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Abbas says keen to keep agreement despite differences

08:35, June 20, 2011      

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    Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Sunday said he is keen to accomplish national reconciliation despite differences.

    Abbas's remarks came shortly after the postponement of his meeting with Hamas's chief Khaled Mashaal to Tuesday in Cairo.

    "The reconciliation is going on and we are interested to achieve it as soon as possible," Abbas told reporters in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

    Earlier today, a Fatah official said that the meeting was postponed, shortly after sources revealed huge differences between the two rivals over the identity of the premier of the upcoming Palestinian unity government.

    Meanwhile, Ismail Haneya, the head of Hamas's government that controls Gaza, said the meeting was delayed to allow more discussions between the two movements.

    "The postponement is an indication that the current discussions are serious despite the differences on the head of the government, " Haneya added.

    The Egyptian-brokered agreement aims to end the political split between Gaza and the West Bank, started when Hamas routed pro- Abbas forces and took over Gaza in 2007.

    Abbas nominated Salam Fayyad, the West Bank-based current prime minister, to lead the new government, but Hamas refuses, since it considers Fayyad part of the Palestinian split.

    Fayyad is acceptable to the international community and Abbas pushes him to avoid possible isolation or sanctions on a government that would be backed by Hamas. The West sees Hamas as a terrorist organization.

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