
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/04 03:14:06


My new theory: flashlight to light the issue of a beam of light beam to 2c exercise!本人声明:我的新理论是任何人在没有实验的前提下都无法驳倒的!

I declare: my new theory is anyone in under the precondition of no experiment can refute!


As a college student should set up the broad ideal and have to shoulder to glorify Chinese traditional virtue and the ambition to armed with scientific knowledge of their brains, but it is the only way we can for the rejuvenation of the Chinese make a contribution!!!!!!!!!!


# let test fly #

过渡歌 我走过那片神秘的森林,跨过那条潺潺流水的小河,迎来大学的第一次幸福的微笑、温暖的言语。我不曾忘记过去的忙碌,它让我学会充实自己。我更不会背叛尊师的教导谆谆,它令我懂得人生的启程。 雄心壮志的划,蓝天白云的情,拼搏奋斗的冲。 快乐而向上的生活,团结而友爱的情。我相信我的梦,我相信我的情,我相信我的冲。 让那宇宙为我伴奏,让那太阳为我喝彩。。。

I walked past the transition song mysterious forest, across the river in the babbling Brooks, of the university of happy smiles, the first warm words. I never forget the past busy, it let me learn to enrich himself. I will not betray the teacher teach more earnestly, it made me understand the life journey. Ambitious plan, blue sky and white clouds of feeling, hard struggle of blunt. Happy and up life, unity and love of feeling. I believe that my dream, I believe that my love, I believe that my blunt. Let the universe as I accompaniment, let the sun applauding me...


My song, my voice, my spirit sounds beautiful!!!!! ...... §......


The final stop was said action, but it is the only way to attain its "fly"!!!!!


We should correctly handle the determination and the reality of the contradiction between complex, otherwise, I will bear the consequences should not bad!!!!!

牵挂是一种世间的真爱,它可以让我们懂得什么是情、什么是义、什么是伟大、什么是奇迹、什么是超然、什么是…… 也正是它给了我们一种不凡的人生理念、一种纯洁的心灵净土、一种美丽的精神家园。因此,我推崇它!

Care is a worldly true love, it can let us know what is love, what is righteous, what is great, what is a miracle, what is a transcendent, what is...... It is also it gave us a good life concept, a pure heart pure land, a kind of beautiful spirit home. Therefore, I praise highly it!!!!!

诺贝尔奖非我莫属,哈哈…… 呵呵,你的挑战誓言呢?

The Nobel Prize is mine, ha ha... Ha ha, you challenge oath?


The world should pay some things!!!!! Right, is the only way we can naturally through life, ha ha...


I want to be in advancing make progress! Because this is the friendship of students to walter understand that these!!!!! I think this is a kind of happiness!!!!! ......

我将会在我人生的旅途中百分之百的将自己推销给自己 也将自己推销给他人

 will be on my journey one hundred percent of self-promotion will also sell in others


We must pay attention to the students of class 3 weather oh, I wish we each have a happy life as a freshman!!!!!


The weather good, ha ha...


☆ concept of truth, good people! ☆

☆今天宿舍开业大吉! 哈哈…

Today in the dormitory ☆ opening!!!!! Haha...

☆我要加油!好好学习… 向前冲,冲,冲…

I will come on! ☆ Good good study... Forward, blunt, blunt...

☆ 当你恋爱的时候,你只是和你自己的想象在恋爱,与现实的她〔他〕并无太大的关系!

☆ when you love, you just and your own imagination in love, and the reality of her (him) and without too much relationship!

形式内容都不错  【七】色云彩漫天开 【夕】照余辉踏浪来 【情】怀依旧景物改 【人】在天涯心何在 【节】竹摇响相思曲 【祝】福随风任飘絮 【福】寿安康求天庇 【有】缘自然他乡遇 【情】到深处无怨尤 【人】事沧桑却何求 【终】老一世随性修 【成】败到头且自由 【眷】恋往事已烟云 【属】意何处但任恁 

Form content are good seven 】 【 the open sky color according to Pennsylvania 】 【 rays on the wave to 【 feeling 】 【 people still scenery with change in the heart is 【 】 day 】 bamboo wave ring acacia song 【 wish 】 blessed with the wind as floating flocculent 【 f 】 life for peace and good health have 】 【 berea day margin of natural feeling 】 【 journeys to the depths YuanYou 【 people no matter what asks suffering yet 】 【 end 】 old I along with the gender into 】 【 the loss and freedom as 】 【 end are already smoke of 】 【 past means of Nen where but


Who know logic theory


The October 8 th the train is really a good memory. Enjoy the car and the car of the scene, the scene to me that is a real beauty is a kind of hazy beauty!!!!! I wonder if you forget...


Four years ago I don't too rational, but four years later I must be excellent. Haha...

留恋你的美、回忆你的真、思念你的情。 让你我举起杯,共度这美好的青春。手挽手地领略这生活的灵动、肩并肩地感悟这人生的自由。

Miss your beauty, your memories of true, miss you of feeling. Let you I lifted the cup, for this beautiful youth. To appreciate this arm in arm of the vibration of the life, shoulder to shoulder the life of freedom. Feeling

生活中每个人都需要完美、需要向上需要…… 也许,我们实际所追求就是香柏树,因为有了它对我们心灵的洗礼,我们方能找寻到一方为我们提供“我心宁静”的水土!……

Life everyone need to perfect, need up to... Maybe, we pursue is the actual cedars, and because of it to our mind, we can find the baptism of the one party provides us with "peace" my heart of soil and water! ......


Process can say is beautiful, but the result for us, it more realistic and more to our best chase, the more worthy of it with arms to us!!!!!


Others can test physical 97 points, I why 86 points! Oneself want to come on! ...


University of knowledge, you want to learn, can still learn very much; Don't study, you are a loss or!!!!! ...

这周真是忙啊、累啊… 但,这又有何妨,实际想来,相对来说这也太算不了什么了!…

This week is really busy ah, tired... But, again, what the actual to come, relatively speaking this is also too nothing! ...


The only boy, the only "first", it was a little bit can... !!!!!


Today in the dormitory accompanied drank the spleen and learn of three two white it was a little bit Meng...


The three of us Meng it was a little bit


Before you know it, his time has been hurt! ...


This morning to play a noon, feeling pretty great football!!!!!

今天献了400mL的血 才知道自己的血型是AB型的。对了,朋友们以后要积极献血啊!为社会做一点贡献嘛…

Today the offering of the 400 mL blood was aware of their blood type is AB. Right, friends to donate blood after positive!!!!! Contribution to society do...


【 in one's own needs to have different state of mind, can really see that the people; it's not easy... 】!!!!

“朋友”是∶无论WNR,重要的是“HINP”! @huge.mental…

Friends∶"WNR" is no matter,the important is "HINP"!@huge.mental...


I'm a phone number 15369312609


 And: sleep after 【 @, is... 】 before eleven. §"


"!@ 【 history has into: historic sites, now still to develop and hone life; and create brilliant self. ...


Play on Saturday, that elder brothers son also too "calendar against", to now my feet still not comfortable!


This evening was so happy birthday, with them, but still a little Meng!!!!! Hehe...

无题 宇宙深邃自得恒,人生璀灿侍功高;静水长流方弥新,神远自在唯吾鳌。

The constant, deep complacent eight-line resplendent reactive high life page; Static ShuiChangLiu party "new, god is far at ease, Columbus, only my.


【 self-supervision, Ming is thought, god only, and do... 】 the rev.


Days ZhongNi born, only if all night long!!!!!


All are like clouds over

【 当你没事的时候,就翻一翻你的聊天记录再浏览下欣赏会吧,有的确实不错,这或许会给你带来意想不到的欣慰!呵呵… 】

【"When you have no matter, they turn the you chat history to browse XinShangHui under it, some of it really good, perhaps this will bring you unexpected delighted! Ha ha... 】

【 世上最悲哀、最郁闷的事莫过于在两个多小时里什么也没做成并且还白白浪费两个多小时了,气死我了,以后再也不玩这等傻事了!哈哈,“仰天大笑出门去,我辈岂是逢蒿人”呐!……(其余的就请你联想吧)哈哈… 】

【 in the world the most sorrow, the most depressing thing in more than two hours accomplished nothing and waste of more than two hours, grieve me, won't play that such a foolish thing! Ha ha, "out of my generation cachinnation, or is from every man" shout!...... (the rest of the then please! Ha ha... 】 association


Don't understand life suffer from principle! The importance of knowledge, kept silent

【 人生贵在一瞬,那你的一生就更不用说了!(请思考下你的一生是否能由这无数个一瞬定积分出来!)…… 】

【 in the life of your life that moment, not to mention the! (please think about your life by the countless whether a moment the definite integral out!)... 】

【 今天才知道:我的血型是 AB 型中RH(-)血型并被称之为“熊猫”血型,哈哈… 】

【 today just know: my blood type is AB RH blood type of () and is known as the "panda" blood type, ha ha... 】


No silence of years, only vicissitudes of history!




The past!


Hope in her early better!!!!!!!!!! Her exam, get good grades!!!!!!!!!! At the same time, also hope that I can get good grades!!!!!!!!!!


McCully:Mean me?????Thank you, I already have a lot better.

Sun Qin sword off horizon:恩,恩!很好… 呵呵…

The broken wield a sword with sunshine:Well, well! Nice... Hehe...


The exam was arranged in the 11, 13, it seems only in number 14 back after! This is good! Hehe...


The son of fish, Ann know the joy of fish?


Zhangjiakou also calculate a snow


Hello!!!!!The man in front of the "stop"!!!!! The man behind the "with a"!


Give you some force!


 Since then, it has become the "yesterday"!!!!! ..................


2011 come to!


