重生-狂凤倾世:中国当不了欧洲“救星” False European hopes of a Chinese saviour

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/05 23:34:43

With Premier Wen Jiabao winding up another charity trip, European political and business leaders are going all-out to curry favour with the cash-laden Chinese juggernaut. Yet hopes that Mr Wen’s rising power will drag their region out of its economic malaise actually threaten to wreck an already complicated relationship.


Europe’s interest in building a new “silk road” to the thriving Chinese market is not new, but the recent financial crisis added new impetus. Appeals have been made to China, to help bail out Greece, Portugal and Spain by purchasing their debt. With home markets subdued, European states are also scrambling to serve the burgeoning Chinese consumer market. Visiting investors are routinely given the red-carpet treatment, as if the vanguard of a new caravan of capital bearers.


This is obviously not a trivial matter. Chinese direct investment in the European Union has now expanded to $6bn a year, according to government figures, while Beijing has pledged many billions more to the treasuries of peripheral nations. Yet these achievements must also be put in perspective. China’s share of EU investment inflows remains relatively modest, and compared to its $1,000bn in US Treasury bond holdings, Chinese purchases of European debt are still tiny.


Such figures, however, hide the crux of the problem. Europe’s economy is now sufficiently damaged that China alone can never do enough to help it recover. To put it bluntly, why should we expect Chinese companies to create jobs in Europe when our own ones stumble under the weight of high wages and taxes? And why should we expect our exports to grow when so many European industries prefer to build products in China?


Europe’s task is to maintain its current level of development, even while it lacks the productive machinery needed for that task. This has long been a challenge for those southern European member states seeking to emulate the prosperity of the north. The financial crisis high--lighted only that the high welfare standards of the north were also built on shaky fundamentals too.


European politicians are not keen on further austerity measures, so they are now calling (once again) for reforms to help boost the efficiency of the continent’s services sector and its overall innovation capacity. Yet even if this works, such things will scarcely reduce Europe’s growing current account deficit, especially with China. In 2010 Europe’s $4bn services surplus with China was dwarfed by a $203bn deficit in goods – the explanation for its current account deficit of $190bn.


Only greater industrial capacity can maintain current living standards. And it is here that China comes again to the forefront – but as a challenger, not a potential saviour. China boasts wages still 5 to 10 times below the European average, improving infrastructure and education, vast budgets for research, and, above all, a seemingly endless ambition to build world-class industries. When Chinese companies do invest in Europe, they are seeking knowhow, and export channels.


China’s desire to put its workers first is not an offence. Yet when a new generation of European politicians begins to scrutinise the balance sheet of greater economic co-operation, they will soon find ample arguments to stop Chinese companies taking over or outbidding their last few industrial strongholds. China is practising an increasingly sophisticated form of economic nationalism, while there are obvious flaws of reciprocity in the access China and Europe provide to each other’s market. It would not be difficult for Europe to find reasons to defend its industries, even if this meant an end to prudent policies at the European Commission.


In the long term, we should, therefore, expect the silk road to take a nasty turn, one that could well make it impossible to maintain stable relations between the two poles of the Eurasian continent. Yet such a turn would, in the first place, be symptomatic for Europe’s own failure to adjust to changing economic realities. Europe’s bureaucratic elites might be long-socialised to believe the benefits of free trade, but its future political leaders will need to confront new realities that respond to the changing confidence of their societies – a confidence that ultimately reflects shifts in the global balance of power. When this happens, Mr Wen’s successors will find Europe’s welcome to be far less warm.
