肤康皮肤病医院:越网民热议“越南军演” 称解放军是大猩猩

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 09:06:05
  1.HOK GAN wrote: 

    try to solve the matter on the table, restrain from usage of hawkish provocation, before any disgrace




    Sammy Leung replied:




    doesn't need the resource as much as Vietnam, China is treating it the same as the other disputed territories. China is simply saying no body touch it until the dispute is over.




    2. Viet Ong wrote


    From strategic view, Vietnam's action is understandable. China


    want to test Vietnam's response, so Vietnam will response like this.


    The reporter of WSJ is not based in Vietnam so he does not know that there are thousands of people protesting in Hochiminh City on Jun 5, 2011. Vietnam people across the country is very angry about China.






    Fred Higgenbottom replied:


    Why should anyone in America care? Let these two communist nations battle it out to solve their own rivalries! But Vietnam


    should be wary with false bravado and sabre rattling. China has more census takers than Vietnam has people!




    3. Nguyen Vinh dan wrote


    The Chinese shall never underestimate the nationalistic sentiments of the Vietnamese. Eventhough, the Vietnam is much weaker than China


    in terms of army, the Vietnamese have never given up or cowed down to the chinese.




    WarrenDar USA replied


    This could get interesting...Looks like we are heading for a "Communists Summer" in SE Asia to compete with the "Arabs Spring". Fine with the US & Russia


    as it is all done without the US & Russia sending in its troops firing a shot (but glad to act as a proxy by providing weapons & "advisors" when asked).


    Finally, I think VN should starts a "peaceful" nuclear program as a supplement to energy program (i.e. Syria, North Korea, and Iran


    ) and as a poor-man deterrent against China. And the USA & Russia would conveniently ignore (or even assist) with that aspiration as a blind spot in the UN Security Council for a pay back to China's behaviors in the past.




    Dan Nguyen replied


    Agree with you about Vietnam starting a nuclear program...




    Greg Arnot replied (译者:这货八成是越南人,而且是比较2B的那种,后面其发言尽显无遗)




    invaded Vietnam in 1979.


    Over 50,000 Chinese soliders were killed in about 2 weeks. It was a bloodbath.


    Vietnam's victory over China motivated China to reform and modernize their military.


    Yet, even today, I do not think China can defeat Vietnam. China's missiles are deployed against Taiwan so a war would mean China is likely to repeat its mistakes of 1979.








    Falcon Huang replied:


    So Greg, why didn't you finish up that story about your mother and some Japanese men that got you admitted into a mental hospital.




    4 Terry Kimble wrote


    The Big Deal with China will be because of China


    's limited resources. Between bribing their way into Africa and just taking from their neighbors, China is on a natural resource trajectory that does not support their mercantilism economy. As that fact comes more into focus the world will get a closer look at the decision process of the Chicoms. The danger is that so many countries have let China get away with making up their own rules that China will not be used to anyone saying no to them.




    5Jun Jing wrote:


    Is Vietnam


    trying to start a war? Unwise.




    Greg Arnot replied


    In 1979, Vietnam killed over 50,000 Chinese soldiers in less than two weeks. It was a slaughter.


    Vietnamese wisdom...




    6 Charles Chuck wrote




    is backed by Russia and Phillipines is backed by USA. Who backs China? Without backing of a major power, China has no assurance to win a war with even the minor neighbor. This is no fault of Deng and the present leaders in China, as it is a legacy of Mao, who backed Vietcom to fight for unification, while sending all of their ingenious scientists to hard labor instead of developing high-end navy/air techs, wasting half a century precious window period of peace for catching up. However, as a peace-loving person, I'd like to advice Vietnam leaders not to bully China too much. Give them some face, that's good for everybody.




    Falcon Huang replied:


    I think you were joking. US would not want to risk war with China over Vietnam


    . Time have changed when China has shown the capability to have their submarines carrying nuclear missiles surfacing a stone throw from US coast without early detection. Another milestone was when China has achieved the ability to shoot down satellites that could make US missiles and her aerial / maritime operations semi blind.