 Hey hey

因为爱你所以等你!!!… …

Because love you so waiting for you!!!!!!! ... ...


Look at the two movies, (first...) A delicate feelings and moving! (2) a Thai... shock and moving! ......

McCully:: 我也想看呀!!可是没机会啊.杯具啊~

 The gu:I also want to see ah!!!!!!!!!! But no chance. What a tragedy ~

End of the World off the sun piano scenes:会有机会的!建议你先看初恋这件小事,再看泰坦尼克号2!这样心灵会有一种”升华“的!

Wield a sword the harp: broken sunshine will have the chance! Suggest you first look at the first love this little thing, again see the Titanic 2!!!!! So there would be a kind of "heart" the sublimation!!!!!


No matter how far is the way ahead, we're going for a walk!!!!! ...


It's cold in no wind is a kind of the ubiquity of cold!!!!!

今晚虽不是失眠,但胜似之!Are you ok ?

Although not tonight, but is worth of insomnia. Are you ok?


Maybe in the future, we will meet you pass by, however, this just happened! Do you understand? ......


How a little "bitter acerbity feeling?"


Now I do! Ha ha


Breeze blows, and warm feeling!!!!! ......


The train start! My heart fly!!!!!

试问自己:我回去能带些什么,现在才发现,我什么也带不回去…哪怕是些许的精神食粮 ! ! ! ! !………… 只是如此!……

Ask yourself: can I go back to what, now just detection, I also take back what... Even if it is a soul food!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............ Just so!!!!!......

试想火车脱轨了,你会怎样? 哈哈,作梦去吧…

Just think of the train derailed, what would you do? Ha ha, dreams...

此时又次邂逅北京! 我的梦想之都啊!

At this time and encounters Beijing!!!!! I have a dream!!!!!


After twenty minutes of baoding station


Unexpectedly at this time of baoding station


Liaoning TV program is pretty good still!


"Sighed the world day and night mediocre are always self-interference" program theme phrase lyrics okay! ... ...

"The world exist in a schemer with total since the interference" in the subject line still show lyrics!!!!! ......


"The poor people, there will be in this hateful" said really classic! ......


Say something about the two day back home feeling it, at home or at home before, but I know different, and sometimes that in the school mandarin spurts out inertia once! Hehe......


! ! ! ! According to ability to pay! ! ! !

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!In accordance with the ability and decide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

唉 唉 唉 世上的那个男人真可恨,真是可恨之极,他的那种做法与内心简直都突破了道德的最底层,真想逮着他狠狠地揍他一顿,直到让他知道什么是良心,同时我佩服那虽患有绝症但扔苦苦忍受病痛等待见儿子最后一面的黄贵娥!

Alas alas alas the world so that the man was very hateful to hate, that way, his heart and was almost broke through the bottom of morality, really want to arrest him harshly beat him up, let him know what is until conscience, and I admire that is suffering from terminal illness but throw for dealing with the son of the last side wait see HuangGuiE!!!!!


To force the "snow leopard" is amazing! ......

哎哟! 摩托打不开自己一个人当它动力,在后面推来推去的,实在是有点要命哦! 都快要累死人了啊!

Alas!!!!!!Motor can't open a man when it power, behind pushed around, it is a little desperately oh!!!!! On the dead tired!!!!!

我手机号15369312609 三班的同学们有事用这号联系我哦!

I'm a phone number 15369312609 class three classmates have, with the contact me!


Hebei hair system in this speak for personnel a small section of agriculture, to listen to finish to nothing harvest, the reason is very simple...


I like to let my familiar and familiar with me in a familiar place familiar!!!!! Are you familiar with me!!!!! Haha......


Didn't expect today almost was in a chat in through, it's a little that what, I still remind yourself! ......


@........................................ Wonderful........................................... And................................................................ 【 kill 】"


Last night's a dream, I finally let I engaged in a good small battle, breathtaking! This in the battlefield of the taste really stimulate!!!!! Ha ha, the feeling I marksmanship is pretty good still!

龙建超 竟然有点蒙 哈哈

LongJianChao should have a little to receive ha ha

今天还不错哦 呵呵…

Today is good oh well...

今天总算见到老同学了 哈哈 幸福、高兴、爽快啊!…

Finally today to see old classmates ha ha happiness, happy, frank!!!!! ...


Calm and quiet all go!

Static, blinding all go to!

越来越不懂~了 …无奈啊… 没关系 也许是对~太清楚了 哈哈…

More and more don't understand ~... But... It doesn't matter is perhaps too clear to ~ ha ha...

我的前邻居家明天娶媳妇 现在放喇叭 虽不能说是噪音吧 但这声音实在是太响了啊…

My neighbor's house before tomorrow it now choose his trumpet not to say, but it's the noise voice is really really loud...

望大家相互通知哦…邦伲公司将于1月27日正式放假,2月14日恢复正常营业 !祝大家新年快乐!

Hope you notice each other: oh... Bond ni company will on 27 January, official holiday on February 14 resume normal business! I wish you a happy New Year!


I hate the current situation of the!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What life in accordance with the spirit of ", what?


Back home, tonight is the first insomnia!!!!! Te...

想我大学同宿舍的同学啊!真盼望能早点相见啊! 你们现在都可好啊!…

Want to my college roommate classmates! Really looking forward to meet early!!!!! You are good! ...

腊月二十六三班聚会上午十点在曲周广场集合 望同学们相互转告作伴而来 路上注意安全 尽量乘车而来 !…

December 26 class three party ten o 'clock in the morning in the song weeks square look set students to pass on each other and to the road safety attention ordained as far as possible and to ride!!!!! ...

想提手机网速、省手机流量的好友们请到我空间找相关日志哦 包你满意啊!

Want to make cell phone Internet speeds, province friends please phone flow to my space look for relevant log oh bag you satisfaction!


"Snow to silent, people die radiant"...


Perhaps heart cry will more awake!!!!! ...


Some things to consider and should not fetter me forward steps. Think of the enlightenment, objective, the revision, the line, the us, party show!!!!! ......

今天又见了很多好同学哦 哈哈…

Today saw many good students oh ha ha...

此时总算到曲周公园了 哈哈…

At this time the song weeks the park at ha ha...


Some things in life should be more some think, think should be comprehensive point!!!!! ......


Sunny, mood is good, but a little sleepy! ...

The sunshine, in a good mood, but a bit trapped!!!!! ...


Wake up, the sun is still so beautiful! Fortunately, sleep a short time, otherwise will also find where beautiful!!!!! The rest of the revision, shout! Haha......


"My mother is FangQiong sister" look, this kid in hebei TV pantomime. Live But the really to say!!!!! Because he is the son of FangQiong, FangQiong is our sister!!!!! She donate compassion, many children benefit from her! As the host of she is really quite good!!!!! ...


People ZouJiangHu, the body will have by; With love, and to make a stranger way!!!!! ...


Today to grandpa home, see old man walks with a cane, pace, the in the mind really have hobbled a say a helpless! There, the youth no longer, cherish me, my friend!!!! Are we going to start now ageing of the jungle? No!!!Youth, cherish as we use good, doing is better than saying...


I'm standing in the outlet wave, grip the sun and the moon rotating!!!!!


Since birth, XiangJianHeJi with this? I was wrong, you also wrong!!!!! ......

朋友们!有事打 15030050545 这个号联系我 ……

Friend!!!! Something to call 15030050545 this number to contact me......


How has been getting so affectionate? No, no, can't do that!!!!! The profound feeling really went, other why! ......


Coming in at 2011, my 2010, they found, I experienced the worldly wisdom; Feel the real life; university Considering my future; Experience the feelings vortex; Read a lot of the songs on the emotion! I am contented......

新年快乐无限制哦 哈哈…

Happy New Year unlimited oh ha ha...

心情无限好 哈哈哈…

The mood is infinite good ha ha ha...


I quite understand what you think about it...

今夜无眠!0 123456789 0 !

Sleeplessness tonight!!!!! 0, 123456789!


Time old! It is not only the erasure of youth! And, and......


Quiet, quiet, let the thinking of the memory of the shuttling in the quiet of water! A person quiet!!!!! Quiet!!!!!......

初一就这样过去了!01234567890 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!……

First this has passed!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 01234567890!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......

Ma Johnson :跑了一天吧?

Majunjiao:Run a day?

End of the World off the sun piano scenes 是啊 其实也没什么的…

The broken wield a sword with sunshine:Yes in fact also nothing important...


Close your eyes is that all, open your eyes or that everything! All may not change! All all or that everything! I can't see the deeply the default of... !!!!!......

龙建超 川儿,兄弟最重要

LongJianChao Chuan  brother is the most important

挥剑断天涯阳光琴  这我们都明白…

The broken wield a sword with sunshine:We all understand that...

马俊娇 那你就不停的眨眼睛吧!哈哈~别想那么多

Majunjiao:That you will keep blink! Ha ha ~ don't care that much

挥剑断天涯阳光琴 恩恩…

The broken wield a sword with sunshine:Grace: uh...

马俊娜 别想太多了…

Mjunna Don't think too much...


Heart, it is a long road in fly...

昨晚的逻辑虽然有些复杂,但思路也挺清晰的,感觉很好,最起码彼此更了解了一层!感觉真的很不错!并且… 〔私下聊吧,呵呵…〕

Last night's logic although some complex, but thinking also pretty clear, the feeling is very good, at least know each other better in a layer!!!!! Feel really good!!!!! And... [private chat, ha ha... ;


张琳姐 啊?是…?

ZhangLinJie? Is...... ?


I was wrong!!!!! Wrong is too stupid!!!!! Should not!!!!!!!!!!


Hope you understand!

