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Honor guard of PLA shines at Venezuela's anniversary celebration

14:03, July 06, 2011      

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The honor guard of the three branches of the Chinese People's Liberation Army march at a military review ceremony held in Venezuela to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the country's independence movement on July 5, 2011.(People.com.cn/Zhang Weizhong)

The honor guard of the three branches of the Chinese People's Liberation Army participated in a military review ceremony held in Venezuela to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the country's independence movement on July 5, 2011.

The ceremony reached a climax as the formation of the PLA honor guard marched past the rostrum. Audience members gave them a big hand.

The honor guard of the three branches of the PLA have had attracted much attention from Venezuelan civilians and friendly forces before they paraded in the celebration. One after another, people asked to have their photo taken with these Chinese soldiers.

The honor guard of the three branches of the Chinese People's Liberation Army march at a military review ceremony held in Venezuela to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the country's independence movement on July 5, 2011.(People.com.cn/Zhang Weizhong)

The honor guard of the three branches of the Chinese People's Liberation Army march at a military review ceremony held in Venezuela to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the country's independence movement on July 5, 2011.(People.com.cn/Zhang Weizhong)

By Ye Xin, People's Daily Online
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