金霉素眼膏的副作用:To abolish the treaty or to ally for China an...

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 11:51:41

To abolish the treaty or to ally for China and DPRK? Both are wrong!

The friendship between China and DPRK, two countries mutually respect and equal, has already been proved by time. Therefore, we can never consider DPRK as a burden since it is not as developed as China on one hand; on the other hand, we cannot bully urge DPRK to become a buffer even when someday a war between China and some other countries can't be avoided.

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2011-7-12 08:56

Currently, there are two extreme wrong theories about the further development of relationship between China and Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK):

One believes the Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance, which was signed 50 years ago, should be abolished. Last year, a batch of so-called intellectuals ever wrote a letter to the Chinese central government and appealed China to change its policies to DPRK and even abolish the treaty; while some other scholars even tried to prove the illegitimacy of the treaty from the perspective of China's Constitution.

Another advocates China should ally with DPRK to withstand the possible "triangle alliance" of U.S.-Japan-S. Korea.

Both two theories are wrong! Because the treaty should be maintained since it still has indispensable strategic significance!

China, as a member state of Non-Aligned Movement, always insists the foreign policy of being Non-Aligned, which has brought enormous profits to China's reform and opening up.

However, once China broke the foreign policy, it will not only can do harm to our country's basic security interest, but also can accelerate the possible "triangle" to form a real military alliance, which will bring great damage to China's strategic interest.

Authored by Cao Shigong, a committee member of Korean Peninsula Studies, Chinese Association of Asia-Pacific Studies.

China, DPRK mark 50 yrs of friendship

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2011-7-12 08:56

The foundations were laid exactly half a century ago, on July 11, 1961, when former Chinese premier Zhou Enlai and Kim Il Sung the then leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) signed the Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance, which created a solid foundation for friendly relations and cooperation between the two countries.

Since then, the treaty has weathered the changes in political climate, both on the international and domestic fronts, and helped maintain peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in the Asia-Pacific region.

Today, goodwill delegations headed by Chinese and DPRK senior officials are visiting Pyongyang and Beijing to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the treaty.

It is important to note that over the last 50 years, leaders from both countries have taken pains to develop and maintain relations, faithfully adhering to the spirit and basic principles of the treaty.

Sino-DPRK relations have been marked by frequent high-level exchanges, growing economic and trade cooperation, and active cultural exchanges and interaction between the peoples.

In recent years, Chinese President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao have both paid formal visits to Pyongyang and since May last year, DPRK leader Kim Jong-il has visited China three times.

In line with the guiding principles of the treaty, Beijing leaders have addressed Sino-DPRK relations from a strategic, long-term perspective, carrying forward the approach of good neighborliness and strengthening cooperation, further consolidating and developing the tradition of Sino-DPRK friendship.

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2011-7-12 08:56

It is China's unswerving policy to work with the DPRK to maintain and promote regional peace, stability and prosperity.

Noting China's economic, social, technological and cultural progress during his latest visit, Kim commended the country's reform and opening-up policy and its path of scientific development.

Kim said the DPRK is now concentrating its attention and resources on economic development, and it is in great need of a stable neighboring environment.

He affirmed that, in regard to easing tension on the Korean Peninsula, the DPRK has set the objectives of denuclearization, an early resumption of the Six-Party Talks and improving inter-Korean relations.

China and the DPRK broke new ground last month by agreeing to jointly develop an economic zone on a border island. Investment from China is expected to stimulate economic growth on both sides.

As long as both countries propagate the spirit of friendship and cooperation, the cornerstone of the treaty, China and the DPRK will be sure to further consolidate this mutually beneficial relationship in the years to come. (Xinhua)