宋少祥 那个上网省流量怎么弄来着 教教咱

Songshaoxiang The Internet province flow how to do did teach me

挥剑断天涯阳光琴 打开菜单 然后选择“设置” 再选择“系统设置” 然后再选择“无图” 再选择压缩中转中的“使用”最后打开菜单选择“保存”就行了 记得每当你删除聊天记录时你的网页会重新更新的 所以你们再进去时 再按照上面的步骤设置下就行了…

The broken wield a sword with sunshine  Open the menu and then select "Settings" and then select "system Settings" and then select "no pictures" more choose the "use" compressed transfer finally open menu select "save" will do remember when you delete chat record in your web page will to update so you came back again when according to the above step Settings line...

挥剑断天涯阳光琴 记得从文字分段 一直往右找两下就找到WAP压缩中转了 在其后就选择下

The broken wield a sword with sunshine  Open the menu and then select "Settings" and then select "system Settings" and then select "no pictures" more choose the "use" compressed transfer finally open menu select "save" will do remember when you delete chat record in your web page will to update so you came back again when according to the above step Settings line...


I was wrong, wrong not to forgive, I don't want to lose the feelings, because I have already paid a lot! ... Please forgive!!!!!!!!!!


I won't leave you!!!!! ...

没办法 又梦到了…

Can't and dreamt that...


Maybe, maybe, maybe too much may perhaps it does not perhaps, anyway, and some of the other end, should be the real beginning! ... This lifetime unforgettable feeling in... !!!!!...


When I want to the world loudly announced... , you are in my ear side gently told me you not......


At this time is just a calm, a XinJingRuShui of calm, but were a the words of calm, a kind of experience the experience should be the calm; A static, a special kind of static, cannot say a static!!!!! ......

我怎头晕还发烧呢 怎会这样呢 明天还要去同学家啊…

I've got a fever? How dizzy, how can it tomorrow to go to students home...

没想到昨晚的聊天 我的烧退了 头也不晕了 我感到庆幸!…

Unexpectedly last night's chat I fever dropped the head also don't dizzy I feel rejoice! ...


Last night I heart, and almost all the idea finally said it!!! ...


Read her all about and my space all say, feel all can also, can one of my say, I didn't understand! No way, I still think again that is what you mean.

不错 今天还真是有个太阳 哈哈…

Good today is there is a sun ha ha...

【 败也萧何,成也萧何!】如今这个成语也许应该这样用了!……

【 respectively secretary, become also break respectively secretary!!!】 Now this idiom may be used that way! ......


One word: to do not have what good the JJ!!!!! ...


The free and unfettered sigh "lyrics is also quite good!!!!! Fine fine feeling, taste, deeply enjoy the...


I think! Or students well said! Thank you! ......


Although at this time of the sky was still of the light snow, the ground is covered with, this makes my heart becomes more and more of the pure, increasingly easy, increasingly no longer fantasy, because I know the rational need and pay attention to real companion! At this point in the sky of the little snow, is small, may in the sky of the left some trace!!!!! ......

我要将地上的雪扫干静 成装起来 也许还有…

I will sweep the snow pack up into dry static may have...


If I ZhongNi out east lu, dayu long western qiang, come to dominate the, who and for accidentally?

我发现《天下》这首歌写的实在是太好了,太好了……越听越觉得它很适合我!我很喜欢… (

I found the world wrote the song "is too great, good...... More listen to more think it is very suitable for me! I like... (


The wind illiterate, why go through books, ha, this...


I seem to understand all the eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I said resolutely: sunshine point, even if, even if...... That I wouldn't give up! Are determined!


A voice will I wake up


This morning in the song not seen you for weeks, but, to see the za teacher xia. Also don't know when can we meet again! ...

今天的天气真晴朗 !我的心也晴朗了许多!哈哈…

Today's weather is fine! My heart is clear many! Haha...


Last night a word you let me very moved. All is not late, it all depends on human effort!

( 此时那我就挥一挥心中无形的剑来断一下这现实的天涯,把那本不属于我的相思真正地轻轻放下,以此来开辟一条真正属于我的成功之路!…… ) 智者无悔!……

(right now that I wave in the heart of the sword to separate the invisible the reality of the ends of heaven, that this does not belong to my love really gently down, in order to open up a truly belong to my success!!!!!......) a wise man without regret! ......


Release the feelings, create life all the responsibility.


After four years of we all would be? Years sentimental! We are all in ruthlessly by years to the society! We had to make early step into the reality! ...


"Ten years" this song is really good!!!!! ...

二十五号的火车将带走一些… 等待!

25 train will take away some of the... Wait!!!!!


This year's valentine's day, despite does not belong to us the most people, but, I still wish those with love the people! I wish you a happy valentine's day tomorrow!!!!! In addition, I sincerely hope that you can get love, let love is full of the flavour of sunshine!!!!! ...

天气这么好,今天我也想去龙海公园去玩玩,可… 还是后天买票的时候顺便再去吧,哈哈…

The weather is so good, today I also want to go to the park to play, but longhai... Or the day after tomorrow buy a ticket to go in, ha ha...


Good 15811200 seconds! Haha...


If you give me a moving reason, then I choose "is the moving of China's people let me insight into their hearts the ordinary extraordinary by giving birth to the great, their hearts strong, selfless, love, perseverance ... and their respective The stories we sincerely praise! ... "This is the reason I moved!

睡不着了,真无奈!无奈!无奈!无奈啊!… 唉,赶紧让时间把我带走吧!带我到我想去的地方…

Sleep, and really helpless! Frustration! Frustration! Helpless ah! ... Oh, and quickly let time take me away now! Take me to where I want to go ...


The streets of the gang, you let me hate! This is no time on the street blind noisy. Are being unreasonable!!!!! I want to rush you say: you're mean! How astonishing! Really ignorant!!!!! Really childish!!!!! Some are already married people, how also so let spurned!


Now finally to sleep! Goodbye yesterday! ...


Tomorrow alone, buy a ticket to go alone to go to sea, slender park alone to admire the view to... Alone, can come to dominate the zai!!!!! Good......


 Out the door on the ground traces of a thin layer of snow ...


Today in the song weeks to buy tickets though be in third place, but I the previous two guy to buy a ticket to buy ten zhang unexpectedly spent forty minutes, and the old man also will be the ticket office, a moment too a phone call for a moment for the people to enter through the back door for a while... ticket And after one ticket is write it down, it's not to force to force the o



Today in song and meet some weeks old classmates, and a month, and the second, a year,. I'm very happy! ...

潜、现、惕、跃、飞、亢。 有的事就应以这六个字概括。但是,我们往往很难达到那飞的一层上,即使到达了也会进入那亢龙有悔的地步!…

Dive, now,, jump, fly, taking hyperactivity. Some things should be to the six words summarized. But, we often difficult to meet the fly a layer on, even reached the will also enter the KangLongYou regrets point. ...


I'm looking forward to that tomorrow night with the glow of the flowers! The colourful picture appear in front of my eyes... At this time, my heart is filled with a passion, a striving to make progress passion, a super jump jump the bland self super passion!!!!! ...


I believe the time, the more and more, is good or bad? Difficult to choice! ...


The street a put a little off firecrackers, and the village of large trolley all follow that. Ha ha, great...


And in the sky blooms rocketed sparks, and delicious, thundering sound, shy of the night sky, you don't dead silent!!!!! See all earthly fireworks tonight, is really wonderful zai!!!!! Haha...


Begin tonight retreats, 25, then online!!!!! ...


Last night, watching the TV series five-star red flag flying in the wind, very popular, there are big shock household names, they at that time the kind of hard zhuo never more the spirit of what other let me with respect, deeply inspired me!!!!! ...


Tonight puzzling want to chat, ha ha...


Toast to pin sorrow sorrow not sorrow? Since the prince ask no sorrow? Sorrow is not born of silent, cups cannot fully heart language! At this time, and I don't know JunXin silent wins sound word no? > >--as, just at that time to recall has ecstasy! I do not know when the deep feeling, when for this life the pin!!!!! Alternative, but!!!!! But is the reality! ......... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wine should be awake tonight where? All the divers in taste!!!!! Say is all things any unbearable, infinite heart not born!!!!! No hard to solution thousand sorrow and loss of judah, today in! More than a feeling a protege, happiness to knock! After all

其实生活有时就如同一种美好、优雅的意境…。让我深深沉浸于其中,那种感觉是那般的美好、那般的幸福… 此时我可以向世界坦然的微笑30秒;微笑86400秒;微笑15811200秒!…!!!…

In fact life sometimes as a beauty, elegant artistic conception... . Let me deeply immersed in it, the feeling is that sort of beauty, that kind of happiness... This time, I can have a smile to the world of 30 seconds; Smile 86400 seconds; Smile 15811200 seconds! ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...


Go out the door, a kind of cool and refreshing the wind, the wind is to carry out the cheek in the sultry summer suddenly drifting a considerate cool wind!!!!! Is a kind of relaxed, not a cold...


In the streets saw a group of students carry small bags to I ever been on primary school running, I am heart to have one say a happy and remember! Just now I was a college student now!!!!! Has its own goals, has his own ideal...


What Ma rope, everything is all operators is dizzy, this morning to the haven't poured into! Sad two strands of electricity! ...


At this time in the field of wheat stood looking at the distance that is clear and fuzzy picture, meet that is cool and comfortable spring breeze, listen to that is beautiful and beautiful songs... Ha ha, this also is a kind of enjoyment! ...


I found you more and more mature, but I seem to be less reason


Wake up after two points, around space under the homey sleep; Three provinces we will tomorrow by body, the forward when.


Wake up can't sleep!


Midnight imperceptible to wake up, but could not know it sleep in!


Listen to the voice of the Hollywood's!!!!! The lotus in the way I always through. ...


