金蝉脱壳mp4:Libyan PM urges UN intervention to stop NATO ...

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Libyan PM urges UN intervention to stop NATO military attack

13:37, July 11, 2011      

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Libyan Prime Minister al-Baghdadi Ali al-Mahmoudi has urged UN intervention to stop NATO military attacks against the north African country, local media reported.

Al-Mahmoudi made this appeal when meeting Saturday with Abdel Elah al-Khatib, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's special envoy for Libya.

NATO's intensive airstrikes have caused a great number of civilian casualties, in violation of the UN Security Council Resolutions 1970 and 1973 on Libya, the official JANA news agency quoted al-Mahmoudi as saying.

According to the Libyan government, three months of NATO airstrikes had killed more than 800 people and injured more than 4,700 in the country.

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