    Russia has a close relationship with China and the two have settled their border dispute. They are major trading partners to each other. Why would the Russian thinks like a naive American hillbilly you seems to be.




    Charles Chuck replied


    Yes, you are right that Russia and China have settled their border dispute as China


    formally admits severance of the vast FarEast region (North Manchuria) with abundant oil/wood/fresh water resources to Russia, something the past Chinese rulers dared not to sign, because they know they cannot win a major war with Russia. Now, similar to Northern Manchuria, South China Sea will be taken by any regional country including China and Vietnam who dare to fight and can win a war. The question is, is China ready to interrupt its chance of development to fight a major war with Vietnam? My answer is NO.




    Greg Arnot replied




    invaded Vietnam in 1979 and over 50,000 Chinese soldiers were killed in less than two weeks.


    The Vietnamese army made the PLA look like poorly trained chimps.


    Kenny Zhu...you are a malicious fool. Without the US military, your mother would have spent her life dating the Japanese Army.


    You shame all of China.


    >>when China has shown the capability to have their submarines carrying nuclear missiles surfacing a stone throw from US coast without early detection<<


    Not true Kenny Zhu. China only has diesel powered submarines...they can not cross the Pacific without surfacing. China


    does not have missile attack subs, no Polaris or Poseidon counterparts.


    All China has is a loudmouth like you, a shame to your own mother and a shame to all of China.






    Kenny Zhu,你真是个笨蛋。要不是美帝王师,你老妈下半辈子就呆在日本军队里吧(当然这句大家可以看看原文)




    Kenny Zhu,这不是真的,中国只有柴电潜艇(这2货开始露陷了吧,093,094擦汗前来围观),他们不可能中途不上浮得穿越太平洋。中国没有弹道导弹核潜艇(又2了吧,JL1,094组团前来围观,JL2,096提前围观),不是北极星和海神式导弹的对手。




    Stephen Morris replied


    "Who backs China?" China


    is a major power in its' own right! I am not quite sure if they and others have figured that out yet.


    谁支持中国? 中国自己现在就是大国。我不知道他们和其他人是不是搞清楚这一点了。


    Charles Chuck replied


    Of course China is a major power. As a matter of fact, without China


    's help, Vietcong has little chance to defeat France and USA to unify and now even to bully China. I believe this strange phenomenon may be due to the Sino-Russia treaty signed 10 years ago to concede such a huge piece of territory with abundant oil/gas to Russia encourages all of the local countries to look down China, or due to the concession given by China to admit in-factor occupation by Japan of Senkaku Island (Diaoyu Island), or due to abandoning of the southern Tibet territory to India after winning the 1962 Sino-India war, or due to giving half of Mt. Everest as gifts to Neple and half of Mt. Baitou as gifts to North Korea? Did Chinese leaders intentionlly show the weakness, or they really don't care cutting off pieces of terretory to other countries? Can you imagine Japan to make live-fire drill near its "Northen 4 islands" now occupied by Russia? Can you imagine Cuba to make live-fire drill near US oil field in Mexico Bay? Can you imagine Argentina to make live-fire drill near Forkland Island?






    Falcon Huang replied


    A settlement is worth the settlement if the counter party is one that does not flip flop. Russia, despite her aggressive disposition will find that peace with China


    is mutually beneficial. And as to Vietnam, there is just a possibility that China may back down AT THE MOMENT. I hope Vietnam will realize that China will settle the case plus interest when the time is appropriate.


    Greg old fool


    So the big mouth who claimed to be at Tiananmen and watched tens of thousands of Chinese students crushed by tanks and is now here to claim his prize as a dirty cheap liar. You have a loose mouth and you have some mental illness because of something between your mother and some Japanese men.


    只要对方不是那种翻脸比翻书快的人(擦汗,貌似毛子翻脸确实相当快),这协议就值得签。毛子虽然态度强硬,它也觉得和中国保持和平对双方都有好处。对越南也是一样,中国还是有可能一时忍忍的。我希望越南能意识到中国会在适当的时候解决这个问题的。 现在又来撒什么谎。你妈和日本人乱搞让你精神有问题了吧。