Perhaps the earliest sleep last night on were also the first today.


When I want to throw off the world smiles, but clearly and mask at the corner I found that I have been my sunshine water mood to dry in the sun. At this time, I also want to say three words!!!!! At the same time, in the heart and want to be in this silently behind three words, plus "has been deeply" these three words!!!!! ......


The last day at home, good good do a little, as if to housework meet a newcomer like, can, I will be leaving tomorrow...


Really, the trace of history can't change! Wrong, in it become history can create before!!!!!


Want to sleep again when the thought of a laugh is embarrassed and: this morning, the front car village a men and women and their mother and two other personal as it is black I asked this where men and women go to school? The one next to laugh the lady said they were in handan teaching? Where have to go to school with lady... And a bit more than awkwardness of the absurd


Watch the desolate land and looking forward to the scene of the loop; Already don't vacation tao sand, meet in the heart of pear!!!!!


Want to say something, but he have nothing to say!

让|爱|休|息|会| !!!

Let the | | Hugh | | love interest will |!!!!!!!


Song at this time of the week with a kind of relaxed in the chilly!!!!!


At this time of square music week very good


Goodbye, music week!


车里的电视演着 包青天 刚刚用龙头铡伺候了一位候爷(庞太诗的儿子) 包拯 你真牛 哈哈…

That was so cool: I and chicken army in two vehicles different from the song of handan, they thoughtful car on the road gradually the line be gradually stopped, ha ha...

The TV play in the car with BaoQingTian just use the leading Zha to serve a wait ye (" too the son of poetry) bao you the true cow ha ha...

这火车站二楼的休闲书吧的书也不少嘛 那就看会 呵呵…

The railway station on the second floor of the book of the book is also a lot of leisure, then see will ha ha...


How is everything is so redundant? ...


In order to valentine's love, for love of feeling, we all know! ...


Now found that "silence is the best about the" is really, have never thought I've used in others of this sentence should eventually suitable for myself! But + helpless +...

现在车站的候车厅属于我们了 哈哈

Now the station HouCheTing belong to us the ha ha ha


What 00:00 concept?


From the man to find your shadow and expression, and I pay attention to the people three hours, especially from her flank caught and you look very similar. You say me to be easy? Ha ha ~


It seems that we in the car again after opened, 02:36 late 35 minutes oh!!!!!

哈,1482你真行啊 ,够哥们!竟然是一种“不辞而别”,那我向你说拜拜了。你为何能晚点到却不能晚点走呢,俩字“改票”!…

Ha, 1482 you really good ah, is the elder brothers! Unexpectedly is a kind of "leave without saying goodbye to you," then I say bye bye. Why do you can arrive late but can't walk? Two words later "ticket" change!!!!! ...


Life has love any fear the wind sand fly!!!!!



Handan finally up ZhongXue at this time, you can enjoy the snow, ha ha! ...


Ticket is not late to three hours: well, no relation, and also appreciate a the handan railway station snowflakes. Haha...


Ten o 'clock in the morning to I like cities the station!


The snow in hebei province north of the under the ah


27 hours sleep a wink, also still feels good, ha ha! The unprecedented: oh, conscious and profound! ...


The snow next with James still, snow, too.


At this time the train crew and started selling things like toothpaste tooth brush, I resolutely do not buy, ha ha...

现在才是到保定站了 妹过来接我 哈哈

Now is to baoding stood sister came to pick me ha ha


Finally come to the west. 15 minutes of waiting!


Hand in hand with dependent far!


Wave farewell to Beijing!


At this time to admire the car to the snow, and very sleepy, very...


The train selling ice cream, want to buy a...


Snowflakes in the air of zhangjiakou still don't know the snow ripples, handan whether this is true, the scenery is really different areas silver-coated wonderful zai!!!!! ~


Before the commencement of the last day! ...


Dream of, photographed together!!!!! ...... Now also get up, started to......


Wake up, enlightenment, static, courageously, silent and can not bear, stand and not hair, the hair without hyperactivity.


Half the reality, half illusory, half clear, half hazy, half the noise, half and half memories and half lonely Chong Jing, half missing, half to look forward, back, half walking, half half you I, half the world, half and half, half to half to, half to the colorful!


Listen to the young professor as we speak the outline of modern China the first lesson, put courseware faster than a video, in addition, the professor speaks it very well. Really has strength, two words "enjoyable", ha ha ~


Don't want to say, and you don't want to say!!!!!


Practice a hazy, come out is beautiful!


See Korea foreman teacher Lin last night: he recommended the physical a new form of movement, the form is not generally, sports in time and space, the bent in the extremely four dimensional characteristic. But can't remember what is this kind of sport exercise! Maybe there is no such movement, a dream, ha ha ~


Tonight I science student association fifth meeting is good, it's funny, ha ha ~


Stars mottled dream, feeling affection; finalizing Sprinkle ink leaps to shore by the Yangtze river, ChaoHuaXiShe.



The dormitory in the first sound put "was" really let I can't stand, wow, help me, to change a. Bang, changed a, have never thought or under the first, a word "dizzy!!!!!" ...


Self-study, elder brother not to accompany you. Ha ha ~


Find sometimes chat will talk to a happy, though a little waste of time wasted your life, but happy smile is young age, don't they earn back on, ha ha... But now the newsletter QQ panel who desolation, and online rarely a bit, that those who newsletter QQ space seems to fire up, all run that comment talking...

不为现在竞争,只为将来竞争,这种意识应永远深藏心底。这种竞争是一种淡然的竞争,并非用尽全部力气只停留在竞争本身的层次上。在这种竞争的背后,是一种积极的进取,一种永不落伍的拚搏,一种深刻思想的锤炼。 ……

Not for now, only for competition in the future, this realization competition should always hidden deep heart. This competition is a form of competition, not an indifferent to run out all his strength only stay in the competition itself level. In this competition, behind a is a positive enterprising, a kind of never behind The Times struggle, a deep thought of the world. ......


I read a kind of mood.


When having a meal, add the tonight too much pepper, spicy marvelous, but also have to eat well, didn't expect the right that table that girl more hot, can't...... I endure...... But the next better play, in this inconvenience to the point, ha ha......


If the reality is a DaBaiHua, then love is a kind of classic lasting appeal! ...


Each kind of deep thoughts is by a kind of shallow natural consciousness gradually development reached by the!!!!!

今晚睡去,睡去;明天醒来,醒来,再开始实重质不重的一天。 睡去,醒来,睡去,醒来 …

Go to sleep tonight, sleep; Wake up, wake up tomorrow, and start the real heavy not heavy day. Go to sleep, wake up, go to sleep, wake up...


Deep meaning, hazy feeling with clear!!!!!


Stare at the last week, thinking next week!


This in hand, it seems pretty happy!!!!! ...


"In order to others, I myself should better 'alive'" elder brother too like of this sentence! Ha ha ~

有谁敢这样发表说说吗 >“这位是谁?这,就是我!”

Who dare so talk about > published "who is this? This is me!"


Don't mind would sometimes escape out the content?


At this time, that he still awake in listening to show the song. Is the song's lyrics practitioners!!!!! ~ ~


Look at the college students' investigation report, the accidental discovery of water bath that average female birthday reached almost three times as much as the boys. I think this is not too lazy boy, do not love clean; But the girl is too good to waste, don't save it. Ha ha ~


Now the league is quite fire part-time job well, want to join but a little bit late, researchers are full...


Tonight in new Oriental band 4 and band 6 on the public class read a section on Obama's speech video. I heard a real President of voice, his democratic election in the part of the speech that I really appreciate the kind of his style, he has two other words very well (another opportunity of change, I love you more than you think) especially his that kind of fluent English more showed the President should be the spirit of a burst a verve, deeply shocked


Bell teacher (former American company a President) affect white teacher, teacher to affect this white courses, I the teacher elder sister my courses the teacher elder sister affected me. The new Oriental small white the teacher (35), he said maybe it is this, ha ha ~


I worship Obama's excellent speech! Especially see him tonight that in the Democrats choose the speech when video!!!!!


Let everything is no longer floating clouds!!!!!

【 为中国当时所遭受的列强侵害而深表义愤填膺啊!过去的历史伤痛是我们今朝发展的强大动力!】

【 for China at that time by the suffering of the powers are outraged encroachment!!!!! The history of the past pain is our power of today!!!


History is the way of "wisdom", also gave me a kind of wisdom. ~ ~


Mother you hard, wish your festival happiness!

如果英雄送给美人的那封信是一份绝密文件,那么我们心中有些不想说出的话与不愿表达出的思想就是我们各自心中的绝密幸福!Do you know ?

If a hero to beauty of the letter is a top secret documents, so our hearts some don't want to say and don't want to express thought is that we each in the heart of the top secret happiness!!!!! Do you have your?

※绿叶红花你我的梦!向前,向前,再向前,伸手可摘的那颗星在等待我们的触摸!※ ↖(^ω^)↗

Red flower leaves you bend my dream!!!!! Moving on, moving on, then forward, stretch one's hand can pick the star that waiting for our touch! ^ ^ ↖ bend (omega) ↗

同志们,我现在在聚核楼521值班呢,就一个人,想来这上自习的,赶紧来哦!另外,男同胞优先哦!女同志来的时候要再叫上一个男生哦,否则就不欢迎哦! 谨记!

Comrades, I now is in the nuclear building on duty 521 together? Do a person, like the top self-study, hurriedly to oh!!!!! In addition, male compatriots priority oh!!!!! The female comrade will call a boy oh, or it doesn't welcome! Remember!


521 the quiet, quiet of ding dany ring, outside howling wind, seems to want to probe came in from looking at my one eye......


