
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 00:03:49


大部分同学反映首字母填空是最容易失分的题型,下面我们就来一次有针对性地强化训练。希望大家积极参与,用回复的方式把答案附在后面,希望你能成为第一个全对的人!Are you ready? Go!



How do most students spend their free time? Do they have time to do things they are

interested in? Let’s see what some students do when they are f_____. Ben is eleven.

He has a sister, Kate. B_____ of them like going to see films. Every Sunday morning,

they go to the town by train and then they go to the cinema because they live in the

c___________ and there is no cinema there. They get to the town at n___________.

They usually have a big dinner in their favourite restaurant f____, and then buy some

food in the supermarket before they go to their f_________cinema called Star Cinema.

They like it because the s_______ there are the most comfortable and the films shown

in the cinema are always the n_____. They get home at nine. They always h________

a great time on Sundays but when the weather is bad or they are b________ with their

homework, they don't go.


Most children like to watch TV. It is very  i_____ . By watching TV they can see and learn

a lot and know many things a_____ their country and the world . Of course, they can also

learn over the radio  But they can learn b _____ and more easily with TV. Why? Because

they can hear and  w_______at the same time. But they can’t see anything over the radio.

TV helps to open children’s eyes. TV helps to open their minds (智力), t ____. They learn

newer and better ways of doing things. They may f _______ the world is now smaller than

before. Many children watch TV o ___ on Saturday and Sunday evening. They are always

b_____ with their lessons. B ___ some children watch TV every night. They go to bed very

late. They can’t have a good rest. W________ about you, my young friend?



Dear Hong-min,

How have you been? It’s been a long time since you wrote me a letter. I miss you a lot.

I started going to n________ school in September. My c_________ begin at 7:00 every

evening from Monday to F______. So far I have studied very hard in every s________.

Of all the subjects, math is the most useful to me. O________ subjects, like History and

Chinese Art, are difficult. E_________ is much easier. I’m having a lot of fun with the new

language. Maybe I can t_________ to your American friends some day.

I e________ my life so much! I always forget that I am a 60-year-old woman. I feel that I

am y_________ than before.

Best wishes,





     It was a beautiful Sunday. I was very h_______ because my friend, Lucy, and I went to the

book fair(书展) at Taipei World Trade Center today. It was written in the n____________ and

reported on TV that the book fair this year is the b_____________ one in Taipei. I got to the

place early, but I o______ waited for a moment before Lucy arrived.

     We were surprised to see so many p________ there. We had to s______ in line for more

than one hour to get into the book fair. A______ we got into it, Lucy didn’t feel good. The air

was too b_________ there. Therefore(因此)we decided to leave early. After that, we went to

the m_______ and then went home. Though we didn’t have a good time at the book fair,

we had much f______ seeing the movie. 



   When you walk around Taipei, it’s easy to see Taipei 101 from everywhere. Taipei 101 is

the w______ tallest building since 2003. It is c______ Taipei 101 because it has 101 floors.

On New Year’s Eve, people would stand around it to c________ the New Year.

   For the foreigners ,Taipei 101 is a_____ the landmark(地标) of Taipei. People go u_____

to the top floor to see the beautiful scenery of Taipei. From there you can see many important

b_______. And Taipei World Trade Center is j_____ in front of it.

   Now Taipei 101 is one of the most popular shopping c_______ in Taipei and people can go

there by MRT easily. Next time, i____ you travel around Taipei, don’t forget to visit it. You will

have a lot of fun t______.                                   



    Two men were walking in a forest when they heard something terrible. Just t_____, a bear

came out and was slowly close to them. One of t___________ climbed up a tree quickly. The

o______ man got down and pretended(假装) to be dead. The bear came up to him, smelled

him for a w______ and thought the man was dead, and w_______ away. 

     A_______ the bear left, the man in the tree climbed down and asked the man l________

on the ground, “What did the bear s_____ to you?” The other man felt angry that his friend

didn’t h______ him. So he lied to the man, “It told me that don’t make a f____ with a selfish




Cinderella was a pretty but poor girl. Her stepmother treated her very badly.  She made

her do all of the h__________ day and night. She didn’t tell her father about the sad thing

because she loved her father and didn’t want him to w______ about her.

     One day, a prince in the country i_______ all the young girls to his birthday party.  But

she only had dirty c_________, so she cried and cried. Suddenly a fairy came and helped

her go to the party beautifully. However, she was told by the f______ that she had to come

back before 12 o’clock. During the dancing party, she and the prince danced t_________

very happily. 

     When the bell rang at 12 o’clock, she r_____ home very quickly but left one glass shoe

in the palace. Then the prince took the glass shoe f___________ door to door around the

country to look for the girl who wore it. F_____ he found Cinderella and married her. They

lived h_________ ever after. 




Chocolate lovers know that eating chocolate makes them happy. Now they may a______

become smarter by eating chocolate. Scientists had a group of people e_____ 85 grams

of milk chocolate and asked a_______ group to eat no chocolate at all. After 15 minutes,

the group that ate chocolate were a_______ to remember more words and p_________

than the group that did not eat chocolate. They believe that s________ in chocolate can

make people smarter. Of course, e_____ chocolate doesn’t guarantee you’ll pass every

test. You’ll s_______ need to study hard.



   Susan was a woman who hated animals. She never wanted to keep any p_____ at home.

To her, all animals were d_______ and boring. Susan could never understand why people

would like to have cats or dogs in the house. It was so stupid!

   Last month Susan’s daughter, Penny, came home from school w_____ a mouse in a box.

Susan was very angry. But Penny said that it was her homework. Her teacher a_________

each student to take care of an animal and learn to get along with it. Susan had to say yes.

   It was fun for Penny at the b________, but then she got l________ and forgot to do her

homework. It became Susan’s homework. She gave it food and w________ every day and

found that the mouse was in fact not dirty. She even t____ to it! It was not boring or stupid!

Now Susan is having a good time with “her” mouse. She n______ it Nini. And she is going

to buy a_______ one to make a pair.



Dear Wendy,

You asked me to send you a picture of my family. Here it is.

   The picture was taken in our g_______ by my cousin. It took me some time to get

e_______ together. My younger sister, Gigi, was so e______ about taking pictures.

She made my mom s_______ between my two brothers, and made my dad walk to

the b______ and then to the front. Finally, she h_____ him sit down under the tree.

She even made our dog, Rover, m________ three times, but Rover did not like the

i______ of taking pictures, so he ran into doghouse. I am the o_______ behind the

doghouse. As for(至于) Gigi, can you see w______ she is?
