金庸武侠所有门派名称:No breakthrough expected in Geneva UN meeting...

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No breakthrough expected in Geneva UN meeting on Cyprus issue

10:57, July 07, 2011      

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United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is scheduled to preside in Geneva over a meeting of the leaders of the estranged Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities of Cyprus on Thursday, in a move designed to push them closer to a solution of the long standing division in the eastern Mediterranean island.

However, informed sources closely associated with the ongoing negotiations said it would be more than a surprise if the UN chief could clinch a vague commitment to quicken the pace of the process.

Cyprus has been divided since 1974 when Turkey militarily intervened and occupied the north of the island following a coup by a group of Greek officers.

In 1983, the Turkish Cypriot authorities declared breakaway and set up "the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus," which is recognized only by Turkey.

Repeated efforts by successive United Nations General Secretaries to reach an accord ended in failure and hopes for a move forward are now pinned on a new round of negotiations which began three years ago.

Cyprus President Demetris Christofias and former Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat, both of them left-leaning politicians, came close to reaching full agreement on the form of government and power sharing, bringing the two communities back together under the umbrella of federal Cyprus state.

However progress in the negotiations has been minimal since nationalist Dervis Eroglu was elected leader of the Turkish Cypriot Community, 14 months ago.

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