How did not every night shut his eyes see you and I am a dream of the picture? Hehe...

赵同学 你张家口天空有时总不能安静,你真明智啊!哈哈哈^_^

ZhaoTongXue you the sky will not quiet zhangjiakou, you are wise! Ha ha ha ^_^


Can't take it anymore, can't take it anymore, space clean is a hideous these dynamic!!!!! Alas!!!!!The less see the better! Go...


Today to sign back to, to sign after! Floating clouds!!!!! Green water!


ErNvQingChang and I? Blade, I will be referred to the block. High mountain running water, the piano and play it for who? That smile, everywhere is beautiful with!!!!!


I the extremely beautiful, classical log! He lost, it's a pity, to know the inside can records me how many days before the every little bit ah, is in my past perfect recall of the only material carrier ah. No way I can, but I still can recall some...

外面的风吹得让我感觉真爽,宿舍的这簸萝吃得让我感觉真甜,好! 不过接下来还有一些任务,慢慢搞定。走过一山再观另一山的水嘛…

The outside the wind makes me feel good, the winnowing the rose eat makes me feel so sweet, good!!!!! But then there's the some tasks, it slowly. Through a mountain to mountain view the other water...


Dream, but carries without fantasy; Their feet on the ground, it is the shades obscure. An indifferent to the fantasy, the dream is not die; Hazy gradually far, reality has made.


Looking and searching, old acquaintance, this time, how a easy word get!


Night, quiet; Heart, wake up; Night, dark; Heart, bright; Night silent, the heart whispers; Night gradually far, Benedict has the heart. At this time of night, Mar. I Mar., at this time of night, I; Back then you, at this time of night, the night that, right now you; Can't tell you I Mar., can't tell you my back then; The deeper, the night heart net; The night's static helped my heart, the heart of the static night I good; With such as static silent night, such as deep...

每当我们经历某些事时,经历,我们只是在经历。等过后,现在,也往往只是现在,我们才能真正地体会到:当时给现在的我们带来了一种超越经历层面上的【 回 忆 】、【 意 境 】与【 享 受 】!

Whenever we experience something, we're just experience, experience. And now, after, often also just now, we can really experience that was brought to the present our experience level beyond a 【 back to have ", "meaning 】 and 【 enjoy all by 】!


Have personal often go to sing in the booth in spring, sing the song "the tone is in, but he a to descant on how always let this when in a spring I feel mix of body chills? He even in singing high when still sound...... old change Well, this is a kind of enjoyment or a bear? Unbearable!


XuFang, I also want to teach the children, listen to a grade you back to say that is so lively scene!!!!! But I didn't go to ah, have the chance to have children, facing the whole class that feeling much good. Hope!!!!!


Dormitory's in bad condition: two to a this movie; And two to another in the discussion; how to play the game And a to another this also there to watch and a movie; And a don't seem to sleep, occasionally hear films are still under evaluation; Only a truly in a quiet sleep, The last one is me...


Midnight to read the article, can have feelings. Original: the reason, can reduce the world, all things; Can, thoroughly the preferred; Can tame it transforms the illusion. Can, flash lights, light on a journey; heart Can, chaos, hold together of; Can, with the sword, break. Maybe this is a kind of Richard wisdom in gas and feelings of all things stance.


In the country, is reform; To the individual, is changed; In you, is changed; In the us, is reform.


Born QingQing difficult days away, if the water flow more good.


XiaoZhuang memory is that sort of beauty, that kind of collateral, that kind of moving, especially with the memories XiaoYing, is very touching, although XiaoYing go, to be the star XiaoZhuang should play in the MaYunFei this bad head off the bullet, and understand the XiaoYing but XiaoZhuang love deeply of the woman, you see him this period of memories will be crying


XiaoZhuang memory is full of happy (and brothers), happiness without stopping to (with XiaoYing pass the happy time together), pain (error yourself deepest love a woman would gun...


This is it, and a lifetime to answer!!!!! I deeply understand this sentence, don't know how you feel? ......


Time is always before from his finger between seam slip, the thought that let it from his feet go crawl under.


I looked up at the sky is so of the original: blue, to mitigate thinking a very relaxed, freedom, fly and relaxed space! Otherwise you try it?


This physical education play football: to force of impending, I XuFang goalkeeper in each other goals that are then phone; I in the pitch fierce half an hour, no more than a-yard dash, lung is exploding; Goal three turnovers; Playing the ball I really played, he didn't play it on to play a hole


Very good, I also think: love is an acquaintance, and understand each other's heart, need to use the pay to perfect love love!



In the CET before you no longer play some CAD? This I like a little.


TingYu bamboo forest, musical sound, music in the rain in heart; Last night, beauty in a dream in the best dream, have feeling in; Is a gentle and fragrant with your dreams; Perhaps, dream, love it back to turn; Then she will be a true love of dream, we looking from the heart; the raise Love is life what wind sand fly mildly afraid you sing, the gentle waves, like the competition of sand; A kind of imagination, a kind of gentle, a beautiful yue...


The puzzling......



At the touch of love: their the understanding of them and attitude and no right or wrong, but the points you to see if be able to take that step. Sometimes, I'd like to make a magnificent and victorious in love, and not for mountain, not for water homey, not for others of the mask you said I pray, say 3 four; The key is that you have this romantic drive! ...


Listen to the song "archie this summer, she sang" hurt the kind of voice with your kind of mood; That sweet, that so gentle and soft, so full of collateral and drunk. Also seems to be in you sing this song, because I think of it as you sing in god, this is the heart of your appreciation, a kind of appreciation, the injury but enjoy!


Think of "mistakes" I thought the mood of the time into three classes; think about the "Gesang" think of the last year of high school living; think of "ambition to speak for worry," I recall the first two months of entrance wonderful; think "Colourful Clouds" to think in Beijing has experienced; think of "summer injury" to think of ... ...


Good! Quarters to put the children in song ... ...


Where can I find safe from my chats to hide ah? Or find a trash can. I do not know which method is more secure?


English teacher, a classroom, suddenly found her younger teens ah, well, it seems that we need in the young dress up ah, so that we younger teens, may, if so, we only have happy, or do not dress up for good, all natural, all young, all come back ... ...

突然想起一件有趣的事想起来就好笑哈哈哈…先笑了再说, 当女生和你面对面谈话时,她说话时不小心从她的嘴角赠了你一个甜蜜的唾沫泡,它正好飘落在你的嘴角上,而她没发现,你也没说出来,这是十个月之前的事…哈哈

Suddenly remembered an interesting verses and funny ha ha ha ... first laughed again, a girl and you are face to face conversation, she spoke from her mouth accidentally gift you a sweet saliva bubble, it is just falling on your mouth, while she did not discover that you did not say it, this is months before the thing ... haha



Today, chatting as if time did not hear the most critical, ah, it really is not good with computers, did not hear what you say ah! See and not see that is not the same feeling, ah, very good very good very good very good very good ... ... ... ... endless indescribable feeling, let me say it even if only to share with you, ha ha ~ ~


Students in school are not just thinking of the reality of direct action; in speaking is not your friends, your motives are just brewing exchange; in Tiananmen Square, the audience is not just another cell phone with camera strobe; looking This talk is not your eyes, just a feeling of boredom; writing this talk about the

今晚陪俩哥们漫步于由点点繁星装饰的夜空下,面颊迎着清爽的春风(不知有没有核的阴影 ),赏着想听的歌曲,我偶一抬头上望,看到一颗流星在飞逝,我瞬间许了个愿望,许完后,它还没有消逝,太好了,我多谢了哦……

Buddy walk in the evening to accompany both decorated by the stars, the night sky, the cheek facing the fresh spring breeze (I wonder if there is no nuclear shadow), enjoy a listen to the songs, I even looked up on the hope to see a meteor in the flies I i


Friends who, ah, do not demand that you forward like that sort of talk about the log please, do not turn Well you can read. Also nervous long, my cell phone turned to see the next several pages have a friend that the dynamics of it, children's shoes, you should keep in mind ... ...


On one thing: I am very confident, did not feel the loss of fear, the United States ah!


In the end is the fire of the flame tip of the wave or waves? A single spark can start a prairie fire, that really is the flame of the butterfly effect? Cusp can rotate the grip sun and the moon, that really is the force of the waves turn things around? Different locations at different times different results! I would like to double-foot fire, two hand water, deep water


Way of life for all of ... ... ... ... in nature


A feeling of continuity and development, a sustainable and innovative thinking, a study of the eternal and the progress of the three that is a must have. Watch, insisted that a qualitative change ... ...


Post could not help but point to talk about: today, to call the mom, mom: "Your father called and said he dreamed that an earthquake ... you asked me to call you did not ..." Mom said: "I see you back ... was originally just a dream ... "I understand you are eager to hear my heart ... this time out of a rally," the word '- tears


Do not want to say anything tonight, what a chat. Sleep ... ...


Hope this plan does a spring rain, thinking to use a calm heart Listen to the hazy rain can be expected to and did not expect before the snow even unannounced. Is this a decade ago has almost returned? The same scene. No!


If the percentage system, then: Although I have had zero out, but the 97 points I can get!


Imbalance in the balance is the most balanced!


I would like to express already hidden in the depths of the soul's share was inspired by a QD emotion: delicate, sincere, deep, broad ... but, can not be! Because we are very ripe, very sensible! XD and the presence of QD was originally to be! However, nothing! ... ...


This weather really bright, with a play, visiting the school, when their cheerleaders ...


Tears over the face, cheek aspect in mind is what kind of pain and sorrow? Tonight cried and cried hearty, cried mentally exhausted, I do not know longer have to use what language to describe it! Injury, pain, sour, bitter, tears!


Dusty memories of the past, memories of breathing to stop, know how to dig out the necessary from the loss of the harvest. Stay, is a backward, to learn from a development. It is my nature!


The original is as close apart End of the World ...


Poor water line to the office, sitting watching clouds from time to time!


I am going to buy three bottles of Sprite from another change, gave her ten dollars, she said: I do not like Fifty Cent. Halo!


Qin sister, you're right, I do not reality, you are very mature. But, then I will be very real, very mature. ,


Although the edge of hate, to understand more.


Travel so slowly, slowly making my mind rapidly, seems to break the barrier of time, Wang Chuan has become history, completion of the inevitable in the eternal.


Although the past helpless, and eventually became a cloud of smoke; things sometimes unpredictable, actually inevitable; stay when life, it is attached. The heart of this line, this line of view, this line of things, this line of fruit, this trip did not understand this line of narration, dusty trip, trip trip, after all, this line, this line of this line only this trip. Come and go ...


This non-late night, just sleep.


Through the reality of this mirror is a good look at yourself: take a look at the psychological self, to see the road ahead, take a look at the soul of the sea, they understand you can ... ...


Sometimes the most recent is the farthest, furthest is the latest. Between the far and near I chose natural selection unmatched the world, not with them to seek a different road.


Desert powerful, why lonely? Broad minded, no she has nothing to fear? Magnificent waves, why stop the surging waves? Unmatched wave, why not seize sun and the moon rotate?


Today did a bad thing, stolen from a lot of other people space photos, watch a lot of attractions, it seems that saved me a lot of tolls. Travel Well, do not, ha ha O (∩ _ ∩) O ~ ha ha! !


Tomorrow bath, shower soul, soak up the sun ...


Different songs, different emotions, but it is the same theme ...


Elective public relations today finally to full, easy, unexpected ...

试问2011-04-03 06:29:19时候的我这条“J10.J10.N14.Z26.D4.W23.L12.K11.N14.L12.M13? ”说说有谁能看懂?看懂后高度悬赏!!!

2011-04-03 06:29:19 When I ask this "J10.J10.N14.Z26.D4.W23.L12.K11.N14.L12.M13?" Who can understand talk about? Read the height of reward! ! !


Well! Physics Today in class, songs, Song Competition in the Department from twenty in the promotion of a department.


Wang Qin sister thought I had ...


Transition, transition, and then transition ... ...



The pros and cons of self or not, affected in the others, is determined by yourself.


One kind of climbing: climbing up many times can they slide down numerous times, still continue upward climb. In fact, the mountain is not a Very High, very steep, but from the foot to the summit are covered with this snow, it is because the peak of which is worth how ... How do I ...


The original start was a mistake, but do not know even their own wrong goes wrong, the same is their own choice is a mistake, seems to be wrong unforgivable. Is really a disgrace to themselves, really should not be, really are helpless. I have been groping, this can be invisible or difficult to understand things get through ...


That is very bad dream last night: I found the people around me one by one away from. And some are even life away, and some things not yet done left this world, so I was particularly unfortunate for those who feel, and I am depressed ... But this is only a dream, I hope not to have such dream ...


Found himself "stupid" a lot ...


Some things need to have been hidden, and some things need to have offline, and some things need to have online; more things need occasional stealth, and some things need to occasionally off, and some things need to occasionally online; more things need to QQ, re-apply for a new ...

6、3、4、4 … 只是第二个4快进行了 1/4 …

6,3,4,4 ... just a second faster for a 4 1 / 4 ...


My sister will not let me express my ground would not let her talk as published ...


Tomorrow my class is not on it, and let kids my class ...


Zhang said the Well: the different tasks, different environment. Be true ah ...

有趣!今天发现图书馆二楼那的电脑上学生们还在那桌面上自己建一个Microsft Word 文档 还命了个“有缘人来留言”的名,一看里面内容还真不少,内容各种各样,往下一拉还挺长的。于是我也建了一个…

Interesting! Today I found the second floor of the library on the computer desktop, students still that a Microsft Word document to build their own life also had a "nice ring to the message," the name, a lot of really look inside the content, content, variety , down a pretty long pull. So I built a ...


I have not washed the face three times, so I do not want to face the future, because there is no need ...


What the sun is not sunny? Anyway, I'm not dark!


Wang Qin Xiaomei if I have the chance to Tangshan, see you where to go? Do not say you have to go to run Beijing Oh!


Super cool morning: go to primary school lectures, and lively class to see them, and I can not control the quiet of their class and feel my primary school life, the photo and their teachers, and give them a place courseware found that Pleasant and Wolf is the subject of their hearts, and then describe Liangzi: fun ...


Before the songs will be emotional, but an appreciation of songs now ...

此时看着这些小朋友们的照片有一种美美的感觉!^_^O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ 幸福的又一种定义!GOOD!

At this point looking at the photos of these kids have a beautiful sense of beauty! ^ _ ^ O (∩ _ ∩) O ~ ha ha yet another definition of happiness! GOOD!


Word: sad to say!


Helpless, listening to music and emotion it!


Han Xiaochuan ah Han Xiaochuan, I never thought ah Han Xiaochuan, Han Xiaochuan ...


In the sunshine out of my epiphany, a road, this road can be said that acceptance of an idea, an idea can also be modified, more importantly, it allows a lot of people kind of spiritual pain devoid. This channel has created a sense of invisible and intangible things of nature seen through. This, it is Miaozai! ...


Life is the sun, the reality is good, memories are elegant, enlightenment is inevitable; feel then? Why have said? Why get into? Everything natural is wonderful, and all are reasonable for the cool, calm the mind, as all are on! Wise little words, words and more are unwise


I see the dynamics of space on my own silent space how such a mess, simply is messed up, and some also know how to share out, is this legendary QQ poisoning? Helpless, and they continue to clean up some there are some, faint ...


Into April, the memories lingered from time to time in the past few years that life after April, is it an unforgettable? Or stop thinking of it? ...


Read tonight of a "little girl" mentality, her life turned out like ... "to her high school from which I asked her? Answer is Xingtai British-based high school, I thought she was in from my alma mater song it turned out not ... "" I went to see where she was, after all, a university, especially in some of the speech field. "


Attached with a realistic illusion, illusion with reality with dreams, fantasy and reality mingled together. I enter someone else's dream, or someone else into my dream? I distinguish between true and false dreams, and dream of things is simply reality. Too, such as real magic, the original still in a dream all the memories, all the feelings, the original reason for this is a dream, forget ...


At this point lying in front of the library covered by the shelter of the bench, which faces toward the bright sun, bathing in the sun, the skin is its moisture, feeling Shao Shao, the mood seems to burn up ...


Office girls make really decent, students festival opening ceremony tonight. . .


Feet from the ground up ... finally

今晚第四届科技体育文化艺术节开幕式就是精彩啊,十三个节目中我尤其看重这几个节目:对唱“制造浪漫”、军事情景剧“卫神”、舞蹈“New ABO”、诗朗诵“鲜红的太阳永不落”、女子群舞“秀色”这个很典雅…

Science and Technology Sports and cultural evening of the fourth festival opening ceremony is wonderful ah, ten three programs that I particularly fond of these programs: duet "create a romantic," the military melodrama "Guardian of God," Dance "New ABO", poem reading "red sun never sets", female group dance "Xiuse" This is very elegant ...


Front of the stage at the opening ceremony this afternoon and finally Pakistan exchange students with the English than the last spring in the library that the student listen to others music poetry reciting a little easier when the semi-finals ...


A crazy tonight, tonight I dormitory placement, I choose to play mahjong, several poker so that it, ha ha ...


The original care will not understand, is so simple ...


Did not sign a long time, both to the ballot. . .


West of the sun is still shining, clouds clouds Cross the east, the sun cracks through the clouds, fantasy of the two clouds drifting slowly with a cool wind changes and tender sunset. This is the sun in the deep "My state of mind! ...


After walking in off the road to the Palace of jellyfish, the sunshine from time to time falling down, falling on the cheek facing the fresh spring breeze is a kind of nice ah! This is fine, as the mood is generally good. I like it, I enjoy ...

终于从山上“活”着回来了 …兴奋, 哈哈 …极兴,妙!但不失深沉…

And finally from the hills "live" with the back ... excited, ha ha ... very Xing, wonderful! But without losing the deep ...


Jellyfish House today in more than 400 photo shoot, and I looks around, fell asleep watching it, but the photo is the most interesting part goes, Oh ...


Today, in that temple to the Buddha that I take pictures, can not say to her students take pictures, that this is not good, I hear the heart felt quite timid. Yes ah, I feel so bad, but this is no bar! Camera is just a memorial, but I can not explain the lack of respect for Buddha! In fact, I quite like the Buddha, Oh ...


Mood back to nature, nature's natural balance of nature and silence ...


Fifty-one as planned: One ride starting at 7:57 am to 00:23 Tangshan, to be on about five hours, about three in the afternoon bound for Changli, playing on the day after to swallow large, the last bus back to school, the end of the line ... If the situation has changed plans have changed, or will, change people and both are flexible ...


I really want to see the ground girl, can, I do not have time ...


School speed bad. . .


How a song to express feelings and mood at this time? ? ?


ve with darkness dialogue, understand the world with sound; walk, with ideological struggle, in order to foster self-breathing; crying, and the sun tell the truth, so that voice sing the river; a smile, communicate with the soul, stimulate the mind to dream.

远之,便渺小焉; 近之,则一叶障目不见泰山尔。离和不离仅在远与近之间,进与退亦如是也;羁绊因近之,自由因远之。此,则为道也…

Distance, then small Yan; near it, then the blinders not seen Tarzan Seoul. Away and leave only between the far and near, and back into the same is true also; fetters of the past due to the free for a distance. This was way too ...


Look at their own micro-blog on the radio, now can not believe I said to myself, I feel there is a bit of an expert to say!


Has found two allies, two roommates mother like Listen to the song "Compassion", Qin-mei, which forces the next we grow a lot Oh, ha ha ...


Appreciate the "Compassion", calm to the net, territory by the voice, the spirit of times also ...


State is good, all is well, O (∩ _ ∩) O ~ ha ha


Life can have a few Bomb? Hard unhappy why meditate? If the virtual and the abdominal delicious, day and night line between heaven and earth; Murdoch Claustrophobia ecstasy, riding a crane Lingyun leaves like leaves; worthy of not knowing what is going on gut? Environment because one self; Lakeshore misty moonlit night, the horizon in the Vatican thinking means. Oh, bitter, and the old lady a heart na! ...


Space is severely background music set up, Haier and drilling opportunities treasure, can enjoy a of!


Did not think I have silly day, this "silly" is how to implement a do to my body, all right! But that is a little silly thing, but not careless fall into the abyss. May sleep late last night, starting no later than this morning because of it.


Night rain or after the original cuts, clear bright sky, Che, at this time the sky. The changing situation like this is more than six months since the changing mood. At this point the sky is the state of mind, is back, relaxed, and I did look, I, I ...


Dreamed Li Chen-hsing, and junior high school at the same table ah me, a miracle! Dreamed that he and my other male students to go to a home one of my female students to see the female students, and there are several high school students, university students also looks like the figure, and now I do not know where Lee is now the same table ...


Dream of a virtual, not real but virtual shadow; dream occasionally, but not the reality of inevitable accident; dream coincidence, but coincidence can not be the real order. Dream, there is no constitution at all; reality, not unprincipled not. ... ...


Tomorrow night by train to Beijing students do? So, peer without losing a pleasure ...

一个平衡的人的心的平衡怎么就越想越不平衡了呢?以前有过的不平衡中的平衡是那么的平衡,一种真正的、最平衡的平衡;而如今却是平衡中的不平衡是那么的不平衡,一种也许真正的、最不平衡的不平衡… 平衡与否我自会把握…平衡俩字看的时间长了就不认识这俩字了…

A balance of people's heart grew more and more imbalance on the balance of how it? Has there been an imbalance in the balance is so balanced, a true, most balanced balance; and now it is balancing the imbalance is so unbalanced, one may be true, is not the most unbalanced Balance ... balance ... whether or not I will take the balance from Liangzi look a long time does not know the Liang Zi ...


So random is not good, and sometimes are difficult to strain! Fortunately, however, a state of mind determine a highly ...


My sister's resistance ground curse really come true tonight, and I would almost good with a few good students; but Well, ha ha ... although not together, and one hour later, however, is two hours ahead, it seems that Oh ... very strange kind of support


God is very indifferent, shuttle Night's Dream; the stars do not sleep, the line goes like water ...


We have between each other to joke that we can put a secret between each other, long time no contact, not far away; long time no news, is not concerned about gone. From that moment you become friends have never been away, destined to take root in my heart. In fact, a friend like this, without thought, because never forget. You do not want to have a bad friendship for life, because we are friends, please cherish.


Line in the world, life is a sun ...


Memorial where the Xi? Footprint is more important. Laughter is the true meaning of life left, which I thought ...


At this time in front of Tiananmen Square in Beijing, about lowering of the flag ...


At this point a person walking in the Beijing night under the big blue gate alley, really quiet, nice, is the way some twists and turns, I do not know with no detour, anyway, have gone half an hour, and not coming to an end, it continues to go forward, can not turn back, go out to say ...


I always have in refining their own ...


At this point, alone at last turn out of the North gate ...


At this point, or the old place last summer, that period of life ...


Lie down and is comfortable ah, it seems that lying is also comfortable than sleeping ...


Three dollars bought a cat and mouse game, at Beijing West Railway Station, now in progress ... it was great ...


Well, do not play with them, and forty cars, the next opportunity, hey ...


Life is so calm, yet a calm ...


No sweat, sweat was awake, but also that Yan-bin will say that I do, hey, a dream, better myself, ha ha


So far, the mood is most we found the most moving words: "Thank you, bent back I see an unknown landscape." ...


Unknown landscapes never seen eyes that have been carefully watch the


Wang Qin I will always support my sister, my brother is always good to her, not because of anything to change. You do not ask me why, this is some reason ...


Heart Jiao moon, reflected on lotus; lead washed Love, IELTS pass ring; my heart fly, quiet, if Nirvana


How to do my brother, what a busy girl also does not help Qin Wang, brother or a word, will always support you!


Life is so helpless, Zhuang also feel then; life so diverse, Xiao Meng is also worthy of independence back; life so coming and going, butterflies still dancing ...


Listen to ghost stories at this time, that really kind of feeling a little bit, especially worthy of that voice, there is slightly cautious people ...


Needs comforting, thought needs brewing; life is a reality, thought is spiritual; only the perfect fusion of reality and the spirit, before being given the power of a strong action. Outside is a kind of supremacy between the natural way ...


Today I have a full 254 months of the birth ...


Life is like a cruel knife, changed the way we look ...


Sometimes, the hair, should make it a long point, it should grow cool-type, and does not make it any errors clutter; vision, should make it short point, short of its proper quality, do not let it beneath superficial ...


Third anniversary of the commemoration of their ...


Tianjin will be the time of the summer activities in addition to more than a month ... it? ...


Tianjin will be the time of the summer activities in addition to more than a month ... it? ...


We do not be fooled by the surface, but dig deep to the nature of things ...


Among some of the real thing ... I feel a bit questionable, but started seriously ...


Cloud and why monthly to match, because there is blue sky as the background, while gazing at the sunset are to the East ...


Yesterday, a female student asked me to love, from what? I answer only to find: could not say anything, very simple ... but the experience can feel the love in the time of the colorful. Not involved in it, absolutely do not want to perceive love is what you get to know what. Even experienced that when you say the same is the mind blank ...


Today only 51 of the time did not know walk around the Forbidden City, ah, just over the middle again, both sides of the slightly involved, I say put more than an hour to the Imperial Garden. Oh. . .


Had a dream last night, managed to visit over and over the National Palace, walk around it, and woke up after the discovery was a dream ...


It's that one little bit, a little bit, just this little bit: I swore an unforgettable obsession; been rational thinking; sowing the heart's natural ...


Gain knowledge of ideas but also filling. So, can the perfect philosophy and science to produce a unified philosophical thinking [because scientific knowledge generation]; the same time, the philosophy of science was worthy of a derivative. ...


When baked in a real college ...


At this time in the sun, there is a feeling: we have to laugh to laugh in the sun, so laugh it appears extremely bright ...


I have students do the "Guinness Book of First Campus" is actually an entertainment, but I am responsible for a small project, I participate, I feel happy ... okay ...


Life of this one, why two rebuilt?


Look up phone numbers in the phone when suddenly find a name, think that is a little strange and very familiar with, there is a sense of intimacy ... Perhaps this is ever used to imagine the ...


Baidu is this part of your personal information, by the way you lost contact with old classmates to find out. . .


Listen with the Yang Junzhuo DJ version of "innocent oath," accompaniment still can ...


Life is so bright, why so vague hazy memories of the immediate road?


Gradually slowed down the pace of walking, the nature of life has gradually towards the corner ...


Until now I never forget Jinxiang four principal speech on New Year's party, especially his ideas. In four of which I was very serious, very serious listening to him, but I have been thinking of the elderly are not a good practice, some ashamed ... I do not know now you are these days? I always Mrs Lee! ...


Hot school teacher said there is no final exam content of the book is absolutely not test, say that according to this end is to test the book's original title now? Ha ha ha ...


Alas! Just know that computer a test of 87 points, third on the poor quality, and get a pass ...


I turned to my brother, "Han Xiaochuan on the corner of Love," reprinted in this log, but also increase share. Embarrassing!

今晚我宿舍的老七南下了,就想起了我之前的东行,我是属马的,没有马到成功,更是惨败而回。他祝福过我,那我就祝他:猴到功成,凯旋而归… 凯子,三哥为你加油,必成!哈哈哈…本来我也想南下的,只不过这周是双周,所以就免了。呵呵…

Seven south my quarters tonight, and think of my eastbound before, I belong to the horse, not instant success, it is disastrous and back. He blessed me, then I wish him: the monkey off the ground, a triumphant return ... idiot, the third brother for your fuel, will become! Ha ha ha ... I would like to have been south, but this week is the bi-weekly, so on a free. Oh ...


Thank God gave me a nose, and mouth. If not, I really want to meet and Chuang Tzu as lucky go ... ... Cheers!


Suddenly roommate and I put into the Communist Party promised to kill the object, and also lucky enough to escape during a gun to kill two and a half so the Communists broke free, ran for a while after wave of workers will hear information we were catching up, and then we encountered a river, five meters wide, but I can not swim, go down the side to see that part of the river too narrow since then, many can still try to put the tour over, I He echoed the other side. Cana! I really was caught


Fire, a fire completely fire; burned burned completely burned; completely deceive deceive deceive the a; at 7-8 on a thousand a section of physical education which volunteered for my buddy ran? Be rewarded! Hot wing competition in the registration ... ING ...


Turned out to be a "Catcher" movie spooked, do not look at it one person alone, or else. . .


Sometimes luck in the moment! . . .

复方氨酚烷胺胶囊 仁和可立克… 品尝品尝 …

Compound Paracetamol and Amantadine Hydrochloride Capsules Renhe Kelike taste ... taste ...


Looking flames always reborn in the dream, but always go out in the real world ... this is sad or helpless? This faint feelings constantly reproduce, and sometimes even better to intense ...


Love? Love? In the end What is love? In front of them, I discouraged; I, once again, tears aspect ... ...


Today, join a live game high jump, do not suddenly break is always the height of 1.40 meters, just stay at 1.35 m level. . Sad reminders ah!


Lose-lose yesterday, but lost today; win, not win today, and win tomorrow.


Pursuit of the highest state is: "not" only three words. This state has made great regret, though not so perfect, but enough for most people, it begins with a remarkable a popular trend. Their gently say: wave of the sleeves does not take a cloud. This is the only ... ...


Zhang Lin met on campus today sister, and she saw me, that I long high. In actual fact, is grown up ...


Zhang Lin met on campus today sister, and she saw me, that I long high. In actual fact, is grown up ...


At this point the sky: dark clouds, lightning, visiting the storm, let an ... This is what I have been looking forward to a good and timely rain. Mind in the bitterness against the background of the open look and that is especially unruly, the rain came pouring Hearty Lek, more passion, to a very impressive, how can I use the term to describe the terrific? Simply, is good! Good can not describe it ... but can not let the weather around us, to calm! Oh ...

懂了、悟了…… 其实“***”原因有三:第一,曾经确实努力地深爱过;第二,不想背叛对爱情的信仰;第三,心抱有永不衰竭的希望。解决“***”此问题方法有亦三:一醒;二懂;三理。仅此而已罢了…勿须多言……

Understand, realize the ... ... in fact "***" for three reasons: First, love has been really hard; second, do not want to betray the faith of love; third, the heart have everlasting hope. "***" Method to solve this problem has three: I wake up; two to understand; three reasons. Nothing nothing ... Needless to say ... ...


Drop in the ocean, I hope to be students of YU, Xian Yangtze infinite, the police at the present moment.


More than two hours before the most saddest thing is, and a chat with friends, this guy has ignored me. . . If you do not pay attention to it can be understood, if the notice and do not want to reply, then do not talk to you, and have no meaning. . .


悲摧啊 我刚朗诵的过程中竟然没一个人给我鼓掌,直到最后才来掌声…我写得这个不深刻吧??汗!…

Sad ah, I just destroy the process of reading a person did not even give me applause, applause ... until I finally come to write this is not profound, right? ? Khan! ...


Was about to usher in a beautiful holiday, beautiful. . .


Watching basketball on the playground of the two suddenly come to a small conclusion: Why do two people love, so right? Because it is the same as the two basketball, no matter which angle you are standing is so neat to see it the same, there can not be contingent clutter ...


Life is a one-time, love is a one-time, memory is a one-time ... If life is a one-time, that will be how to imagine a situation? A sudden just came on the stairs after another collapse; arrived in the roof floor started shaking; first came to the bridge was your footsteps to the shock collapse; train the last instant, after all those sleepers scattered frame; just to the terminal it will be hot from the waste of disposable chopsticks to save ... This is not the scope of ...


Costa Rica is very depressed, you will not allow me for once ... it was too much ... everything is okay ...


Let the children happy holidays tomorrow Oh, you're ready I playing it? Ha ha ha ...


Children's shoes, children of the innocence of you, today you are sure to be assimilated children section, or else give you music with a child, "an angry bird"? ...


Zhao Yao Yao, Altman brother you see, you go ah run what? ? ?


There I take the test just fine, and then participate in an entrance ...


Time to penetrate the thoughts; created a beautiful light; the sun hot imagination ...


I learned today from the lead member of the most important point is: from the subjective to find a cause. . .


At best half of life, if that is all, nothing that is only lip service. . .


The most painful thing in life is: wake up the road, but I do not know how to go? Will go from here? Go? Very simple way on their own feet, heart on the front! This is perhaps the year after the entrance feel it. . .

明天妹来了喝咖啡去 呵呵…

Sister to a cup of coffee tomorrow to go Oh ...


Sister came, and then sister to go, Ha ha ha ...


Marathon and pass, pass the delay because, due to delay and waiting, waiting for the so ... okay ...


Marathon and pass, pass the delay because, due to delay and waiting, waiting for the so ... okay ...


Sitting in this city to turn the bus, tired feet and finally the pan is too fresh to the ...

端午假期三天:玩的很开心、很爽,一天比一天开心,一天比一天精彩,一天比一天有趣味… 妙!

Dragon Boat Festival holiday three days: playing very happy, cool, happy every day, every day exciting and interesting every day ... wonderful!


Apply a sunscreen like two hours of skin care products is not very useful ... but just gave the giant thunder is actually very useful to me to wake up ...


Retained happy, looking for sound, beautiful memories, feel better, an elegant mood.


Years wasted, memory majestic, time flies, is life. Look at the beautiful sunshine and enjoy the beautiful blue sky tours, smell the fragrance of the campus; alone, brilliant bloom, shuffled around the Bay have been thinking vicissitudes difficult for water, bypassing the Gorges cloud of thoughts, bear in mind the world of indecision; this life sparrow known noble ones zai? Spiritual magic charm charm, charisma to charm back when, few words straight words, only words this phrase only romance, why not seek only to enjoy



High-tech Zone to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party will be very large red song beautiful girl in this ground better, hehe ... later had a dream: found in Arctic Ice on the number of the swords, which, though not fold Ji settling of iron does not sell, then wait and see without losing the history of ever-changing, getting away traces of the hero. In case the dream sword, hand pull it, this engine in one fell swoop, deglaciation water Bay, Ever since, I would like to throw down the sword anxious to run against them to the Arctic Ocean, conceivable network name is grasping a sword on sword-off toward the horizon reality ...

您这次开机共用了 1 分 15 秒 。您的开机速度过慢,只击败了全国16%的电脑!请不要灰心,平时保持良好的软件管理习惯有助于您提升电脑的开机速度,加油!高考后的小样儿们也是如此。。。

You share the power of 1 minute 15 seconds. Your boot is slow, only 16% of the country beat the computer! Do not lose heart, usually good software management practices can help you improve your computer's boot speed, come on! After the entrance of small for gestational age are well. . .


Believe in yourself, confidence is a successful start, there must be born before his people, its only natural to be useful; acceptance of one's self, strengths, weaknesses, there is still the future. Said the young capital, boldly forward, wrong and then change, young thing. Experience is the capital, each experience is harvested. The most important economic base, self-


Hair suddenly felt: not necessarily the reality of standing on top of reality, people do not necessarily misty nothingness of nothing under the emptiness created reality, the reality sake of nothing, in fact, it is best to alternate between the two to come and, as a glimpse He is to he observed this ...



observed this ... We can not say, tens of percent of a person's understanding; can only say that he [she] has identified a few percent do not know ... a fearless heart to put the world despise Yong material ...


Zhangjiakou weather will give us to create suspense ...


Sublimation is finally a realistic situation will not lead to the charm of extremes meet the definition: "family relations." Very good, like!


今天我在“我的大学我的梦”主题班会上表现得有些 个性+异样… 不知这两者相加等于什么…

Memory is like withered grass in the fall, just waiting for the sake of it wildfire, not burn entirely, but devoid of ground has been difficult to identify the appearance, Lili of the original because it is on the grass, spring is no longer blowing, the earth has no attention, quietly ... today I am "I dream of my college" class meeting was a bit on the strange personality + ... I do not know what these two add up to ...


Today, more than one friend on to teach psychology and university teachers of language, Shijiazhuang, Hebei [TV's], Wu, well ...


Middle of the night under a high wind fresh, bird's-eye view of a school's exclusive ...


Yesterday, Secretary of Faculty of Science know our leadership, alas! Yesterday famous songs playing, the next turn our College, and this says so on the first column which can lead staff secretary and other teachers to discuss to discuss with me, not a short while to play a OK. I wonder they do not actually say that they which to go out on tapping, and I really wanted to say: "Dude, we so not how calm it?." . .


This morning a man in the water when brushing room, said: "toothpaste running out, and quickly leave it!" So, I told this man said: "Why do not you pull over?" At this point, I reached out to buddies a thumb. . .


This morning a man in the water when brushing room, said: "toothpaste running out, and quickly leave it!" So, I told this man said: "Why do not you pull over?" At this point, I reached out to buddies a thumb. . .


buddies a thumb... concluded that calculations on the English class: the real to the rate of 61% lectures 30%, 61% multiplied by the total number multiplied by 30%, it seems practical in an English class that is a few people ... [with three classes on this course] a few people if it is coupled with the English teacher, computer playback hearing a woman ...


Campus bazaar general excitement: to graduate college, start a roadside stall selling books journey; tomorrow CET4, and began forty-six headphones ceremony; temperature to be reduced, the implementation of a strange couple of hand model; had met with Sister Lynn, wan smile ... then sun shines, cool wind tease hair, hope people viewing, consider cooked food for thought ...


Behind is the sun, one of his own to explore the bright ...


Although set up 23:20 phone off, it can be turned off whenever a reminder to appear, I often chose not ...


Happy Father's Day! I wish my dear and great father Happy Holidays! Your love, we do not have forgotten; your love for us as deep as the sea; you teach, we will keep in mind; in this, our beloved father to say: your hard work! Why at this time my eyes full of tears, because I love you deep! Father, you must pay attention to when tired body!


If telepathy is like a ...


Drowsiness is hazy yet, be two telephone woke up, a lunch break a little bit embarrassed ... really

其实,其实… 其实考CET4之前,我一套题也没买,一套题也没做,就是不知到底能过不能过…估计,估计…估计也不好估计了…是多少应该就是多少吧…嘿嘿…

In fact, in fact ... in fact, test CET4, I did not buy a title, a title did not do, is I do not know in the end had not been able to ... estimate estimate estimate ... ... is not a good estimate of how much it should be is how much it ... Hey ...